《Human Mate (Under Editing)》Unbearable pain


Garret's P.O.V

Where did she go! I'm running through the woods with my pack warriors trying to find her. Even though we're not mated yet I can still feel her sadness.

My wolfs paws stop running and just stand there. We let out a whimper before feeling a large pain in our neck. I collapsed onto the ground slowly shifting back human.

The pain is unbearable.

The pain started to ease up as everything went black.

Emily's P.O.V

It burns. Why does it burn so much. Garret said that being marked should be pleasurable but this is just horrible.

But he also said that being forcefully marked is the most pain you will every feel. Well this is the worst pain I've ever felt.

The door I front of me slowly opens.

"Hey babe, how ya feeling?" The man asks.

"Don't call me that" I spit at him.

"Aww don't be mad at me sweetie"

I shout out in pain again as the mark heats up once more. I feel like a part of me has just been torn into pieces.

"Your mate probably feels all the pain that you are feeling which is good" he says as he lets out a laugh.

The pain becomes unbearable as I slip back into darkness.

Garret's P.O.V

The blinding light welcomes me as my eyes slowly open.

I see my warriors standing around the bed that I am on.

"What happened?"

As if on que the doctor flies through the door instantly seeing that I am awake.

"Where is my mate?" my voice comes out in a whimper. "Where did they take her?"

"We're not sure yet alpha."

A small tear rolled down my face but I was quick to wipe it away.


"I need to find her"

"Alpha, before you do that I need to tell you something" he said with weary eyes

"What is it?"

"The reason you blacked out was because your mate was marked by another wolf."

Rage fills my body as I register what the doctor had just said. Another wolf marked my mate. She must be in so much pain. I know she would never let another person mark her other than me, but I'm so confused. It had to be by force.

Oh no! She'll be in so much pain. When being marked by force, you feel the worst burning pain ever but you add that to another wolf marking her that is not her mate. Will she even survive!

The pain would be to unbearable to a human that her body might shut down!!

"I need to find her!"

"Yes but you need to rest"

"Fuck that, my mate is in more pain than me, I need to get her before she dies."

"Alpha your mate is a wolf if I am correct, she should be fine"

"NO! She's Human"

His eyes go wide. I have forgotten to inform the rest of the pack about how she is human.

"Get all the warriors ready. I will search the entire world if I have to" I say and he nods his head leaving the room. The pain i'm feeling is horrible but my mates pain motivates me to move.

Oh how I wish she was here in my arms, I could comfort her. She must be so scared. How could I have been so stupid to leave her alone that long. I was at a pack meeting and when I have pack meetings.... everyone is there, even the guards patrolling the boarder.

I'm coming for you Emily, and when I find you, you will be wrapped up in my arms and I'm never letting go.

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