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Author: Type:Male

In a world of chaos and destruction where despair and the control of the Bonsan dominate, people have lost hope of living a safe life, the increasing of human slaves who were taken by the Bonsan, and the slaughter of the humans they dislike , a group from nothingness called "Orbikus" came out, a group of heroes have supernatural powers Called "Eczius", led by a boy who owns a rare Eczius called "Dioborikita", which can copy anyone's ability by touching him and can go through that force and develop it to reach its maximum power. This group has decided to attack the main base of the Bonsan and kill their leader to finish this bloody age, and they have already succeeded in reaching their leader but he managed to escape and promised to retaliate and to return to dominate them more than ever. This peace and security have lasted for years, generations, centuries, and Orbikus became a global organization and possessed a lot of powerful people where the spread of power became nothing strange with the advancement of technology. But as time passed the heirs of Dioborikita power disappeared and it is no longer inherited. It has not been shown for generations for unknown reasons, as a group of wicked powerful people appeared and became a new enemy next to the basic enemy the Bonsan. The events of this novel will be in the age of our hero "Akihiro"...

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