《Human Mate (Under Editing)》Plans Pt.2


Garret's P.O.V

Today is the day that I get to be with my mate. Ugh I hate school it just keeps me from being with Emily. I can't wait to spend my day with her.

I want it to be just like in my books. Yes I know, big bad alpha reads sappy books. I just love how they make me feel. It makes me happy.

Like how the girl would snuggle with the guy while watching movies or nuzzle into their chests when scared.

I want that between me and Emily. I just need to make a move.

I'm not a bad boy who rides motorcycles like most people would think. I may look like it but trust me I'm not.

Being alpha sucks sometimes cause people see you as only a scary person. Also girls will try to hook up with you so you will make them Luna and they have power in the pack. I hate when they do that. It makes me feel used.

That's the reason Isabella was kissing me the other day. She asked me to help her. I didn't realize help meant shoving me up against a wall and sucking my lips off my face. I hated it but she kept coming onto me. She made me walk away from my mate when she practically jumped on me in the middle of the hallway.


I was brought out of my thoughts when the bell rang. YES! School is over and that means I can go home and get ready for my date with Emily.

Well I hope she thinks it's a date.

It's a date right?

Okay no more stressing yourself Garret.

I want to make our date just like the books.

We're going to watch a bunch of movies and eat a lot of candy. If books have thought me anything it's that girls like lots of food and cuddles.


I probably sound like a total dork.

Well I better get home and set everything up.

Emily's P.O.V

Ugh I hate feelings! Garret seems like such a nice guy and I think I'm starting to like him but he seems like a total player. I've noticed how girls swarm around him.

He called me beautiful and I think he might like me.... hold up, one second... let me just slap myself with reality and realize that no one has EVER liked me. So he probably doesn't like me like that.

I hope our plans are a date.

It's a date right?

My standards aren't that high cause only cute things like watching movies while cuddling and eating candy only happen in books.

I'm a huge bookworm. Especially for romance books.

Garret seems like a bad boy though. He has the muscle and the clothing. Need I mention all the girls that like him.

Dylan seems like the sappy romantic type but I don't like him like that.

I sound like such a child right now.

I check the time and see it's already 5:47. Damn time flies when you're lost in thought.

"Hey dad! I'm going to a friends house tonight! I'm not sure if I'm spending the night or not so I'll just text you!" I yell up stairs to him.

"Okay sweetie have fun!"

Wow, I was not expecting that. I made sure not to tell him it was a boys house. He would say no in a heartbeat.

I was expecting him to say something like "Who's house" or "I need to know their parents" but then again it's not like I'm 5.


I hear the door bell go off and I open the door only to be met with a smiling Garret.


"Hey kitten"

"Hey G-Garret" I stutter. Wow Emily REAL fucking smooth.

Garret just laughs and we head out to his car.

When we get to his house.

No. Scratch that.

When we get to his mansion, we head inside but before I can say hello to anyone in the house he walks me upstairs and he brings me into his room. Wow. He has a big TV and a HUGE bed.

"I was planning on just watching movies and eating candy" he says and I feel like screaming in joy.

"Yeah that sounds awesome" I say and he laughs.

I go to sit in his bed and notice a huge bookshelf filled with romance books. I know this cause I've read most of them.

Like I said..... Bookworm.

"You like romance books"

"Yeah. How did you know they were romance?" He asks, aww he's blushing a bit.

"I've read almost all of those. It might sound weird but I really like books"

"Well kitten it's not weird. I think it's adorable"

Well now I know of something we have in common.

Garret's P.O.V

She loves romance books. I want her to be mine so bad.

She's even read a lot of them so that means that she won't be disappointed in our date.

We are about 2 movies in and Emily has her head on my shoulder and my wolf purrs in delight as I enjoy every moment of her presence.

Okay Garret time to make your move. I wrap my arm around her shoulders pulling her closer to me, making her snuggle farther into me. She just giggles and nuzzles her head into my chest.

I know that she's not ready but when she is, I'm making her mine, and mine forever.

"Is this a date?" She asks me and my hear flutters.

"Yes it is kitten"

"We should go on dates more if they're going to be like this" she says and I chuckle.

"Oh trust me, we will" I say and cuddle into her watching her eyes grow heavy before closing.

I got the best sleep I've ever had that night. Holding my mate.

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