《The Goddess’ Chosen》Razor-wing Viper warframe


“Not a scratch,” Rika took a finger across a scrape along the side of the speeder. “Those fuzzy shits… I’ll skin them next time I swear,”

Allisa was amazed Rika could spot any damage given the vast array of scratches, dents and bumps the speeder had already accumulated.

“Good lesson for ya, never trust your crap to anyone from Argus,” Rika said fuming. “Spesually if there bunika mechanics who use to be rail pirates… and thrown out for breaking the boss barge.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Allisa said meekly. After gathering some supplies from Argus, Rika retrieved her speeder and flew them off to another floating island. Argus was still visible in the distance so they hadn’t flown too far.

“Welp, something to rip Walla with when we’re back,” Rika huffed, taking out a device from her speeder.

“So all we need to do is take out this warframe then I’m a sky fairer,” Allisa summarized.

“Yep, easy right.” Rika winked.

“…. Sure,” Allisa nodded. Given her experience with warframes thus far, easy was wishful thinking at best.

“Anyhow,” Rika clicked a button on the box. A 3D holomap of the peaks appeared. Allisa could make out Argus with several red dots plotted around. “Those are the outposts and supply depots the sky fairers have around. According to Marco, our pray recently chewed through post 31 which is… here.” She pointed to one of the dots.

“Chewed?” Allisa was already dreading what she had agreed to. But she knew she had to become a sky fairer, or at the very least remain on Sykes’s good side for now.

“Good place as any to start,” Rika turned the map off. “The lookout post close to it should’ve seen something. We’ll check in with them to see which way the bastard went.” She mounted the speeder.

“Assuming they don’t threaten to shoot us on sight,” Allisa said as she got on behind her. She certainly wasn’t in the mood to have a gun pointed at her face again because of her new partner.

“That was just a sky fairers greeting,” Smirking, Rika pulled her goggles down and took flight.

With the artificial sun above them, the floating islands shimmered with reflections from the metal and water from the sun. Various flying animals could be seen flying between each island.

Allisa couldn’t help but stare, fascinated by this strange new world. It was then she noticed something in the distance, a great shadow flying between the islands. She first dismissed it, but as they continued Allisa spotted it again in front.

“Hey Rika,” she tapped Rika on the back. “I think something’s…”


The shadow had passed again. “… Never mind.”

Rika looked in the direction Allisa was looking. “Yeah, sometimes the sun can cast big shadows from what’s above us,” Rika pointed upwards. “Can play tricks on ya if you’re new here.”

Allisa nodded.

“Still, keep your wits about you. With the peaks, you never know what’s hiding behind the next rock.”

Allisa looked back among the floating islands, trying to see if there were any signs of the shadow. With no sightings, she was starting to relax, acknowledging it may have been in her head. That was until they passed through an open crevice that Allisa felt a chill run down her spine.

“Rika!” Allisa grabbed ahold of the handlers and pushed them down.

“Whoa! What are-”

“That’s not DOWN!!!” Allisa quickly pulled the handlebars as a giant snakehead burst through a hole, snapping at the duo. Rika quickly regained control, speeding quickly out of the chasm they were in before stopping. The creature that had attacked them burst through the rock itself, large arcs of electricity expelling from its body. “Please don’t tell….”


The creature was a large flying mechanical snake with six sets of wings. Its spine had electrical pylons that channeled electricity from one arc to the next. Several of its plates burst with sparks as pieces of debris were burnt and charred. Most of its body was coated in turquoise metal armor, with a large hole and a few marks of battle damage lining its right side. Its wings, all tipped with razor-sharp blades, had pylons of their own, letting out bursts of electricity that scorched the rock and foliage from the wide arcs loosed from them.

“Yep. That’s the Viper.” Rika said. She turned the speeder and zoomed away as the viper pursued, skirting between the floating islands.

“And he’s expecting us to take out that thing?!” Allisa yelled, summoning Excalibur.

“Yeah, lucky us!” Rika drew out one of her guns. She pulled on the handlebars to avoid a large burst of electricity which devastated several floating rocks. She fired back at the warframe, only for her shots to harmlessly pepper the electrified armor. “Shit,” Gritting her teeth, Rika holstered her gun and increased her speed. “Don’t suppose that sword of yours can fire out projectiles or something?”

“Uh… I can but I need to charge-” Allisa began as a sudden arc nearly caught them, blowing a hole in the side of an island. “Can you get us closer?”

“Not too close,” Rika flew upwards before diving towards the viper, pulling alongside the warframe. Allisa meanwhile changed her sword into azure flame, coalescing flames across her black blade.

“Vermilion strike!”

Her flame attack struck the warframe. Electricity surged across its body as her ability struck, leaving behind no damage. “T-There’s some kinda shield?!”

“I noticed!” Rika dived away from the viper before more arcs were unleashed, blowing apart several rocks around it. “Shit… Sykes coulda warned us we’re dealing with an evolved!” She yelled as she skirted through the damage.


“Basically… more gimmicks and way more dangerous than normal!”

The viper appeared behind them, opening its massive jaw, its two fangs cackling with power. Rika divided again as the viper lunged forward, passing overhead as its wings sliced through more islands around it.

“What do we do?!”

“Uh… first, try not to get killed.” Another arc of electricity struck close by.

“... Good plan.” Allisa looked forward to seeing rocks falling towards them. She coalesced more flames across her blade and swung upwards, sending an arc of flames upwards to destroy the incoming debris.

“Nice!” Rika nodded as she picked up more speed. The viper continued to follow them, keeping pace while losing more energy towards the pair. One strike hit the rear of the speeder. Allisa jumped in her seat as she clung to Rika. Behind her, a small fire had started with smoke bellowing from below.


“I know!” Rika increased speed. “Come on, nearly there…” She passed through another hole, the viper hot on their tail opening its maw wide.

There was a loud boom as projectiles struck the right side of the viper. With a mechanical roar, the viper moved away.

“Ha! It worked!” Rika cheered. Allisa looked to her right and saw four large cannons mounted on the side of an island, all firing on the viper. The warframe coiled itself and descended on one of the guns, the shots peppering off its shield, allowing it to close the distance and take a large bite out of one of the guns. It then flew off, disappearing into the island forest with the gun still in its mouth.


“Whew… close one, huh?” Rika said.

“Yeah… too close…” Allisa sighed as Rika brought the speeder down on a landing pad close to the guns. There Rika inspected the damage done to the speeder by the viper. Smoke was still rising from the place where it had been hit by the electricity.

“Not too bad all things considered,” Rika said. Allisa wasn’t a mechanic to say otherwise. “Okay, let’s find who… oh no…” Rika suddenly facepalmed. Allisa looked to her left to see a woman approaching them. Green hair tied into a ponytail while wearing a tank top with a jacket tied to her waist, and on her back strapped what looked like a spear. “Hey Shiki. Been a while!”

“First that shit with the Kolbelk, now you bright the void damned viper directly to us!” The woman Shiki drew her spear and thrusted it towards Rika. “It’s one thing after the other with you! Why Sykes puts up with you is beyond me!”

“It’s cause of my charm, obviously,” Rikia jokes, slowly raising her hand tapping the tip of the spear. “You mind. You might give my friend the wrong idea about us,”

“Too late,” Allisa narrowed her eyes.

“... And who are you supposed to be?” Shiki said, withdrawing her spear. “Never seen your face before round these parts.”

“I-I’m new,” Allisa said nervously. “Allisa. I’m a… new sky fairer?”

“You?” Shiki laughed. “Wow, never thought I’d see the day you were playing babysitter.” She said to Rika.

“Say what you want, but Allisa here’s got potential. Even Sykes sees it,” Rika tapped Allisa on the shoulder. “Or he will when we take out the viper.”

“... You’re serious.” Shiki snorted. “Well, be my guest. Though don’t expect me to return either of you to Sora afterwards.” She said before walking off.

“... Is there anyone here who you haven’t pissed off?” Allisa asked Rika.

“Eh…” Rika shrugged before turning back to her speeder. “Better put this back together before we go out. And we’ll need to think of a plan to get through that shield.” She said before standing back up. “This might take a while. There’s a camp just down that way. Why don’t you go after Shiki and ask her ‘bout what we’re dealing with.”

“Huh? Why me?” Allisa protested.

“Cause she doesn’t hate you yet.” Rika winked at her. “And if not her, there’s bound to be someone in the camp who’d know something.”

“.... Lemme guess; they all hate you?” Allisa narrowed her eyes.

“Not… everyone… Maybe.” Rika mused before opening a panel on her speeder. A large plume of smoke escaped from the container. “But they’d want that viper out of the way so there’s someone there who’d be willing to speak to ya.”

“Alright, I won’t be long.” Allisa sighed before walking off in the direction Shiki walked off from.


Allisa found the camp easily enough, tucked away inside a cliff face with one of the giant guns located above them. A simple fence was drawn around it with two towers on eather side. She could already feel guns pointed at her as she approached, and thanked whatever deity she would think was real for not shooting her on sight.

“So, this that fresh meat?”

“Yep, that’s her,”

Allisa found Shiki easily enough, surrounded by four other sky fiarers. Three hunes and a borgo, all of whom were intimidating enough for Allisa to curse Rika for putting her in this situation.

“Uh, h-hi,” She said nervously.

“Lemme guess, Rika sent ya ‘cause she knows we’ll take potshots at her for breaking the gun,” Shiki asked rhetorically.

“Uhhhh…. Sorta,” Allisa laughed nervously.

“She doesn’t look like much,” The borgo said. He stood out due to his red mohawk that clashed with his brown fur with a giant hammer on the back.

“Neither does Shiki,” A hune woman said. She wore a bandana and had no visible weapon on her. “So, you’re the one they sent to take out the viper?”

“Sound’s like something Sykes would put a newbie up to,” Shiki approached Allisa folding her arms. “You sure you wanna be a sky fairer? This ain’t exactly a cozy city bodyguard job. We’re dealing with all kindsa threats, evolved warframes just being the tip of that.”

“.... I have my reasons,” Allisa said.

“.... Alright, I won’t pry. But like I told ya and that bitch, I’m not sticking my neck out to return you to Sora,” Shiki said, turning her back on her.

“Can you tell me what you can about the viper?” Allisa said. “Like, that shield, how do we get through that?”

“Guess that’s up to you to figure out,” Shiki dismissed. She then stopped and looked back at Allisa. “Buuuutttt…. One of our scouts- Kaela- had a run-in with it, damn near lost her life too. She said she went through a waterfall. When the warframe chased, the water shorted out the shield. She was able to hit it with a rocket launcher and make it back before the guns turned the thing away.”

That explains those damages… Allisa recalled.

“Still, don’t expect it to work twice. Warframes aren’t dumb. They’ll figure out what you’re up to.”

Allisa looked at her right hand, clenching her fist. “I… think I have an idea now. Thanks.” She turned and walked out of the camp.

“Hey; Lissa, was it?” Shiki stopped her. “Be careful who you make friends with around these parts. If you expect to grow in rank, Rika certainly wouldn’t help ya with that.”

Allisa was about to walk off before looking back. “What do you have against Rika?”

Shiki raised an eyebrow. “Apart from being a smart assed bitch?” She chuckled. “You know where she came from, right?”

“... Frontier?”

“Yep. And a founder who killed her own father after running for her life.”

Allisa’s fist clenched.

“Let’s just say; the bounty Altosk has on her hasn’t gone away, and folks certainly don’t want them to come knocking, if you know what I mean.”

“.... Fair enough,” Allisa said, fighting back the urge to snap back. She wanted to call out what was said about Rika after hearing her story the other night but knew it wouldn’t be a good idea for Rika’s own sake. And Ion’s. “Thanks for the info,” She said before taking her leave.

“Saying it for your own good kid,” Shiki called after her as her retinue returned to their duties in the camp. “That is if you can take out the warframe.”


Allisa met back up with Rika as she was continuing to work on the speeder. “Welp, good news the damage ain’t as bad as I thought.” She said, rubbing her hands. “Bad news… gonna have to go easy on her so we’ll be flying slowly when we’re face to face with the viper.”

“That’s…. Not good,”

“Aw, could be worse. We could’ve been stranded here with the sky fairers.” Rika leaned against her speeder. “So, how’d it go?”

“Uh… better than I thought it would go,” Allisa said awkwardly. “They said the warframe’s shield got shorted out when it passed under a waterfall so… guess if we hit it with water, we might be able to destroy it.”

“Huh, good call.” Rika mused. “... But I doubt that would work a second time. Warframes aren’t dumb. They’ll know if they’re being led into danger intentionally.”

“Oh, right.” Allisa rubbed the back of her neck. Then it struck her. “.... I think I might be able to get through that shield.”

“Oh? Nother surprise with your sword?”

“Something like that.” Allisa raised her right hand. “... The problem is it’s not very strong compared to Azure flame or even the normal mode. It might short out the shield but I don’t think it’ll do enough damage to it.”

“.... But if we can down the shield, you might be able to take it down with your sword?” Rika grinned. “In that case, leave that part to me. You just focus on taking down the shield.”

“You have something in mind.”

“Yep,” Rika mounted her speeder. “Just need to have another look at the bastard.” Allisa got on as Rika started up the engine. Worryingly smoke still rose from the rear of the speeder. “Okay, ready to go warframe hunting?”

“As I’ll ever be,” Allisa said as the speeder gained altitude, worrying looking behind at the smoke.

“.... Guessing my name came up,”


“Ion had that same look back in the day,” Rika gave a dry chuckle. “Don’t worry. I’m used to it. And everyone knows where I’m from so they give me a wide berth.”

“... And that doesn’t bother you?”

“With these guys; no. Side’s, I don’t trust any of them myself.”

“Fair enough…” Allisa said, gripping her seat. “... I just… don’t like it when people talk that way about my friends.”

Rika smiled. “You’d go into the void for your friends, huh? You really are a strange one, you know that.”

“So I’ve been told,” Allisa chuckled.


Allisa began having doubts about her plan as the duo continued their search for the warframe. From where they encountered the machine, they followed a trail of devastation from that point, looking out for burn marks and signs of a recent fire.

Even so, it became clear that finding even a giant flying snake among the hundreds of floating islands and rocks was like finding a needle in a haystack.

“Maybe we need some kinda bait,” Allisa said after a full hour of flying around randomly with no luck.

“If we had some barrels of eather on us,” Rika said before trailing off. “.... Got it!”

“G-Got what?” Allisa asked nervously as Rika flew to a nearby island and brought the speeder to a stop. There she brought out a device which Allisa assumed was some sort of a phone or communicator. Her assumption was proven seconds later.

“Yo Shiki.”

“Still alive are ya?”

“Hate to disappoint you yet but we’re still working on finding the Viper.”

“Welp, the peaks are a big place. Best of luck to ya cause you won’t get any help from us.”

“Aw, you’re too kind. By the way… Storeroom 45 is the one we keep eather inside, right?”

“You should know since you smuggle that shit in. Why?”

“No reason,” Rika cut the communication off before taking flight. “Okay… time to lure us in a warframe.”

“... Shiki’s gonna be really mad at us, isn’t she?” Allisa asked, unable to shake off the feeling Rika was about to do something very stupid.

“Uh… maybe a little.”


Rika made a quick stop at a nearby island where a large set of metal doors was located nestled in the rock. She asked Allisa to wait by the speeder as she walked into the giant doors. She was out with a floating gurney with three silver and blue drums.

“Wh-What is that…?” Allisa asked, afraid to know what the answer would be.

“Our way,” Rika brought the gurney to the speeder, “of bringing out that bastard,” and connected it to a winch located on the back. She took out a knife and stabbed on the top. A blue mist seeped from the top. “Ready?” she asked Allisa chipper.

“Y-Yeah…” Allisa did not share the same enthusiasm.

They took flight with the gurney attached, the blue mist leaving behind a trail. Allisa held Excalibur at the ready, already switched to Aqua heart ready for the viper.

After thirty minutes, it seemed that even this would not work. Allisa was about to admit defeat when something buzzed from Rika’s pocket. Rika steadied her speeder and opened her communicator.

“RIKAAAAA!!!” Shiki’s voice blared through the speaker.

“Heya Shiki. Something wrong?”

“Don’t give me that you bitch!! I just went to Store room 45!! You swiped some eather to use as bait, didn’t ya!!”

Before Rika could even respond, there was a roar erupting behind them along with a crackling of electricity. Allisa looked back, clenching her sword. Behind them, a small island burst as the viper burst through it.

“RIKA!” Allisa called out.

“I’ll call you back,” Rika said to Shiki. “Maybe.”

“OI! WE’RE NOT DONE HERE! WHEN SYKES LEAR-” Shiki’s voice was cut as Rika put her communicator away.

“Alright ‘llisa,” Rika pressed a button on her speeder handles, uncoupling the gurney which fell like a rock behind them. “Let’s take that bastard down!”

She opened the throttle on her speeder, zooming away from the viper as it followed suit. Allisa could already see the electricity shield surging across its body. All around it, electric sparks scorched the islands, destroying several smaller rocks while cutting large chunks off the larger islands.

“I hope this works,” Allisa raised Aqua heart as Rika slowed herself to match the pace of the viper, swerving to avoid its maw. “Get in closer!”

Rika moved the speeder closer. Seeing a surge of electricity, she pulled back to avoid being fried by the burst. “Shit… don’t suppose that one can shoot out your attacks like the other one?”

Allisa looked at her sword. “.... Well, one way to find out,” Rika steadied the speeder as Allisa held Aqua heart across her chest.

“Here goes,” Her blade began to flow like water. Using the whip may not cause enough damage to break through the shield. She had to make sure the cutting edge was still in form. She swiped out her sword. A crescent of water shot from her weapon, smashing against the shield. The sparks cackled as the water shorted out the shield, if for a moment.

“It worked!” Allisa cheered as Rika put some distance between them and the warframe’s body as more electricity burst from the body. Steadying again, Allisa took the opportunity to send out more projected slashes at the warframe. She could tell it lacked the power of vermilion strike, but it had the desired effect. After a few more slashes, the shield burst, sending sparks flying in all directions. Rika had to pull up to avoid the bursts of energy. The warframe was still in the air, but the arcs of electricity that coated its body were gone.


“Don’t celebrate yet,” Rika curved Allisa’s enthusiasm, drawing one of her pistols. Allisa looked again and saw the pylons on its spine were arching energy between them. She could guess that it was trying to restore the shield.

“O-Okay, you said you had a plan?”

“Yep,” Rika closed in on the warframe, getting close to its body behind one of the pylons. She took aim with her pistol, holding down the trigger. Blue energy pooled at the barrel before she let go of the trigger. A blue brust fired onto the base of the pylon, burning a large hole into the side.

“One more…” Rika let loose another shot before pulling back. The warframe howled as the pylon snapped off, swerving its body sporadically before stabilizing itself, the shield forming again.

“It’s back up!” Allisa pointed out as the warframe curved through the islands with Rika in pursuit. “Don’t tell me we must take out all those things?”

“Shouldn’t have to!” Rika nodded her head at the two pylons that stood on opposite sides to the destroyed ones. Arcs of electricity surged between the two, like with the others. However, Allisa noticed that it wasn’t consistent like the others, as though the gap was straining the charge. “Just gotta widen the gap! Then the shield’ll go!”

“I still think this is crazy…”

Rika leveled herself close to the warframe again. Allisa launched more attacks, getting close to destroying the shield again when Rika suddenly pivoted, avoiding more arcs of electricity fired from the warframe along with the falling debris.

“Shit!” Rika suddenly pivoted away from the warframe, taking cover in a nearby opening below an island that was just big enough for the speeder. Allisa had to lower herself, holding Rika for dear life. “Okay, I think we made it mad.”

“No kidding!”

Rika cleared the opening as the warframe smashed through the opening, blowing through the rock with the pylons on its back. It roared again, opening its mouth wide. The electricity that coated its body cackled as a blue light began to glow from its mouth.


“Are you serious?!” Rika increased speed, flying upwards. Moments after, a large blue beam fired from the warframes mouth, destroying everything in its path.


“Probably because it couldn’t! It’s still evolving!”


“Meaning we gotta take it out now!” Rika turned the speeder around and bolted straight toward the warframe.


“Just hit it! I don’t care where!”

As they passed, Rika curved to the warframe’s left side, narrowly avoiding the bolts of electricity that fired toward them. Once leveled, Allisa slashed at the warframe twice, sending projectiles of water cuts at the shield before it burst. Rika swerved the speeder around and aimed, firing at the second pylon. With a large burst, the pylon fell like a tree. The arcs of energy from the remaining pylons ceased as the shield failed to restore, leaving the warframe vulnerable.

“Okay! Do your thing!”

“Right!” Allisa morphed her sword to azure flame as Rika sped towards the warframe as it turned to face them, preparing another beam to fire toward them. Flames bellowed from Allisa’s black sword as they approached, avoiding its snapping jaw as Rika turned sharply.

“Vermilion strike!” Allisa’s attack struck the warframe in a torrent of destructive flames. The creature howled as it fell, one of its forward wings being destroyed by the attack, crashing through smaller rocks and islands. “Th-That did it?”

Allisa’s comment was proven false as the warframe snapped its jaw wide, the beam fully charged.

“Shit!” Rika quickly swerved, narrowly avoiding the attack. The backlash threw the speeder off, causing it to spin uncontrollably. “HOLD ON!!” Rika bellowed as she struggled to regain control.

“BELIEVE ME I WANT TO!!” Allisa yelled as she slowly lost her grip. As the speeder turned, Allisa was wrenched from Rika and thrown off.

“ALLISAAA!!” Rika called out as she tried to stabilize herself.

Allisa free-fell down, turning in air to see the warframe shooting up towards her, smoke billowing from the wound on its left side. Its jaw was wide open, threatening to swallow Allisa whole. At the last moment, Allisa teleported, appearing at the head of the warframe falling down the warframes spine, using her sword to stop herself from falling. Her super-heated blade seared through the warframes armor as she fell, stopping at the midsection as the warframe stabilized itself.

“Whew… that was close…” Allisa sighed as she stood up, freeing her sword.

“Allisa! You alright!” Rika called flying towards her.

“I’m fine!” Allisa waved as the pylon she was close to sparked. An electric arc shot towards Rika, who narrowly dodged it. Allisa steadied herself as the warframe shook, looking forward to the creature's head. Then she had an idea. “Don’t try to land!” Allisa waved at Rika. “Go to the head! I have an idea!”

“Oh I see!” Rika weaved the speeder to avoid another arc fired at her. “Alright! But be careful! I will try to throw you off!” She said before moving away.

Steeling her nerves, Allisa carefully made her way up the warframes back, moving carefully as to not be thrown off by the living machines’ constant movements. She had only made it ten paces when the warframe began to coil, turning sharply, spinning its body. Allisa plunged her sword into its back, holding on for dear life. When it stabilized, Allisa attempted to make her way up when another violent shake forced her to hunker down. This time, the warframe plummeted down, moving to a nearby rock formation, sparking electricity as it approached.

“Not good…” Allisa planted her feet on the back, fighting against the rush of the wind to move forward to the nearest pylon. She was two away from the gap created, with four more between it and her target. The warframe was doing everything it could to throw her off, smashing through rocks, allowing the fragments to shower down. Using the pylon and her new shield as cover, Allisa withstood the rock hail. Once the warframe had stabilized, Allisa uprooted her sword, picking up the pace to reach the head.

Coming to the gap, Allisa was forced to hunker down again as the warframe continued more erratic movements, swapping and swerving through the islands. At one point, Allisa nearly lost her grip, recovering quickly to begin moving towards her target.

“Just… a bit… more…” When she passed the first broken pylon, the warfame spun around. “No no no!” Allisa plunged her sword into the armor, trying to steady herself. Only after the spinning stopped, Allisa realize they were approaching another rock face. “Oh come on!” Allisa let go of her sword to rush forwards, hoping to clear the gap and make it to the next pylon before the warframe reached the next obstacle.

“Come on!”

The warframe’s head smashed into the rock. Allisa reached the pylon before the impact, summoning her sword and plunging it into the pylon, summoning her shield as the warframe buried into the island.

“ALLISA!” Rika stopped the speeder after seeing the warframe vanish into the large island. She hovered over it, keeping her distance as she tried to spot Allisa.

At the center of the island, she caught sight of the warframe bursting from the ground, the pylons shooting electricity from the pylons. On its back, Allisa still clung on for dear life. It was only when the warframe leveled itself that she lowered her shield. “That was close…” She said to herself. Despite her shield, a few fragments of rocks managed to pepper her body, with several bruises on her left arm and a graze on her forehead. “Just a bit more…” Allisa released Excalibur and ran as fast as she dared to the next pylon.

Despite the warframes' continued efforts to dislodge Allisa from its back, she managed to clear the remaining four pylons, now a stone's throw from the head. “Alright…” Allisa readied azure flame and rushed to its head. Flames bellowed from the blade as she reached what she assumed was the center. “TAKE THIS!!!”

She plunged her sword into the head, letting loose flames. The warframe let out an ear-piercing shriek as internal explosions ruptured its head. “Okay… WHA-!!” The warframe suddenly jerked its head, trying to throw Allisa off. She clutched her sword with both hands, even after her legs took flight. “No no… NAAA!” Allisa lost her grip, throwing off the warframe’s head.

The machine itself coiled and lunged towards Allisa, its beam charging. Allisa teleported again, appearing at the left fang. Charging her blade with flame, Allisa slashed at the tooth, cutting clean through the metal. Switching to Aqua heart, Allisa grabbed the tooth and swung around, clearing the beam's path as it fired.

“This is NUUTTTSSSS!!” Allisa swung back around, shooting past the tooth. The momentum snapped the tooth off. Allisa struck the other one with her sword and teleported off as the warframe took flight. Rika shot past the warframe, speeding towards Allisa as fast as she could.

“Allisa!” She leveled herself and grabbed Allisa’s hand, pulling her on the speeder. In the distance, the warframe let out another howl. Smoke billowed from the head and the damage to its left side but it was still very much active.

“I think I made it angry…” Allisa said, holding onto Rika. “What now?”

“Leave that part to me,” Rika grinned before zooming towards the warframe, passing over it watching as it coiled upwards. “Gonna need you to take the ranes again!”


Without warning, Rika leaped over Allisa, swapping places with her. “Just keep her steady!” she said as she took out a grenade in both hands. The warframe charged its beam again. Rika dropped both grenades before taking the bars from Allisa, speeding away from the warframe. Both grenades fell into its mouth, then exploded.

The speeder was thrown aback by the large explosion that destroyed the entire head of the viper. When it stopped, both girls witnessed the snake body plummeting to the nearby island.

“... Is it over?” Allisa prayed.

“We did it.” Rika patted Allisa on the back. “Nice going. Thought it was gonna kill you a few times.”

“Yeah… That’s cause it nearly did…”

“Well, let’s get our core and get you into the sky fairers.”

Air of Freedom

The core itself was bigger than Allisa had thought, bigger than a basketball and very heavy. It made flying back with it awkward. When they reached Argus, Rika took Allisa straight to the bar where Sykes was.

“We’re back!!”

Allisa had barely set one foot into the bar when she saw guns pointed at her again.

“YOU BITCH!!” Shiki stormed to the duo, passing by the gunners that were aimed at Rika. “Do you have any idea how much trouble it was to get that eather?!”

“You said we could use it.” Rika shrugged.


“I swear it’s one thing after another with you,” The bunika, Lynnie, was next to shout. “We should just shoot you now and save us the trouble later!”

“Wow, after all that effort to clean up your problem, this is the thanks I get,” Rika jokes.

“Oh, believe me we’re just getting started!” Shiki was about to draw her spear when a click echoed.

“Now now. We’re not here to admonish darling Rika,” Sykes said, turning on his stool. “As long as they produced results, yes,”

Rika gestured to Allisa. In turn, Allisa hauled the core past those who held her at gunpoint, slamming the core on the bar before slumping on a nearby stool. “There…” She said through bated breaths. “You have… no idea… how much trouble that thing was…”

“I have an idea…. Though to be honest, I wasn’t expecting anything so soon,” Sykes eyed Allisa before turning his attention to the core. “Horph?”

A large borgo approached the core, examining every nook and cranny. He then took out another device which gave out a few beebs. His eyes widened. “... It’s real. An evolved viper core. Shit, they did it.”

“Haha, so they did.” Sykes chuckled, taking a puff of his pipe. “I think this would exide the loss of those eather barrels. Wouldn’t you say?” He said to both Shiki and Lynnie. Both glared at Rika who gave them a smug grin before walking back to their seats. “So, she good?” Rika asked. Sykes took another puff, examining Allisa’s battered body from head to toe.

“I think so,” He got up and walked to Allisa. “Welcome to the sky fiarers, young Allisa.”

Cautiously, Allisa took his hand. “Uh, th-thanks?” She said, She wasn’t sure if she should feel good about it.

“I assume we’re getting a cut of this?” Rika said as she approached the bar “After all, viper cores are worth a few credits, no?”

“You? A cut? Ha,” Sykes chuckled. “I didn’t say you’re off the hook for that eather you used as bait.” He took something from Horph. “Her on the other hand,” he placed a small card on the table and passed it along to Allisa. “I reckon she did most of the heavy lifting and is certainly deserving of some compensation.”

Allisa took the card confused. It did resemble a credit card from her world so she assumed it had the world's money on it. “Uh, n-no I-”

“Please, I insist.” He took something else from Horph and passed it to Allisa. It was the same communicator that Rika had. “I assume you don’t have one?”

“Uh… N-No.” Allisa took the device. “Th-thanks Sykes.”

“I should be the one saying that. The Viper has caused more than enough damage to our smuggling lanes so being rid of it helps Argus out.” He turned to Allisa, raising his pipe. “So well done, young Allisa.”


“Wow, that went well,” Rika said triumphantly as she exerted the main tower to the skyline. “How’d you feel, sky fairer.”

“I still feel like my heart's about to jump out of my chest,” Allisa groaned.

“But you’re in Sykes good books for now. That’s all that matters.”

Allisa took out the card. “Uh, are you sure you don’t want this? I mean, I couldn’t have done it without you.”

“Na, I agree with Sykes on that. You earned every credit.” Rika winked. “What a day, huh? This would make a good story for ‘you know who.’”

“I think that’ll just worry her.”

“Well, you gotta explain that grime on ya,”

“Good point…”

“Anyway, you catch your breath. I’m gonna go see how those repairs on my speeder are coming along,” Rika said before taking her leave. “And if those little bastards put another scratch on it, I will skin em.”

Allisa leaned against the railing, taking in the view once more. She was still trying to catch her breath following the battle with the viper. Her thoughts drifted to her friends who were coming for her on the other side of the region, as well as Ion who waited for her at home.

Home… Her thoughts then drifted back to Little Wood. The last person to have seen her that day was Aston. She couldn’t help but wonder what he was thinking. She then remembered her family. Her uncle, auntie, and cousin had come for her birthday, only for her to disappear for six days.

Then there was Lucy. Allisa couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but something was eating away at her best friend. Allisa knew it had something to do with her constant disappearances.

Should I tell you? Allisa gazed blankly at her right hand.

“Careful darling. It’s a long way down.” Allisa heard Sykes voice behind her. The leader of the sky fairers appeared at her left looking out into the vista. “That is without the islands breaking your fall, along with several other things,” He continued taking a puff of his pipe. “And I wouldn’t want to lose someone of your potential like that,”

“S-Sorry. I’ll be more careful,” Allisa said nervously. Sykes was someone she didn’t want to be left alone with.

“No need to apologize. You’ve probably seen we’re not exactly the hights of Sora’s society.”

“I noticed…” Allisa gave a sideward glance at Sykes and several of Argus’s inhabitants. Noticing, Sykes laughed.

“I think I’ll like you, young Allisa,” He said before taking another puff. “By the way, I don’t see Rika with you,”

“Oh, she’s getting the speeder ready for us to leave,”

“No doubt chewing out the mechanics for another scratch on her speeder,”

“....W-well I should go-” Allisa began, hoping to worm her way out of speaking to the man for long. Sykes placed a hand on her shoulder. While it was gentle, Allisa could feel a small degree of force behind it, demanding she stay for a bit longer.

“You didn’t answer my question before,”


Sykes took his hand off, turning and leaning against the railing. “You’re not from a city, but I have a feeling you’re not from the settlements either. And…. I can’t place you in dobomas or almyshi either.” He said inquisitively. “Then there’s that eather gear you have. It’s not a third rank… which you don’t even know what it means, yes?”

Feeling on the spot, Allisa summoned as much of her courage as she could, trying to ignore Sykes eye. “.... I’d rather not say. Besides, this isn’t the place where you should give away your secrets, right?”

Sykes chuckled again. “You learn quickly. And yes, there is a degree of secrecy among us.” He took another puff. “But I’m very curious as to why Rika would take such a risk to save a stranger, much less take them under her wing.”

“.... That’s the kind of person Rika is,” Allisa said defensively.

“No need to get sore dear. I know Rika acts on her ideals and principles.” Sykes took another puff. “But I’ve known her longer then you. Idealist and principled; but she is a realist. She knows the kolbelk don’t forget or forgive those who interfere with there hunts. Even if it were one of her old comrades from Frontier, she would not risk charging in blindly to save them nomater who they were.”

“.... Well you don’t know everything about Rika,” Allisa began to storm off. This time Sykes didn’t stop her.

“.... Then again, I can think of one person in all of Sora she would. But that can’t be right. According to Altosk’s news, she’s at grand vault.”

Allisa suddenly froze in place, feeling her blood run cold. She looked back to see Sykes slowly walking up to her, a large grin on his face.

“Given how guarded she is… it brings even more questions to mind as to who you are,” He took another puff, taking Allisa’s reaction as proof he was trying to fish out.

“.... I-I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Allisa looked away, about to turn to leave-

“I think,” Sykes grabbed her by the cheeks, forcing her to look him in the eye. “You know exactly who I’m talking about, my dear.”

Allisa swiped Sykes hand away, taking a few steps back from the man. “.... What do you want?” She asked, taking her stance to fight him if necessary. Sykes smile dropped as he looked at the main hulk of Argus.

“Many here are refugees from the settlements displaced by Altosk, even before the current governor,” He said in a serious tone. “They despise Altosk, and have little love for the star singer who enables their actions,”

Allisa felt her fist clench as her blood boiled.

“Theoretically, if I believe Rika’s other guest is who I think it is, I could sell her back to Altosk for a fist full of credits. That ransom will go a long way for Argus,” His brow furrowed as he took another puff. “But with Golmoria… she will never honor such deals. If word gets out that she is here then we can expect the next-gen, or even the stars to wipe us out, ensuring Golmoria’s carefully crafted narrative remains flawless.”

Sykes slowly turned to Allisa. “And it is only because of that likely outcome that hold my tongue. I’ll make this clear, so long as my theory remains just that, a theory, I don’t see any reason to contact Altosk. But that’s just me. Someone else might take such a deal. But if that guest of Rika’s never sets foot in Argus, then we won’t have a problem. Right?”

“R-Right,” Allisa unclenched her fist. She was still tense, ready to spring into action if need be.

“But be warned,” Sykes waved his pipe in Allisa’s face. “I was the first to lay the foundations of this heaven for displaced souls. I even drove in the first anchor to the island it hangs from. Argus is my life. And if I had to choose between you, Rika, the other one and Argus…. Well, you get the idea.”

“.... Why are you telling me this?” Allisa asked. Sykes finally smiled, taking another puff.

“Because I find you interesting. And that is not easy to do, I assure you.”

“Yo, what’s going on here?” At that moment, Rika approached with her hands on her hips.

“A Rika. Just getting to know our latest recruit. Right my dear?”

“.... Wh-what he said,” Allisa said sheepishly.

“I hope that’s all you’re doing,” Rika glared at Sykes.

“You wound me. I am a hune of honor and dignity.” Sykes said before turning to Allisa. “So long, young Allisa. I expect great things from you.” He took another puff before leaving. “And Rika,” He suddenly stopped as he passed Rika. “Marco scouted out the hollow. There’s a lot of activity since you were gone.

“... I see,” Rika mulled.

“Remember, anything they do is on you. Both of you,” He said without turning to look at the two before walking off.

“Sheesh, that guy likes to sound cool,” Rika said. Allisa felt the tension finally leaving her body, now that her new boss was gone. “So… how much does he know?”

Allisa blinked. “Uh…?”

“Right,” Rika let out a sigh. “Not that I expected to pull one over on him.” She continued, sounding more relaxed than Allisa expected. “Don’t worry, Sykes is many things, but he doesn’t go around stabbing people in the back.”

“I’ll… take your word for it,” Allisa responded as the two began their walk back to the speeder.

“If anything, he always stabs you in the front.”

“Yeah, not very reassuring….”


Sykes watched the girls leave, taking another puff of his pipe. With him were Marco and Horph.

“You sure boss?” Horph asked.

“Aye. Rika won’t be dumb enough to bring her here. So long as that remains between us, we won’t have a problem.”

“... And what if Marie comes?” Marco asked. To which Sykes smile disappeared.

“Then they’d better pray to the Ekon,” He said taking another puff. “Keep a close eye on the Kolbelk.”


“Welcome back you two!” Ion was the first to greet Allisa and Rika upon their return.

“Wow, you look horrible spy,” Berken said.

“Shut it trashcan,” Allisa snapped. She was in no mood for any of the ASD’s remarks.

“Well, the important thing is that we made it back in mostly one piece,” Rika said to Ion while Allisa tackled with Berken who tried to fly into her head again. “And Allisa here is officially the newest sky fairer,”

“Oh wow, that’s wonderful news!” Ion said enthusiastically.

“It’s not as great as you think,” Allisa said, holding Berken back with one hand.

“Aw, don’t sell yourself short. Handled yourself well against that evolved viper.”


“L-Long story. Tell you later,” Allisa said after throwing Berken away, summoning her shield to bash him when he tried to ram her again. “Right now I need a shower…” Her stomach growled. “And food….” She finished with her cheeks going red.

“Haha! Let’s get you something to eat frist. Got a buys nay ahead of us starting tomorrow.” Rika said as she and Ion departed.

“Can’t wait…” Allisa said with little enthusiasm. “Hope you guys are having an easier time getting here,” She said to herself as she walked after the two before Berken rammed her in the back of the head.

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