In Serial

The Goddess’ Chosen

8 137 24
Author: Type:Male

Destiny is a strange force indeed.

One simple act can create a ripple, one simple change can cause a cataclysm.

One act outside of the individual would be enough to alter one's life no matter how insignificant that life may be.

This is the adventures of Allisa Reed, a young girl from our world who found the legendary sword Excalibur and taken to the magical world of Avalon. On the other side of the portal with her friends by her side, Allisa is forced into a conflict she is not prepared for, ordained as the Goddess Chosen to bring about one of two possible outcomes; Salvation or destruction.


Author's notes:

This is more or less the first draft of this story. Currently working on a second draft.

Spelling and grammar is definitely my biggest weakness, particularly in my earlier stuff. I've done some editing and hopefully have ironed out most of these mistakes in my older chapters though I'm fairly certain there are some mistakes still left.

This story is ongoing. Updates are slow as I publish when a chapter is ready.

Expect long chapters for most of it. Just sort of my style.

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