《Eczius》Ch.2: An Unwelcoming Return


Ch.2: An Unwelcoming Return

Akio stands in front of an indefinite danger.. He gets ready to any sudden attack from that monster..

-Akio: Akihiro, When I start clashing with it, take this man and run away..

-Akihiro: I'm not leaving you alone like that.

-Akio: Don't wor-

Suddenly, the monster appears in front of Akio and everyone get shocked, it hits Akio so hard with his arm that he flew back and stops hardly, luckily he defended himself with his hand thereby reducing strike force..

Akihiro screaming Akio's name..

-Akihiro: Akioooo, are you alright?!!

-Akio in pain: Don't worry, I protected myself at the last minute..

-Akio thinking: ( What a speed !! I could barley notice its presence in front of me , even its strike was so powerful.. what is that monster?)

-Akihiro: I will help you, Akio

-Akio shouting: I told you to take that man and leave. Listen to me..

Akihiro is shocked with Akio's reaction cause he never saw him angry like this before..

-Akihiro sad: Alright, you got this..

Akihiro takes the man and runs in order to stay away from the fighting area, and Akio is looking to the monster angry and confused, waiting for it to start with its next move, but it stood still as it telling him that it's its turn to see what Akio is going to do against it..

-Akio smiling: Well then, I'll show you my ability..

Akio radiates and the wind starts circling around him, and the flames begin to ignite suddenly surrounding his whole body, from all directions ..

( at the main time)

Akihiro is running with the man to get far and to ask for help..

-The man: Is your friend going to be ok?!

-Akihiro: I really don't know..

- Akihiro thinking: (I'm still worried about Akio, I can't leave him like that, I must go back.)


-Akihiro: You go to get help and I am going back to help my friend..

-The man: Alright, don't worry , but don't die before I come with help..

- Akihiro smiling: We aren't the ones who die so easily..

The two separated and Akihiro runs back to Akio..

( In the fighting zone / area )

-Akio smiling: Meet my ability “ Tin No Hi “ . Burn with my fire, beast..

Akio shoots strong flames as it is a strong fire canon towards the monster and a powerful explosion occurs. Heavy fire and smoke make it hard for Akio to see ..

-Akio: I can't see, did I get rid of it?

Suddenly a strange laughter from the inside of the flames as the monster gets out of it laughing.. Akio is standing paralyzed and shocked from what he saw..

-The monster : That's great, so you are one of those who possessed these ominous abilities. Seems I will have to take you down before you grow up, to not be an obstacle in our way to take over this planet again..

Akio gathers his strength and smiles confidently..

-Akio: So you can talk. Tell me who you are? And where did you come from?

-The monster laughing: I'm a Bonsan, and we are one of the most powerful monsters in this universe, and you humans had suffered so much from us and you will keep suffering as long as we are alive as we won't rest until we make you from the past ..

After hearing this , Akio couldn't find any thing to say and stands stunned..

-The monster: It's not a problem to tell you my name as long as I kill you , my name is Atumizo..

Akio stands confused and sweats heavily before Atumizo and doesn't know what to do with him..

-Atumizo: Hmm, you seem very confused, I like this, I'll torture you before killing you , I want to hear you scream..


Akio trembles with fear but decides to fight even if he ends up dead..

-Akio smilingly definite Atumizo: I won't let you torture me so easily. I'll definitely end you..

Akio wraps his hand with fire attacking Atumizo directly with his fist but Atumizo avoided it. Akio continued the attack with his hands wrapped in flames bit Atumizo continued to avoid him until he hits Akio with his knee in his stomach, and Akio aches from the strike force and backs down to catch his breath..

-Atumizo: Oooh , you have backed down, do you understand now that you can't fight me?

Akio looks to him in pain and anger and he doesn't respond with a word..

All of sudden, Atumizo quickly attacks with his leg and Akio barely sees him so he defends with his arm after wrapping it up in flames and flies back very quickly, Atumizo appears behind him and gives him a strong kick in the back that leads to him flying in the other direction very quickly to break three trees with his body and spit blood from the force of the strike..

Atumizo walks steadily towards Akio who has lost most of his strength and doesn't have any power to stand leaning on the tree's stem. Akihiro appears suddenly from among the tree’s to find his friend Akio who has lost his strength and is threatened with death. Akihiro is screaming with Akio's name as he is running towards Atumizo trying to do anything but Atumizo hits him with his hand making him fly away , lying on the ground and can't stand..

-Akihiro: Leave my friend alone, you despicable beast . Leave him alo-

Suddenly, Akihiro stops talking, the sparkle disappears from his eyes and he suddenly falls..

( Inside Akihiro )

-An unknown voice: Hoi! Akihiro..

-Akihiro: Who's there?

-An unknown voice: I see that your friend is in danger.

-Akihiro: Right, I have to help my friend, where is he? Take me back to him, I have to help him, he will die like this..

-An unknown voice: But you won't be able to do any thing as you don't have any ability..

-Akihiro: I don't care, I'll do anything to save my friend..

-An unknown voice: So what do you think about obtaining your ability now and saving your friend?

-Akihiro: OK. I want my ability and I will do any thing to get it bit please I want it..

Akihiro hears around of laughter..

-An unknown voice: well Akihiro, I am your ability, so use me well and don't disappoint me..

( In the fighting area )

Atumizo holds Akio's head to crush it..

-Atumizo : well, your time is up, I am bored, I thought I would have a good fight but it’s the time for you to die..

All of sudden, Atumizo feels a very large force that suddenly emerged, and strong winds behind him. He looks back to find Akihiro standing with very strong winds around him. His large and irregular power makes wind hover strongly in the area..

-Atumizo: What's this power?! It seems that he just discover it , but..

Atumizo felt that it’s not a normal power and it is not easy to defeat it..

( In another place )

-An unknown person 1 : sir, there is considerable force appearance but it’s irregular..

-An unknown person 2: well, let's go there to see who is the source of that power..

What will happen to Akihiro?.. And will he be able to defeat Atumizo with his ability?.. And who are those people who felt Akihiro's power?..

To be continued...

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