《Eczius》Ch.11: A New Evil Appears


Ch.11: A New Evil Appears

The team goes to the car and takes it to the place of the mission assigned to them..

-Akio: I am excited. This is our first mission together.

-Akihiro: Don't rejoice so much, we don't know what is waiting for us. You may not feel that enthusiasm after knowing what the danger waiting for us is.

Akio looks at him and sweats with a smiley and tense face..

-Akio: Why do you like to end anything nice I feel?!

Akihiro looks at him surprised..

-Akihiro: What? I speak rationally, do you think we are going to play?

Akio gets angry and looks at Akihiro with anger..

-Akio: No, I know very well what we are going to, but I have to enthuse myself to be able to do my best, but you don't understand these things, you only have serious and hopeless words.

Akihiro gets shocked with Akio's words and gives no response. Emmy intervenes before it develops..

-Emmy: Come on guys, you don't need to fight, it's not worth it.

Akio calms down and knows that he had said something that shouldn't be said..

-Akio: I'm sorry , Akihiro, I didn't mea-

Akihiro interrupted him with no expression on his face as he looks forward and doesn't look at him..

-Akihiro : There is no need to apologize, you're right, I don't understand so much except seriousness and serious talk even if it gives despair.

Akio is loathing of himself and tries to fix it , and Emmy looks at Akihiro sadly..

-Akio: No, you are not just that..

- The driver: We are in Sapporo..

Akio is surprised..

-Akio: Already!! Is it that close?!

- The driver: Yes, it's not far from our headquarters. Take this paper, it's an address for an old hero, go there and he will meet you.

Akio takes the paper and they get out of the car..

-Emmy smiles enthusiastically: well, let's go to this address to start our mission.

The team is walking in the city surprised by the unprecedented calmness as it’s known that there are many people living there. They followed the address until they arrived..

-Akio hems and haws: I will knock the door.

He knocks the door and the team is ready for what they going to see. The door opens , and the hero is a man in the age of 55, a tough and a tall man with sharp looks and strong presence..

-The man: Are you the team from the Orbikus?

The team looks at him fearfully. And Akio speaks..

-Akio: Y- Yes we are.

Suddenly the hero's face changes to a smiley and a cheerful man..

-The man: Welcome my little darlings, please come in.

The three enter the house after they have calmed down by seeing his smiling face..

-The man: I am Hisashi and I was a hero in the Orbikus. I retired 10 years ago after feeling that my strength had weakened and I couldn't do well in the fights. But in this period there is a strange disappearance of the people of this city. And I think it is not normal and someone is definitely behind it.

The team faces are characterized by seriousness and concentration..

-Akio: So our task is to find that person and end this mess..

-Hisashi: Yes, that's it..

-Akio : well then, we will start now so we don't waste more time than this..

-Hisashi: No, you should rest and I will try to provide you with enough information to focus your searches in the places where he appears..

-Akio: well, at least we will help you..


-Hisashi: Don't worry, it's enough that you came to protect the people including an old man who couldn't do anything to protect them, I want to do something useful at least..

Akio and Emmy looks admiringly to this hero amid his smile to them..

-Akihiro thinking: ( I don't understand this man, why he fights for doing anything for these people?! Anyone in his place will try to get any trouble away from him. Why does he do all this? Does that what means to be a hero?!! Do people really deserve to be protected?!)

-Hisashi: Now, go upstairs and you'll find two rooms so you can rest until tomorrow and I'll be finished my work..

-Akio: Well sir, you got this. Be careful and if you need any help feel free to tell us..

-Hisashi: Alright, you got this..

They went to their rooms and Hisashi began collecting information..

( In Akihiro and Akio's room )

Akio noticed that Akihiro isn't the same and his mind is scattered with many ideas and questions..

-Akio: You can tell me what's going on in your mind and I'll help you find their answers.

Akihiro is surprised by Akio’s sudden words..

-Akihiro: How did you know that there is something going on in my mind?

-Akio: Do you underestimate the time we lived with each other, I almost can understand your status from your actions, so what are you thinking about?

Akihiro looked at the ground and began to arrange his thoughts with signs of seriousness on his face..

-Akihiro: I no longer understand what's going on around me. Why that hero is going to the trouble of finding information that could be dangerous to him? He is no longer a hero in the organization to do that and he certainly is no longer in his former strength to face any danger. Do people really deserve all this of him? I don't understand anything anymore..

Akio smiled after hearing Akihiro's talk of what he saw as a great opportunity to correct his thoughts about humans and create a new one in his mind..

-Akio: Before I came here ,I went to Hajime to ask about our mission and I knew that there was a hero how would welcome us and I learned a lot about him when I asked Hajime. This hero has actually retired because his power weakened but he didn't tell us the cause of the weakness of his strength. 10 Years ago, he was one of the strongest heroes and he was a strong candidate to be the leader of the organization of the Orbikus, so how could he be weak as a candidate for such a position?

Akihiro is shocked after hearing Akio’s talk..

-Akihiro: A candidate for the position of the leader of the organization while his power is supposed to be weakened, do you mean that something happened unexpectedly caused him to weaken?!!

-Akio: This is it, Akihiro, something unexpected happened that made him weaken because of it. What happened was that on a last mission before the election for the leader began, he was fighting with Hajime and a group of heroes, a group of mighty bad guys and there were innocent people in the fighting area whose Hajime went to protect and take away from the fighting area, so one of the bad guys took advantage of this and attacked Hajime and the people with him and he didn't gave the time to escape or defend them so he decided to receive the whole attack to protect them. But he was surprised by the arrival of someone very quickly to receive the attack instead of him, it wasn't clear to him because of the speed and the smoke from the attack, and after the smoke dissipated, the one who saved them appears. It was Hisashi who received the attack and because of it his strength had weakened. No one knows the reason for this but because of it he didn't become the leader, although Hajime and those who were nominated give it up to him.


But he said to them:

-Hisashi: This organization exists to protect people from any imminent danger and its leader must be trusted, I don't want any pity in these situations and I won't take this position because I don't have me strength which you nominated me for this position because of. That’s why I apologize and announce my retirement as a member of the organization but I will remain a hero till my final breath..

After this he went to his house and without warning he found someone knocking the door, he opened the door to find the people he had protected from the attack with Hajime who told him that they asked about his place because they wanted to tell him something. And suddenly he found them on their knees crying and apologizing strongly that they were the reason of this condition and they wanted him to ask for anything to compensate him , and Hajime's face filled with sadness as he looked down .. But he only told them that it wasn't their fault but this is his duty as a hero and it was destined to him not to be the leader of the organization and he was never regretful for what he did, and he wanted from them to take care of themselves and to be careful not to enter into any life-threatening problems..

Akio continues amid Akihiro’s sever shock and distracted thoughts..

-Akio: If you want a perfect example of a hero, you can look at Hisashi, and his story shows and confirms my words that humans aren't all bad, not because of some of those you dealt with at the beginning of your life and were bad so you generalized badness to all people. If you don't understand now, Akihiro, I know you Will understand this in the near future because I trust you are not stupid and you know the right from the wrong..

Akihiro looks down with a hesitant and sad face..

-Akio: Well, let's sleep to get some rest .

The two slept and hours later Akihiro woke up because he was thirsty and decided to go for a drink of water, and while he was going to drink, he found a lighted room downstairs so he went downstairs to find Hisashi still awake and immersed in ordering the information he had collected, so Akihiro went out to him..

-Akihiro: You really are weird..

Hisashi heard this and was surprised with his talk while Akihiro continued..

-Akihiro: You exhaust yourself even though it isn't your duty, saving people who you don't know whether they will thank you for this even if it's not directly in front of you or won't care about you even within themselves.. I don't really understand you..

-Hisashi smiling: So this is what you were thinking about..

Akihiro is surprised by his words..

-Hisashi: Haha, yes, I knew you were thinking about my talk and it seems that it's against your opinion. I can now know what is distracting you and how I will answer it. The concept of a hero isn't someone who has the power but is anyone who faces his fear and hesitation and protects or saves someone even if this will threaten his life, that's why I continue to be a hero even if I retired, I left a position not my duty as a hero. It’s a hero's character that he doesn't care if he receives an offensive or thanks or nothing of those he protected, he does this because he wants to do it and because he wants to achieve the peace and the security he wants for the world. To work as a hero to win fame or money isn't a hero's character and thus humiliates the hero's title. I won't say that all humans are wonderful and kind , of course there are bad ones , so it is our task to clean the human race from these groups, which pollute its beauty and this is a mission of the hero. So if I live or die, I will wait for you, Akihiro, to do what we could not finish..

Akihiro was surprised by his talk and looked down with a face of hesitation and sadness..

-Akihiro: You just want to gain my confidence by tricking me with beautiful words..

Hisashi laughed after hearing Akihiro’s words..

-Hisashi: Ok Akihiro Come on, go to sleep to take a good rest for your mission tomorrow and I will finish my work and tomorrow I will inform you of the information I have collected..

Akihiro went after his words and did not give any response or expressions on his talk..

-Hisashi thinking: ( I wish you success, my juniors, you will be the heroes of the future.)

The morning came and the team came out of their rooms ready for the mission and they found Hisashi waiting for them sitting on the dinning table ..

-Hisashi: Sit down.

Hisashi began showing the results of collecting information after they all sat down..

-Hisashi: The results of my research are not many, but this map specifies the places in which he appeared according to witnesses' statements and they told me that sometimes they heard screaming and when they went to the place they did not find anything as if they were completely gone, and these places are alleys and they seem to disappear in these places only, and according to what I gathered, there is certainly someone behind all this. I apologize because my information is not very useful but that's what I could collected and I kept awake trying to extract anything but the evidence did not help me much in understanding things, I'm sorry.

-Akio: No, no, you have done a really good job thank you so much, you facilitated the search on us, well let's go.

-Hisashi: I want to tell you something before you go. Firstly, the hero is not someone who has the power to transcend others but to protect those who are weaker than him even if he is someone with powers like him. Secondly, your strength is a double-edged weapon that you can save and can kill so do not let it go beyond your control and kill innocent people. Thirdly, beware of yourself. Beware of what is within you.. It may blind you to the right way and portray the wrong was as the right one. Well, that's what I wanted to say to you. Thank you for listening.

Akio and Emmy look at him admiringly while Akihiro is with the features of grief and deep thought..

-Akio: Thank you really. We will never forget these tips. Come on let us go friends.

The three go out of the house and start investigating and Hisashi looks at Akihiro with a smile..

-Hisashi: I wish I could help you, Akihiro.

The three come out of the door..

-Akio: Well, let's scatter to the places on the map and look for any evidence and when one of us finds something, communicates with others.

-Emmy with a childish face: We did not exchange the phone numbers with each other as I think.

Akio looks at her and can not understand how he missed this. But he quickly regains his senses..

-Akio: Well, let's exchange our numbers.

The three exchange their numbers..

-Emmy smiling: These are the first boys' numbers to add to my phone.

-Akio cheerfully: This is awesome, and I and Akihiro this is the first time we take a girl number.

Emmy looks to Akihiro smilingly..

-Emmy: You see, Akihiro, you are one of the first boys to add their number to my phone as I am the first girl you have, this wonderful ,right?

Akihiro looks at her without showing features of happiness but suddenly he smiles..

-Akihiro: Yes, that's great.

The two are surprised by Akihiro's unusual reaction but they do not comment on it..

-Akio: Well, let's part then.

Each of them goes to a different way}l and starts the search.

( From Akio’s side )

-Akio thinking: ( Almost entirely there is no one on the streets because of this problem, how will there be evidence like this)

Akio continues his search but notices something strange in an alley between two houses and he goes to examine it. He gets close to and he is shocked of what he saw, blood in the form of a hand as if its owner wanted to be noticed by one of the passers-by to save him، and the features of fear and terror are on Akio's face..

-Akio: W- What is this? !!! What happened to the man with that hand ?!

( From Akihiro’s side )

Akihiro walks to find anything that helps..

-The Celestial Dragon: (Why are you upset that much, Akihiro?)

Akihiro is surprised by the Celestial Dragon but soon returns to his natural features..

-Akihiro within himself: (Do not worry just that there are a lot of ideas have not become fixed in my mind.)

-The Celestial Dragon: ( It seems that Hisashi's words make your thinking distracted right?)

-Akihiro: ( Yes.)

-The Celestial Dragon: ( I understand your thinking, but you have to remember Akio's talk, not all humans are bad, I agree with him in this, humans are a container of many things that are generated by experiences, feelings, beliefs, ideas and many things. And because of this you see the difference from person to person, you may see the difference in the same family between the two brothers. For this protecting the people have priority after this see whether he is worth or not. The world is not bad as a whole in the end, If it was that bad ,you would not find someone like Akio and Emmy. So do not think too much about this and trust that you are on the right way.)

Akihiro suddenly smiles and the turmoil inside him calms down..

-Akihiro: ( Even though you are still a new ability who have emerged from not so much time but you help me with your talk, thank you.)

-The Celestial Dragon: ( I have been living inactive within you and I know who you are, but I see you are beginning to change.)

-Akihiro You seem to have also noticed that, it's supposed that I have lived my life showing what is not inside me, but now I'm exposed.)

-The Celestial Dragon: ( Haha, this is really great, your character will evolve for the better through your unusual experiences ,and you will be a mature person more than now .)

Akihiro continues to walk without replying the last talk of the Celestial Dragon and still has not found anything unusual..

( From Emmy’s side )

Emmy was on her way without finding anything until she felt that there is no use of her search, but suddenly as she walks near an alley, she hears strange sounds and goes to this alley to hide and look at what is happening, and gets shocked of what she saw. A 25-year-old boy carries a sword, has a curly hair and a face with the features of thirst for blood and evilness , stabs a defenseless man which ends his life, and the boy then drops the body to the ground and puts his hand on it..

-The strange boy: Well be a food to me, you prey.

Suddenly she finds as it is a black wind coming out of the boy's hand and surrounding the body, and suddenly the body disappears with its clothes and blood and the strange wind returns to the boy's hand. Emmy gets shocked and makes a sound with her mouth of the intensity of the fear ,and the boy hears her, and looks towards her to see what is there, and he sees her , a wicked smile filled with malice that Emmy sees on the face of the boy.

- The strange boy : It seems that my hunting will increases today by you little one..

Emmy is running fast and calling Akio..

-Akio: Yes Emmy, Did you find something?

-Emmy: I found the offender and he saw me, come quickly , he is following me.

Suddenly Akio hears Emmy screaming in the phone ,and he yells at the phone..

-Akio: Emmy. Emmy, where are you? Tell me. Damn.

Akio starts running and calls Akihiro in hope that one of them will be near her as he knows that she is not using combat skills yet..

-Akihiro: What is the-

Akihiro does not complete his sentence as he hears Akio screaming in the phone and tells him that Emmy is in danger and does not know where she is. The features of shock are on Akihiro's face and quickly turn to the features of worry and fear. And he starts to run fast searching of her..

-Akihiro: Celestial Dragon, strengthened my speed and my physical strength, and also strengthened my senses so that I can know her place.

- The Celestial Dragon: ( Alright Akihiro, you got this.)

( At Emmy 's side )

-The strange boy: What do you do with this phone, little girl? Do you want anyone to know about me? You know I'm going to be in danger like that, right? You do not want me to be in danger, do you?

The boy talks to Emmy with the features of evil, insanity with blood, a broad smile filled with evil and a thirst for blood and murder on his face, Emmy on the ground as he has attacked her phone to tell no one about him, making her scream fearing of the attack, with the features of horror and fear on her face..

-Emmy within herself: ( Akihiro, Akio, please hurry to save me otherwise I will completely disappear from existence.)

- The strange boy: Oh, you're a young girl and you have a beautiful face and body, what do you think about amusing ourselves by distorting them before we kill you?

A hysterical laugh of the boy , and terror on Emmy's face, and she doesn't move because of her great fear..

- The strange boy: Well, let's begin with your beautiful face first.

He raises his sword to start his attack, she closes her eyes, descends her head down surrendering to what will happen.. And when he takes the decision to start, Akihiro suddenly emerges from the alley besides them very quickly, he draws his fist towards him but puts his sword to the defense, the Celestial Dragon notes that so he enhanced the hardness of Akihiro's hand, then Akihiro blows the sword with the boy, flying backwards and swinging on the ground from the severity of the strike but he quickly regains his balance and stops moving backwards. Emmy opens her eyes and finds Akihiro standing in front of her and his back facing her with a serious face..

-Emmy crying: Akihiro, you finally arrived.

Akihiro turns to her to finds her crying and gets shocked by this, he turns back and looks at the boy and this shock turns into a rage, and the boy looks at him with a wicked smile and enthusiastic features..

- The strange boy: It looks like it will be a little longer, but it's okay, the more the preys increase, the more the satisfaction.

To be continued...

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