《Eczius》Ch.12: A wicked hero


Ch.12: A wicked hero

Akihiro stands ready with an angry face after seeing Emmy's crying face and the strange boy looking with a smile of enthusiasm and a thirst for blood and murder..

-The strange boy: Come on, boy, show me what you have, let me enjoy this fight, make me feel like you're a prey worthy of all this effort.

-Akihiro: And you prove to me that you are a person worthy of wasting my time with him, you bastard.

The boy gets angry from his words and presses his teeth together..

-The strange boy: You seem to have a long tongue that must be cut before devouring you, you despicable.

The boy attacks with great speed, and waves his sword towards Akihiro's neck but by strengthening Akihiro's senses he captured the sword movement, and he puts his arm in front of the sword and the Celestial Dragon strengthens the hardness of the skin of Akihiro's body to withstand the sword, but the strange boy suddenly moves the sword before hitting it with Akihiro's arm for the other direction, and waves it towards Akihiro who gets shocked and jumps back in an attempt to avoid the strike but it hits him with a horizontal injury on his chest. Akihiro is a little hurt amid Emmy screaming for fear of him..

-Emmy: Akihiro. Are you okay?!!

-Akihiro: Do not worry it is not deep, it's only a superficial wound.

-The strange boy: Hahaha, you young youth are interesting.

-Akihiro: Why do you talk like an old man, even though you are close to our age and young like us?

The strange boy smiles enthusiastically..

-The strange boy: So you finally noticed that I was talking this way. As you was saying I am talking like an old man.

Akihiro and Emmy are shocked from what they heard from him..

-Akihiro: How can you look like this and be old, so that's why you devour the victims after killing them, you do not actually devour them but you devour their time..

-Emmy is shocked: what ?! Devour their time?!!!

-The strange boy with a frightening face and a wicked smile: Well said, I'm taking their time and adding it to me so you see that I'm still young, you seem smart to notice this with such a simple tip. Well, as long as you know the secret, you should not live any more than this, little one.


Suddenly the strange boy attacks Akihiro and raises the sword vertically aiming to cut Akihiro to half with his sharp sword, and Akihiro can not find the time to avoid it because of the speed of the strange boy..

-Akihiro thinking : (I will not survive like that. )

And when the sword falls on Akihiro, Akio suddenly appears before him, standing with his hand wrapped in his flames and blocking the sword with the back of his hand before it falls on Akihiro..

-Akihiro: Akio !! when did you come ?!!

Akio turns his face back to look at Akihiro, smiling confidently..

-Akio: I had arrived, when you revealed his ability..

-The strange boy: The prey increases in number clearly, this is really fun.

The strange boy jumps back and does not change the expression of his face full of evil and thirst for murder and blood..

-Akio: Well, I think we have the advantage now, surrender in order to minimize the damage that will befall you.

-Akihiro: Do not rejoice so much Akio this boy did not get anything out of his sleeve, I doubt that his ability is limited only to absorb the time of others, it's certainly has a combat force and advantages other than making him young.

The strange boy laughs hysterically and loudly..

-The strange boy: I was not wrong when I said you are smart boy, It seems that I have to end your life here so that you won't be a nuisance anymore. But do not worry, so far, I do not need to show anything of my special abilities because I can finish you without using them.

The boy is attacking Akihiro very quickly, but this time Akihiro is well prepared to respond to the boy's attack..

The boy approaches and on his arrival to Akihiro he throws his sword into his left hand holding the sword with the blade out waving it toward Akihiro, trying to divide him into two halves from his chest but Akihiro expects this movement and repels it. Akio appears behind the strange boy jumping toward him and preparing his fist wrapped in flame..

-Akio: Taste my flames, you bastard.

Akio approaches him but he suddenly raises his right hand, holding a dagger and swings repelling Akio's attack, and pushes Akio away, and kicks Akihiro with his left leg sending him away from him..

- The strange boy: It seems that your experience in fighting is little and also naive..


-Akihiro thinking : ( Since when has he had this dagger?!)

-Akio thinking: ( This is true, this is our second fight, but we are matching him, and this is a development in our fighting.)

-Emmy thinking : ( It does not bode well. This boy hides things we may not be able to encounter.)

Suddenly the strange boy stands without showing his former features and does not appear ready for any attack..

-The strange boy: It seems that I will use one of the advantages of my ability to finish it quickly.

Suddenly he disappears in front of them and appears behind Akio waving his sword towards Akio's waist..

-Akio thinking: ( Impossible, he actually disappeared. He will hit me, my body isn't moving.)

Suddenly, behind the strange boy, Akihiro appears aiming his fist toward him with an angry face..

-Akihiro: Stay away from Akio, you scum.

But he disappears again and appears behind Akihiro directing his sword towards his neck and Emmy screams..

-Emmy: Beware, Akihirooo.

Suddenly, there is a fire punch moving towards the strange boy, he disappears away from it, and Akihiro stands on his legs, clutching his breath..

-Akio smiling proudly: You are not the only one who has advantages of his ability, you time thief..

Without showing any signs but coldness, the strange boy looks at Akio, and Akihiro looks at Akio while he is sweating cause he was about to die, and smiled..

-Akihiro: You saved me ,Akio. Thank you.

-Akio smiling: Do not thank me, this is my duty as a friend of you, idiot.

-The strange boy: Don't flatter yourselves little ones, I have not finished yet.

-Hisashi: It seems to be as I expected, I felt like you're behind all this, Sato.

Suddenly, Hisashi appears on the battlefield, saying this sentence, the team is shocked from what they heard..

-Akihiro: How do you know his name and how do you know him? !! What's going on here?!!

Hisashi stands next to the team, looks towards Sato and the serious features fill his face..

-Hisashi: He is my friend, Akihiro, and a former hero in the Orbikus..

The team is shocked from what they heard . A Hero turns into a villain who kills innocent people?! This is unbelievable!! This was what they are thinking of..

-Akio: How can a hero be with this face, thirsty for blood and murder? You are kidding with us, sir, aren't you?

-Hisashi: I know it's hard to believe but it's the truth, he is a former hero.

-Emmy: But what is the cause of his radical change?

-Hisashi: His hatred of humans. He hated humans after his last mission in the Orbikus. He resigned and disappeared and we did not know where he was, but it seemed that fate had brought me back with him..

Akio and Emmy heard this take and the tension is shown on their faces and the first to come to their mind is Akihiro..

-Emmy thinking : ( Does this mean if Akihiro continues like this ,he will turn into this monster !! We can not allow this.)

-Akio thinking : ( This is bad that Akihiro hears this talk. What will be his reaction ?! Please do not choose the wrong path.)

-Akihiro thinking : ( Why am I afraid that I may become like him even though I am supposed to hate humans? Why do I reject the idea of being like him? Why? Why?!!)

The features of tension and anxiety appear on Akihiro..

-Sato: Have you finished this boring talk? I want to devour you all.

-Hisashi: Back away kids, I will take over him from now.

-Akio: but..

-Hisashi: Don't worry. You are tired enough, and you are not a match to him. Let me clean the filth that my friend left behind.. This is my duty as his friend..

Akio can not respond to him, and tells Emmy and Akihiro to step back to not hamper him and they respond to his talk..

-Emmy: Akio, why Akihiro is silent and did not reject your talk, although his nature can not be easily controlled by anyone?!

-Akio: I do not really know, Emmy, but from what seems on his face, he is fighting himself now, let's leave him and do not interfere in his decision, I trust that he will not choose a path that will make me his enemy..

-Sato: So you have decided to fight me alone, Hisashi.

-Hisashi: Yes, I'm not like my youth, but I think I can match you Sato.

Sato smiles a smile full of enthusiasm and Hisashi's serious looks turn toward Sato..

To be continued...

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