《Eczius》Ch.7: The awaking of the Celestial Dragon


Ch.7: The awaking of the Celestial Dragon

Akio ignites his hands in flames and attacks Hachiro with his full power. Suddenly a spear comes out of the ground and he waves with it towards Akio who stops and backs off to avoid the attack. Hachiro smiles proudly..

-Hachiro: Meet my ability, “ Senchi No Rei Yo Yubo “ ( The Fighter Spirits Summoning ), and because you are of the fire type, I summon a fighter who fights with fire, but with a spear that shoots fire. So learn from him the basics of fire control.

Akio likes the ability so then he shows the features of seriousness and focus with a smile of challenge and enthusiasm..

-Akio: It seems it's going to be interesting..

Akio increases the fire that wraps his hands and he attacks. He approaches that fighting spirit and suddenly jumps over it to hit it from above, but the spirit aims the sharp end of the spear towards Akio with no movement and calmness. When he approaches the spirit and prepared to strike, fire shots come out of the spear towards Akio. They hit Akio but at the last minute he wraps the impact area if his body with a fire shield which reduce the poser of the blows which led to him flying in the opposite direction for his attack with less damage..

Hachiro looks with serious glances to Akio..

-Hachiro: You see these things may be weak with this normal fire power but when your flame develops, it could make amazing things that amazes everyone.

Hajime looks at Akihiro and sees worry in his eyes, he looks towards Akio and Hachiro and nods with his head for them to start the plan. They both notice that and understand his signal..

Suddenly, Hachiro’s features change and evil ones appear on him, a wicked smile full of evil, eyes eager for blood, a radical change in Hachiro’s quite character. Even Akio feared it even though he knew the plan..

-Hachiro: Let us now see some enthusiasm.

Suddenly the spirit becomes lighted and reduced to be a lighted piece floating in the air, moving towards Hachiro’s body and enters it. Hachiro lights up and then the light disappears and they find another person in front of them. Some one standing with red hair and red eyes. And a costume that only covers the lower part of the body. Akio is terrified of this scene and he hesitates to attack..

-Akio thinking: ( I didn't know that Hachiro could hide such a frightening force.)

-Hachiro: It is the time for fun, I have been waiting for.

With his scary face and a smile filled with wickedness and evilness, Akio was terrified and decided to fight him with all his might, even if it was just an act..

Suddenly Hajime yells..

-Hajime: Akio, it is no longer a simulated fight. Now it's serious, don't let your guards down or you will suffer serious damages.

Akihiro hears this and gets shocked of it, his friend is in danger now?!!

-Akihiro: What do you mean by saying that it's serious?!!

He didn't get response and when he looked at Hajime, he found someone else beside him, someone who know no mercy and wants to see blood, his smile is like Hachiro’s, full of evilness, wants to be entertained by the sight of blood floating all around. Akihiro was frightened by the scene but he decided to shut up and watch, perhaps these thoughts are like the previous ones he used to think of when he saw someone new in front of him which are wrong sometimes..


Akio ignites his full body in fire as if he is wearing a fire armor around his body to protect himself from the heavy blows, and with a confused face, Akio gets ready for Hachiro..

-Hachiro: Oooh, you are covered with your flames, then why don't we destroy this promising fire.

Akio regains his strength and stands focusing on Hachiro, trying not to let Hachiro escape from his sight so that he can fight him to the fullest extent. But suddenly Hachiro attacks with incredible speed that Akio almost notice and prepared for..

-Hachiro: Taste my kick.

Hachiro kicks Akio on his face which makes him fly away hitting the wall and spit blood, and he just falls down to find Hachiro finishing him with a fire ball of his spear..

-Hachiro: Let us see how much is your endurance of the blows..

The fire ball hits Akio and blows up making him falls down and can't move at all. Two strikes made him unable to move a tip oh his limbs. And Akihiro doesn't left a finger.

Emmy is surprised with Akihiro’s reaction that he didn't scream fearing for his friend..

-Emmy thinking : ( What does Akihiro think of? Why doesn't he save his friend? It's supposed, as we know him, that he will scream and attack without thinking, so why doesn't he show any reaction other than these concern features?!!)

Hachiro walks towards Akio and his scary face hasn't changed..

-Hachiro: You're such a weak and scurvy, with only two strikes you falls down like a broken wing bird which can't fly!! It seems that you have to taste the pain so that you don't forget to not be weak again. This if you lived.

Then Hachiro lets out strong laughs. Akihiro hears all this but trying to hold himself. And it's only fear countenance on Akio's face. Just Hachiro's aura makes him terrified of only his existence. Akio was able to feel his aura from its force but what was reassured him that he is still on their plan that his aura didn't make him feel that he wanted to kill, it was only an intimidation aura. It has no other purpose than this so he was reassured that they are doing all this to bring out Akihiro’s hidden ability. Hachiro grabs Akio's head and throw him horizontally towards Akihiro and Akio falls on the ground in front of Akihiro. Akihiro looks at him and he can't hold himself so he runs to him and rests his head on his arm with fear features on his face..

-Akihiro: Akio. Let's stop this fighting. Don't exhaust yourself. Not because you are assured that you will be cured so you exhaust yourself like this.

With no features but tiredness, exhaustion and pain, Akio speaks to Akihiro hardly..

-Akio: Don't worry. I have to continue to be better and stronger. Those fights will make me evolve.

Suddenly, Hachiro appears beside them and he grabs Akihiro and throws him out to Hajime who catches him..

-Hachiro: Don't let him interfere in our fight.

Hajime nods approvingly and then Hachiro holds Akio's leg and drags him as he walks away and then he suddenly throws him into the air and jumps to begin with a series of blows .. Punches and kicks in all Akio's body who is without his fire armor and even without strength to defend himself. Akihiro sees this and gets furious and tries to escape from Hajime, screaming to stop the fight immediately, but Hajime knocks him down on the ground in his stomach and throws his hands behind his back and pinches on the ground..


And with Hajime evil glances..

-Hajime: Watch silently your friend crashes.

Akihiro gets shocked with this talk..

Akihiro thinking: ( No way! They weren't like that when I deal with them. Were they deceiving us?! Did I really have to give up my precautions and trust them?!)

Hachiro continues hitting Akio who doesn't do anything but suffering and receiving blows. Hachiro hits him so he falls to the ground then he falls with the top of the spear stick in Akio's stomach, which makes him spit blood. Hachiro stands in front of Akio who is lying powerless on the ground..

-Hachiro: Do you want more or you have had enough?

Akio turns his head and his eyes meets Akihiro’s so Akio smiles making Akihiro tremble, screaming and begging to leave him alone and don't continue, but with no response. And suddenly, he hears a husky voice within him..

-An anonymous voice: I am tired of waiting, it's time to get out to the light and steal the spotlight.

Akihiro closes his eyes, calms down and talks within himself, and Hajime is surprised by Akihiro’s reaction, and Emmy can't do anything so as not to ruin the plan, she just prays that it ends quickly..

Akihiro within himself: ( Who are you?)

-An unknown voice: Listen to me, I will now give you the power to save your friend but it won't last long cause I will raise it to the second level and your body won't bear it for along time, so do it fast.

Akihiro within himself: (Alright, I'm in.. I don't know who you are but if it's for saving him, I will accept this power. )

-An unknown voice: Enhance physical strength level 2.. Done.

Enhance speed level 2.. Done.

Enhance the control of the surrounding air pressure level 2.. Done.

Grant enhancement level 2.. Done.

Enhance muscles endurance and response level 2.. Done.

This is enough for now, if you need more I will boost you with it. Now go and save your friend..

Suddenly, Hachiro feels a lowness in the air pressure around him and it’s pulling towards Akihiro, then he jumps and moves Emmy away from Akihiro and there is a big air explosion and then Akihiro stands. The scenario of his fight with Atumizo is repeated, his firmly and confident stance. Suddenly, Akihiro disappears in front of everyone and appears next to Hachiro as he prepares to kick him in his stomach, and Hachiro couldn't stop it so it makes hum fly crushing the wall with him. With everyone astonishment..

Akihiro descends on his knees, holds Akio's hand and closes his eyes, suddenly, they both glow with a dim light. And Akio feels an energy passing inside him and it didn't stop. The light disappears and Akio stands feeling nothing although his injuries still exist, and he is stunned, and Akihiro smiles..

-Akihiro: Enjoy your fire evolution to the second level for awhile, you always wanted to see your development.

Akio decides to ignites the fire and finds its color is changed, turning to a scarlet color. Akio is surprised and smiling happily at the same time..

-Akio: What is that!! This is the first evolution of my flames!! Do you know what is its specialty?

-Akihiro: I don't know anything about it but he tells you to try it as bullets and when you are ready to develop find it’s remaining powers.

Akio is surprised by Akihiro’s words..

-Akio: Who is he?

-Akihiro: There is no time to explain now, get ready to the fight and use what I told you.

Hachiro comes out of the wall but with a calm smile and his face seems to be returned to its nature..

-Hachiro: Well done, Akihiro. Your ability has finally emerged.

Everybody smiles..

Hajime screaming: Yes, your enhancing power isn't normal, it has been devoured by a rare enhancement ability called “ Tenku No Rio" ( The Celestial Dragon). Welcome with your new ability, Akihiro.

Akihiro looks at the ground a d smiles..

-Akihiro: As long as it is an act, there is no problem in completing this fight seriously. Wrap the flames around one of your eyes and it will make you see like snipers, then equip a finger of yours and aim it towards Hachiro, gather a very large amount of fire and compress as possible as you can do now and shoot that bullet.

Akio listens to him with serious looks and with concentration, he is doing what he asked him to do, and he is surprised every time at every step because he tries those capabilities in his fire for the first time. And Hajime smiles..

Hajime: Hachiro, I think you should move away from the path of the bullet, I don't feel good about it..

Hachiro listens to Hajime's talk and tells him that he will move away with his speed in moments before shooting it then it won't hit him..

-Akio: Alright, Akihiro. I am ready to shoot.

-Akihiro: Okay, shoot now.

Akio shoot the bullet and thrust back a few centimeters, and the bullet goes in incredible speed which everyone is amazed with, and Hachiro tries to avoid it with his speed and it hits the wall causing a large explosion makes Hachiro fly, and powerful winds on all of them from the force of the explosion..

Akihiro laughs loudly and everyone is shocked by this power..

-Akihiro: And this is one type of bullets types. If you have more power, you could make it hit without exploding, and you can do a lot more. This is just one development, let alone the next developments. The abilities are really something to be reckoned with.

Hajime smiles and points to Akihiro..

-Hajime: Then, try not to let him pass you and compete with him in who will develop more first.

-Emmy thinking: ( Two people who had identified by chance and have such power?! The Destiny had definitely stood with us this time.)

- The Celestial Dragon: Time is up. Take a good rest cause your body is exhausted by using power above its capability as well as your friend.

And suddenly the reinforcement disappears and the two fall to the ground..

Emmy goes to them and medicate them..

-Emmy with a satisfaction smile: Good work..

Akio smiles at her but Akihiro, as usual, doesn't give her any countenances, but as she started to understand him, she didn't care with that..

The two fall asleep, Hajime and Hachiro carry and take them to the hospital room to rest there and leave them..

Both Hajime and Hachiro go to Hajime's office and sit there. Suddenly, a knock on the door and Emmy asked to let her in and they allow her. And with Serious glances ,she looks at Hajime..

-Emmy: Tell me Hajime, why did you make me meet those boys, even though there are others who are new too?!

Hajime rolls his chair and stared out of the window..

-Hajime: It is because I want you to be a team and I will get others with you, and because you are new and you have no relatives or friends here so I decided that they will be the first people to know you.

-Emmy: Alright, I respect your thinking, and Akio is easy to get along with because he is a socialist and leaves the door open but Akihiro isn't. Even when I took him to you, I was ready for him to refuse my request to walk with him, but he agreed not because he accepted me but because I treated his friend, so he only did it out of respect for me. I really don't know what that boy's past is but it seems that it isn't easy.

-Hajime: Don't worry, one day you will be something precious to him and we will know everything about his past , so let's leave it to time.

To be continued...

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