《The Goddess’ Chosen》Triest Festival


"Oh wow. It's so pretty." Elizabeth said as she picked up a necklace made out of seashells.

"Sure is," Allisa said.

"Thank you." The old lady at the stand said. Her stand had various jewelry made from clams and shells. "My daughter made that one."

"Gosh. They're both amazing." Elizabeth then picked up a pair of earrings, which she inspected earlier. "Which do you think?" She asked Allisa, holding up the two. "I just can't decide."

"Ok...." Allisa inspected both of them. "I think the necklace suits you better."

"Ok." She then turned to the old lady. "I take this." She put down the earrings.

"That'll be 10 Rundes dear." Elizabeth reached to the pouch attached to the cloak she wore and took out the money. "Thank you, dearie." Elizabeth then tied it around her neck, being careful not to push back the hood.


"Ha, It really does suit you."

"Thank you," Elizabeth replied smiling. "So what are you buying?"

"Um..." Allisa inspected the jewelry. She then picked up the bracelet. "I think this." She said holding it up.

"Yes, that looks nice," Elizabeth replied.

"I'll take this," Allisa said to the old lady.

"That's 10 rundes as well." She said.

Allisa gave her the money, departing the store. Following Allisa's suggestion the other day, both Allisa and Elizabeth were exploring the Triest festival. Elizabeth was wearing a cloak, as Allisa had suggested, which successfully covered her identity.

The streets of the town were full of market stands, selling mostly fish, as well as other types of oceanic merchandise, like pretty clams, pearls, bone ornaments, and so forth. The fish for sale ranged from small fish, which looked familiar to Allisa, to giant monstrosities, which was completely alien to her. Sailor flags were hung up across the street, along with the town flag, a clam on a blue background, and the kingdoms flag, a white eagle on a blue background. As the two of them crossed through town, stopping by each and every stand, neither noticed that they were being followed.


Nel stuck her head around the corner of a street, seeing Allisa and Elizabeth visiting a stand selling ornaments. Melvin did the same. "I feel like a stalker." He said uncomfortably. "Why are we doing this?"

"We need to make sure that nothing happens to the princess," Nel replied, keeping her eyes on Allisa and the princess.

"What could happen? They're on a busy street in broad daylight."

"It helps to be cautious." She then pulled back. "You two pick up anything?" She addressed Max and Yuki, who was sleeping against a wall.

"I highly doubt it," Melvin said to her.

"Go wake them up." She ordered as she looked back on Allisa and Elizabeth.

"Why me?"

"I've got better eyes than you."

"That doesn't answer my question!"

"Just do it."

"Fine." Melvin then went over to the two. "Wake up you two! We've got a job, remember!" he yelled.

"Th-that's mine, bastard," Max mumbled in his sleep.

"No it's mine Pyro," Yuki mumbled, also asleep.

"They even argue in their sleep," Melvin said to himself. He then brought out his wand, stood back, and then launched a small ball of light, which floated slowly towards the two. It went in between the two, then burst with a loud pop, waking both up.

"What was that for?" Max said warily.


"We're supposed to keep an eye on those two, not sleep in a back alley," Melvin said as he put his wand away.

"They're just walking around looking at fish right," Yuki said as he started to fall back to sleep. "Why do we have to watch them?"

"Sir Garlahad and Sir Kuradeal asked us to watch them and that's what we'll do," Nel said as she accurately threw a thick rock over her shoulder which hit Yuki in the head.

"Why did it have to be so early in the morning." Max yawned.

"It's 10 o'clock! Most people are usually active then!" Melvin yelled.

"You mean like peaking at a girl while she's getting changed," Yuki said while rubbing his head where the rock hit him.

"That wasn't peeking!"

"Just keep your eyes open," Nel said to them.

"I still don't see why we have to sit by and watch while Allisa gets to have all the fun," Max complained as he got to his feet. "Can't we at least watch in the crowd?"

"You just want to gorge yourself on the food for sale."

"He actually has a point, for once," Yuki said. "If we spread out, we could catch sight of anyone suspicious tailing them. It's probably safer than just watching and waiting for something to happen."

Nel thought for a minute then sighed. "I'll stay with them," she said. "Remember to keep an eye out. Anything happens to her highness and is our responsibility."

"Don't worry. I keep my nose sharp." Max said as he walked past her.

"That's reassuring," Yuki said rhetorically as he walked past.

"You can at least count on me," Melvin said as he also walked past.

This left Nel all alone, giving her time to think why she bothered to get through three instead of going alone. Allisa and Elizabeth hadn't moved from sight yet, but it was clear that Nel would have to relocate at some point. It was clear to her that she wasn't just protecting Elizabeth, but Allisa as well.

She knew the reason why she had stuck with her for the last two mounts was that of the Arch Sages orders. But somewhere along the line, something about that had changed. Something about her had changed, but she couldn't understand what or how. As Allisa and Elizabeth started to drift off out of sight, Nel pushed the thoughts to the back of her head and relocated.

Assassin in the crowd

"Come one, come all! Freshly grilled fish topped with herbs and spices! You haven't lived until you've given in to its rich flavors!"

"I'll take one." A man in a black hood handed money over to the standing clerk taking one of the grilled fish, skewered on a stick. He also had a short sword, strapped to his back, and most notably, a strange device attached to his left wrist.

"Are you an Adventurer by any chance?" The Clerk said.

"Close." He said as he walked off taking a bite of the fish.

"I take one too," Yuki said to the clerk, handing him the money, not taking his eyes off the stranger. He had just passed him on the street.

He noticed something off about him. Seeing how he was carrying a sword during a festival meant he wasn't an ordinary tourist. What was striking was the device on his left wrist, which seemed to resemble a small crossbow.

Yuki tailed the man, keeping his distance so as not to get his attention. With his black hood, he was easy to spot. The man just kept walking, eating his grilled fish. Yuki kept his eyes on him while eating his fish. When the man finished, he threw his stick to the ground and started running.


Crap, did he see me?

Yuki dropped his fish and ran after him.

The man-made a quick left down an alleyway. Yuki followed. The alleyway led immediately to a dead end, with the man nowhere to be seen.


Yuki held his sword scabbard tightly, as he walked into the ally. There was no place for him to hide. There was only the wall, a few barrels and crates, none big enough to hide in, and nothing else.

"Did he jump up?"

As Yuki looked up at the buildings surrounding him, the man emerges from a different alleyway, on the opposite side of the street. He then continued walking down the street, leaving Yuki behind.

"Too easy."


"Wow. This tastes better than it looks." Allisa said with her mouth full, eating a grilled fish.

"It's delightful," Elizabeth said, eating the same thing. "I think it's a Gelfin tuna. I've never had one which was prepared like this."

Hours had passed since Allisa and Elizabeth set off for the festival. The two sat in the dock, staring out into the sea.

"It's funny," Elizabeth said to herself. "I've been to this town for 3 years, but this is the most fun I've ever had."

"Glad to hear you're having fun," Allisa said smiling, looking out to the sea.

"It's all thanks to you that I'm able to do this."

"What are you talking about? All I did was just gave you a push," She looked out onto the ocean. "Say, how many times have you done this?"

"Done what?"

"You know, sneak out."

"Oh right. Only twice, including when we first met. But I use to do it all the time with my brother when we were young."


"Yes. He says that if we are to lead the people, we need to understand them from the ground up. That was the excuse he always gave our father whenever we got caught seeking back."

"You guys never got in trouble?"

"Oh, we did." Elizabeth chuckled. "But that never stopped us. We kept sneaking out regardless of how many times we were scolded."

"Really?" Allisa said with a weary smile. "So, if you love it so much, why did you guys stop?"

Elizabeth tensed up by Allisa's question. "It was because of my father becoming ill." She answered with a sorrowful expression.

"Oh, right," Allisa remembered what she had told her yesterday, about her brother taking over as regent.

"After that, I just got too scared to go out on my own. When I eventually brought myself to sneak out, it wasn't as fun as when I was with my brother." She then turned and smiled at Allisa. "At least until I met you."

"Thanks." Allisa smiled back. "Hey, can you tell me about your brother?"

"Of course. What do you want to know?"

"Well, what kind of person he is. The way you talk about him makes me think he's a really nice person."

"He is. He's a kind and caring man who will always find time to help others regardless of what the other nobles say. That can cause problems for his aids, but they stand by his decisions and support them with everything they have. He always had this light that attracted others to him, no matter of status, it was a gift my father always spoke of to me."

"Wow, sounds like quite a guy. I should meet him one day."

"You should. I'm sure he'd find time for you." Elizabeth nodded at her, her mood seemed to have picked up. "Well, enough about me. I want to know more about you. Do you have any siblings?"

"Just a younger brother." Allisa cringed slightly thinking about him. "And I'm pretty sure he's nothing like your brother."

"How old?"

"I think he turned 10 last month."

"I see. What's his name?" Elizabeth asked cheerily.

"Luke, and he's annoying." A feeling of nostalgia then came over Allisa. Being in this strange world for two months had almost made her forget about her old life, back in Little Wood, in Terra.

"Are you ok?" Elizabeth asked. "You seem down for a moment."

"Oh, it's nothing. Guess I just feel a little homesick." She hasn't thought of home since she arrived. Thinking about that she was going back made her sad for some reason.

"Have you been away from home for long?"

"Yeah. I'm actually going back soon."

"Where do you live? Is it in Rosaria?"

"Um...." Allisa thought of how to respond. She thought it was better that she kept the fact that she was from Terra a secret. "It's pretty far away. I don't even know if I'll come back."

"Really." Elizabeth looked out into the sea. She then reached into her pocket and pulled something out. "Here," In her hand was an amber charm, with the image of a bird carved into it and a silver outline.

"What's this?" Allisa asked as the charm was placed into her hand.

"It was one of the first things I bought when I was with my brother. I've had it ever since. It's been a good luck charm for me. Think of it as something to remember me by when you leave."

"I-I can't accept this," Allisa said as she tried to give it back. Elizabeth shook her head and gently pushed Allisa's hand back.

"It's ok. After all, I don't think I need it anymore."


"You've given me something too." Her hand moved up towards the shell necklace. "The day may not be over, but I've had more fun than I've ever had in my life. For once, I feel like an ordinary girl, and not a princess. This is my way of saying thank you."

"Elizabeth," Allisa looked down on the charm, and then clenched it. "Thanks. I promise to take good care of it." A large crowd was then gathering close by, standing in front of a platform. The bustling of the crowd eventually drew the attention of the two. "Wonder what's going on?"

"It's probably some kind of event," Elizabeth said.

"Let's check it out," Allisa said as she stood up before helping Elizabeth up. Both then walked towards the crowd.


"A black hood?" Nel said curiously.

"Yeah. He had a short sword on his back and some weird device on his wrist. Looks kinda like a mini crossbow." Yuki said to her. The two were standing in an obscure alleyway close to the dock, where a large crowd was gathering in front of a platform.

"I haven't noticed anything yet. How long ago was this?"

"Not sure, about half an hour ago. I tried tailing him, but somehow he gave me the slip. Not sure if he saw me."

"I see." Nel started feeling worried. Could it be the assassin?

"Where's the princess now?" Yuki asked.

"In the crowd." Nel pointed at the crowd gathering in front of the platform. "Allisa's still with her. Do you know where Max and Melvin are?"

"No. Haven't seen them since we split up."

"Ok. Stay in the area. I'm going to the roof of this building to get a better view of those two." Nel then jumped between the two buildings until she reached the top of the one to her left. There she located Allisa and Elizabeth who were making their way through the large crowd along with Yuki just behind them.


"Welcome to all! It's that time of the day!" the MC said into a megaphone on the platform. "Its time for the Orience King Challenge!"

"Orience King?" Allisa said to herself. "Is that some kind of fish?"

"It's one of the biggest varieties of fish that are around these waters," Elizabeth answered.

"Rules are simple, first to finish their plate, win the grand prize of 10,000 Rundes."

"An eating contest?" Allisa said to herself.

"This sounds interesting," Elizabeth said.

"Kinda sounds disgusting to me."

"Let's meet our contestants!" The pronouncer continued. "First we have our reigning champion, Bronche Redfer!" a large, quite fat man then appeared from the right of the platform. "And today's challenger, Max Colt!"

"What?!" Allisa looked on while Max made his way up the stage.

"What's that idiot doing?" Nel said to herself from her vantage point, still observing the crowd.

"That pyro..." Yuki said facepalming within the crowd.


Yuki turned to see he was by Allisa and Elizabeth. He realized he had said it out loud.

"You're here too?" Allisa asked.

"Yeah." Yuki decided that it might be best that Allisa remain oblivious to what was going on, for Elizabeth's sake. "We're here, so I thought it be worth checking out what this festival's about."

"Max is competing?" Melvin said to himself as he came through. "Well, he'll definitely win no question." he then turned to the left and saw everyone else. "Oh. You guys here to support Max?"

"Like hell I am!" Yuki said loudly.

"I didn't even know what this was about," Allisa said. "Anyway, why are you two here?"

"Oh, we're here too-"

"Just checking out the festival." Yuki finished for him. "I'm off anyway." He turned, grabbed Melvin by the cape, and pulled him away.

"Ack! H-Hey! What the hell are you doing?!" Melvin protested as he was dragged off.

"That was quite peculiar," Elizabeth said.

"With them, everything is peculiar," Allisa replied. Back on the platform, Max and his opponent were sat down on the table. Two women brought out two plates, which were placed in front of them. on it was a large, round fish. Its skin was completely blue, and piles of flesh were bulging over in several places.

"The rules are simple!" the MC continued. "The first to finish his plate wins! On the sound of the bell, you may begin!"

"Huh? We haven't started?" Max said, picking his teeth with one of the fish bones.

"YOU ALREADY FINISHED!!!" The crowd fell silent at what had just happened, which was followed by an argument between Max and the announcer.

"I'm not sure if that's incredible or stupid," Nel said to herself, feeling slightly nauseous. She then Saw Allisa and Elizabeth left the crowd. "Well, there leaving so I guess," as she turned her head, keeping up with Allisa and Elizabeth, Nel saw a man on the roof of the building opposite the one she was on.

What immediately caught her attention was the black hood he was wearing, similar to what Yuki described seeing. She froze and stared directly at the man. She saw a sword was strapped to his back but was too far to see if he had a device on his left wrist. Regardless, her intuition was telling her that this was the man Yuki was talking about.

The assassin?

The man then started to move. Immediately, Nel got low and reached for the short blade, holding the grip tightly, ready to strike. The man walked towards a nearby chimney, and went behind it, out of Nel's sight. Seeing this, Nel quickly leaped onto one of the rope with flags on it, drawing her blade.

"You're not getting away."

She hurried across then leaped, landing behind the chimney. However, the man had gone.

"Impossible!" Nel had kept her eyes on the chimney the whole time, so she knew he hadn't moved. There was no trap door, Nel could tell. And she would have noticed if he used the hatch nearby.

Did he use Quickstep? No, I would have seen something. Nel Sheathed her blade as she looked around.

Teleport? I guess that's possible. She inspected the ground where the man was. I don't sense any residual traces of mana though. Even if he covered his tracks, there should be some kind of trace.

She then cast her gaze over the market, observing the crowd. It's definitely an Assassin. We need to be careful.


"We're here," Elizabeth announced as she pushed the large, ornate gate open. The object screeched, the old hinges letting its age be known to all.

The sun was beginning to set as the festival began to die down for the day. Before they set off back to the mansion, Elizabeth wanted to show her favorite place to Allisa. Behind the gates was a large garden with a stone amphitheater up ahead. At the back of the platform was a shine like area with a statue of a maiden in the center of the structure. Surrounding the theater was a wide array of flowers.

"Whoa, it's amazing," Allisa said as the two walked up to the statue within the shrine. "Who's that."

"It's the goddess of Harmony."

"The Goddess?" Allisa repeated, looking back at the statue. She then looked back out to the stage. "So is this...?"

"That's right. This is what I will be performing." Elizabeth nodded glancing back at the statue.

"I'm looking forward to it," Allisa said. "Say, you know you said you do this because of a promise."


"Who was it you promised?"

"Bell Velfrom." She then averted her gaze from the statue and took a seat at the edge of the platform. "The mayor's daughter."

"Really? I haven't seen her around."

"She's the one that introduced me to the Triest festival." Elizabeth continued as Allisa sat down beside her. "She loved this town, and contributed to the festival every year, including the celebration. She always told me stories of this town when her father would come to visit for political reasons. We became fast friends and had been begging me to visit Triest. It took a while, but three years ago, I managed to get permission to visit the festive."

Allisa couldn't help but smile, seeing how happy Elizabeth was just from talking to her friend. But after her last sentence, her mood changed.

"But, on the year I came, just before the ceremony, she fell terribly ill. As a result, I took her place since I knew the routine of the dance. It was the most fun I had in years. But.... after the performance, I learned she passed away."

"S-sorry." Allisa apologized. She now understood why she looked upset when Allisa asked her reason for doing the festival despite the danger.

"It's ok, really. She had a weak heart, and the doctors had always warned against her performing. But, I came to admire her strength and dedication to the town to push through with her routine. When she passed on, I decided that I should keep her spirit alive at the very least."

She looked around at the amphitheater. "And through her, I've loved this town just like her. It's peaceful, and everyone is so nice. And when I perform, everyone's spirits are raised. It also helps me forget, even if for just a moment, that I'm the princess, about my duties. It helps me feel like am an ordinary girl." She then looked at Allisa and smiled. "Being with you, makes me feel the same."

"T-thanks," Allisa said, blushing slightly.

"How adorable." A woman's voice was heard from the distance, causing both Girls to jump. "It's funny how some commoner can address the princess so casually. My how the royal family has fallen." The two got up, startled by the voice.

"Who's there!" Allisa demanded as both girls jumped to their feet, looking around cautiously for the source of the voice.

"Up here." To the left of the platform was the woman in question. She was wearing a blue cloak with the hood up, so neither could see her face.

"Stay behind me," Allisa said to Elizabeth as they slowly made their way back to the shrine. The woman stood up and removed her hood, showing her face. Her long orange hair flowed down her back. It tied and braided. The most notable feature was a small green diamond embedded in her forehead. "Who are you?"

"Loria." The woman held up her hand and clicked her fingers. Other clocked figures started to emerge, all wielding swords. "Head priestess of the Cult of Dorstera." As the numbers began to swarm them, Allisa summoned her sword. "Interesting," Loria said. "Is that a spirit weapon?"

"Allisa," Elizabeth said, slightly scared.

"Don't worry." Allisa looked back at her and smiled. "I promise I'll keep you safe."

Elizabeth nodded as she took a step behind Allisa. "Please be careful."

Allisa looked up to Loria. "What do you want with her?" She demanded.

"That's not really your concern." Three men got up onto the stage and approached Allisa. "Secure the princess. Kill the girl."

The three men quickly surrounded Allisa and Elizabeth; their backs were to the shrine. Allisa held up her sword, remaining on the defensive. If this were two months ago, Allisa would be terrified, and would barely stand a chance.

However, after two months of experience and training, she was vastly different from what she was previously. She calmed her breathing, and stayed still, waiting for them to make the first move.

The man standing to her right lunged, swinging his sword overhead. Allisa dogged it, then turned to block an attack from the left. Catching the man off guard, she kicked him back before turning at the first man. She struck his sword hard enough to knock it out of his hand, and then quickly recovered her swing to launch another attack, cutting the man down. As she did, the second charged for Elizabeth.

In response, Allisa leaped up and brought her blade down hard on the man's own sword. As she did, the final one made his move, lunging at Allisa. Allisa quickly kicked the first man's feet, knocking him over, then in a fast movement, charged forwards towards the final one, catching him off guard and slicing through him. She then turned and delivered the final blow to the second man, who was also caught off guard.

With the three dispatched, she quickly returned to Elizabeth.

"Well well. Seems like you have some skill, girl." Loria said with a mocking tone. "And you even brought some backup." She looked behind her, seeing Nel close by, wielding her dagger and blade.

"Nel!" Allisa called out.

"Stay close to the princess!" Nel instructed as she faced Loria. "I take it that you’re a sensor like me." She said to her.

"That's right. And I also sense two others coming."

"Two?" Nel chuckled. "I'm afraid you're wrong." Loud cries then came from the right of the stage where five men flew in the air, blood spraying from gashes in the chest. "I guess your sensor ability isn't as good as mine."

"So it would seem," Loira said, sounding impressed.

Yuki stood still, sword drawn, as the other men around him started to back off.

"Heard there was a party going on," Yuki said as he relaxed and pointed his sword at the men around him. "Mind if I get in on it?"

A loud explosion then erupted from the left of the stage. A large section of the stands was destroyed, sending the men on their flying.

"Sorry, I'm late." Max then emerged from the crater formed from the explosion. "Now then, Who's next?" Some of the men started to back away from Max, taken aback by the overwhelming power that wiped out several of their own men in one burst.

"Lightning Arc!" a bolt of Lightning then passed through the group, causing them to collapse. "What the heck are you doing you, idiot! Don't destroy the place!" Melvin yelled at Max as he walked from the left of the stage as well.

"You talk like I destroy everything I touch," Max said back to him.

"You do destroy everything you touch!!"

The ones that were shocked down by Melvin started to get back to the feet, along with the ones where they were blasted away by Max.

"Argue later," Yuki said as he was being swarmed. "Let's take care of these guys first."

"How'd you guys find us?" Allisa called out to them. "I'm glad you did, but how?"

"They have been following us since we left. I guess that's how they knew where we were." Elizabeth answered her.

"Huh?" Allisa looked confused. "They were following us."

"Hm...? Didn't you know that? They've been following us since we left the house." Elizabeth said, seeming confused by Allisa's reaction.

"Wha... Hold on.... YOU WERE FOLLOWING US!" Allisa snapped at her friends.

"Be grateful we did!" Yuki said. "There's no way you'd be able to handle this by yourself."

"Hey, I held my own here!" she pointed at the three bodies around her. "You can at least give me some credit. Wait!" Allisa then shook her head. "Get back to where you were following us!"

"It was Nel's idea," Max complained. "I wanted to have fun."

"Like eating a raw fish in three seconds flat." Yuki said.

"Hey, I won so there's nothing to complain about."

"We're still in trouble here in case you forgot! Let's discuss this later." Melvin said.

Loria laughter interrupted the argument. "Please, carry on with your comedy routine. It's very amusing," she said holding a hand to her mouth.

"I wouldn't underestimate us," Nel said as he held up her dagger to Loria's neck.

"I don't know what you want with Elizabeth, and I don't care," Allisa called out to Loria holding out her sword. "But if you want her, you'll have to take her from us."

Max, Melvin and Yuki grinned together as they prepared to take on the enemy around them.

"Everyone," Elizabeth said quietly.

"Sorry everyone." Elizabeth then froze as a voice came from behind her. "But I need to borrow the princess for a bit."

"What?!" Allisa turned around quickly, seeing a man in a black hood standing behind a petrified Elizabeth. The others were just as startled by the man who just appeared.

"Wha-Where'd the hell'd he come from!" Max exclaimed.

"That's the guy from earlier!" Yuki said.

The Assassin! Nel stared at the man in horror. But how did he get in without me noticing?

"Checkmate," Loria said grinning.

The man wrapped his left arm around Elizabeth's neck, holding her in a deadlock grip before leaping back into the shrine.

"Let her go!" Allisa charged after the man, following them into the interior of the shrine. Nel left Loria and used Quickstep to get to the shrine. Both circled the statue fo the goddess, attempting to go cut the man off. When they got behind the statue, however, they only saw each other, and no one else. "What.....?"

The interior of the shrine was completely empty. There was no trace of Elizabeth or the man.

"Impossible," Nel said to herself. She had her Piercer eyes activated as she scanned around frantically. "There's nowhere he could have escaped."

"ELIZABETH!!" Allisa screamed, her cry echoing through the interior.

"We're done here! Retreat!" Loria called out to her followers. On her orders, the men started to withdraw.

"Damn! Don't let them get away!" Nel called out to the boys.

"On it!" Melvin held out his wand. "Chain!" chains then materialized around the fleeing men, stopping them for a second before crumbling.

"What's going on?" Max said.

"They must be wearing some kind of magic ward. I can't do anything"

"In that case," Yuki chased after some of the fleeing men, then with his sword, slashed the legs of the nearest man, causing him to fall. "We take them the old fashion way."

"Sounds like a plan." Channeling flames at the soles of his feet, Max launched himself at one of the fleeing men, tackling him to the ground, hard enough to leave a small creator.

"Idiot! We need him alive!" Yuki yelled.

"What are you talking about?" Max said as he lifted the slumped man. "He's still alive."


"Lay him down. I'll heal him." Melvin said as he approached.

"Did you get them?" Nel said as he emerged from the shrine with Allisa.

"Only two," Yuki said, pointing at the one he took down. The man was face down, bleeding from the cuts on his lower leg. Melvin had begun healing the second one that Max had shoved to the ground as Nel approached the first one. She crouched and grabbed the man by the collar.

"Where are you taking the princess?" She demanded. The man chuckled, drew a dagger and quickly plunged it into his own neck. Nel dropped him as he withdrew the dagger, quickly bleeding to death.

"What did he just do?" Yuki said. Nel glanced over to the second one, how was being healed by Melvin. She then caught sight of his left arm moving.

"Stop him!"

It was too late. The man pulled out a dagger and plunged it into his neck before Max or Melvin could react.

"Shit!" Melvin stopped healing after the man pulled the dagger from his neck.

"Is there anything you can do?" Max said to him.

Melvin simply shook his head. "I won't be able to stop the bleeding fast enough."

"What happened?" Allisa said as she arrived, horrified by what she saw. "Why'd they kill themselves?"

"To keep quiet," Nel replied bluntly.

"What now?" Allisa demanded. "We have to find her!"

"I can still sense that woman. I'll tail them. In the meantime, you guys search the area for that man."

"What about that other guy?" Melvin asked. "Who the heck is he? There's no way he could've sneaked up and disappeared like that."

"I don't know. But it's some kind of ability so stay sharp." Nel then departed, running in the direction the group went.

"Where do we start?" Yuki asked.

"Probably around the amphitheater. I'll check around the perimeter." Melvin said as he wandered towards the theater.

"I'll check out the garden," Max said as he separated from the group, going into the garden.

"I'll go with you," Allisa said as she ran up to him. "Elizabeth!!" She called out. "Are you out there!! Elizabeth!!" Silence returned. She ran forwards into the garden, leaving behind Max. "ELIZABETH!!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs. Silence. She then collapsed to the ground, fists clenched tight. "Damn it." She then started to pound the ground, tears falling down her cheeks. "Why? Why couldn't I stop him? I promised to keep her safe! How could I let this happen?"

Max approached her and placed his hand on her shoulder. "We'll find her." He said smiling. Allisa looked up at him. "She'll be just fine. Trust me." Allisa responded by putting her hand over his, gripping it tightly.

"Sorry." She then got to her feet and wiped away her tears. "Let's find her."


"You lost the Princess!!" Kuradeal yelled, banging his fist on the table, hard enough to break it, allowing the table to crash down onto the ground.

"Calm down," Garlahad said to him. "I'm sure did everything they could."

"It obviously wasn't good enough!" Night had fallen over the town when the party returned to the mansion. They searched for three hours but found nothing. The party was now in the mansion dining room, informing the mayor and the knights what had happened.

"I'm so sorry," Allisa said to them. "We searched everywhere and-"

"Sorry? Sorry?! That's all you had to say you loathsome Bitch?!"

"Hey! She did everything she could to protect her!" Max yelled back at Kuradeal.

"Well, it obviously wasn't enough!" He said back to him.

"It was more than what you bastards did," Yuki commented.

"What was that?" Kuradeal said menacingly as he approached him.

"You heard me. You guys were sitting nice and comfortably drinking tea or whatever crap you like while we were out there searching everywhere for your precious princess."

Kuradeal then gripped the grip of his sword. "I'd watch your tone if I were you, Outlander."

Yuki grunted and gripped his sword. "Care to correct me?"

"That's enough," Garlahad said as he got in-between them. "Now's not the time to fight amongst ourselves." He then turned to Nel and Allisa and Melvin "Did you notice anything about the group that attacked you?"

"Well, they all wore cloaks, so we couldn't see their faces," Melvin said. "They must have had a magic ward, a ring by what I found on the bodies of the ones we defeated."

"The ones we did capture killed themselves before they could speak," Nel concluded. "Either out of loyalty or fanatics, I couldn't say."

"I see," Garlahad said worriedly. "Then it's definitely the Cult. On their other attempts, those captured killed themselves before we could interrogate them."

"There was also a girl with a gem on her forehead," Max said.

"A woman?" he looked back at Max.

"Yeah," Allisa spoke. "She called herself the head priestess, so I'm guessing she's the leader or something like that."

"There was also the Assassin who abducted the princess." Nel interrupted. "He wore a black hood and appeared out of nowhere. I assume that's familiar to you."

"Unfortunately yes," Garlahad said to her, looking distraught. "By what you've told me, it's definitely the same man from last time."

"Regardless, this is an unprecedented disaster." Velfrom interrupted the discussion. "If word got out about this, my reputation and the reputation of the town will be destroyed."

"Don't worry," Garlahad said to him. "We'll get her back. Some of my men spotted a suspicious group heading north. We have an idea where they're headed. Kuradeal and I will move to intercept them."

"When did you dispatch your men?" Nel asked suspiciously.

"They have a patrol going around the town. Just to make sure nothing happened during the festival."

"They didn't do a good job, letting a force that size slips in and out undetected." Both briefly glared at each other.

"Garlahad." Allisa interrupted their discussion. "Please take me with you."

"Sorry, but we can handle this," Garlahad said to her, diverting his attention from the suspicions Nel.

Allisa then bowed her head. "Please. It was my fault she was captured." She pleaded, everyone's eyes on her. "I have to save her. I can't just abandon her now." She unconsciously clenched her fists. "She's my friend."

"I can see that." Garlahad smiled and put a hand on her shoulder. "But I'm afraid the answers still no."

Allisa's head rose quickly. "But-"

Garlahad patted her on the head before she could speak. "It's because your her friend that you need to stay here and be there to comfort the princess when she gets back. I'm sure she wouldn't want to see her friend hurt trying to rescue her. And I doubt she would want to see you in this state."

Allisa whipped her eyes as she continued to listen.

"To see you, her friend, unharmed, and worried for her safety, will mean more to her than anything." He took his hand's hand off her shoulders. "So please, let us handle this, and be there for her when we return."

Allisa hesitated for a moment and then gave him a nod. "Ok," She said as quietly as she could.

"Atta girl." He then turned to Kuradeal, who then walked out the door. Garlahad then turned to the mayor. "We'll return possible by daybreak."

"We await your return," Valfrom said. Garlahad then gave Allisa a quick smile. He then took his leave. Nel's gaze never left him as he walked out the door.

"Guess we should wait," Melvin said in the silence that followed.

"That's boring. We should just charge those guys and get the princess ourselves." Max protested. "Screw that bastard knight! He's all talk and nothing else!"

"When they get back, I'm fighting that bastard," Yuki added as he gripped the hilt of his sword.

"Are you nuts, that's a knight, you idiot!" Melvin snapped at Yuki.

"Shut up! That prick thinks he's top of the world! I'll knock I'm off his high horse."

"Get in line," Max said. "That jerk is going to pay for what he said to Allisa."

"Why am I the only normal one here?" Melvin groaned.

Velfrom then exited the room as quick as he could. "I suggest you get some rest until they return. With those two, I guarantee the princess will be back with us by morning."

"I'm going to sleep too," Allisa said as she walked to the door.

"Are you sure?" Melvin said puzzled.

"Yeah. It's been a long day." Allisa didn't make eye contact as she opened the door. "I'll see you in the morning." She then closed it, leaving the others in the room alone.

"Well, I'm getting something to eat," Max announced, departing as well.

"Same here," Yuki said as he did the same.

"Um, same here." Melvin slipped out of the door behind Yuki before it closed, leaving Nel alone in the room.

She giggled to herself. "So predictable."


Allisa silently opened the front door, glancing around to see if anyone was outside. It was dark outside, but the cost seemed clear. She then silently closed the door and walked slowly down the steps towards the fountain.

"And where are you going?"

She froze instantly by the sound of the voice. She turned around and saw Nel, leaning against the wall.

"Uh.... After Elizabeth." She said to her.

"I thought you agreed to wait until they got back."

"I can't just sit back and do nothing!" She snapped back. She then turned her back to Nel. "Like I said, I won't abandon her. I'm going to save her."

"You won't stand a chance on your own," Nel said bluntly. "With just two months of training and experience, you'll only get yourself killed. I doubt the princess would like that on her conscience if she's rescued."

"I don't care. I have to try. Even if I have to go alone."

"You won't have to." Max's voice came from the doorway. Allisa looked back and saw Max, Melvin and Yuki. "We're going with you," Max added with a cocky grin.

"Guys?" the trio walked towards Allisa. "You gonna help me?"

"Of course," Melvin said with his eyes twinkling. "Since she's royalty, were bound to get a massive reward for this."


"I just want to see the look on that bastard knights face when we save the princess first," Max said cracking his knuckles with a grin on his face.

"And if we run into them, I'm gonna challenge that snobby bastard to a fight,"Yuki added grinning.

"So.... saving Elizabeth is a secondary objective to you?" Allisa said with disdain at her companions primary concerns.

"Besides, we're a team." Max continued smiling at Allisa. "Your problem is our problem."

"Yeah," Melvin added with a large grin on his face. "We're friends, after all, right?"

Yuki simply grunted with a smile.

"Guys," Allisa smiled back. "Thanks, guys." She then turned to face forward. "Let's go!"

"Yeah!" Max and Melvin cheered in unison as the four set off after Elizabeth.

"Do you even know where they took her?" Nel asked, stopping the group in their tracks. "Do you even know where to start looking?" They then slowly turned their heads to face the smug looking Nel.

"You know where they went, don't you?" Allisa asked.

Nel stood upright and walked towards them. "I knew you'd pull something like this." She said as she walked past the group. "Coming?" She asked.

"You wanted to go too, right?" Melvin said.

"My jobs to keep Allisa alive. That's all there is to it." Nel simply smiled to herself. "It's not far from here, but we should hurry. They have quite a head start on us." The others began to walk behind her.

We're coming Elizabeth. Allisa thought as they passed the gates of the mansion. I promise I'll save you.

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