《Eczius》Ch.13: Akihiro explosion


Ch.13: Akihiro explosion

Sato and Hisashi stand before each other without moving..

And suddenly they move very quickly towards each other and begin the friction between them, blows and repel from both sides among the confusion of the team, and then they back away..

-Sato: So not much changes in you, you still have some skill and strength but I do not think you will stay so for a long time ha ha ha ha.

-Hisashi: You still the same, talking a lot and do not do what you say in the end.

Sato bites his teeth furious with Hisashi's talk and the expressions of intense anger on his face..

-Sato: So I will make you regret every word you said to me, I will show you my real strength.

The sword was absorbed into his hand and disappeared..

-Sato: I wish you a successful journey to your graves, heroes.

His voice rings all over the place and they does not know his real place, suddenly, four of him appear around them and start attacking Hisashi.

The four say:

-Sato: Farewell, my friend.

When they attacked, they took a sword out of their hands but were repulsed, A shield of air erected by Hisashi around him repulsed his attack and Sato shocked from what he see..

-Hisashi: You do not think I was sitting looking at the stars after my retirement, I was training as well.

The four copies of Sato disappear..

-Sato: It seems that eliminating you will not be easy.

Sato then appears and shoots two beams of his hands like swords and quickly attacks Hisashi who did the same and made two swords of the wind and attacked..

A bloody battle began between them, blows and bumps in the air so that they could only see the collision that occurs as a result of their clash, They hang in the air and Sato's features are full of enthusiasm and thirst for murder and Hisashi keeps calm..

-Sato: You still have not lost your flexibility, Hisashi, but let's see how long you will endure..

Sato attacks from the front and Hisashi moves his sword sending winds toward Sato, but he avoids it and continues towards Hisashi, leaving the distance between them less than one meter, and Hisashi waves his air sword to hit Sato but he avoids it flexibly, and he grabs Hisashi's arm and throws him down, Hisashi is shocked by this move and collides with the ground destroying the street from the force of the throw, Hisashi stands again and looks up and doesn't find him, and he is surprised by Akio's screams..

-Akio: Watch out, he is behind you.

Hisashi turns back to see Sato pouncing on him..

-Sato: Your end is now, Hisashiiiiii.

Then a driving force pushes Sato back, destroying a building wall behind them..

-Hisashi: Do not forget that I control the wind, Sato.

Sato looks at Hisashi and stands again and recovers his smile..

-Sato: Why do not you let me end you quickly, Hisashi?

-Sato thinking : ( It seems I need to make a dirty move to open a way in his defense and end this, Hahaha It seems that the best solution are these promising heroes.)

Suddenly Sato moves towards the team and Akio and Akihiro stand in front of him to repel him, but suddenly Sato is thrown away smashing a whole building beside them from the severity of the strike. Sato felt as if a huge fist had hit him, he just stands up to feel a strong aura full of anger, death threats towards him, and high air pressure and strength from Hisashi. The dust moves away and he can see fierce glances that could rip Sato's heart out of his chest, glances that Sato never seen from Hisashi as long as he had known him..


-Sato: You became a despicable person and you must be wiped out. You attacked innocent people, killed them and devour their time, and now you are destroying your last chance to leave you alive by attacking the future of the organization. You have crossed your lines and I will not leave you alive anymore..

The team is stunned by the energy that has suddenly emerged from the former candidate for the presidency of the organization..

- Akio amazed: If this his strength after weakening it, how it was when he owned it all ! what is this huge difference between us and him!! We are nothing in front of him.

-Sato thinking: ( It's not going well. I do not have to show my trump card without being sure how strong he is to not burn it without thinking.)

Sato decided to fight with caution to see how powerful Hisashi was after his sudden transformation, there was in front of him person who he always seen with this face in front of his enemies and he was always surprised about the feeling of their enemies when they see this looks of his friend Hisashi, The day when the enemy stands in front of Hisashi comes and knows their feelings، and the day came when he stands in the place of the enemy in front of Hisashi and knows their feelings, fear and dread of his gaze and the deadly aura hovering around him, Hisashi controls his aura as he has focused it around him and towards Sato so that the team does not feel it and get terrified as he knew very well how powerful it is. Sato stops looking at Hayashi and shows no movement, and without any warning he is surprised by an air sword heading towards him on his right, but at the last moment he moves away to be stabbed with a sword in his left leg, he falls to the ground and tries to bear the pain, and looks at Hisashi and finds him another person whom he has never seen before. A smile full of confidence and strength over his face as if he was sure he would win over him.

-Sato thinking : ( Then this is Hisashi who the enemies see, I did not know he has such a scary face, it seems that I have to know the limits of his strength before he kills me.)

Sato felt the threat he faces, he never thought that Hisashi had such a character, when he saw him he smiled because he knew he would not be a tough opponent, he knows that his strength has been reduced to half and also he knows that Hisashi is moving with his heart and he will not be able to fight with all his strength because in the end he was his teammate. The team members stood surprised by the force they saw, it has exceeded their expectations so they chose to sit and watch because they felt that Hisashi would be enough with this power..

-Hisashi: Is this what you have been saying for so long? You made me feel like you were going to be a strong opponent, but you seem to have become a child who likes to absorb people's lives without getting a little tired, just wants the food ready, pathetic!

Hisashi smiled mockingly as he looked at Sato. These glances made Sato furious and wanted to rehabilitate himself, then he smiled..

-Sato: Well, let's fire up thus fight a bit.

Sato stood on his legs, and Hisashi go towards him quickly turning into wind and Sato responded to Hisashi with turning towards him as a yellow light, until they collided with each other and began to exchange rapid blows between them, but they were not in their human form, but they were wind and light fighting. This continued for a few seconds until they stopped and returned to the Earth with their natural form. Hisashi no longer smiles as before but his looks are very serious, as is Sato..


-Sato: It seems that it will need to show all I have to finish it quickly.

Suddenly Sato appears behind Hisashi stabbing him, but no blood or pain. Sato looks at his sword going through Hisashi's body, surprisingly and he gets surprised that his body is an air that the sword will do nothing with. Then, an air-fist hits his right side and makes him fly away and another comes on the other side and hits him too, so he collided with a wall of a house and smashed it..

Looks of shock at what has happened now and they can not understand what is happening in front of them. And Hisashi's glances remains unchanged as he looks toward Sato. Sato goes out of the rubble attacking Hisashi but he is met by a large group of swords moving towards him but Sato is repelling and avoiding them as far as he reaches Hisashi, trying to find out a weakness in this technique that he uses but to no avail, he tried cutting it in the hope that there is a part inside it that collects his aura body but did not reach anything. And a sword came toward him to stab him, but he moved away from Hisashi..

-Sato: ( It is confusing and difficult. I have not seen this technique before, although I was on his team. But it must have a weakness, it is difficult to have a complete technique and free from weaknesses but... where is it?)

While he is thinking, he is attacked by many fists but he avoids them, then there is an air whip fired by Hisashi holding his leg and made his movement limited in the place after the whip grabbed him and swords are pouring down on him, and he can not find a solution but to repel and avoid them if he could. He tries cutting the whip but to no avail as he can not cut the air..

-Sato: ( This is an annoying ability I can not cut it and deal with Hisashi, only if I have the ability to touch him. What?! Wait a moment.)

Sato recalls that he has learned how to control energy and that it is a powerful weapon towards intangible abilities..

-Sato: ( Alright, let's try this.)

Sato began to gather energy around his hands while avoiding the fists and the swords, and when he was ready, he tried to cut off the whip and succeeded, and Hisashi gets shocked and without leaving any chance for Hisashi to take his caution, he appeared before him and he stabbed Hisashi with his hand wrapped in energy in his stomach but this time was not like before, Hisashi is injured and falls down on his knees in front of Sato..

-Sato: What do you feel now kneeling in front of me, Hisashi?

He said these words with a smile of arrogance and triumph on his face. Akio and Amy screamed Hisashi's name fearing for him, and Akihiro only watched in silence..

Hisashi in pain: You knew that I would not be like the past and I would not bear your stab.

-Sato: Of course I know this, you were receiving injuries and you could complete the fighting as if nothing had happened, your power has been weakened and your ability has been much stronger than now, and it was the reason for your great burden of your injuries but you are now weak and what is the fate of the weak?!

Sato raised his sword to finish it and kill Hisashi and at the moment the sword came down, Akio came up ignite with fire and stops Sato's sword with his fiery hand and looked at him with looks of anger and seriousness..

-Akio: It is our time to protect Mr. Hisashi, try to pass us first.

Sato smiles as if he telling him that it would be fun. Sato retreated to give Akio a chance to get ready, Akio carried Hisashi after he fainted after Akio protected him and putting him at Emmy to medicate him..

-Akio: Take care of him, Emmy, I think your level of therapeutic ability will cure this wound.

-Emmy: Yes, this is true, but have you not seen his power? You will not be able to confront him.

Akio smiled and began to explain this..

-Akio: As you see, he underestimates us, so he will not start with us as he was fighting Mr. Hisashi, so our chance is to end this by surprise before he takes it seriously.

-Emmy: This is true, then we have a chance even if it is little.. Well then I will try to do something useful and treating him, he may return to fight and increase the proportion of our chances to win.

Emmy began to medicate Hisashi and Akio looked to Akihiro and asked if he would come with him but he found Akihiro clenches his hands strongly and looking at Hisashi without anger or anything, and he is surprised but this..

-Akio: Akihiro, are you alright?

Akihiro woke and apologized and told him that he would help him because it is difficult for him. Akio did not think about asking him about his condition, it was not the right time and he thought it would be better to leave him alone so as not to put pressure on him in his thinking and affects negatively on him..

Akihiro, watching the fighting, felt that it was not strange to him and that it was like something in his mind but he did not know what it was, but he felt inside him something that angers him and tightens his chest. He was in a world other than the one they were living trying to find the answer so he did not show any interaction with anything he saw in the fighting. The Celestial Dragon felt what Akihiro was thinking but he preferred to remain silent and not try to help him find the answer. He thought that if he left Akihiro to know the answer by himself, it would be better for him..

-Sato: So you have decided to fight me together like the first time, okay, fine, you are not powerful enough to fight me individually.

Sato began to attack and as Akio predicted, he did not use his madness speed, so Akio and Akihiro attack him together..

-Akihiro: ( Enhance me to the fourth level.)

- The Celestial Dragon: ( I will not do this. You will not bear that power, it's still early for you.)

-Akihiro: ( Do it if you want me to fall down tired not dead.)

The Celestial Dragon responded to Akihiro's request because his view was strong. And he strengthened him at the moment of their arrival to Sato. Sato waved his sword towards Akihiro and Akihiro avoided the sword very quickly, and Akio attacked Sato with his fiery fist, Sato avoided the fist very quickly and hits Akio in the stomach with his fist and then hits him with his leg making him fly away, but he was surprised by a punch going towards him from Akihiro and decided to repel it but he felt that it was dangerous and changed his mind to avoid which was the right choice, after avoiding it, he felt wind that was not strong but showed that the punch would have smashed his bones..

Akio stands again and approaches Akihiro ..

-Akio: Is there a development of my fire that would be useful against that person?

Akihiro looked at Akio with serious looks..

-Akihiro: Of course there is but you will not be able to control it well at this level, you will die by it.

-Akio: Did the Celestial Dragon tell you that?!

-Akihiro: Yes, it is a fire that has changed its nature and has crossed the logic.

Akio was surprised by Akihiro's talk..

-Akio: Would not you change your habit and say things that people understand?

Akihiro smiled and told him that he would know what he means one day and then they looked at Sato with serious faces..

-Akio: He really underestimates us, while we were talking, he could have been interrupted our conversation by a strong attack but he left us to talk as we want.

-Akihiro: Why do not we show him that he is wrong, Akio ?!

-Akio: We will make him regret his disdain, so be a complement to me, Akihiro, when he avoids my blows, hit him, let us be his prison with our successive attacks.

Akio attacked and when he approached Sato he fired a large fire fist towards him and he jumped up to avoid it, but he gets shocked as he finds Akihiro waiting for him with a fist moving to his face, but he repels it by his sword which throwing him away smashing the ground beneath him, Akio jumps releasing multiple fire fists behind him and shoots them at Sato who is lying on the ground, beating him with successive and powerful blows and breaking the ground more beneath him. Both Akio and Akihiro stopped and approached cautiously to see if they had succeeded but Sato sprints toward Akio to cut him off. Akio could not do anything، he is surprised and can't not avoid it, but Akihiro, with his strengthened speed managed to repel the attack with his arm. Sato is shocked by the hardness of Akihiro's body, he thought he was also using an ability that hardening his body so he decided to start using energy when he attacks them, but he soon found Akihiro's fist hitting his stomach and throws him away, smashing a wall behind him and spitting blood out of his mouth and he is in pain while looking to them..

-Akio: Thank you Akihiro. Without you I would have been severely injured.

-Akihiro: I told you before that I will protect you until I die.

-Sato: ( They have become more difficult than before, it is not that their level has risen or that their strength has evolved, their level and experience are still the same. I thought that the solidity of that boy's body had a certain limit but it's stronger than before, I hit him harder but he repelled it without effort and I was surprised that he had strong fists. But this is not the reason for their current strength, all this I can overcome and eliminate it, it's just that they have become a team, they have come to understand each other. Haha, they remind me of the old days, Hisashi. That was why you get furious when I tried to kill them, You see the spirit of our team in the past, in them, I apologize Hisashi for what I do, but I know that humans do not deserve protection, they do not care about what will happen to who protecting them and all they care about is to survive whatever the sacrifices, now I want to end the life of that team more than ever, I will not let that team evolve, I will end their journey here and now.)

The blood-thirsty features and the terrifying smile that shows his love for murder reappeared on his face and he began to stand again..

-Sato: I will start with the hardened boy to see how hard he is, with energy..

Sato disappears to appear in front of Akihiro and tries to stab him with the sword but it breaks and can not penetrate his body..

-Sato: ( W- What is this?!!)

Akihiro looks at him with a smile of victory and Sato is shocked. And Akio appears with his fiery fist to hit Sato on his left side and makes him fly away but he stops agonized and bewildered at what he saw..

-Sato : ( This is not a hardening ability for sure, it is an enhancement but at a high level. How he could bear this level, he certainly does not have the strength to reach this level yet.)

Sato decided to fight until Akihiro reached his limit because he would not be able to touch Akio or anyone with Akihiro's enhanced speed, Sato used his super-speed to show over Akio this time, waving his sword at him, but Akihiro appears as Sato expected and stops the sword the he kicks Akihiro's head but the speed of his vision of the movements made him prepare to kick by hardened his head so he did not budge but only a little and he grabs his leg, and before Sato attempts to attack Akihiro in order to leave his leg, Akihiro hit the ground with Sato strongly, making him spit blood. Akio jumps up with a big flaming ball and he throws it on Sato but he manages to get out of its field with his super speed..

-Sato: ( My ability depends largely on the speed of the movement and not the intensity of the strike so if the one in front of me can see the speed of my blows, I won't be a match for him. It seems I must use my final weapon. Although I do not like using it because it feeds on my time but I have to do it and I will try to finish it quickly.)

Sato stands steady, closed his eyes, does not move and his injuries began to disappear gradually, and Akio and Akihiro are surprised..

-Akihiro: Let's attack quickly before he finishes it, he is recovering.

The two attacked Sato and when Akihiro arrived he hit Sato but he disappeared, The both of them stood surprised at what happened and looked right and left searching for him but without a trace. Suddenly, Akio flew after a strong punch in his side, making him crawl, smashing the ground beneath him until he hit a wall of a house. Akihiro screams Akio's name, and in no time a strong punch came to him from beneath, striking his lower jaw, making him fly up, he could not notice it but luckily the Celestial Dragon had noticed that something was approaching and would hit Akihiro's lower jaw so he was able to harden the body of Akihiro. And when Akihiro became in the air, quick and successive strikes began on him and he could not do anything to them but the Celestial Dragon continues to hardened the body of Akihiro to minimize the damage, amid the screams of Amy with Akihiro's name, she tried to speed up medicating Hisashi to help him. Sato stopped beating and Akihiro fell down but he tried to stand up and the damage was not so severe that he could not stand up, and then Sato started talking.

-Sato: Akihiro. I was trying to remember when I heard this name before then I remembered, Are not you a member of that family who was killed by that person with the people of your town!

Akihiro's expressions change to shock..

-Akihiro: How do you know about me and my family, what is your relationship to it? !!

Sato starts laughing and then he talks..

-Sato: That person hired assassins and offered an attractive amount of money to those who find you and kill you, And I am one of them and luckily you came to me of your own volition and will make me rich Hahahaahaaha.

Suddenly an aura of hatred and anger began to be generated around Akihiro..

-Akihiro: So he did not try to make amends for his sin but wanted to go too far and kill me too.

Furious features appear which freaks Emmy out and made Sato feels confused by those looks, but before that aura begins to grow, and Akihiro could do anything, the strengthened period has expired, and he felt a pain in his body makes him fall on his knees..

-Sato: ( It's time.)

Sato's body appeared rushing toward Akihiro with his sword..

-Sato: It's time to join your family, kiddo..

But before approaching Akihiro, Akio appears to receive the stab in his stomach instead of Akihiro amid a severe shock from Emmy and Akihiro, and Akio begins spitting blood.

- Akio in pain: You idiot, you were bearing beyond your strength without me knowing, I was wondering how you increased your strength, I thought it was just that you become adjusted to your ability..

Sato looks with a malicious smile to Akio..

-Akio: We are not a match for him ,Akihiro. Go away with Emmy and Mr. Hisashi and ask for support, I will try to delay him. Please, stay alive.

When Akihiro heard that last word, someone else appears in Akio's place, in Akihiro's eyes, and he knew what the fighting was reminding him of, he had had these scenes and this situation with his family, Hisashi's fight and Akio's sacrifice were a return to some of his family's scenes as they tried to protect him, and his eyes began to fall tears and his features shocked and do not change and Emmy shocked for what she sees before her. Sato grabs Akio's head and smiles an evil smile..

-Sato: Well, o glorified sacrificial, I have the honor to devour your time and join your glorified brothers in the other life.

When Sato said this, Akihiro began to wake up from his shock..

-Akihiro: ( What? Will devour his time and die? Will I be alone again? No. I will not allow this, I will not let Akio die.)

Before Sato begins to absorb Akio's time, powerful black energy explodes around Akihiro, it was like a volcano erupting from the ground surrounding Akihiro, suddenly Akihiro comes out and a black burning shadow comes out of his eyes like a black fire, and those shadows come out of some parts of his body, and the features of furious and hatred on his face, and very quickly he became in front of Sato's face clenching his hand..

-Akihiro: I will not allow to lose anyone else by that villain.

He hits Sato's face hard enough to fly destroying three houses behind each other..

To be continued...

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