《Eczius》Ch.1: Strange Monster


Ch.1: Strange Monster

A new day for Akihiro as he wakes up on the sound of birds chirping, and gets out of bed to get ready for a new day at his school.

- Akihiro: All right, I'm ready.

He goes out and walks to his school as it's not far from his home. He meets his friend ,Akio, on his way …

- Akio calling : Hoi! Akihiro.

Akihiro looks at him without saying anything

- Akio: How are you?

- Akihiro: like yesterday

- Akio wondering : Can't you speak without riddles and say a direct answer

- Akihiro as he looks to him : Hmmm ... No.

- Akio laughs: What a weirdo !!

Classes started as usual and lunchtime came.

- Akihiro to Akio: I'm going to buy food.

- Akio happy: I’m coming with you.

They went to the dining room and find a large gathering in front of the restaurant. Akio tried to order the food and Akihiro went to reserve seats.

- Akio tired: It worked. I think that's how I need a tribute to this job.

- Akihiro: hmmm... Ok, good job

- Akio dissatisfied : Haaa?! Is that the best you can do?

- Akio completes depressed: Well, I don't expect much from you in these things.

Akio and Akihiro sat down to eat their food. Akio looked to Akihiro but he dropped his eyes quickly as Akihiro noticed him.

- Akihiro: Is there something you want to talk about?!

- Akio hesitant: hmmm... Haven't you woken your own ability yet?

- Akihiro: No.. Don't worry, I'm not in a hurry. Otherwise, I don't care about joining that organization and defending the Earth. They won't stop on me to protect the earth..

- Akio sadly : But it is our duty to protect the Earth, it is the only place we can live. As long as you have the ability to protect people, why did you choose to sit and watch?!


- Akihiro: Well, that says to those who have the power, I don't. When I get my ability , you can tell me this speech..

- Akio broken: That's right. I'm sorry.

- Akihiro: Never mind, I don't care. You're my friend at the end.

- Akio is excited: Yes... The day when we will stand together as we protect this earth will come definitely.

Both of them finished their food and the bell rang to complete the lessons so they went back to class to finish their remaining lessons.

The lessons are over and it's time to go home.

Akio: Akihiro, come with me to the park for a little walk .

- Akihiro: Well, no problem

Came out of their school and walking up to the park

- Akihiro: Regarding our talk about the Earth and the protection of people. I have a special belief in this subject.

- Akio curiously: What is it?!

- Akihiro: Human beings, most of them are the curse of this planet. They pollute it. They destroy its beauty. They're spreading the blood on the ground. They blow up and destroy.

- Akio: Well, you said it yourself, most of them, not all of them. Yes humans are not better than humans in the past but why generalize the result and punish everyone... The sinner is held accountable and the good is thanked and honored for his right deeds. You can say "good and bad", but this is a big human mistake . Many people are wronged and when they ask why they are being held accountable for the mistakes of others, they say to them the bad prevail. In order to live with a pure and clean heart, you must not wait for anyone to thank you for your actions. Don't hold a grudge against anyone or hate someone for not treating you as you treat him or deny a favor of you ... You have the right to hate him, but you will never rest like this. Rest your mind and do not care about these negative emotions…


Akihiro looks a little bit to him and then smiles…

- Akihiro smiley: Idiot

- Akio surprising: Ha?! Why?!

- Akihiro smiling: You can't express yourself well.

They got to the park and walk in it, but suddenly they hear a strange voice inside the forest next to the park. Someone screaming and asking for help. The boys went to the source of the sound but they were surprised at what they saw.

A huge macho beast... His face seems to be alien and he doesn't seem peaceful at all .

- Akio: I have to help him. Stay here, Akihiro.

- Akihiro: How can I leave you like this?

- Akio Smiley: Don't worry... And you don't have powers, you weak idiot.

He stick his tongue out to soften the air because he didn't know how strong that beast whom stand in front of him and looked at the beast with his defiant looks ..

Strong fight will happen. Will Akio be a good match to this beast?! And who is this beast?!

To be continued…

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