《Human Mate (Under Editing)》Mirrors


Emily's P.O.V

Why me........

Why did this have to happen to me...........

I haven't done anything wrong....... Except for love my mate.

-12 hours before-

Another day of school. I went to my dads house to get my stuff. Well it's actually my moms stuff.

School has gotten boring every since Alice got the flu and has been out for a week now. Don't get me wrong having Garret in every class has been beyond great. Especially when he sits next to me all the time. It gives me a sense of safety.

Those girls still glance at me hatefully, they should really get over themselves. Garret shouldn't just be wanted for his looks. He's actually really great and doesn't argue with me........ well scratch that. He's always arguing with me, but not like typical couple arguing, mostly just about him not wanting to let me go and not wanting to go to school.

What sucks is that Garret won't be at school today. I'm not sure what it means but he has 'Alpha Duties' to attend to but I'm still a bit confused on all of these wolfie things.




Garret isn't home yet.

I'm starting to get worried, but then again I have no idea how long it takes for him to finish his work.

After taking my showing I step through the glass door to see writing on the foggy mirror.

"Better watch your back" It said. Before anything else could comprehend in my brain, my sight goes black and I hear a small chuckle before completely slipping consciousness.

-Back To The Present-

The rope burns against my skin as it rubs every time I move a tiny bit.

"So the little mate decides to wake up already"

My eyes stayed closed.

"Look I know you're awake so no need to pretend."


"What are you talking about?" I let my eyes open up a bit.

"Don't play dumb little girl, I know you were pretending."

This man was intimidating I'll give him that but the most I can do right now is try and stay strong, not let him get to me.

"What do you even want from me? Huh, do you want money cause I'm broke" I try to joke but he doesn't laugh. I get being kidnapped is horrible. I hate it when I hear about those stories but I need to make this guy think he has the wrong girl.

"Haha very funny, but no I don't need money" He says sarcastically

"So I'll get straight to the point so I don't have the urge to kill your joking ass. Your mate hurt something of mine so I intend to return the favor." He says menacingly. No Emily don't let him scare you!

I've read this in books, where some crazy dude kidnaps the boys lover, and horrible things have happened to them. I'd rather not repeat the many, many things that happen.

The mans eyes racked over my body before stopping right at my neck.

"Foolish alpha, not marking you. I might as well seeing as that he's not going to. This will return the favor perfectly" His body was pressed up against mine making me feel disgusted.

"Don't worry babe, this will only hurt a lot"

I scream out in pain as his teeth dig into my neck. I remember Garret telling me about wolf history and stories

" If someone other than your mate marks you it will cause the worst pain that you have ever felt, it will also hurt me. Not that, that will happen ever."

I'm so sorry Garret

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