《Human Mate (Under Editing)》Luna in Love


Emily's P.O.V

"I know I'm making you mine"

The faint words stuck with me. What did he mean by that?

Garret led me to the back yard, which was huge by the way. Pool and everything a person could want. Where do they get the fucking money to afford this stuff?

I remember Garret telling me about how pack members could move out if they wanted to, so that's why Dylan was my neighbor, But who would want to move out of here?

As soon as we entered the back yard all eyes were on me. Have you ever had so many eyes on you that you almost started shaking? Well that was this feeling.

"It's okay kitten. If it's too much just tell me" Garret whispers in my ear making me feel more at ease.

"Good evening and thank you to everyone who could make it to tonight's event." Garret's dad speaks through a microphone making me jump a little bit in surprise. Where the hell did he come from?

"Tonight is the night where my wonderful son, Garret, introduces you to the new Luna!" Garret's dad yells excitedly at the end. "Now excuse me as I hand off the Mic to my Son" He says and the crowd cheers. Garret's dad trips and stumbles over the microphone wire as he walks off stage and everyone starts laughing

Garret chuckles and walks me and him over to his dad grabbing the Microphone. "Smooth old man" he says. "Don't talk to me like that young man" Garret's dad laughs.

"Thank you dad for that great introduction. As you all know, I have found my mate. I haven't introduced her yet because, well she is not like us, but that is not a bad thing. It just took her longer to be accustomed to our life style and what we are. It wasn't easy at first but we got through it and I couldn't ask for a better mate. I hope you all didn't grow too impatient."- garret laughs. His little speech made me feel the happiest ever. I love him. "This day is a day that we all celebrate as a pack, as a family. Now I want to introduce you to my mate, the love of my life, and your new Luna!" He shouts. I walk over to Garret. The crowd starts to cheer more. I feel excited but I've never had this many eyes on me. Yes I was just at Graduation but most people were focusing on their own children.


"This is Emily. Some of you know her some of you don't and that's okay. You have the rest of your lives to get to know her." Garret ends his speech and everyone claps and whistles.

He hands the microphone over to me. My heart has never beat so fast before. What's he gonna do? and why am i shaking so much? Is this what a heart attack feels like?

"Um hi. Sorry I'm not really sure how to do this. I'm Emily and honestly I'd never believe when I was little that I'd have a mate or be a Luna or any thing like that, I mean hell who thought werewolves would even exist. Shit, I mean......um." I sigh from embarrassment

"You see when I first met Garret I didn't think anything of the sparks or the feeling that I was being drawn towards him. Especially when I first saw him. I remember hearing these growls coming from him and I would get so confused"- I laugh "and then I saw this wolf in the forest and It turned into garret. I was terrified at that moment but he helped with that. That night he explained to me everything and it all Sort-of made sense. It took me a while to adjust to the whole growling and possessiveness but I did and I'm sorry that it took so long for this night to happen. I wanted to take some time to understand what was really happening in my life, but I must say that I couldn't have a better mate." I end my small speech and the entire pack goes wild. My speech was probably really bad but I can't do it again so I guess I just have to deal with it.

"That was amazing baby" Garret compliments.

"Well if i had known I was giving a full speech I would've practiced." I scoff with a smile.

"Don't say it like that, that was a great speech kitten." Garret says once more before walking me off stage

Within seconds everyone came up to me to congratulate me it to introduce themselves. Everyone seemed so nice.

I wasn't used to being called Luna so I just told everyone to call me Emily. They all seemed like they liked me which is great but I can't read minds unlike them so I wouldn't know.


Later that night everyone started to leave and went to their rooms with their wives and husbands and families. Me and Garret were the only ones left eventually. Finally just some alone time with him. All of these people were making me overwhelmed but I'm glad that me and him were together the entire time.

Garret calls me over, walking by the pool. I am quick to walk towards him. His arms wrap around my body tightly.

"I'm so proud of you. I understand that tonight put you under some pressure and I'm so sorry that you were stressed baby" Garret whispers in my ear.

"I wasn't too stressed out but i could go for like a nap or like a good back massage" I laugh.

"I've never even given you a massage before"

"Well time to learn cause that would be great right now" I say kissing his cheek. Garret smiles and pulls me closer.

"I know what else would be great right now" He growls. Damn i'm never getting over how sexy that is.

"Oh hush. We have time later to do that mister. Gosh you and your werewolf horny-ness" I smile and Garret starts laughing.

"Okay baby, but there is something that I want to do before we go back and mingle with the pack. So if you will just follow me mi'lady" He says cheekily holding out his hand for me to take. I am not hesitant to do so, curious in what it is that he wants to show me.

He walks me into the house and up to our room. My breath is taken away. When I tell you it was like one of those cheesy Pinterest posts with the rose petals everywhere and the bed all made with petals in the shape of a heart on top and candles on the dresser, then I mean it was exactly like those cheesy Pinterest posts. The lights were dim, there were roses everywhere, candles lit, and then it was just me and Garret. He walks me further into the room and sits me down on the rose covered bed.

My head is spinning.

My heart starts beating out of my chest as he gets down on one knee pulling a small box from behind him.

It's moments like these that you save forever, where time stops and you're just in the moment, not thinking about the past or even the future. It's like everything is going in slow motion. I can hear my own heart beat as the silence of him opening up the small box.

Out comes a ring, not a huge ring with a hundred diamonds on it. The perfect ring.

"Emily." He grasps my attention.

"Life hasn't been easy for us, and I know this isn't the normal human life that you deserve and that things have moved really fast between us and I'm sorry. That's just the way my kind is, we move things quickly and If it ever put any stress on you I'm sorry, but I want to marry you. Maybe not instantly but someday, and yes this is an engagement ring but if you say yes, you decide. It could be years from now or it could be next week. Whatever pace you want to go. Things have gone fast and from now on I just want to focus on us, we have forever and it would be a shame if we rush too fast into things that it causes you any stress or discomfort. Emily I love you with every part of me and I want to marry you. You have given me happiness, hope, love, and maybe even a family in the future. You've made me who I am and you've changed me far beyond I thought I could ever change. You are the light of my life and losing you is something i fear but I know I never will because you're mine and I will protect you until death do us part, so I ask you. Will you marry me?"

Tears stream down my face in happiness hearing Garrets speech. It doesn't take even a moment to shakily say "Yes" through the sound of my heart beat.


"Yes" I say laughing. I've never been happier with anyone else in my life and I know i'll be his forever.

He was right, life hasn't been the easiest for us but no matter what we got through it all. I Love you Garret. I'll always be yours. Your kitten, your baby, your Human Mate.


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