《Eczius》Ch.3: Dioborikita


Ch.3: Dioborikita

Atumizo stands shocked by this great power from Akihiro who stands steady and the skies are scattered around him. Atumizo feels like he will fly from the force of the power emerging from Akihiro, but he is trying to gather him self..

-Atumizo smiling: I did not know that you hide this power inside you..

Akihiro doesn't respond to him preferring silence and decides to start the fight quickly to not regret afterwards. Akihiro disappears and suddenly appears in front of Atumizo and kicks him in his face, Atumizo flies to hit the trees and destroy them, and Akihiro holds Akio..

-Atumizo thinking : ( How painful this is ! From where does he have this power? I had to finish him quickly and don't let him feel that he can beat me.)

-Akihiro: Akio, ate you okay?!

- Akio in pain: Akihiro? It seems that your ability has finally emerged..

Akio's heart is filled with joy after reassuring that his friend has got his ability..

-Akihiro: Let me borrow your ability for awhile..

Akio smiles and nods that he agrees on this and closes his eyes..

So Akihiro carries him and puts him beside a tree to lean on it next to the area..

-Atumizo: You seem to be a strong opponent, even though it didn't show on you before..

Akihiro looks to him with a challenging smile, feeling a huge amount of positive energy after seeing Akio's smile, and a great confidence in himself..

-Akihiro: I will finish you quickly so I can get some rest..

Atumizo gets angry at Akihiro’s words and feels a fire burning inside him because of Akihiro’s mocking of him and because of his failure to frustrate Akihiro..

-Atumizo screaming: We will see who will finish the other one first , you weak worm..

The two attack each other and exchange fists and kicks in great speed. And Atumizo is thinking how could Akihiro be this fast suddenly. They retreat and separate their entanglement..

-Atumizo: How did you become so fast?!

Akihiro smiling without saying anything..

( Earlier within Akihiro)

-An unknown voice: Your ability is “ Dioborikita “, have you heard of it before?

Akihiro is surprised by this talk, that of all the abilities, his share is this rare ability..


-Akihiro: I only know that it's a rare ability and didn't exist for along time..

-An unknown voice: Well, listen, this ability lets you copy any ability from anyone but for a limited-time , so you have to exploit that. Luckily you touched Atumizo so I stored his super speed and strengthened it a bit, I'll release it now but remember it’s time is limited so try to take advantage of this time..

( Current time in the fighting area )

-Akihiro: Are you afraid or what?!

Atumizo is angry at Akihiro’s words bit quickly calms down and smiles..

-Atumizo: I will finish you quickly to calm down..

Atumizo attacks with his fist but Akihiro quickly avoids it and kicks him in his stomach, and Atumizo flies throw the air in pain thinking how to defeat this wild beast, but Akihiro appears above him and hits him with his hands in the back so he falls down hard to the ground. Akihiro stops in the air and gets furious when he remembers what Atumizo did to his friend..

-Akihiro: I'll finish you off now with the ability of the one you tortured, you bastard..

Akihiro ignites his hands and arms, and multiple fire fists appear out of his arm..

-Akihiro: Taste “ Tingoko No Kin “..

The fire fists hurtle and Atumizo horrifies by the sight of them and thinks that he is doomed. They hit Atumizo with multiple and powerful strikes which led to the collapse of the ground beneath him of its intensity. Akihiro stops and descends to the ground to find Atumizo on the edge of death..

-Atumizo speaking with difficulty: Know that I am nothing and I am not classified among the powerful groups. In easier words so your little mind can understand, I consider nothing compared to our weakest person, so don't rejoice so much , you all are going to die..

Atumizo died after saying those words and Akihiro wasn't affected by his words. Happiness fills Akihiro’s heart as he was able to defeat Atumizo and avenge his friend..

-Akihiro : Huh! It seems that the abilities time is over, it's good that I finished him off in time..

Akihiro goes to Akio and carries him. Akio wakes up to find Akihiro carrying him in his arms ,so he feels comfortable that his friend is okay..


-Akio: Looks like you eliminated him..

-Akihiro smiling: Thanks to your ability, I could finish him off, so let's consider that you are the one who eliminated him..

Two anonymous people come suddenly from among the trees which shocked Akihiro and Akio. They were surprised by the destruction of the place and that the source of that force was from these kids..

-An anonymous person 2: Ooh , what a massive destruction! Wow, a member of the Bonsan has been eliminated by you!!

-An anonymous person 1: They seem to be strong, sir..

Akihiro doesn't know these men ,and his features / countenances are serious and focused to pick up any strange movement from them..

-Akihiro: Who are you? Are you with him?

They admired Akihiro's readiness for them and reservation..

-An anonymous person 2: Don't worry, we're against these foolish savages. I'll introduce myself, I'm Hajime , the leader of the Orbikus.

The other person is shocked from Hajime's frankness and taking it easy..

-An anonymous person 1 angry: Sir, do you have to introduce yourself to everyone? It's supposed to be confidential..

Hajime gets shocked and its registered on his face..

-Hajime ( the leader ) with looks and features of intelligence: Oh right , well, I'm not Hajime..

The other person falls on his head because of the stupidity he saw from his leader / boss ..

-An anonymous person 1 surprised: Is that how you solved the problem? Huh, I apologise to you, our leader is weird. I am Hachiro, his deputy..

Akihiro and Akio look at them with a smile, and with looks that they are sympathetic to them , and thinking why they look like fools.

Hachiro notices these looks so it hurts his heart..

-Hachiro ( The deputy): Haaa, why do you look at us like this?

They return to their natural features and an aura of seriousness spreads among them..

-Akihiro and Akio: No- Nothing..

-Akihiro: Then , why did you come?

-Hajime ( the leader ): We have noticed the strong power that suddenly appeared here so we decided to come to checkout its source..

-Akihiro: Well, I am its source. Are you satisfied now? I want to go to medicate my friend..

-Akio: Let us wait a bit to know what they want, do you know what it means to the leader of the organization to come to us?!

Hajime feels happiness with Akio's words and decides to look good..

-Hajime ( the leader ) with strong appearance, greatness and confidence: Yes, do you know what it means to come here by myself ?!

Hachiro looks to Hajime with scorned and mockery features on his face..

-Hachiro ( The deputy) with looks of contempt: You keep going here and there , nothing special of you standing here..

Hajime is shocked and sad that he couldn't live up to Akio's expectations, and sits aside squatting with a gloomy atmosphere around him. And everybody looks at him in astonishment..

-Hajime ( the leader) mumbling: No one ever appreciated me, they are mean..

-Hachiro thinking: ( How this person is the leader of a global organisation that protects the planet.)

Hachiro returns to his serious features..

-Hachiro ( The deputy) : We want you to come with us to the organization..

Akio feels that his dream had approached him by many steps and he must exploit this opportunity that doesn't come every day..

-Akio joyfully: Really?! This is awesome , let's go Akihiro..

Akihiro is surprised with Akio's quick reaction of approval..

-Akihiro: Hoi, Akio, let us know why first..

-Akio: It doesn't matter Akihiro, trust them they aren't bad, they risk their lives for us..

Akihiro remembers that Akio's dream is to join that organization..

-Akihiro: Huh. Well Akio, let's go, but Hachiro you must medicate him..

Hachiro is happy with this..

-Hachiro ( The deputy): Don't worry, we will provide treatment for him and he is going to be better..

-Hajime ( the leader ) excitedly: Alright, let's go..

Akihiro is surprised with the radical change with Hajime’s statue..

-Akihiro yelling: Weren't you miserable just now !

Hajime and Hachiro take both Akihiro and Akio to the organization.. What they want from them? And what will happen to them?

To be continued...

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