《Human Mate (Under Editing)》Save Me


Emily's P.O.V

The pain never stopped. I could slowly start to feel my body shutting down. My body wouldn't let me eat. I had to force myself to just drink water or as little as open my eyes and talk.

"So she lives another day...... I applaud you actually. Normally it would take a shorter time for your body to shut down but you.... you're a fighter. I like fighters." The man said. I come to learn that his name is actually James. Yeah he's a douche but at least he gives me food.... or at least tries to, but I never eat.

He walks up to me examining my frail body. Apparently my body shutting down made me look like only skin and bones. I could practically touch underneath my ribs.

I sharp pain rips through my abdomen. I wince in pain cause I don't have the strength to cry out. I look down to see nothing is wrong.

"Well seeing the pain you are in you probably won't have long" He says while leaving. Locking the door behind him. Yeah like that will do anything. I can't even move.

The pain made me feel like I was on fire. I couldn't take it anymore. I feel my strength give up on me as I fall limp.

Black spots started to scatter my vision as I start to loose consciousness.

"save me" I croak out quietly. Those might be the last words I ever say but at least now it will be all over. I feel no more pain. It's just so cold.





Garret's P.O.V


I'm out of breath.

Must Keep Running.

Need to find Mate.

Those are the only things running in my mind

As we get closer rouges would try to attack us.


One pounces on me and I fall to the ground. I am quick to bite his shoulder and pin him down and bite his neck making his fall dead. I get back up and start sprinting. Killing rouge after rouge




My wolf chants as we run. We can feel our mate. She was shutting down.




A small house appears in front of us. rouges surrounding it. 4 come charging at me. One tries to bite my leg while another is quick to try and bite my shoulder. I quickly jump and dodge one of the wolves and tackle the other and snap his neck. The other rouges try and tackle me but one of my warriors tackles them first so I can kill them.


After Kill

After Kill.

We defeated the 20 rouges and stormed into the building.

I smell my mate and quickly make my way to the basement. How Ironic that he keeps her in a basement. I charge down the hall and into the large cell like basement. A wave of pain hits me. Oh no.

Find her

Get to her my wolf says.

I shift back into human form and one of my warriors hands me a pair of pants.

I go up the the door.

It's locked.

I use all my strength to break down the door. I hear growling behind me. I turn around to see James.

"James" I growl out.

"Why hello Cousin. Glad to see your face again"

"Why did you do it?" I ask him.

"Well you see cousin.... actually no no. Why must I explain myself you know exactly what you did" he says making me shake in anger.

"I had every right to. She tried killing me so that you could be Alpha and she could be Luna"


"Well I suppose that's true..... but you killed my mate and you know my motto. An eye for an eye" He walks towards me. I swiftly grab his neck making him choke.

"You broke the bro code..... you know you never kill a friends mate" He says and in an instant I snap his neck. I let his body fall to the ground and I break down the door that is separating me from my mate.

Then I see her.

Her body lays limp on the ground.




This can't happen.

I run over to her body. Her figure has slimmed. Her bones practically showing. I check and find that she still has a small pulse. I Instantly pick her up and rush out of the house in the woods.

"Tell the pack doctor that we are on our way" As I run tears stream down my face.

You'll be okay Emily.

Everything will be okay.

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