《Eczius》Ch.8: Akihiro


Ch.8: Akihiro

Akihiro and Akio wake up the next day..

-Akihiro: Did you sleep well, Akio?

Then Akio laughs..

-Akio: I slept until the next day and you ask me if I slept well? Are you kidding?!

Hajime walks in and surprised that they wake up..

-Hajime: You wake up finally. That’s good.

Hajime looks at Akihiro and Akihiro looks at him with a cold and reproachful look, and he is surprised..

-Hajime: Is there something, Akihiro?!

Akihiro doesn't respond, looks at the bed and Akio is surprised by Akihiro’s actions..

-Akihiro: We should go to our school now.

-Hajime: Don't worry, there is a car that will take you there.

Suddenly, Akio screams..

-Akio: Waaa. I forget about my family, they don't know anything about this.

Hajime laughs loudly..

-Hajime: Don't worry kid. We told them every thing and they were very happy with this and that Akihiro is with you, as they told us that you will form a powerful bilateral.

-Akio: Haah, this is good.

-Akihiro: Come on, get ready then we can go.

-Hajime: Well, we have prepared your clothes for you. I'm going out now so get ready.

Hajime goes out and they get ready and Akihiro comes out..

-Hajime: Oh, Akihiro. Looks like you are finis-

But Akihiro walks without giving any attention to Hajime or to his words and Akio comes out and sees this ,and gets sad..

-Hajime: What happened to him to become like this?!

-Akio: I Don't know but unfortunately that's how he is with everyone.

Hajime hears this and he is surprised that he thought Akihiro wasn't interested in them before he changed but the fact that he had begun to trust them and now he returned to the beginning..

They both get in the car and go to school. They get out of the car and enter the school, it's still early and there are few students..

Some students go to talk to Akio and don't give Akihiro any attention. He continues his way to the classroom and Akio stops to talk to them a bit..

-Akihiro thinking : ( What if I didn't meet him, what would I had been now.)

He looks around and finds the students arrived to class, groups and conversations between them. Akio comes in and sits on the seat next to Akihiro..

-Akio: Why did you go like this?

-Akihiro: Why would I talk to them? They came for you so I left.

-Akio: Screw this. You didn't try to mingle in this society although it's supposed that you have understand that it's not bad.

Akihiro goes silent and doesn't give a response as he doesn't want to enter a discussion with Akio to not make him sad. The first class starts..

-the teacher: Good morning, everybody. Today, a girl has moved to our school and she will be in this class. Come on.

Emmy enters the classroom, some boys admire her beauty and she stands and looks at Akihiro and Akio with a smile..

-Emmy: I am Emmy and I live near by. Nice to meet you.

-Student 1: Huh? Only this?

-Student 2 sarcastically: Of course she will be transferred here in a secret mission.

And everybody laughs..

-The teacher: Yes, she is here in a secret mission ..

-Student 2 shocked: Huh???!!!

The students sits and everybody’s head down and silence has prevailed with confused faces of his honesty..

-Emmy: Well, since the teacher is out spoken, yes I am from the organization but I am a new member.


Akihiro looks at the window on purpose to tell Emmy that he doesn't care about her presence. And Akio rejoices with her advent. Emmy sees that and gets surprised that Akihiro became more distant from them..

-The teacher: Well, lucky for you the seat next to Akihiro ,by the window, isn't occupied. As no one tries to sit next to him, he is a bit scary.

Akihiro gives no impression on the teacher words..

-Emmy: Okay, I will go.

-Akihiro thinking : ( Doesn't this idiot understand? Aren't my moves showing that I don't accept her existence?!)

- The students mumble: How can she accept to sit next to that person. No problem, she doesn't know him. When she knows him, she will ask to be transferred from the whole school not just her seat. Hahaha this is true.

- The teacher: Okay. Quite, and let's start the class.

The classes passed and the recess begins. Akihiro comes out alone from the classroom and Akio notices that. He reaches the school roof and sits there alone..

-Akihiro thinking : ( Why did things come to this point?! Why did fate decide for me to meet Akio?! If I had never met him, I wouldn't have been like this now and I would have continued my way. Why do I feel guilty when I think about hating humans?! Is that because I know Akio?! Or that's my human nature tries to overcome my feelings?!)

-Emmy: It seems that you are lost in your thoughts, Akihiro.

Akihiro is surprised by Emmy beside him as he didn't notice her but he turns his face without giving her any attention..

-Emmy: Akihiro, why don't you trust us or even give us a chance?!

Akihiro stays silent and Emmy looks sad..

-Emmy: Do you think we will be bored and leave you because of those actions? If so, don't worry, it won't happened. Do what you wish but we won't leave you because you are our friend and family.

Akihiro doesn't speak as if she doesn't exist..

-Emmy: Listen carefully to these words. You are not right like this, no matter how foolish people are, not all humans are the same. There are the good and the bad. If all humans are bad ,you wouldn't find someone like Akio or his family. Do you think that everything is the same? Do your prints like mine? Does the length of your fingers is the same? Does food has the same taste, color or condition? You just run like a coward. You don't want to deal with us because you afraid of us. If you are brave, why would you run away from us and put up walls between you and us. You are nothing but a cowa-

Akihiro suddenly stands and shouts..

-Akihiro: Shut up immediately. Get out of my sight , you scum. I don't want to take advice from a ruthless scum who is the cause of my suffering as a child. You are a curse on this planet. You always take about the Bonsan that they are dangerous to us. Let it be known that this planet and what lives on it want the Bonsan to exterminate all humans. You are a moving scum. We are predators, killers, missed with this land. Why do you think you are the right side and the Bonsan are the wrong? They also want to live like you. At least they occupy and destroy other specie, but we only destroy each other, we capture each other’s territory, we kill each other and also destroy the other species and pollute their environment and their land. You truly deserve nothing but death. If I join you, it's not because I want to protect humans or because I trusted you, all I want is to protect Akio and those he loves, I don't want him to be sad. So keep all this talk to yourself, I don't need it. Get out of my face.


Emmy gets shocked with Akihiro's situation as she never saw it before. She gets sad and leaves to find Akio standing sadly at the door of the roof, she passed by him but he grabbed her arm and took her to the roof, and Akihiro sees him.

-Akihiro: Why did you come back with her, didn't you hear me telling her to leave.

Akio's face changes to anger..

-Akio: Emmy will stay here and eat with us so shut up and don't say another word.

This angers Akihiro and he decides to leave and not to sit with them. Emmy tries to stop him but Akio stops her..

-Akio: Leave him Emmy he won't rest until he stays alone.

Akio and Emmy sit down eating with sadness all over the place..

-Emmy: What happened to have all this hatred towards humans?! What is his past ,he is talking about?! How did we get into his childhood suffering?!

-Akio: I don't really know what happened to him before meeting me but when I met him as a child, he was in the Street next to us, he was sitting, hitting who approaching him till they went away and his eyes were filled with hatred, anger and pain. Everyone didn't approach him because he was hurting them. But I decided to go to him and whenever I go , I gave him food and he kicked it and hit me. And I keep insisted on him and fought him to make him eat. I always failed to feed him, but one day I crept out to see this child. I heard someone crying in great pain and repeating “ Why did you do this to me?”.. “ Why did you make me in this situation?”.. “ Why did you take the most precious thing I have from me?” .. So I approaches the voice and I found it came from the place where Akihiro sits. Seeing him just crying, I felt a heaviness in my chest and a great sadness. With a shock that this person we saw in the morning with eyes full of hatred, pain and anger but now you can only see a great pain and unbearable sadness that is hard to describe in words. I approached him and hugged him and tried to comfort him. This was the first time I ever saw him like this, obeying me and calm, surrendered to me and didn't resist at all as if he was waiting for this moment when he finds a heart that loves and guards him from this cruel world. I really felt that this was the least thing I should do. A child like me crying with this heartburn!! Why do I feel a heaviness in my chest by seeing him cry? What he had been through, to be like that? In that day, I went home with him. I took him with me because I decided that he will live with me. My parents agreed and treated him like their son. And when I was sitting to do my homework, I found him helping me with it so we knew he was at school, studying. We tried to ask him where is his family but he refused to answer, even when we asked him about what happened before , to come here but he didn't answer anyone. So we decided that he will enter the school with me. He really looked distinct and smart but he didn't contact with anyone and kept away from anyone trying to open any conversation with him. He didn't have q friend but me and when he was in prep, he asked my father to buy him a house to live alone as he wanted to be autonomous. My father refused at the beginning but later he agreed to buy him the house on condition that he would provide for him which what Akihiro agreed to after that. They respected his decision and didn't want to interfere in his cause to not bother him but he promised them that he would visit us from time to time. That's what I know about him.

Akio looks at Emmy and finds her dropping tears. Akio is shocked..

-Akio: What's the matter with you?? Why are you crying?

Emmy wipes her tears and smiles..

-Emmy: Don't worry, just imagine what is behind Akihiro is so painful. And I am a bit sensitive thus I cried easily. I should have considered his situation. If I know him more and knew this about him, I wouldn't have told him this harsh talk. No one feels the other or knows what's inside of them, every person advises other without thinking about the cause of their situation.

Akio smiles and stands..

-Akio: I will go ahead of you to the classroom before the class starts. Akio is walking towards the door to find Akihiro standing behind it listening to their conversation. Akio smiles to Akihiro..

-Akio: It seems that you saw her crying for you and this is what I wanted to convey to you, that not everyone is bad and that there are people like me deserve your kindness and trust. I hope that you understand my words. Come on, I will go ahead of you now, let's meet in the class..

Akio goes and Akihiro decides to come to the roof. Emmy is surprised by him and the two stand in front of each other, apologizing together at the same time..

-Emmy: I apologize for what happened ..

-Akihiro: I apologize for my behavior..

They both are surprised by this but they regain their calmness..

-Akihiro: I have been mistaken about you, I didn't care for your words and treated you badly since your coming. I am ready afraid to trust anyone and I don't want to lower my defense easily in front of anybody.

Emmy smiles..

-Emmy: It was also my fault that I was a little fast to be your friend. I wanted to be friends with you as soon as possible but I had to give every step its right and didn't rush out to not put pressure on you.

Akihiro smiles to Emmy for the first time..

-Akihiro: Well, I will accept you as my friend so don't waste this opportunity from your hand and don't let me down.

Emmy is very happy with this..

-Emmy: Don't worry. I will never let you down.

To be continued…

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