《The Goddess’ Chosen》Inheritance of Hatred


"Garlahad! Where are you?!"

"I'm here farther," I said as I walked into my father's bed-chamber. Lying on his deathbed was the man I heated. The man I called my father.

"Come here boy!" he demanded, coughing from straining his voice. I came to him, looking at the pale mess that he was. A fitting end to such a bitter, loathsome man. "Leave us!" he called out to the maids and the doctor. They did as instructed, leaving me alone with him. He looked at me. "You're not sad?"

"No," I answered honestly.

"You hate me?"

"Of course I do!" I yelled, anger building up inside of me. "You hit me repeatedly! You drove mother to her grave!" My father smiled, the first smile he ever gave me. my blood simply boiled as I saw it.

"Just as my father. All because of them. The ones who took everything that was ours." He was referring to the royal family. The ones who forced our family from the throne. It was their fault that farther ended up like this. "This is my only gift to you" he lifted his weary fingers, pointing at me. "Our family's hatred. One we have passed down through generations."

My father then coughed violently. "Now, hold out your hand." I followed my father's instructions and gave him my left arm. He then suddenly grabbed my hand. "Transfer!"

A searing pain then came over my arm as some strange tattoo was burnt into my flesh. When it was done, he realized my hand. I then collapsed to the ground, clutching my left arm, still stinging from whatever he had done.

"Keep that hidden. Especially from the Arch Sage."

"What is it?" I asked.

"The key to restoring our family." He then coughed again. "I finally found the means. It's up to you now. Awaken Dorstera. Bring them to their knees." Farther then began to cough, more violently.

"What do you mean?" I pleaded.

"Damn them." my father said, wheezing. "Damn them."

"Farther!" I begged.

"Damn them all too hell..." My father then slumped. He was dead.

"Farther?" I wasn't sure why, but tears started to fall. Not tears of sorrow, but tears of anger. I looked again at the mark. "I swear. I bloody swear. I'll kill all the royal family!"


Allisa and Elizabeth arrived at another large room. There was nothing special about it, just a wide-open, square room. Following Melvin's instructions, they found a three-way junction, one leading to a pool of water, and another leading to a staircase. However, that made navigation more confusing given how disorientingly huge the complex was.

"How many rooms does this place have? It's like a maze." Allisa said to herself, coming through another room to find another large room of unknown purpose. Four large braziers lit up the room, lighting the strange symbols on the walls.

Elizabeth was sitting down, taking in deep breaths. For some reason, the two of them ran all the way and were now taking a breather. "Sorry," Allisa said to her. "Guess I did pull you along."

"No need to apologize," Elizabeth replied as she leaned back against the wall, trying to catch her breath. "I'm not used to exerting myself, that is all. I'm Sorry if I slowed you down."

"It's fine." Allisa then looked around the barren room, something eating away at the back of her mind. "Um, about Garlahad," she began. "Uh.... Wh-Well he-"


"I've always known." Allisa turned round to look at Elizabeth, who looked slightly depressed. "He's always hated me. Ever since we first met, I could tell."

"You knew how he felt?" Allisa asked, astonished by what Elizabeth had just told her.

Elizabeth nodded. "He never showed it though. But I could tell he was forcing himself to smile around me. I just knew he would try to kill me one day."

"So, why did you keep him around?"

"I wanted to free him. From his anger and hate. So that one day, he could truly smile for real." Elizabeth hugged her legs as a single tear fell down her cheek. "So he can stop lying to himself, and truly be happy. Even if it meant giving him my life."

"Elizabeth," Allisa was about to comfort her when Garlahad arrived in the room. He stuck close to the wall, holding out his Rapier.

"Garlahad!" Elizabeth stood up upon seeing him.

Allisa held out her arm, keeping Elizabeth back. "Tell me why?" she demanded. "Why are you doing this?"

"That is no business of an outsider like you," Garlahad said to her with spite.

"Even if it's not, I still want to know."

Garlahad hesitated for that moment. He looked at Allisa's determined look, sensing not anger or hostility towards him. Slowly, he lowered his Rapier.

"My family was originally the royal family of Rosaria. That was until 300 years ago when Riser was destroyed by Dorstera, we were betrayed by a branch family, who took the opportunity to overthrow our reign during the interim and installed themselves as the new rulers. That family is knowing the current royal family." He then pointed at Elizabeth. "That includes her." He said with disgust.

"My plan was to use Dorstera, the very beast that brought the downfall of our rule, to bring down the royal family, and install the true rulers back on the throne. I will finally achieve what my ancestors have failed. And I will finally be free of the hatred that has plagued my family for generations."

"And that's why you're targeting Elizabeth? What did she ever do? What did she do to make you hate her?!" Allisa snapped.

"She's no different from the rest of them!" Garlahad yelled. "Always... She's always looking down on me! Like I'm a piece of garbage! I've always hated her! She was the one who I wanted to kill the most!"

"For what? What has she ever done to you? You're just blaming her for something that happened years ago! Something she had no part of!"

Garlahad paused for a moment, shocked by Allisa's, retaliation. He gritted in anger before shouting. "WHAT WOULD YOU KNOW OUTSIDER?!!!" Garlahad's booming voice echoed through the chamber. "Your just an outsider! You have no idea what I'm going through! What it feels like to know that everything was taken from you!"

Allisa kept her cool as she considered her answer. "Yeah. I don't know what you're going through, not a clue at all. And frankly, I don't care."


"Did you ever stop to consider how Elizabeth felt? She cared for you, despite knowing that you hated her. She never asked to be a princess, but you blame her just for that."

Garlahad hastened for a moment as Allisa's words soaked in.

"Sure, what happened was tragic. But it has nothing to do with what's happening now! Whatever you blaming her for has nothing to do with what you just said!"


Garlahad stood speechless, unable to respond. What does she know? Why... Why can't I respond? Garlahad was rendered silent, unable to speak a single word. What is this? She's just some nobody. How could she get to me like this? She doesn't know what I went through. What my father went through. So why? Why can't I say anything?

As thoughts swayed around in his head, he came to some kind of realization. He took in a deep breath and finally spoke. "It's too late. I've past the point of no return." He said, mostly to himself. He then lifted his Rapier and pointed it at Allisa. "There's only one way to stop me now."

Allisa summoned her sword and looked at Elizabeth. She looked at Garlahad, and simply nodded.

Allisa understood how she felt. She knew what she had to do.

"Ok." Allisa faced Garlahad once again while sidestepping to the center of the room. "Let's end this." Garlahad raised his rapier; putting his foot forward, ready to attack. Allisa in turn held out her blade, prepared for the upcoming projectiles.

Garlahad made the first move, unexpectedly lunging forward at incredible speed. Startled, Allisa held up her sword blocking the lunge. The impact forced her back, skidding her feet along the floor.

Garlahad lunged again. Allisa dodged to the right, just before Garlahad made contact, and swung her blade at him, only for Garlahad to block the strike. Holding his blade faced down. He pushed back, forcing Allisa of her guard, before lunged his rapier at her face. Allisa just dogged, leaving a small cut on her right cheek. She then swang down with her sword, trying to catch Garlahad while he was pulling back. However, Garlahad leaped back, right before Allisa's sword made contact.

He's fast. Allisa thought to herself as Garlahad regained his fighting stance. I need to catch him off guard somehow.

Guess I could try that move I did before. Allisa then disappeared. Garlahad, then immediately turned behind him, where Allisa appeared and lunged out his rapier. Allisa immediately blocked it as she skidded back. He saw me coming?

"Teleportation," Garlahad said to himself. "You really are full of surprises."

Teleportation? Allisa was a little suppressed herself. She knew what she had done to Garlahad before and assumed that it was Quickstep, like Nel.

"It's quite impressive." He then pointed to the cut on his chest. "Seems that this wasn't just a lucky shot. That said, it won't work on me a second time. I've dealt with people who use a technique like Teleportation and quickstep before and beat them without getting a scratch. You only got lucky because I wasn't expecting it from you." He then resumed his stance once more. "And I don't fall for the same trick twice." The tip of his rapier then glowed.

He's gonna use a projectile again. Garlahad then lunged forwards, sending out a projectile at almost point blank range. Allisa didn't have time to dodge it completely, so it scraped past her left side, leaving a cut. Garlahad then took a step forwards and lunged his rapier upwards. On instinct, Allisa teleported out of the way, appearing a few paces back.

Damn! He's almost as fast as Nel. What do I do?

She then thought back to something Yuki told her during training.

"If your opponent attacks you relentlessly, they're trying to force you on the defensive. If that happens, they'll simply back you into a corner, leaving you vulnerable. The only way out of it is to attack yourself."

Easier said than done. Allisa thought as she watched Garlahad's movements. This guy doesn't leave many openings. Garlahad then lunged forwards again. Allisa blocked the blow once more, causing her to skid back again. And he hits hard as well. When I try to block, he just keeps forcing me back.

Garlahad's rapier then lit up again. He leaned back and shot out another projectile at Allisa. As Allisa dodged to the right, Garlahad lunged at her again with his sword. Allisa used teleportation to dodge again, appearing to the left of Garlahad. She swung up in an attempt to catch Garlahad off guard, but Garlahad immediately turned to face her.

Allisa staggered as Garlahad let out pricing strikes with the tip of his sword, moving so fast as though she was facing someone armed with a machine gun firing at full auto. Miraculously, Allisa was able to move fast enough to counter most of the blows, but some got through, leaving little cuts on her body. Even so, the speed was unreal, and Allisa staggered back, fresh blood seeping through cuts in her arms and belly. Garlahad then drawled back his sword. A shining light then engulfed the blade, growing bigger by the second. This projectile was fully intended to finish her off.

Damn it! If that hits me I'm done for?

"Don't give up." A voice rattled in her head.


"Now is the time. Unleash your power."

Something then flowed into her mind all of a sudden. A memory then came to her. One of when she was fighting the swordsman from the Rats. Something that she had forgotten from that time, the way she defeated him. As Garlahad began to lunge forward, Allisa stamped the ground hard with her foot. She steadied her breathing, clutching her sword tightly in both hands. The projectile was then launched at Allisa. Seconds before it hit her, Allisa disappeared, allowing the projectile to fly past and blast into the wall. Garlahad looked up, and saw Allisa high in the air, holding her sword over her head. A bright light came from the blade as she fell towards Garlahad, bringing her sword down on him. Startled by the light, Garlahad held up his sword in an attempt to block her, also coating his blade in a bright light.

Their blades collided, sending out strong winds at the contact. Cracks then formed in Garlahad's weapon, and then it broke. Allisa's sword carved straight down Garlahad's front. Blood erupted through the rent. As his blood escaped him, as death began to claim him, a smile came to Garlahad's lips.


(6 years ago)

"Garlahad." Lady Elizabeth called my name. She was out in the garden like she always was, tending to the flowers. The little girl walked up to me, and held out two flowers. "Which do you think is prettier?" She asked, smiling at me.

"The one on the left," I answered.

It had been two weeks when the little girl was placed in my care. Two weeks I've had to endure this humiliation of babysitting this girl. A girl who lived in blissful ignorance of the fact that she was in this position at the cost of my family. I hate her. My blood boiled as I watched her smelling flowers. More than once, I found my hand twitching, ready to draw my sword, and cut her down.

It is so simple. I thought. I could end it here. Kill this girl. Kill her brother. Kill the king. All with the tip of my sword. It was so simple, but I chose to wait. To kill her now would be like daylight murder. If I want her dead, It needs to be the right way. I drew my attention to my left arm. Hidden under my Vambrace, was to be the key to my ascension. The only gift of my father. Just be patient. I told myself. If I'm too rash, then everything would be for nothing.

"Garlahad." The princess called me. "Can I ask you something?"

"What is it?" I said, forcing a smile.

"Why are you always angry?"

I was caught off guard by the girl's question. I wasn't expecting her to ask that. Could she tell that I hated her? "What makes you think I'm angry?" I asked politely, trying to brush aside the topic.

"You're always forcing your self to smile." Again I was caught off guard. "All the grown-ups do the same thing. They always smile when they're angry. You're always doing it when you're around me." She then looked up at me, looking a little sad. "Do you not like me?"

A strange feeling then came over me. It wasn't the anger I usually. It was not worry. What was it? "Its ok if you don't. I still like you." I got up from the bench I was sitting at, and walked over and crouched down to the princess.

"It's... complicated," I said to her, bowing my head. "My anger runs very deep. I don't think... I don't think I'll be free of it."

"Then I'll find a way." The princess grabbed my hand. "I promise. I'll find some way so you can smile for real." What was this feeling? It wasn't hatred?

"Why would you do this for me?"

"Because you're important to me." She said smiling. "So it's the least I can do."

This feeling. Was it... happiness? Was I truly happy? There was still hatred, burning strong in my breast. But... for the first time, I think I felt, happy. I smiled and gently patted her on the head "Ok. I'll hold you to it."


This is the end. I'm dying.

Garlahad thought as he began to topple backward. In that period, time began to move slowly for him. As he did, he thought, about his life, his plans, his ambition.

Everything's ruined. My plan failed. Even so, I don't feel sad. It's like, I'm happy. It's strange. I felt this way before. Where I couldn't understand it. It was when the princess asked me why I was angry.

As his vision began to blur, Garlahad looked down at Allisa.

That girl is something else. In a few words, she destroyed my world. in a few short words. She stood against me, not out of hate, or anger. I'm not entirely sure why she fought, but she did, without a second thought.

He then gazed toward Elizabeth, who was looking away. Visible to him was a single tear, rolling down her cheek.

She's crying. Even though I tried to kill her, she sheds a tear, for me. Elizabeth turned her head slightly, as Garlahad fell, just in time to see a smile coming to his lips. I guess this isn't so bad. Maybe, my father went through the same thing, as he lay there dying. Not angry that his life ended, but glad the burden was finally lifted. Well, heck if I know. Guess I'll ask him in hell.

Farewell, Elizabeth.

Garlahad's body hit the floor with a loud crash sound. A large puddle of blood began to form beneath him. As Allisa looked up at him, seeing a smile on his lips as he lay there dead. Allisa felt strange. She wasn't happy that she won, but sad.

Elizabeth then approached him silently. She looked down on Garlahad's body. "I'm sorry." She said quietly, tears rolling down her cheeks as she crouched. "I couldn't keep my promise." She said quietly as her tears hit the ground.

Allisa couldn't help but feel sorrow, to the man who had just tried to kill her moments ago. She then reached out her hand in an attempt to comfort Elizabeth.

"How amusing."

A voice then came from the room's exit, disrupting Allisa and Elizabeth's morning.

"That you would shed a tear for the man who hated you more than life itself. Who was so warped by the sins of the past, unable to look forwards or see past that hatred that clouded his eyes." A strange boy then walked into the room. "And in the end, he found soils in his demise, finally being released from the hatred that plagued him. Truly an interesting turn of events wouldn't you say?"

Allisa couldn't help but feel uneasy by the strange boys presents. Just looking at him, she guessed that she would be around Melvin's age if it weren't for his white hair, which made him look significantly older. There was also something else, a horrible sense of malice seeping from the boy.

"Who are you?" Allisa said, standing in front of Elizabeth.

"Yun." The boy answered.

Yun? That's a strange name. Allisa thought, trying to keep her cool. "What do you want? Are you with Garlahad?"

"God no." Yun chuckled slightly. "I don't really associate with anyone. Especially someone as pathetic as him."

Allisa didn't exactly know what to make of him. He spoke in a cheerful tone, but each sound had some kind of hidden malice behind them. "So... Are you after Elizabeth too?"

"She's just a princess who wishes to defy the role fate has chosen for her." The boy, Yun scoffed, raising his arms in a shrug. "Much like a prince who grows wiry of his stature, wishing a means to escape from his life by impersonating a pauper. I've seen this play out countless times, and to be frank, it bores me.

Despite his childish attitude, there was something sinister in his words, his entire demeanor emitting a sense of malice the likes of which Allisa had ever felt before. "So what are you here for?" She asked, putting on as much of a brave face as she could.

With a Chester smile, his hands lowered to his side, Yun gave his answer. "I'm here for you. Allisa Reed."

Fear then seeped into Allisa, as the room grew thick with a strange sensation. "Wh-How do you know my name?"

"I've been watching you for some time now, ever since fate decided to make you the Chosen of the Goddess. For the past two months, I've observed you from afar. And I must say, I'm now debating whether I should destroy you now before your power grows beyond my control. That would be the most logical thing to do. Nip the bud before it has a chance to grow." He slowly raised his hand at Allisa. "After all, at your current state, destroying you would take as much effort as it would crush an ant."

Allisa froze in place. She could tell, just by looking at him, he wasn't exaggerating. What is this? Her entire body started shaking, beads of sweat dripped down her face. She wanted to run, run far away, but remained glued to her spot. Why can't I move?

"But," Yun then raised both hands up theatrically, "that wouldn't be sporting for me. And destroying the weak isn't really my thing. Plus, I found this struggle most entertaining, and find myself wanting to see what happens next." He then turned around. "So, I'm going to allow you to live."

He then walked towards the entrance. Allisa let out a sigh of relief, unsure what to think.

"Oh, one more thing." Yun then stopped and turned back around. "You probably think that now you have saved the endangered princess from the deranged madman trying to end her life, that your days of heroism are over, and you can now live happily ever after." He said to her in a slightly mocking tone. "If that's what you believe then allow me to tell you the reality you have just entered into. The fighting, the battles, they will never end."

He then pointed to Garlahad's body. "Defeat one enemy, and several more will rise to take their place. Defeat them, and even more will emerge to challenge you. Now that you have accepted your fate, that will become your reality until you die, a cycle of battle you cannot escape. The peaceful existence you have grown accustomed to is now forever lost to you, drowned in the blood of the enemies you will certainly encounter, each one stronger than the last."

A dark mist then started to form by his feet. "Well, That's all for me. Take care, and good luck." The mist started to cover Yun. "You're going to need it." The mist engulfed him, and then dispersed. Yun was nowhere to be seen.

"Who was that?" Elizabeth said, slightly nervous. Allisa then collapsed to her knees, discarding her sword, taking in deep breaths. Her face was pale; her Eyes were wide open with terror. "Allisa?" Elizabeth said out of concern.

That kid. Her mind rattled around as she tried to recover her senses. She was still unable to get her head around how she felt around him. It was as though she was staring at a black pit, slowly engulfing her, as she stood haplessly. If he wanted to, he would have easily killed her with one finger. He's death.

"Allisa!" Allisa then snapped out of it, looking up at the concerned Elizabeth.

"S-Sorry." She said as she got back up. She started to control her breathing. "I'm-I'm alright."

"Are you sure?" Elizabeth said softly.

"Yeah." Allisa then looked behind her at Garlahad's body. Elizabeth did the same. "We should go." Allisa said as she walked towards the exit.

"Ok." Elizabeth followed. Neither of them dared to look back. Yun's words went round and round in Allisa's head as they moved forward.

Who was he? What did he want? She thought as they proceeded forwards. Why am I getting a bad feeling about this?

Death of the Castle Eater

(20 minutes earlier)

"I'm getting that information," Nel said to Daud.

"I'm getting those eyes," Daud replied.

They stood in a standoff. Facing one another. Then, both of them lunged forwards, blades in hand, ready to kill.

Nel struck down with her Dagger, which Daud blocked. As he did, Nel swung at him with her short blade trying to cut him. Daud leaped back and tried to lunge at Nel again. Nel tried to move, but due to the poison, her reaction wasn't fast enough. However, she managed to deflect the attack with her dagger and twirled round to attack Daud with her short blade. Daud Ducked and then struck up at Nel. Nel moved forwards dodging the strike, nearly tripping in the prose.

Nel could tell her movements were getting more clumsy and her reflexes were getting slower. She was also finding it difficult to remain conscious.

Fortunately for her, Daud wasn't better off. Despite the string he tied around his arm to slow the bleeding, he had still lost a lot of blood from his stump. It was also clear that he was badly injured from his fight with Max. If it weren't for that Nel would have been killed after the first move. That said, with her consciousness fading, Nel knew she had to find a way to end the fight before that happened.

"You seem out of breath." Daud taunted. "Getting tired?"

"I could ask the same." Nel retorted.

Daud grinned as he looked at his stump again. If I had my sword or left arm, I could finish her off easy.

Daud, however, was perhaps more handicapped. His left arm, which had his mini-crossbow was up on the floor above, was severed from his body, and he dropped his sword as he was forced through the floor into the chamber below, meaning that it was close to where Dorstera was, which in his current condition, the risk of him being killed was great.

Oh well. I'm not out of options yet. Daud then stayed his ground, while the two started to walk circles around each other. The poisons’ still in effect, so I just need to wait for an opportunity.

Daud's plan was for Nel to stubble, even just briefly, then strike a fatal blow. At that moment, Nel stumbled forwards, lowering her guard. There! Daud then launched from his position holding his dagger high, ready to stab her in the throat. As his dagger approached her through, he realized that he had made a fatal mistake. Nel moved quickly out of the way moving faster than Daud could respond. She twirled close to the ground, plunging her short blade into Daud's left side, pulled it out and in one motion, cut off Daud's right hand, and finally stabbed her dagger into Daud's chest.

Daud coughed up blood as Nel stood up, gazing into his eyes, keeping her dagger firmly planted in her chest. "You... Did that on purpose?"

"I knew you were waiting for an opening and thought that my reflexes would have been slowed by your poison. But there's something you didn't consider me trying."

"Mana focusing?" He membered. "Your body must be at the point of breaking down.... You're in no condition to be using Mana focusing."

"That's right. In fact, I could have passed out just from the pain at that moment. I took a gamble." Nel wasn't lying. Her body was worn out from the poison cycling through her that even moving a finger would be difficult.

Nel had pushed her body beyond its limit earlier when she intercepted Daud before he killed Elizabeth. Her joints ached and her muscles were sore. Using Mana focusing, in her condition was almost suicidal considering her gamble. If it had failed and she couldn't stand the pain, she would have been killed.

Daud started to laugh as blood foamed in his mouth. "You're just as crazy as those other lunatics in your group."

Nel increased the pressure on her dagger. "Talk!" Nel demanded. She was ready to collapse at any moment, keeping on her feet by her will alone.

Daud smiled as blood began to escape from his mouth. He took in a quick breath and muttered. "...White Rose."

"What?" Nel said panting.

"A group of mercenaries."


"We don't know anything about them, like numbers, members, or who they work for. All we know is that they're crazy strong." He coughed slightly, drops of blood clung to Nel's face. "Your clan wasn't the only one..... They have wiped a number of Assassin clans out.... That's all I know." Nel was silent for a second.

"Thank you." She said quietly. She then released her dagger and sliced off Daud's head with her short blade, letting it and his body drop to the floor. White Rose? Mercenaries?

Something came to Nel's head, A memory of a man with a flower in his hand. However, before she could remember anything else, the searing pain quickly engulfed her. She dropped her weapons as she fell forwards onto the cold ground. She lay there motionless as her vision began to blur. Seems I've reached my limit. She thought as she started to close her eyes. Guys, the rest is up to you.


A loud crash came from the entrance of a large open arena, dimly lit by various sparks that floated within the frost-covered chamber. The circular room lined with massive chins that hung low from the ceiling and others that scattered along the floor.

From the opening, the massive bulk of Dorstera flew into the chamber, landing on its back within the center of the arena below. Max and Yuki skidded down the sides until they reached the bottom. In front of them, the massive behemoth got back to its feet, glaring at the two of them. Despite the loss of its right eye and horn, it still proved to put up more than a challenge for the two.

"No interruptions down here," Yuki said as he held his Katana out in front of him. "Try not to get in the way too much."

Max stood beside him, pounding his fist into his palm. "Then don't get in my way," he said with a large grin. "Still owe this thing for swatting me away before."

From above, Melvin, along with Cerberus stood at the edge of the chamber, looking down at the behemoth.

"We'll probably just get in the way if we jump in," Melvin said to Cerberus. His arm was still broken and summoning Cerberus had drained his mana further. "Have to wait for a chance, then hit it without trump card. Got it boy."

Cerberus looked up at his master and nodded. He looked back to the monster, growling at the sight.

"But that monster..... That's definitely not an ordinary Behemoth." Melvin said, nervously clenching his wand. It almost feels like.... It's not even from this world....

As to prove its point, a black and white fire began to build in its mouth as it eyed its pray, spilling out from its jiggered teeth.

"What the-" Max braised himself, taking a combat stance by extending his legs while clenching his fists.

"That.... Doesn't look normal," Yuki said, tightening his grip on his katana.

With a loud roar, black flames spewed from its mouth directly below, spreading out the inky substance which eventually turned to a solid white beam. Lifting its head, the beam began to extend outwards. Both Max and Yuki were forced to jump out of the way as the beam passed by moments before letting out an explosion of bright white, leaving an indent across the ground.

"Wh-What the?!" Yuki staggered from the blast, almost losing his footing. Looking up he saw the beast had crouched down before lunging forwards, its razor jaw ready to crush him.

Yuki jumped out of the way as the beast snapped its jaws shut, ducking as the beast passed overhead, turning about before slamming into the elevated ground. It then lunged forwards again, raising its left paw before bringing it down on Yuki's position again.

"Shit-!" He cursed as Max blasted past him. "Knock several bells outta it!"

"Don't go giving me orders!" Max snapped as he skidded underneath the beast, flaring up both his hands. With a yell he began to send his flamed fists into the beast's torso, each blow leaving a burn mark. He finished off by puffing his cheeks, letting out a flame roar.

The beast reeled back, its underbelly brunt. With its good eye burning with rage, the beast lifted up its left front leg, threatening to send it crashing down into Max. Yuki charged in, slicing into the beast's right foreleg, his blade digging in deep into the skin.

The beast staggered following the sharp pain it felt. Max followed up the momentum by flaring up both hands before slamming it together creating a fireball before throwing it at the monster, the explosion slamming into the right side of its face.

"Got it!"

Unexpectedly, however, the beast lurched its head to its right, black flames spewing forth from its mouth.


Just as the monster turned to the airborne salamander, Max barrel rolled, holding his hands out flat before emitting a burst of flames seconds before a beam of white light fired from the beast's mouth, barely missing while scraping the walls of the chamber, letting out blasts of white, causing the entire room to vibrate with the shock.

Max landed on the ground, backflipping towards Yuki's position. "Ok... that was way to close,"

"This thing.... Really starting to piss me off," Yuki muttered. He was lurched over, grasping at the wound on his chest.

"Whoa... Are you ok?" Max asked, noticing Yuki's posture.

"Tch, This is nothing."

The monster lowered its body, snarling at the two men, showing off its massive set of teeth, its claws digging into the ancient stonework.

"Looks like this won't be ending any time soon," Yuki commented, wielding his katana with both hands.

"Its tough, I'll give it that much," Max added pounding his fists together as they burst into flames.

The beast opened its maw, ready to pounce when a wheel of fire slammed into its right side, knocking it off balance.


"What the?"

The wheel of fire landed back on the ground in front of the two men. The flames died out, revealing Cerberus snarling at the giant behemoth.

"I don't think brute strength is gonna win us this." Melvin slid down the side of the circular room to join the others. "You can see this thing's clearly not your average monster. If this keeps up, we're all gonna die."

"If you have an idea, I'm all ears," Yuki grunted.

Melvin squinted his eyes at the behemoth as it recovered, slamming its feet to the ground which shattered underneath, letting out an ear bleeding roar. After the cry, Melvin looked to his companion, who glanced towards him, giving a nod.

"I've got an idea, at least a way to slow it down." Melvin held out his wand as Cerberus took up position in front of him, lowering its body closer to the ground. "It'll take some time! Just keep it busy for now!"

"Got it!" Max said as he parted his legs, flames emitting from his hands. "Try not to slow me down Sword bastard!"

"Then don't get in my way," Yuki remarked as he tightened his grip.

Both then charged towards the enraged monster. Meanwhile, Cerberus began to let out a low growl, the flames of its exposed hide began to grow. Melvin remained in place, pointing his wand at Cerberus. Orange light shone in resonance with Cerberus.

"Gonna give you what's left of my mana," Melvin said to his familiar. "We only get one shot. After that, it's up to you two to finish it off."

Dorstera roared as it raised its palm, sending it crashing in the ground, trying to squash Yuki who rolled out of the way. Max meanwhile skidded underneath, taking in a deep breath before letting out a flaming roar, burning the underbelly of the monster.

Dorsetera leaped from its position, landing on the slope before lunging towards Max, talons raised high. Max leaped back as it slammed its palm into the earth below, creating another hole in the ancient brickwork. Yuki then charged in again, ducking under the monster as it tried to bite him. Blade held in both hands, Yuki swiped his blade several times before skidding to a halt, swinging his blade out.

Blood suddenly erupted from gashes opening in the monster's belly. Seemingly unfazed the monster turned to destroy the man, but became distracted by a wave of heat. Turning, it saw Cerberus, crouching on the ground, a bright light radiating from its fiery body.

"Ok!" Melvin pointed his wand at the monster. "Shooting Star!"

On his command, Cerberus launched towards the monster like a rocket, letting out a roar as it slammed into its left arm, just by its head. The monster was forced back several meters, its talons digging into the ground as it tried to resist the meteor that assailed it. With a defiant roar, Cerberus suddenly exploded in a fiery inferno.

Dorstera was pushed back, letting out a roar of pain. The attack had burned a large hole in its left bicep, tearing off the entire foreleg, half its face was showered, singed black, its remaining horn blew off, flying in the air like a propeller


With a burst of flames from his feet, Max launched himself into the air, grabbing a hold of the broken bone. With a grin, he twirled it around in his hands until the point was facing downwards.

"RAAAAAAAA!!!" He cried as he descended towards the crippled monster, and with horn raised up, he plunged it into the monster's skull.


Castle Eater.

That's what it was called. It didn't know why, or who gave it that title. It didn't know who gave it its name. Dorstera.

Who called it that?

It wasn't like most monsters. It didn't know anything about where it came from. It didn't know if it was born into this world, or created, by some unforeseen power. It knew there were six others who were similar to it but didn't know anything about them, the sins they represented.

All it knew was how to kill. How to scorn, how to hate those.

But why?

It was a beast, bent purely for destruction. Answered to one who bore the song. The melody, one it recognized.

But what was the song?

What tune did it sing?

How long had it been since it felt calm?

All it had ever felt was hate. All it ever felt was jealousy towards others.

All it ever felt....

Was Envy.


Max landed on the ground, falling to one knee. Looking up he saw his handy work. His final attack drilled the horn directly into the monster's skull, blood leaking out from the open wound as it lay on the ground dead.

"Wh-We actually won," A wiry Melvin said, letting out a sigh of relief. "And we're still alive to boot."

"Ha, it was just another monster to boot," Max boasted, clicking his fingers.

"..... I don't know about that," Melvin said, looking around the room, spying the giant chains suspended from the ceiling. "That thing.... It was sealed in here. Whatever it was.... It was clearly dangerous enough for someone to keep it locked away."

"Aw, who cares? We still beat it in the end." Max shrugged.

"I think it may be worth considering if you had a bit of common sense," Melvin said, narrowing his eyes.

"Say," Max, who was not listening, was looking around the room. "We'd Cerberus go?"

"Oh, he's gone," Melvin said, clutching his broken arm. "It's an attack that he can only use once, after that he vanishes. I have to keep it as my trump card since I can only use it once."

Glancing around, he saw Yuki collapsed to one knee, clutching his chest, blood leaking from the wound.

"Yuki?" Melvin spoke up.

"Whoa, what's up with you?" Max said, sounding more concerned.

"Tch, it's nothing," Yuki shrugged as he forced himself to his feet. "Let's go, I'm already sick of this place,"


"Um, guys." After making their way back to the main hall where they previously were, Melvin pointed out Nel collapsed on the ground near another body.

"She's covered in bolts," Yuki said upon closer inspection.

"They're from that assassin guy." Max pointed at the body of Daud.

"Isn't that," Looking at him, Yuki noticed something familiar about him, like he'd seen him before earlier that day. His train of thought drifted when Max tried to pull one of the bolts out of Nel. "Hey whoa!" Yuki stopped him before he did.

"What? We need to get them out." Max protested.

"We don't know how deep they're in. She could bleed to death if we pull them out."

"So what? We just leave them in?"

"Hold on," Melvin called as he walked towards them. Due to his broken rib, running was out of the question so he only just caught up. He crouched beside her, putting a finger on her neck. "She's still alive, but her pulse is a little weak." He said. Yuki then pulled out one of the bolts on her left arm, inspecting the head and the wound.

"Ok. They're not too deep. You can pull them out." Max, who wasted no time in pulling the bolts out. When he was finished, Yuki rolled her over.

"She doesn't look too good," Max said, looking at Nel's face. "Hey Nel! Can you hear us?" No response.

"Hold on," Melvin said as he looked at the bolts. He noticed that there was a small hole in the tip. "She might be poisoned." He held out his wand above her. "Antidote!" A green light glowed from his wand and shortly engulfed Nel.

"Did it work?" Max said nervously watching Nel. "She's not moving."

"It should neutralize whatever's in her system if the formulas’ simple enough, but she really needs to see a doctor," Melvin said as he got up.

"Right." Yuki picked her up gently in his arms.

"What?" Max got up as well. "Can't you heal her?" He asked Melvin.

"I only have one good arm," Melvin said. "Plus, I'm running low on Mana, so I can't properly heal her." He then looked at Yuki's wound on his chest. "Will you be ok?"

"I'll be fine," Yuki said as he carried her to the hole in the wall nearby.

"Wait?" Max pointed at the entrance to the room. "Isn't that the way?"

"No. We can't go that way. The walkway is broken." Melvin replied.


"Oh right, you went down a different way," Melvin remembered.

"Keep up you two," Yuki called as he walked into the hole.

"We're coming, Sword Bastard!" Max said as he picked up Nel's weapons and began to walk with Melvin. "By the way, what happened to your arm?"

"Got hit by a yo-yo."


"It's a long story. What happened to that clone guy?"

"Oh, he's toast."

"And when you said you fell down a hole, what did you mean by that?"

"Oh, it's a long story?"

As the party left the devastated room, behind them, back in the large circular room, in the ruined body of the monster something happened. From its course, a dark cloud began to rise, coalescing into a single mass above its body. There, a red light emitted between the gaps of the dark cloud. All of a sudden, the cloud vanished, leaving behind the body of the beast which slowly began to lose its color, disintegrating into not but ash.

The Sun Rises

As Allisa and Elizabeth made it to the entrance, they were almost blinded by the light pouring through. The sun had risen, shining its light on the ruined courtyard.

"I never thought I'd be so happy to see the sun again," Allisa said, resting by one of the collapsed pillars. "Man I'm beat,"

"I'm not suppressed," Elizabeth said, sitting next to her. "I'm a little fatigued as well." Allisa looked around, seeing the devastation around her. "I wonder what caused all this?"

"Max fought someone here so probably him," Allisa answered. "He's got a habit of going overboard."

"Oh, I see." Elizabeth's mood changed. "I'm so sorry. You all were put in terrible danger because of me."

"It's ok. We came because we wanted to, so don't blame yourself." Allisa said, putting her hand on her shoulder. Elizabeth smiled and nodded.

"Oh, and," Allisa suddenly got depressed. "About Garlahad," she lowered her hand as she remembered back to when she defeated him. "He was smiling." She said. "I don't really get it, but, for some reason, I feel bad for him."

Elizabeth looked forward at the giant statues in the temple entrance. "I actually want to thank you." She said.

"For what?"

"For saving him."

"Huh? I saved him?" Allisa looked a little confused.

"When you fought, Garlahad was different. I saw, he wasn't acting out of hatred, or anger. And when you cut him, he looked grateful. I'm actually jealous."


"You achieved in minutes what I couldn't do in 6 years. So thank you, Allisa, from the bottom of my heart."

Strangely, Allisa knew what she was talking about. When they fought, something seemed different from when they first encountered each other.


Allisa and Elizabeth were then interrupted when Max, Melvin and Yuki emerged from the ruins.

"They're ok," Elizabeth said with relief.

Allisa was about to say something when she noticed Yuki carrying a motionless Nel. A sinking feeling struck her. She immediately got up and rushed towards him. "Nel!" she called. As she got closer, she saw Nel was out cold, with small traces of blood on the holes around her body.

"She's ok," Yuki reassured her. "But we do need to get her to a doctor."

"You sure she's ok? There's bolts sticking out of her." Allisa said looking nervously at Nel.

"Aw relax. She's not gonna die from that. Some bed rest and she'll be right back to bossing us around." Max said. "Anyway, are you two ok?" He then asked looking towards Elizabeth.

"Yeah, we're fine," Allisa said to him.

"That other knight?" Yuki asked. Allisa remained silent, but Yuki got what it meant. "Ok. I won't pry." He said.

"Did," Elizabeth began, a little nervous to ask what was on her mind. "Did any of you see Kuradeal?" She asked softly.

"You mean that bastard knight? Yeah, this is a gift from him." He then gestured to the cut on his chest. "Before you ask, he's dead."

"I see..." Elizabeth cast her gaze downwards.

"Don't feel sorry. That bastard had it coming." Yuki said without a hit of remorse.

"I still don't get what's going on. Were those guy's our enemy?" Max asked puzzled.

"Man you're slow," Yuki muttered to himself, irritated.

"Um guys." Melvin then got their attention. "I know it was dark when we got here.... but," he pointed in front of him. "There was a cliff here.... right?" The others followed his gaze and were shocked by what they saw.

"The Hell!" Yuki breathed.

To the west where the cliff was supposed to be, was a steep slope where it used to be. In front of it, the wall was completely obliterated, along with some of the ground, leaving no trace that there was anything there.

"What the heck did you do?" Yuki yelled at Max, waking him on the back of the head.

"What makes you think I did that?" Max argued back, rubbing the spot where Yuki hit him.

"You were fighting the clone guy here! Plus you're the only one who would leave something like that!"

As the two broke into an argument, Allisa kept her gaze on the slope. Was it him? She thought, thinking of Yun.

"Halt!" Several armor figures then rushed into the courtyard.

"What now?" Melvin said, exhausted.

"Wait," Elizabeth said to everyone. "It's the guard." The one in front then halted his position, ordering the others to stop.

"Princess Elizabeth?" He asked.


"Oh, what a relief." The man walked forwards, instructing the others to lower their weapons. "Captain Warren, from Riser." He said bowing.

Warren? The name was familiar to Allisa, but she couldn't remember from where.

"We heard you were kidnaped from the mayor. Then we got reports of some kind of explosion in this area, so we came to investigate." He then looked at the people behind Elizabeth.

"Oh, these are my friends. They're the ones who rescued me." Elizabeth said. "They require medical treatment at once."

"I see." Warren then turned to his men. "Nora! Graham!" A man and a woman then rushed to his side. "See what you can do?"

"Aye sir!" They both replied.

"Rest of you secures the area!" Warren said to the others.

"Aye sir!" As the others dispersed, the two medics approached the group. The woman was about to inspect Allisa when she told her she was fine and insisted on the others. The man took Nel from Yuki and pleased her on the ground and began to heal her. The woman in the meantime inspected Melvin and Yuki's wounds. Elizabeth went off with Warren, possibly to explain the situation. Allisa in the meantime couldn't help but think about what Warren said. She found herself glued to the massive hole in the cliff.

An explosion? Was it him? Anxiety began to build up, as she was lost in thought, about the strange boy she had just encountered. Who was he? What is he?


Deep inside the ruins, there were many hidden rooms and secret passageways. The cult was using some of them as little chapels or sleeping quarters. They knew the layout of the ruins.

During the escape of Allisa's group, they could have easily intercepted them. However, that was impossible for them, since they were all wiped out. Their bodies left in the hallways of the complex, bleeding out into the brickwork below.

In a small chapel, bodies lay around the altar. There stood a single man, standing amidst the carnage. The man was a big build and wore a shōzoku. And all that was visible was his face. He was a middle-aged man and had long dark hair, and a scar running down his nose. He stood before one of the cultists, pulling a kunai out from the man's forehead, letting him slump to the ground.

"Geez. These guys are no fun." He said as he reached the altar to pick up a ruby. "Still. All this of a stone? When did I turn into the errand boy."

Three cultists, who had emerged from the shadows armed with swords then charged the man. As they got close to him preparing to attack he disappeared in a flash. As the men stopped themselves, three kunai then struck all three in the back of their heads, killing them instantly. The man stood behind them, inspecting the ruby before putting it in his pocket.

"Well, they want it, so it must be important." The man faced forwards and held out his hand. "Open!"

A white light appeared in front of him, opening a portal. The man leaped into it and the light vanished. Leaving the room filled with corpses. On the altar, where the ruby had been, was a single white rose in its place, dotted with little drops of blood.

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