《Eczius》Ch.5: Strange Farewell


Ch.5: Strange Farewell

Akihiro smiles and looks to Hajime..

-Akihiro: I want to know about abilities and their kinds, and about my ability.

Akio looks at Akihiro surprised, and Hajime, Hachiro and Emmy smile..

Suddenly Akio smiles and screams in joy..

-Akio: Finally, you showed your interest in the organization and what’s related to it.

Everybody gets shocked and gazes at Akio, then Akihiro squirms..

-Akihiro: W- what? N- no, I just want to know about the abilities and I didn't say that I am interested in the organization and what's related to it.

He says this and looks the other way..

Akio stands and looks at Akihiro with a smile..

-Akio: Yes, yes.

Then he smiles broadly..

Akihiro looks at him and smiles, and everyone looks at them smiling..

-Hajime: Alright, let's go and set down and I will tell you what you want.

They go to a room where they sit and talk..

Everyone sits and Akihiro looks to Hajime seriously and focused to understand what he is going to say..

-Hajime: Okay Akihiro, let's start our conversation firstly about what are the abilities.

Akihiro looks seriously towards Hajime, and both Emmy and Akio smile and look at Hajime..

-Hajime: The abilities are a power that has emerged since ancient times, and they give you a supernatural power, and must be exploited in the best way. The more you know how to use them, the more the chances of winning the fight and the more you become stronger because of your right usage of them. Abilities can develop but before this development you must be ready physically and your energy must be able to bear this development and handle it. The development levels are different from one ability to another, it can have one evolution and it can reach more than ten, and it develops through training and fighting.

Akihiro and Akio are shocked from this..

-Akihiro: This means that our abilities are still at the lowest level and they will only develop through training and fighting?

-Hajime: Yes, that's right.

-Akihiro: What's the type of development in the abilities regardless the strength increase?

-Hachiro within himself: ( It seems that it’s becoming important to Akihiro. It's possible that he will decide after this talk if he will join us or not.)

-Emmy within herself: ( Akihiro and Akio, the owners of the power that we have just felt. What are they going to be in the future?!)

-Hajime: The evolution isn't the power increase, that's depending on the ability. Let's take Akio's Ability for example, the Celestial Flames. This ability, of its name isn't a normal fire, now you see it as a normal fire but evolution will change its colour, strength and specialization. It could be black, it has a development to be black. And it could be blue and so on, each type of fire will have a specific competence. Yes it will be stronger but if you knew the specialisation of that fire, it will help to use it and see it’s real strength without squandering your energy.


Akio raises his hand and looks at him seriously..

-Akio: So, if I could develop it and know when to use each one, I will be stronger and no one is going to stand in my way.

Hajime looks seriously to Akio..

-Hajime: Akio, don't let your ability make you go for a dark and a wrong way. Power could make you more responsible or make you flatter yourself and choose the path of destruction and it ends badly.

Akio looks at Hajime surprised and laughs..

-Akio: Don't worry, however I grow strong, that would be a shield to protect everyone on this Earth. That's why I wanted to join the organization.

Hajime smiles..

-Hajime: That's good.

-Akihiro: Tell me about my ability, please.

-Hajime: Right, your ability. Before we talk about you a ability, I will tell you the main and the subcategory classifications of the abilities. The main is divided into two, normal and rare. The subcategory is divided into ( Fighter _ Enhanced _ Healer _ Defender ) of course that's what is known to us so far and we didn't find anything outside this category. Now Akihiro, your ability is rare but Akio, yours is normal. The idea that this ability is normal or rare is it shows or not across the generations. The normal often appears through generations, but the rare , not any generation gets it and it could disappear in many generations, like your ability Akihiro.

-Akihiro: When I told you the name of my ability, you got shocked of it, Why?

Hajime and Hachiro, both get shocked, and they take a serious and strong look at Akihiro..

-Hajime thinking: ( How could he know that we were shocked?! We didn't show that. Who is this boy?! This boy should not left to go the wrong way otherwise he will be devastating and no one will stop him.)

-Hachiro thinking: ( Akihiro. It seems that this name will echo a lot in the future. )

They both calm down and Hajime looks at Akihiro with a smile, and Hachiro looks towards Hajime without expressions..

Emmy and Akio look at them ,not understanding any thing. And Akihiro looks at them with serious and concentrated looks , knowing that he say something shocking to them..

-Hajime: the story of your ability is that in the past, the Earth was a colony of the Bonsan, killing, taking slaves and taking its resources. The Earth would not exist now and you will not be born because man kind would be extinct.

Those who went out to fight these invaders are a group on heroes called themselves “ The Orbikus”. Yes it’s the name of our organization. They had several abilities including rare ones, and their leader had possessed your ability, Akihiro.

Everyone gets shocked , Akio, Emmy and Akihiro..

-Akio: What? Akihiro’s ability!


-Emmy: I didn't know that! Akihiro has this ability!!

Akihiro smiles which is the opposite of what Hajime and Hachiro was expecting..

-Akihiro: Looks like my ability has a great history.

Hachiro is shocked with Akihiro's reaction, and suddenly Hajime laughs loudly..

-Hajime: You really are an unexpected boy..

They all look at Hajime and Akihiro is smiling and focusing with him..

-Hajime: they defeated everyone and reached their leader but after along and rough fight , he escaped and vowed that he would return more powerfully to take revenge. And here we are waiting for him, but it seems that he send a despicable and useless one to us to check the matter and begin his revenge. I will tell you another thing about the rare abilities, they are different from the regular ones in some points. Firstly, it’s awaken is that it talks to you within you and gives itself to you. Secondly, there is no risk with the normal ability except that it exhausts you a lot if you're not ready for it or for its evolution. As for the rare ability it devours the consciousness of the person who has it and then it devours his soul and kills him, it’s conscious not like the normal ability. It does that if you are not ready for it or if it does not like you. The most rare Ability to do this it’s yours Akihiro. That's why it didn't exist for centuries.

Everyone except Hachiro is strongly shocked and looks at Akihiro..

-Akio: What is this?! How is that?!! This means that my friend’s life is in danger!!!

-Emmy: I didn't know this!!! This is dangerous. How is this?!!

-Akihiro: This is amazing. An ability that devour its owner and mine is the most rebellious. It seems that I will suffer with it, but I will not reject this responsibility.

Hachiro and Hajime smile with happiness and satisfaction after hearing Akihiro’s words..

Emmy and Akio followed them with admirable smile to Akihiro’s talk..

-Akio: You are reckless but I trust you.

-Hajime: The more you develop your ability and your connection to your rare ability, the more your power will materialise to have a physical form within your mind.

Suddenly, Akihiro hears a voice inside him..

-The voice of his ability: O weak, I no longer like you.

Then his eyes lose their luster and he falls unconscious, and everyone around him shouts his name and runs towards him to see what happened to him..

( Inside Akihiro)

-His ability’s voice: O weak, wake up.

Akihiro opens his eyes and finds himself in the same place where he met his ability for the first time. Smiling a challenging smile..

-Akihiro: Hello, rebellious ability. Do you want to devour me now?

-His ability s voice: Do you know why I had devoured so many and didn't appears for along time? This is because I can't find anyone who is worthy of me. Some of them, I didn't choose and some of them are good from the outside and deserves me, but when I am in them , I find them either weak and will not bear me or bad person who will use me in evil, so I kill them.

Akihiro looks with amazement..

-Akihiro: Rebellious and ethical?! Interesting mix. So why do you bring me here?

-His ability’s voice: To tell you that I'm leaving you because you don't deserve me.

Akihiro gets shocked..

-Akihiro: What??? But how I am going to fight like this, and how I will protect my friend and the people. And why you didn't devour me like the others?!

-The voice of his ability: I will only answer your question about who to protect them. Search inside you and you will know how you protect them. Now I will leave.

Akihiro calls out with a loud voice the name of his ability but without an answer, and suddenly he falls and wakes up in the real world, bit his eyes didn't regain their lust..

Everyone stands scared to check on him, and Hachiro and Hajime know that she's his ability who summon him..

-Akio: Are you alright? Akihiro tell me.

Akihiro doesn't speak and the shock features are all over his face..

Hajime and Hachiro are confused about those features..

-Hajime: What happened, Akihiro? What did your ability do to you?

Akihiro doesn't respond to Hajime and it worries him more that his consciousness has been devoured..

Suddenly, Hajime grabs Akihiro and shakes him and yells..

-Hajime: Answer me did your ability devour your consciousness? Answer, you idiot. Answer.

Akio and Emmy are shocked..

-Akio: What?!! Devour his consciousness?!! No, this is impossible, isn't it Akihiro?! You didn't allow her to do this. You challenged her. You will not die like this, right?! Answer me, please.

Akio's tears began to fall, and Hajime and Hachiro are confused and shocked by what happened, and Emmy is too scared and doesn't know what to do..

Suddenly, his eyes regain their luster and he opens his mouth without any expressions..

-Akihiro: E- E- Everyone here!

Everyone was surprised and glade that his consciousness hasn't devoured, and Akio wiped out his tears..

-Akio: Yes Akihiro, all of us are around you.

-Akihiro: My ability. MY ability has gone and left me.

Everyone was shocked by this. Akihiro, his ability has gone! Akihiro without an ability!!

To be continued...

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