《Eczius》Ch.4: The First Step


Ch.4: The First Step

Both Akihiro and Akio go with the leader of the Orbikus organization and his deputy to the headquarters. Akihiro looks at Hajime ( The leader ) and Hachiro ( The leader’s deputy) all the way, being cautious of them cause he still doesn't know them well. Although Hajime and Hachiro are in front of them and can't see their looks, they feel Akihiro’s aura which make them feel he is unsure of them, cautious and ready to kill them if requested..

-Hachiro thinking: ( Apparently, this boy is going to be a promising project for the manufacture of anew hero in the organization.)

To relieve this aura and this tense atmosphere, Hajime decided to open a topic..

-Hajime: So Akihiro, was the strong and irregular power that appeared, from you?

Akihiro looks to Hajime surprised by his question but he regain his serious look back quickly..

-Akihiro: Yes.

-Hajime smiles as he looks forward and didn't turn his face back..

Hajime within himself: ( What does this boy hide?!)

Hajime decided to get more answers from Akihiro, how they found Atumizo, and how his ability had been woken..

-Hajime: How did you find that monster, even though he was in the forest where nobody goes much?

Hachiro looks to Hajime and smiles a light smile..

-Hachiro thinking : ( I understand him now. What a great leader!)

-Akio: I will tell you.

Akio said that with enthusiastic and happily features on his face. Akihiro looks at him to stop him from talking, for fear of him but after seeing those features on his face , he smiled and decided to let him talk ..

-Akio continues: This happened as we were walking in the park, we heard a strange sound in the forest and we decided to check it. And when we got closer , we heard screaming and shouting from someone so we went there and found that monster which was very scary.

Suddenly, Akihiro’s face changes and he seems confused, shocked and sweats too much and too fast, and he interrupts Akio’s talk..

-Akihiro: The man, we have forgotten him, I told him to go and inform the police.

Hajime hears Akihiro’s talk and looks at him and smiles..

-Hajime: Don't worry, the organization’s members have removed that Bonsan and they went to the police station to tell them that they took care of it and the man is safe.


Satisfaction appears on Akihiro's face and he begins to trust them. Hajime and Hachiro feel this and happy with that..

-Akio: Well, Akihiro you didn't tell them the answer of the second half of the question, how did you awaken your ability?!

Akihiro looks to Akio unsurprisingly, Hajime and Hachiro’s faces changed to seriousness and began to focus on Akihiro's words which he is going to say..

-Akihiro: Oh. That's right, when I attacked Atumizo, who is the monster, he hit me hard away and I couldn't get up as a normal person. But all my concern was to save Akio, but I suddenly lost consciousness and woke up to a voice inside me, talking to me, saying that she is my ability, I asked to use her and she agreed so I woke up with my ability.

Hajime and Hachiro are surprised by this story, as abilities aren't discovered like that but appears involuntarily as a sign that they are activated. And Akio is surprised that the way to awake his ability not like his..

-Akio: Oh, it seems that the way to awake your ability is different from mine.

Akihiro is surprised with Akio's talk, and when he decides to ask him what he means, Hajime interrupted him with a serious face..

-Hajime: Tell me Akihiro, What's your ability’s name?

Akihiro is surprised by the question..

-Akihiro: My ability? Um, right, it's name is “ Dioborikita “.

When Hajime and Hachiro hear her name, they suddenly stop and the shock features printed on their faces..

-Hajime thinking: ( She is appeared after her long absence!!!!)

-Hachiro thinking: ( How did he get her!! I didn't expect her to show up again !!)

Akihiro and Akio are surprised by their weird reaction..

-Akihiro: What is it? Why do you look like that?!

Both Hajime and Hachiro calm down and return to their natural features..

-Hajime: What do you know about this ability?

-Akihiro: I know that she has been hidden for too long and she is rare, but after I spoke with her, I know that she copying any ability for a limited time.

-Hajime thinking: ( So he didn't know much about her, that's why he didn't shocked about her like us.)

-Hachiro thinking: ( What will the boss do with him? Will he tell him about that ability and it’s story or what?)

Hajime smiles and looks ahead..

-Hajime: Well, let us move to the headquarters..


Everyone smile and continue their way. They arrive in front of the headquarters, a huge building, a huge skyscraper, and there are two men at the electric door of the headquarters guarding it. Akio admired the building and his eyes are twinkling. But Akihiro is surprised by the great magnitude of the headquarters. Hajime and Hachiro look at them and smiles because they are so impressed..

-Hachiro: Then, let's get in.

The guards bend to them as they enter the door and take the elevator. It takes them down to the ground floors. Both Akihiro and Akio are surprised by this..

-Akihiro: Why are we going down, isn't it above us?!

Hajime looks at him with a smile..

-Hajime: It's just the superficial building and the offices but the headquarters’ base is below.

The elevator’s door opened, and Akihiro and Akio find a place they could never have imagined, advanced devices, a lot of people working, a large place. Astonishment from both Akihiro and Akio..

-Akio: What a wonderful place with everything needed by any hero to fight any invaders.

-Hajime: Well, let's go. We won't stay in the elevator for so long.

Akio and Akihiro awaken, walk with Hajime and Hachiro and stand in the middle of the place..

-Hachiro thinking: ( What is the leader thinking of?)

Suddenly, Hajime stops..

-Hajime: Well, Akihiro and Akio, I want you to meet a newly joined heroine of your age, wait here.

Akihiro sighs and looks at Hajime in carelessness..

-Akihiro: I’m not interested in knowing anyone, medicate Akio immediately.

Akio looks at Akihiro smiling, and Hachiro looks at Hajime without giving any expressions, and Hajime look a ahead without looking at Akihiro..

-Hajime: Let him lay on the ground, the girl I will get have the ability of healing.

Akihiro opens his eyes widely then looks down in discontent that he wasn't fair to Hajime..

-Akihiro: Alright.

-Hachiro thinking: ( it seems that my boss wants to polish this boy so he could use his ability. It's not easy.)

Akio looks to Akihiro and sees his sorrowful look and smiles..

-Akio: Don't worry too much about me Akihiro, I’m fine.

Akihiro looks at Akio after hearing his words and smiles..

Hajime goes to get the girl after the atmosphere is cleared. Hachiro approaches Akihiro..

-Hachiro: Listen Akihiro, yes your fear for your friend is important and respectful, bit to let it make you think badly of others and eliminate your mind is wrong. This mistake could kill you and your friend. I don't know what is the leader’s decision about you but if you face any danger, it could end your life although you have the strength to win.

Akihiro looks to Hachiro and smiles, admiring his wise words..

-Akihiro: Thank you, Hachiro. I'll certainly learn from this.

Akio looks at them , smiling because Akihiro started to open up so that others could approach him, and Hachiro smiles..

-Hachiro: This my duty, Akihiro, no need to thank me, but trust the leader, he is really a good person and won't be a threat to you.

Akihiro and Akio nod with approval, smiling..

Hajime comes with a beautiful girl..

-Hajime: Ooh , Hachiro, it seems you start to be friends with Akihiro.

The three are surprised by Hajime's arrival, and Hachiro smiles..

-Hachiro: So I come to them before you.

Hajime smiles..

-Hajime: You're right, Well, let me introduce Emmy to you, our new therapist.

Emmy smiles and bends and everyone looks at her..

-Emmy: Welcome to our headquarters, nice to meet you.

Hajime looks at Akio and points to him..

-Hajime: Do you see this poor fellow lying there, he needs your beautiful hand to medicate him, please.

Emmy looks at Akio and goes to him as he looks at her, and he is curious how she can medicate him. Hachiro and Akihiro stand and look at her with no expressions..

She lands and sits beside lying Akio, puts her hands on him and closes her eyes. Her hands begin to radiate in green as well as Akio, and Akio's injuries gradually disappear until all the injuries have disappeared. Akio and Akihiro are surprised with this, Emmy stops the treatment, and Akio gets up and sits surprised that all his injuries have been healed..

-Emmy: Well, you have been medicated..

She said that with smiley and cute face..

-Akio: This is awesome, thank you.

Akihiro looks seriously at Emmy..

-Akihiro thinking : ( Then these are the abilities and what they can do, I didn't know there is a healing ability. )

Hachiro and Hajime look at Akihiro..

-Hachiro thinking : ( it seems that what Akihiro saw now has attracted his attention. )

-Hajime thinking: ( We seem to have taken the first step to make him with us.)

To be continued...

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