《The Goddess’ Chosen》Riser


Eventually, Allisa and Nel made it out of the forest and onto a road. Upon reaching it they then walked up north. It wasn't long until the city walls were in sight. The walls were large in size and, to Allisa at least, seemed to stretch out as far as the eye can see. The gates were no less impressive. They were wide open, allowing what seemed like endless traffic leaving the city.

Inside these walls, was a brand new experience to Allisa. The buildings themselves looked old to her, but they had a certain sense of style that obviously didn't exist in her world, hammering home the fact that she was in a different world entirely. In fact, the architecture was reminiscent of an old medieval city, reminiscent of the late medieval ages. White pasted buildings with wooden beams lay along the cobbled path. In the distance lay a massive cathedral, and further away was the castle built onto the mountain.

The side of the street was bustling with people; each dressed uniquely, similar to Nel. Some were even warring some armor, and clearly weren't soldiers, others wearing old tunics and the occasional outlandish costume.

Nearly everyone she saw had some kind of weapon on them, ranging from swords to bows. Despite that, they all seemed very friendly, talking, browsing and chatting with anyone would do in a city back in her world. The streets were also aligned with different shops and marketplaces, ranging from blacksmiths to bakeries. They sold all kinds of things, food, drink, and accessories, weapons, and armor.

This vibrant world made Allisa feel as though this was taken out of a video game. "You should stop gawking. You're starting to look weird." Nel finally broke Allisa's glee.

"It's just amazing. I guess this really is another world. Guess it's finally starting to sink in that this is another world." Allisa said as she continued to be enchanted by the bold new world before her. "So, where are we headed? Where’s this 'Arch Sage' is?"

"First a tailor."

"A tailor?"

"You have to have noticed by now the attention you're getting dressed like that."

On those words, Allisa noticed she was getting some strange looks from some of the people around her. She also remembered some of Captain Warrens men looking at her weirdly in the forest. She started to feel a little embarrassed by the unwanted attention. "Are they really that strange?"

"When you first entered the city and saw how people dressed you probably thought they looked strange, right? The truth is, you're the strange one dressed like that."

"You didn't have to word it like that."

The two then entered a store that was called 'Gretal's Outlet.' The inside was filled to the brim with clothes and costumes, some of which Allisa would never imagine seeing back in her world.


Greeting them a woman addressed them as they walked in. She looked almost as though she was Allisa's age with ginger hair tied into ponytails. Her spectacled face was fashioned by her freckles on her rosy cheeks. Her clothing was blue overalls with a tape measure hanging around her neck.

"Oh my, my, my" She then approached Allisa, making her feel nervous. "I've never seen dressed in such strange clothes before."

Nel gave Allisa a quick smirk "Ok. You made your point." Allisa said to Nel.

"Oh my my my. The backs all torn up." Allisa forgot about the claw marks on the back of her clothes "You must be adventurers. I've never seen these sort of clothing before."


"As you can see, we need something to make her stand out less if you know what I mean," Nel said.

"Certainly, do you know what you're looking for?"

"I'll pick something out for her."

"Great." The woman took Allisa's hand, "Come, I need to get your measurements."

"Wait, don't I get a say in this?" Allisa said as he was dragged off.


"You can't be serious." Allisa had never felt more embarrassed in her life. The clothes Nel and the woman picked out for her was a short green and white shirt that covered her chest and left her belly with her right arm covered while her left was exposed save for a pair of gloves, shorts, and boots.

"Perfect," Nel said, clapping her hands together.

"What a perfect match." The woman said.

"I feel practically naked in this!!" Allisa yelled.

"Stop whining. It's what I can afford, you don't stand out and they're perfect for mobility in combat." Nel replied.

"Yep." The woman said. "Those clothes are made to last even the toughest environment. Perfect for adventurers."

This didn't make Allisa like her new outfit anymore. "A-Anyway," she said, "Where're the clothes I was wearing?"

"Don't worry. I have them here." Nel said, holding up a bag. "Thanks for the clothes." She said to the woman, giving her a small pouch of what Allisa could guess was the money to pay for it. "That should be enough." She then turned to Allisa. "Make sure you thank her."

"F-Fine," Allisa grumbled, still feeling embarrassed by her new garments. "Thanks miss.. uh?"

"Gretal." The woman replied.

"Ok, Gretal."

"Oh, I also patched up the holes in your clothes. I've never seen cotton like that before. Where's Indonesia?"

"Huh?" Allisa asked.

"It was on a label in the shirt. "Made in Indonesia," it said. Is that where you're from?"

"Oh, well no... but, um...." Allisa awkwardly scratched her head. She didn't really know how to explain that Indonesia was literally in a different world to the one she was in. Should I tell her I'm from?

"Allisa!" Nel called out to her. "We're leaving."

"O-Ok. Coming." Allisa was slightly relieved since it avoided the subject. "Thanks again, I guess." She wasn't particularly fond of her new clothes, but she didn't have much say, or any money to buy new ones with.

"Come back anytime, ya hear!"

The Arch Sage

Allisa's face was glowing red as she walked through the street, no thanks to what she was wearing. Why am I wearing this?

However, unlike before, no one was staring at her funny. In fact, hardly anyone looked at her at all. It seemed that her new clothes were appropriate for Avalon after all. Even so, she still huddled herself up, due to how exposed she felt.

"You'll draw more attention to yourself by walking that way," Nel said.

"Why do I have to wear this?" Allisa asked. "There was a lot of stuff there. You could've picked out something more ordinary for me to wear."

"And I told you its good for combat."

"Sounds like you expect me to get in a lot of fights here."

"Well, it depends on what you want to do after we meet the arch sage."

"Speaking of this Arch Sage, when do I meet him? It feels like we've been walking for hours."

"We're here." The two had come up to a large building, with a tall tower striking out of it. Allisa stood in awe at the building.


"Wow. That big."

Nel knocked on the front door. "This it's the private residence of the Arch Sage." She explained. "This is where he lives, along with his aids."

The door then opened. A young woman with short brown hair wearing an apron stood at the door. "Nel." She addressed in a sweet voice. "Welcome back. Glad to see you're safe." She said quickly, grabbing ahold of Nel's hands and shaking it. "I couldn't help but worry! It's a strange new world, and you can barely cope with this one! You didn't do anything too reckless did you?" The woman bombarded Nel with questions, enough to make Allisa look nervous. However, Nel remained composed despite the barrage of incoming responses.

When she was finished, the woman took a look at Allisa, making her feel a little uncomfortable. As she quickly studied her, her eyes opened wide. "Is this..."

Nel smiled and turned to face Allisa. "May I introduce Allisa Reed from Terra. Allisa, this is Mira Wilhelm, one of the Arch Sages aids."

"Oh, um," Allisa regained her composure quickly, "Nice to meet you."

"Wow, this is incredible!" Mira said excitedly. She quickly approached Allisa, getting uncomfortably close to her. "I never expected the next welder to be a girl. How old are you?"

"Um, 15."

"Wow, such a young age to receive such an incredible power. Tell, how does it feel!"


"Mira, you're doing it again." Nel interrupted, causing Mira back away awkwardly, brushing the side of her cheek.

"Ah ha... sorry, I can get carried away when I'm excited." Mira apologized. She then looked at Allisa with a more concerned look on her face. "Are you ok in general?"

"Uhh... well I'm still trying to process everything that's happening in all honesty," Allisa said with a downward glance.

"Ohhh, I see," Mira said, backing away. "I can understand. This must all be overwhelming to you."

"That's why I've brought her here." Nel interrupted. "On that note, Is the Arch Sage in?"

"Oh yes. I'll let him know your back." Mira then ran inside.

"She can get a bit too excited at times," Nel commented to Allisa.

"I can see that." She then looked up at the building. It was her where she would get the answers to what's happened to her. However, instead of thinking of the answers, she thought of what will happen after. What then?

"Come." Nel's voice broke her chain of thought. "We best not keep him waiting."


Upon entering the building, Allisa was greeted with a flight of stairs. Up them was a single door, which leads into a massive room. Various tables with chemistry apparatuses, books and some equipment, which was unfamiliar to Allisa, were on display in mostly messy clusters. A countless number of books were position on bookshelves that were aligned along the walls. In total there were four large windows in the building, two on each side. Tucked in the corner was a small kitchen, with a cooker, draws, and a small dining table. At the back of the room was a wooden throne, which was positioned at the center of the room.

"Why is it so big?" Allisa asked, gawking at the staggering size.

"I wonder that sometimes if I'm honest," Nel pondered out loud. "Guess whoever built this place needed a lot of space."

"The master likes the space. He said it helps with his train of thought." An old man approached the two, with Mira following them. He was dressed in what seemed like a formal, or butler suite. He then bowed slightly, putting his right palm on his chest as he did. "It's good to see you return safely, miss Nel." He then raised his head to look at Allisa. "I see you must be Allisa Reed. It's an honor to make your acquaintance. My name is Rowin Wilhelm, I am one of master Dran's aids."

"Nice to meet you," Allisa said, a little unsure if she should bow as well.

"It's good to see you arrived unscathed." A new voice came from the far end of the room. Then a tall man came into view. He was young looking, wore a long robe and carried a staff in his hand. He approached Allisa and bowed slightly. "I am Arch Sage Dran of Rosaria." He said politely. He then raised and smiled at Allisa. "I've been expecting your arrival for some time now, Allisa Reed."

"N-Nice to meet you," Allisa greeted, bowing slightly. There was so much she wanted to ask, so many things she needed to clarify, but at that moment, her mind only focused on one. "How do you know my name?"

"Mira told me a moment ago." He answered, causing Allisa to fluster at her question.. "And I have an idea why you have come here."

"Right." Allisa reactively clenched her fist as a wave of unsure emotions came over her. "I-I want to know what's going on? About Excalibur, and what you want with me." She fixed Dran with a determined look.

"Of course. I will answer all your questions until you're satisfied."

"Before that, I need to talk to you privately," Nel interjected

Dran nodded. "We'll talk in my bed chamber." He and Nel then started walking towards the back of the room.

"Hey wait! What about me?" Allisa called out.

"Don't worry. I just need to confirm something with Nel. I will answer your questions. Please be patient." Dran called out as he allowed Nel through the door leading to his quarters. He then addressed Rowen and Mira. "Please make our guest comfortable."

"As you wish." Said Rowin.

"I'll prepare the tea straight away," Mira added.

Allisa took a seat on the dining table in the kitchen area as she waited for her chance to speak to Dran. Mira put a sandwich in front for her. "I imagine you haven't eaten anything yet." She said, sliming at her.

"Oh, thanks. I'm starving." She realized she hadn't eaten since she left her world, and was getting hungry. As she tucked into the sandwich, Mira took a seat at the table.

"So, what's Terra like?" she asked.

"Terra? Oh, you mean my world."

"Yes. I'm curious about where you came from. What kind of place is it?"

"Well.." Allisa said chewing on the sandwich. "I'm not sure how to describe it." She found it hard to put together how to put her explanation. ".... We have more advanced technology and.... And... uh," she struggled as she thought about it. In the end, she couldn't find the words. "Sorry, that's all I can say."

"It's no problem. I was just curious." Mira replied.

Rowin then approached Allisa and put a cup of tea in front of her. "Thought you might enjoy a nice cup of tea."

"Oh, thanks," Allisa replied. "These are very good." She said pointing at the sandwich in her hand.

"Why thank you," Mira said.

Rowin had moved behind Mira, still standing. "Mira has always been a talented cook for as long as I have known her."

"Oh Rowin you tease," Mira said blushing.

Allisa saw that the two seemed pretty close. "You two have the same last name right. Are you her father or something?" She asked Rowin as she sipped her tea.

Both Rowin and Mira chuckled. "Actual, I happen to be this woman's husband."

Allisa spat out the tea in her mouth and coughed as she recovered from the unexpected answer. "H-Husband!" She said still coughing. "Sorry. Sorry. I wasn't expecting that."

"It's alright," Mira said chuckling. "Most people we meet have the same reaction."

"Oh yes." Rowin pitched in "It's actually a funny story-"

"That's ok, you don't have to tell me," Allisa said quickly shaking her hands.

"Allisa!" Nel had emerged from the door at the end of the room. "The Arch Sage can speak with you now."

"You better go," Rowin said. "No doubt the masters eager to see you."

"Ok." Allisa grabbed the sandwich she was eating. She had nearly finished it. She then got up and walked towards Nel "Thanks for the food."

"Good meeting you," Mira said.

She approached Nel who was waiting at the door. Inside was a staircase that went up. "He's just up these stairs," Nel said.

"Ok. Thanks." Allisa said looking up at the stairs. She finished off her sandwich and started climbing them. Her mind whirled around in her head, prepared for the answers she needed.


The climb wasn't a long journey. She quickly found the door which leads to the bad chamber. She took a deep breath, getting her thoughts together, and knocked on the door. "Please come in." The reply came.

The room wasn't as big as the previous one, and it became apparent that this was the tower she saw. The room had one bookshelf, a big desk and a bed with drapes. There was only one window in the room, and it overlooked the city. Dran was sitting at his desk.

"Welcome. Please make yourself comfortable."

Allisa walked in and took a seat on the bed. Dran had turned the chair towards the bed to face her.

"Nel's told me what you already know. So I'll try not to repeat what you know already."

Allisa stared at Dran, fixing him with a serious look. "Tell me about Excalibur." She finally asked.

"Of course." He leaned back at his desk as he considered his words. "You already know of the existence of other worlds, correct." Allisa nodded. "Well, there also exist two entities who influence these worlds. The Goddess of Harmony who bears the essence of light, love, and peace. And the God of Chaos who bears the essence of darkness, ruin, anger and despair. Does this make sense?"

Allisa nodded again. She didn't quite understand but she remained silent and just listened.

"About 3000 years ago, the God of Chaos created a weapon, which he installed his power into it, and gave it to a man named Saruin. With his power, Saruin destroyed many worlds, including his own, until he was finally defeated in our world.

"However his actions weakened the Goddess and left the worlds in anarchy. In order to restore peace and balance, the Goddess created a sword, Excalibur, and had it chose a wielder who was of a pure heart and soul to bring back the balance between the worlds."

Allisa clutched her fists upon hearing the swords name. Dran continued his explanation.

"The sword chose a man from Terra, Arthur Pendragon to be its first wielder. He and his followers went to many worlds and combated the chaos wrought by Saruin. Unfortunately, he was killed before he could realize his dream in his world, what he had done for so many before. And now, after 1500 years, the sword has chosen another wilder to carry on the legacy Arthur created, which is you."

"But why?" Allisa felt overwhelmed by the vast amount of information she was told, and so spoke quietly. It still didn't answer her question. "Why me? Of all people, why me?"

"I told you. The sword chooses a wielder of a pure heart and soul. Since it chose you, you have those qualities it seeks." Dran replied.

"But what do you mean by 'Pure heart and soul?'"

"I'm afraid I don't know the answer. But I will say it does not make a mistake in choosing its wielder. However, the answer is something you'll have to figure out yourself."

Allisa thought about the meaning behind what Dran had just said but come up with nothing. Dran waited silently while Allisa recovered. In the end, she asked another question that was on her mind. "What do you want with me?"

Dran lent back on his chair then answered. "I want to help you to understand your power. The reason you are here in my world is to train you into how to use the sword, and help you to understand your new power."

"Do I have a choice?"

"Of course you do." Dran stood up and approached Allisa on the bed. He then got down on one knee to get down to her level. "Please understand that you are not a prisoner. No one is forcing you into this. If you wish to leave, then, by all means, you can." The then walked back to his chair. "However, Nel has told me about the attempt on your life. Because of your power, I'm afraid it's likely there will be more. Just keep that in mind."

Allisa remained quiet for a while before she could finally speak. "I need some time to think."

"Of course." On that Dran got up and walked to the door. "Come." He said to Allisa. She stood up and followed Dran downstairs back into the main hall. Nel was waiting beside the door, leaning against the wall. "Nel, would you take Allisa to the House," Dran instructed to her.

"The house? You mean she-"

"She wants to think things over before she gives us her answer," Dran responded before Nel could finish.

"I see," Nel said.

"A house?" Allisa asked.

"It's a place for you to spend the night. Also, Nel I want you to stay with Allisa for now. Keep her safe."

Nel nodded. "Let's go. It's not that far." She said to Allisa. The two then walked towards the main door.

"Goodbye Allisa. It was nice meeting you." Mira said as they left

"Looking forward to your return," Rowin said.

Allisa looked back on the two of them "Yeah, bye for now."

The decision

After leaving Dran's residence, the two-headed to the coastline and walked up a road, which overlooked the harbor of Riser. The trip was quiet as Allisa was bogged in deep thought about what she should do. "We're here." Nel's voice again broke Allisa's thoughts.

"Wha- This is a house?" Allisa said in amazement. "It looks like a mansion!"

Before them, perched by the cliff was a large two-story building, one that gave the impression of a mansion. The area around it was a large lawn that surrounded the building with a few trees dotted around the premise.

"It used to be a hotel until it went out of business. The Arch Sage bought and furnished it recently."

"Why did he get something like this?"

"He probably for saw an event like this happening. Or he had something else planned. Either way, it works in our favor." She then walked to the front door. "Are you coming."

Inside the building was a long hall with some stairs at the end. To the left was a large living room, complete with chairs and tables, decorated lavishly with drapes and a sword ornament hanging above the fireplace. A door connecting the living room was a large dining room table that took up most of the room. Then there was the kitchen, which looked like what Allisa had seen from her movies and comics, with a fire lit stove and oven along withdraws and containers, a large table, pots, and pans lining the walls. "Wow." Allisa stared in amazement. "What's upstairs?"

"The bedrooms, along with the bathrooms.

The two then went upstairs. It was a series of long corridors that went left to right. Among them were the doors to the bedrooms and at each end were doors which, Allisa guessed was the bathrooms. "I'm going to take a bath. You may as well pick a room." She then pointed to the left. "The end one to the left is my room. Come to me if you have any problems."

Allisa chose the room opposite Nel. It had a bed, slightly bigger than the one she had at her home, a dresser with spare sheets for the bed, and a small desk. Her bedroom window had a view of the harbor. Allisa opened the window and leaned on the window's ledge, gazing out into the vast unfamiliar ocean.

"What should I do?" She said to herself. "Should I do this? Should I just go back home?" She reached out and summoned her sword. She spent time staring at it. "What am I suppose to do?"


"Here you go master," Mira said, placing his dinner in front of him. It was a slice of steak.

"Thank you, Mira," Dran said bowing his head.

"Quite the day, huh?"

"It definitely was an eventful one, to say the least."

"Something bothering you master?" Rowin asked.

Caught slightly off guard, Dran gave him a smile. "Nothing gets past you, my friend."

"I have known you for years, which is enough to know when you are troubled, my master." Rowin then took a seat at the dining table "And I have a good idea on what bothers you."

Darn's expression then changed to a worried look. "What do you think of her? Allisa I mean."

"I'd like to hear your opinion first."

Dran looked down at his food, putting his thoughts together. "To be honest, she wasn't what I was expecting." His tone was low. "She's just too young to be given this kind of burden. I wouldn't be surprised if she decided to go back and forget any of this happened."

"Interesting," Rowin said. "My opinion is actually the opposite of yours." Dran looked up from his food, intrigued by Rowin's words "True, she doesn't seem like much on the outside. However, she has something that I can't put my finger on. She actually reminds me of you before you claimed the title of Arch Sage."


"He's right." Mira said, "I actually think she will decide to stay. I could see it in her eye when she first met you. She came all the way here to get answers after all, even agreed to leave home to a strange new world. That's decision not many people are willing to make. I'm sure whatever she chooses will be of her own volition."

"Mira," Dran took those words to heart. "I see what you mean. She definitely had something that I can't put into words."

"I agree with my wife," Rowin said. "Come tomorrow, I guarantee she will tell you that she will stay to learn her new power."

Dran smiled slightly "I'll hold you to that." Dran said before tucking into his dinner.

"That's the spirit," Rowin said with a smile.

Dran smiled at him and looked out the window to the darkened streets below, his expression dropping. "..... I just hope you're right, for all our sakes."


Allisa lay on her bed staring up at the ceiling. It was starting to get dark, and she was still no closer to a decision. Since she didn't have any other clothes, she was still wearing the outfit Nel bought, without the gloves and boots. She eventually got up since she was getting hungry. She left her room and went downstairs.

Despite being dark, the place was well lit by lamps, which, instead of flames, used some sort of crystal. Nel earlier explained that it was some sort of light crystal, which could activate by touching some black oval jewel in the wall in several locations, similar to a light switch. As she went down into the kitchen, she found the lights were on. Inside was Nel eating a bowl of rice.

"You're still awake?" She asked. Despite being evening, she was still wearing the clothes she wore before.

"Yeah, I came down to get something to eat."

Nel handed her a bowl of rice on that comment. "I'm not much of a cook so this is all you should expect of me."

"Oh, thanks." She said.

She joined Nel at a table at the center of the kitchen. As she sat down, Nel gave her a spoon. "I take it by your tone that you still haven't made up your mind." She said, scooping some rice into her mouth.

"No. I just don't know. This is just way too much to take in all at once." Allisa scooped up some rice and started to eat. "Hey, could you tell me what an Assassin is in this world. I'm getting the feeling that there different here."

Nel finished her mouthful before answering, "'Assassins' refer to a group of people who have unique abilities. We are divided into Assassins Clans, each having different abilities."


"Is like an increase in speed, use of unique magic or skill, there are some with the ability to harden the skin."

"What kind of abilities do you have?"

"Well, I belong to a clan called the Crimson Blade's, who was the most powerful Assassin clan in Rosaria." She then pointed to her eye. "Are ability was known 'Piercer eyes.' It's an ability, which focuses our mana into our eyes. This gives us the ability to see in an incredible amount of detail. Even allows us to see none visible things like a barrier, an invisible object, and even someone's mana flow. There is nothing that escapes these eyes."

"Wow. Sounds amazing."

"As for what an assassin does, we're basically mercenaries. From assassination to fighting in wars, there's little assassin can't do in terms of jobs."

"I see. They seem different from assassins in my world." She then had a quick realization "Wait, when you refer to the clan you belong to, you speak as though they don't exist anymore."

Nel's mood then changed "I suppose they don't technically exist anymore." There was a hint of sadness in her voice.


"When I was six the Crimson Blades were attacked and destroyed. Only I survived. You could say I am the last of the Crimson Blades."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Allisa said, realizing she had touched on a sensitive topic.

"It's alright." Nel brought her hands together "It's my goal to find out who attacked us and destroy them." Her tone then changed again to a serious tone "And I will find them, no matter what, and I'll make them pay." Allisa felt slightly scared by her tone. Nel realized this and quickly changed back "Sorry."

"No, I'm sorry. That's something I shouldn't have brought up."

"It's ok." Nel relaxed "You would have found out eventually. I doubt though that it will help you make your decision."

Allisa looked down at her food. "Yeah." She said with a depressed tone. "I just don't know what to do. I still think this is all just some big mistake. There's no way someone like me could be some kind of hero. I've never heald a sword before."

"..... I disagree." Nel said, sounding intrigued. "Let me ask you. If you saw a complete stranger being attacked right in front of you, and you had the power to save that person, what would you do?"

"I'd help of course," Allisa said without hesitation.

"Even though it's a complete stranger, someone you can't really trust? Also if there was a high risk that you'd be killed in the process of helping this stranger? Is it worth it to save someone you don't even know."

"That doesn't matter. I can't just sit by and do nothing." Allisa surprised herself with the words that had just come out of her mouth.

Nel smiled and leaned over slightly "Being honest when I first met you, I didn't think much of you. Back then, I even believed that there had to be some mistake." Allisa lowered her head slightly at Nel's words in shame, even though she had her suspicions on how she thought of her. "However, what you did today was nothing short of impressive."

Allisa then raised her head again. "Today? You mean me when I took down the Fenrias?"

"There is that." She replied with a smile. "But I was referring to when you stepped in to help. Despite how it looked I wasn't in any real danger. I was actually about to use my ability before you intervened."

"Oh, really. Sorry, I thought you were in trouble." She said, remembering the scolding she received from Nel after putting her life on the line.

"No need to apologize. What's done is done," Nel said leaning backward. "But I must, what was going through your head?"

"I just..." Allisa spoke quietly as she thought of an answer. "I don't know. I was so scared, but something pushed me out there. Sorry, I just can't explain it. I just felt I had to help."

"That's a very rare trait, the need to help others. You should be proud of it." Allisa looked at Nel. "Along with that, as I said before, you're more powerful than you believe, as well as having some hidden talent. That's why I believe it chose you."

"Nel." The frustration that Allisa had felt the entire day was starting to dissipate. For the first time, she started to feel good about herself.

" I'm going to bed now," Nel announced.

Allisa realized she had finished her bowl of rice. "Ok." Nel was about to leave before Allisa stopped her. "Wait. Thanks for the talk. I feel a lot better."

Nel looked back at her and smiled. "Glad to hear it. I'll see you tomorrow. Good night." Nel then left Allisa alone.

Allisa thought about what Nel said about her. She also thought about what Dran had said about the sword choosing a wielder of a 'pure heart and soul.' It still didn't make much sense of why it was her, but she felt she was past the point of no return. Even if this would ruin her normal, quiet, peaceful life in her world, this was something she couldn't run from. She looked down at her right hand and clenched it.

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