《The Goddess’ Chosen》Treachery unveiled


Elizabeth slowly opened her eyes. She did not know how long she had been out for. It was hazy, but the last thing she remembered was some stranger grabbing her from behind then dragging her into the shrine. Everything else was all a blur. "Looks like you're finally awake, 'Princess.'" Her vision was blurry, but she saw someone standing in front of her, a woman by the looks of it.

"A-lliss-a?" She was feeling very groggy, as though she had been unconcealed for, clearly a long time. Slowly, her vision began to return, giving her a clearer image of the figure in front of her.

"Frad not." She then recognized the figure as Loria, the one who attacked them. She was startled by her appearance. As she moved her arms on reflex, she noticed that they were chained up on some large frame.

"Wh-where am I?"

"You're currently standing on an ancient seal." Loria pointed down at Elizabeth's feet. Below here was a strange circle with symbols drawn into it. Several lines extended behind her from the circle to a wall behind her, which a massive circle similar to the one beneath her. She was high on some kind of altar with a view of the door to the room.

"Why have you brought me here?" Elizabeth demanded, acting brave. "And what did you do to Allisa and her friends?"

"If you mean those fools, nothing. We just needed you, and, as much as it stings, we stood no chance against them back there."

"So there alright?" Elizabeth let out a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness."

"I'd be more worried about myself if I were you," Loria said as she pointed to the ground. "That seal can only be broken with the blood of a virgin. And you've been chosen to be the sacrifice."

"Sacrifice? Sacrifice for what?"

"Dorstera. A behemoth that was sealed in this very place 300 years ago by the Arch Sages of the time."

"A behemoth?"

"It is known as one of the Six Emperors. Legendary monsters said to be so powerful that just one alone could destroy an entire nation." Her gaze looked up at the massive circle above them. "Dorstera the Castle Eater. It's said that he alone destroyed Riser in that period, leaving no one alive."

"Wh-what? And you people worship such a horrible creature?!"

Loria laughed slightly at Elizabeth's question. "I wouldn't put it like that. The men do at least. I, on the other hand, have an ulterior motive." She then looked at Elizabeth. "All Six Emperors had origins going back to Saruin. 300 years ago, a sorcerer managed to create a command seal that allows him to control the monsters. And 6 years ago, I managed to discover that spell."

Elizabeth started to understand what it was she was planning. "You're going to free it so you can control it?" Elizabeth's voice wavered with despair as the thought of what the woman would do with such power played out in her head.

"Oh, I'm not the one who will be controlling it."

"What?" Elizabeth was suppressed by that answer.

"There is only one person who is fit to control this powerful monster, and that's the true king of Rosaria." Metallic footsteps can be heard making their way up the altar's stairs. Loria turned to face the front where the newcomer would arrive, smiling. "Isn't that right.... King Garlahad."

"Wha-Who?" Elizabeth's heart sank apron hearing the name.


"You didn't mishear." An armored figure then came into view. "It's really me."

Tears then began to form within Elizabeth's eyes. "G-Garlahad?" she sank down on the chains, overwhelmed by this revelation. "No...No, it can't be true."

"Denied it all you want, that won't change the reality, Princess." Garlahad's usual careful and polite demander was gone, replaced with a cold, serious look. "And in case your thinking about it, I assure you I am acting completely of my own free will. In fact, I have set this plan in motion for the past 6 years, waiting for this day when I can finally regain what has long been taken from my family." Elizabeth slowly tilted her head upwards, tears pouring from her eyes. "Come tomorrow, the rightful king will finally be sitting on the throne of this kingdom."

"You may as well give up hope of rescue," Loria said to Elizabeth. "I can promise you, no one will be coming to your rescue."

"Allisa will come," Elizabeth said in a quiet whisper.


"She and her friends will come, I just know she will."

"I'm sure they will," Garlahad said turning to face the entrance of the room. "In fact, I have no doubt that there here already." He then smiled to himself. "And you can watch as I kill your preciouses friend in front of your very eyes. And after that, when your last hope is completely crushed, I will take your life and awaken Dorstera."

Elizabeth clenched her fists hard and bit down on her lip. Allisa. Everyone, Please be safe.

Yuki vs. Kuradeal

"So, all that crap you were saying about us not being able to protect the princess. I guess that was all an act." Yuki said to Kuradeal, grinning at the irony. "You just didn't want us around so you won't have any trouble disposing of her yourself."

"That's not true, we were concerned," Kuradeal said, grinning wide, showing off his teeth. "If she were to die before his plan was to come to fruition, I'm not sure what we would have done."

"We? So that other knight here too?"

"Yes. The rightful king, Garlahad."

"King?" Yuki lowered his blade from his shoulder. "You mean that other knight's royalty?"

"Not quite, at the moment anyway. 300 years ago, following the destruction of the Riser by the behemoth, Dorstera, the current royal family removed his family from the throne in a power struggle. Before that, they were the main family who had led Rosaria since it was founded. And soon, with the help of the very monster that ruined his family's power, will be used to restore him as the rightful king."

"So.... He's not royalty?" Yuki said cluelessly as he picked his nose with his free hand.

"WERE YOU EVEN LISTENING? And that's disgusting!" Kuradeal yelled at him.

"Well.... I don't really understand these long-winded explanations."

"Then you really are as dumb as you look!"

"But what is it that you're after?" Yuki said fixing a serious look at him "You don't really strike me as some loyal right-hand man who is doing this out of the bottom of his heart. What do you get out of helping this guy?" Kuradeal smiled a sinister smile.

"Power and influence."


"I thought I kept it simple for your tiny brain to comprehend. But if you need more information, I'm doing this solely for my own benefit." He then held up his hand. "As the Right-hand man of the king, I will finally gain the power I deserve. No more serving the weak. No more groveling under the foot of those who are beneath Me." he then clenched his hand into a fist.


"And when the opportunity presents itself, I will kill of Garlahad and take the throne for myself!" He then extended both hands as he steered upwards. "I'll rise to the position that is rightfully mine! I will destroy the Arch Sages, and topple the other nations, and sit above them as the rightful ruler! Hahahahahahhah-"

Kuradeal cut his laughter short when he noticed that Yuki was chuckling to himself. "What's so funny?"

"You know, I really don't care for royalty, politics, or any of that other crap. And it's no secret that from the moment we met, I really didn't like you. So you could say that I've been waiting for an excuse to fight you and that other guy.

"In fact, one of the reasons why I'm here was the hope that we'd bump into you guys on the way so I could challenge you to a fight. Though I do admit I don't really a very good reason to fight you, but you really piss me off so I don't care what the reason is." Yuki's sword started trembling in his hand. "But now," He then looked up at Kuradeal with a large grin on his face. "Now I have a good reason to fight you."

"Fight me?" Kuradeal reached down and drew his sword. "You, what to fight me?" Kuradeal looked up at Yuki with a similar grin. "You really think you can take on a knight. You need to learn your place foreigner." He then slowly drew his sword. "Although, I've heard that Katanas are supposed to be one of the sharpest blades in the world. Let's put that to the test shall we."

"Always wanted to take on a knight." Yuki then readied his sword. "Let's see if you're not just bags of hot air."

"Big words." Kuradeal raised his own sword and braced. "Let's see if you can back them up."

Both then lunged forward, leading to a loud Clash sound as their blades collided. Both men were caught in the deadlock, pushing on their blades hard until they were face to face, large grins on their faces. "Impressive strength. I have to give you that, not anyone can keep up with the strength of a knight."

"You're not bad yourself. Looks like your not just a pile of crap after all." Both men immediately leaped back some distance. Yuki then lunged at him again, leading to a fast exchange of blows between him and Kuradeal.

He's fast, and aggressive. Kuradeal thought to himself as he blocked Yuki's numerous strikes, his optimism starting to vanish. I don't think I can keep up with this!

At that moment, a strike from Yuki created an opening, which Yuki took full advantage of. Sword raised overhead, he brought his blade down on Kuradeal. Yuki's sword smashed hard against the armor, but simply slide down its surface, leaving no damage.

"What!" Kuradeal smiled and took a swing at Yuki, who managed to block it, skidding backward. Kuradeal stayed where he was, sneering at him. That didn't even scratch him. I can usually slice through armor no problem. What gives?

"What's the matter? Went you having fun?" Kuradeal geared. Yuki then rushed in again, swinging his sword at Kuradeal from his right. Kuradeal lifted his left arm and used his Vambrace.

Not his sword! Realizing the danger he was in, Yuki attempted to leap back as Kuradeal swung at him, cutting along his chest. Yuki landed and almost dropped to his knees. Fortunately for him, the cut wasn’t that deep.

"I commend you. If you hadn't retreated when you did, that wound would have a whole lot worse."

"That armor you're wearing," Yuki said as he regained his composure. "It's not your standard-issue gear, isn't it?"

"Good eye. No, this is special amerathin armor reserved for nobles and knights."


"A special ore that is far stronger than your ordinary steel armor, designed to protect the wearer from mana attacks and magic, let alone conventional weapons. Unless you use some kind of mana Channeling, you can't hope to put a scratch in this armor."

Yuki smiled slightly to himself. "Well, that's gonna be a problem. I don't know any mana Channeling moves. I'm even sure I don't have much of the stuff at all."

"You're joking." Kuradeal tried his best not to burst into laughter. "You mean you challenged a Knight when you have no use of your mana? You truly are insane." A strange shining mist then started emitting from his sword. "Let me show you the difference in our strengths." He then swiped his sword out in a horizontal slice, sending an arc of light straight at Yuki.

Yuki quickly ducked letting the light pass over him. It destroyed the statue behind it and dispersed after it impacted on the statue on the opposite side of the room.

"What the?" Yuki got back to his feet, examining the damage left in the wake of the attack. "Such power."

"Projection." Yuki turned back to the sneering Kuradeal. "A simple form of mana channeling. I can project my mana into a powerful strike. I can literally kill you from this distance without moving from this spot."

"Is that so," Yuki said smiling.

"Understand now. You can't beat me with just that country swordplay of yours."

"It's called Reijingu mizu." Yuki said as he faced his opponent, unfazed by his power.


"It's a sword style taught in the North of Kugarat which is designed to counter though who can mana. It relies solely on strength, skill, reflexes, and nothing else."

"Really? A technique designed to counter a mana user? What kind of nonsense is that! Without using mana you don't have a hope against me! Or did you forget that my armor is built to withstand mana attacks! You can't simply cut through it with that pathetic sword!"

"Well, we're just gonna have to see about that." Yuki gripped his sword in both hands tightly, grinning at his opponent.

Kuradeal's irritation continued to grow at Yuki's seemingly unwavering optimism. "Cocky bastard." He then raised his sword up, building up power as he did before. "Just so you know, I intended to miss the first time. This time, it will hit you!"

"Ha, Bring it on!" Yuki braced himself as Kuradeal let out another horizontal projection. As it came to him, Yuki raised his sword as the projection collided with his blade. The force of the impact was strong enough to force Yuki back.

The hell! This thing's completely solid!

Yuki struggled as the projection forced him back, as he mustered the strength to force it upwards of its trajectory, crashing it into the wall above.

"Not bad. But let's see how you handle this!" Kuradeal said as he released a vertical projection at Yuki.

Yuki scampered out of the way. As he did, Kuradeal released two projections in a criss-cross. Yuki narrowly dodged them to the left, before circling round to the left before charging at Kuradeal. Kuradeal let off another horizontal projection at Yuki who took the blow with his sword, forcing him back again. However, it suddenly dissipated, causing Yuki's sword to hit the ground on account of the strength he put in. Kuradeal had immediately charged in while his guard was down, attacking with a vertical strike. With no time, Yuki quickly ducked to the right, allowing Kuradeal's swing to scrape his right arm. He hit the floor and quickly got back to his feet and lunged at Kuradeal while he was recovering. He caused sparks to fly as his blade scraped along the armor, as he passed him he immediately pivoted and clashed blades with Kuradeal as he swung again at Yuki, causing them to lock shortly and push themselves back from each other.

"It's useless. You won't be able to even scratch my armor with that sword of yours."

"Really," Yuki said grinning. "So that scratch was done before we met?"

"What?" Kuradeal looked down on his armor. On his breastplate, where Yuki had struck before, there was a small cut in the metal. Kuradeal's instantly eyes widened. "Impossible!"

"Looks like that armor of yours isn't impenetrable after all. Just had to hit hard enough to make a dent."

"You little pest." Kuradeal then started to giggle. "I admit, I've been underestimating you."

He then raised his sword and struck down sending a vertical projection at Yuki. Yuki dogged to the left immediately. As he did, Kuradeal had closed the distance in a second and struck Yuki before he had a chance to recover, leaving a large gash in his chest. "But no more!" He then drove his knee the disoriented Yuki in the chest, winding him.

As Yuki staggered back, Kuradeal then attempted to bring his sword down on Yuki. As he did, Yuki grabbed his wrist before it could strike him, and head-butted Kuradeal in the face. Kuradeal staggered back, dropping his sword. Yuki released Kuradeal's wrist and brought his blade upwards towards Kuradeal's neck.

Kuradeal managed to regain his balance and ducked down, allowing the blade to just skim the top of his head. He then punched Yuki hard in the chest, squirting blood from his already bad wound, and sending him flying back. Kuradeal was still slightly dazed from Yuki's head-butt. He also realizes that his nose was broken and was bleeding heavily.

Yuki struggled as he slowly tried to get back on his feet, sword still in hand. He was even worse off. The gash on his chest was bleeding badly from the punch. Getting back to his feet took a lot of effort due to the intense pain. The front of his shirt was almost turning completely red from the blood. It wasn't just his chest that was bleeding badly. The cut on his left arm was deeper than he'd relisted, and blood was trickling down from that wound.

He can still move with those wounds? Kuradeal retrieved his sword as Yuki finally got back to his feet, huffing and puffing. "Time to finish you off." He sent a horizontal projectile at Yuki, expecting this one to slice in too.

Unexpectedly Yuki took the projectile head-on with his sword. He skidded back a few paces by the force before successfully bushing it aside into a statue, smashing it to pieces. Kuradeal looked on at Yuki, amazed that he could still put up this fight in that condition.

"You certainly are something else. Most would have collapsed given the state you're in. But you can't keep this up for much longer." He then swiped his sword to his side, preparing to unleash another projectile. "I admit you're a formidable fighter. It's just unfortunate that you had to go up against someone like me who is able to wield mana. You put up a good fight, but you didn't stand a chance to begin with. In the end, those with no power to speak of will always fall before a superior opponent! That's the difference between you and me!"

"What's the name of your sword?" Yuki asked quietly.


"I'm asking you what the name of that sword is?"

"It's name?" Kuradeal felt as though he should laugh at what seemed to be his opponent's final words. "Why would my sword have a name? What kind of nonsense are you spitting? A sword is just a weapon, a tool! Why would it have a name?"

"I see. Then that's the difference between you and me."


"In Kugarat, all weapons, be that a sword, spear or bow, are given names by their creators."

"Are you joking? What kind of pointless tradition is that?"

"The blacksmiths of Kugarat, pour their very souls into making a weapon, as though they were creating a living thing. They are then past down to the worriers who use them." Yuki then slowly sheathed his weapon. "The worriers do the exact same, putting their very existence into their weapon until it becomes an extension of their bodies." He then took out his sword from his belt, still sheathed in the scabbard.

"What exactly are you getting at? You want me to believe that you carry a legendary weapon."

"This swords name is Sakura." Yuki then stuck out his leg, holding his sword behind him with his left hand. "It was forged by my sensei, and wielded by his daughter, Ayami Kagaune. Both their spirits are with me." His right hand hovered over his sword grip. "And the day I took up this sword, I made a very important oath. And losing to scum like you is simply not an option for me."

"Scum? You're calling me scum?" Kuradeal, losing his patience, raised his sword, which was glowing bright by the mana he was pouring in. Yuki calmed his breathing and closed his eyes. "DON'T YOU DARE LOOK DOWN ON ME YOU MISERABLE BASTARD!!!!!" a massive projectile was then emitted from his sword as he violently swung it in a horizontal arc.

Yuki remained his ground, eyes still closed as the arc came closer and closer, and when it was within inches from him Yuki opened his eyes.

Reijingu Mizu Stance 4: Rasshu!

It was over within a fraction of a second. Kuradeal watched with eyes wide open as the arc finally smashed against the wall in its path, cut right down the middle. Yuki stood still behind him, holding his sword high, and his scabbard by his side. Seconds went by as the two stood in their stances completely still. All of a sudden, large volumes of blood exploded from the long and massive cut within Kuradeal's armor.

I-Impossible! Kuradeal fell backward as blood continued to pour from his wound. He... Actually cut through my armor. He landed hard on the floor hard, blood staining his armor, seeping into the cracks in the ground. Yuki regained his usual form and put his scabbard back on his belt before approaching Kuradeal. "I-I.... I cant.... End like this." Yuki held out his blade above Kuradeal.

"If you want, I can end your life now, save you the pain," Yuki said with a somber tone.

"Don't you d-dare pity me!" Kuradeal spat out.

Yuki then withdrew his blade from him. "Fine, bleed out." He said before sheathing his sword.

"Why?" tears welled up in Kuradeal's eyes. "How could this happen? How could I be killed by some pathetic piece of trash like you?"

"You really think you're all high and mighty?"

"OF COURSE I AM!!" Kuradeal then coughed up some blood as he strained his voice. "B-but.... Everyone looks down on me. They always look down on me." he struggled as he lifted his arm in the air. "So I'll become more powerful... So no one ever... ever, look down on me again." Yuki then turned away from Kuradeal, out of ether petty or irritation he didn't know himself and made his way to the exit. "And at last, the piece to my ambition, and the key to use it..... were finally within my grasp...... I-It..... It was all within my grasp. I could have finally... achieved... my............" Kuradeal's hand then dropped down to the floor.

"There's a big difference between ambition and reality," Yuki said, not bothering to look back to check if his opponent was dead. His fist clenched as a bad memory surfaced. "You can trust me on that."

Assassin's showdown: Nel vs. Daud

Nel and Allisa made it down another flight of stairs, which led into another room, a much smaller one by comparison to the one Yuki was left at. Unlike the others, which were lit up by light crystals, was completely lit by six large flames in basins on the walls, either side of the room, casting a twilight glow into the room. There were four columns on the side of the room as well, casting shadows across the length of the room.

"According to that guy, there should be one more room up ahead," Nel said as she walked through the room. As she looked back, she saw Allisa staring back at the way we came. "Worried about the others?" she managed to attract Allisa's attention. "They can take care of themselves. They'll catch up when they can. You have bigger priorities at the moment."

"R-right. Sorry." Allisa then ran to catch up to Nel. In front of them was another entrance. "How big is this place supposed to be? It's been room after room." She said as she passed Nel.

"I could imagine we're pretty deep underground now. There were many places like this that went deep into the ground."

"Makes me think what the people who built this place had in mind." The room was far smaller than the others, so they managed to make it to the next entrance quickly. This time, it seemed to lead to a spiral staircase, leading even deeper underground. Allisa stopped just short of the staircase, looking down on it. "I'm nearly there Elizabeth." She said to herself. "Are you ready?" She said turning to Nel. She then found that she was facing back towards the room. "What's wrong?"

"Allisa, go on ahead." Nel's voice sounded very serious.

"Wh-what? Is someone here?" Allisa turned back. She couldn't see anyone around.

"I can handle it. Just go." Allisa noticed Nel's voice was becoming more urgent.

"Hold on, I can"

"Why did you come here?" Nel snapped.

"T-To save Elizabeth," Allisa answered nervously.

"She is currently down there. That's where you need to be, not here. So go!" Allisa glanced back down at the staircase. She didn't want to leave Nel behind as well. She was scared to go down there alone too. Awash of conflicting feelings started to come over her. "You'll be fine." She looked back to Nel. "You're stronger than you were two months ago. I have faith you'll be just fine on your own."

"Nel," Allisa stared back at the staircase, clutching her fists. "I'll see you again, right?"

"Of course." Nel smiled to herself. "Who do you think I am?"

"All right." Allisa then began to run down the staircase, trying to look back.

Allisa, Good luck.

"How did you know I was here?" a man's voice then echoed around the room, causing Nel to draw her blades. "I know you're a sensor, but I've suppressed my mana, so you shouldn't be able to detect my presence."

"Don't think I rely solely on that ability. I sensed that bloodlust of yours as we approached the entrance."

"Ha, guess I got a bit carried away." A figure then emerged from behind the far column to Nel's right. Nel instantly recognized who it was.

"Black hood. The assassin." Nel said as she put up her guard.

"Yo." The man pulled down his hood, revealing more of his face. He was possibly by looking at him in his mid 30's, with short black hair and slight stubble on his face. "Names Daud. And you must be Nel Zepher."

Nel was shocked that he knew her name. "You know who I am?"

"Of course. Every Assassin knows who you are." Daud drew his short sword from his back. "The last survivor of the Crimson Blade. A young woman with short red hair carries a dagger and short blade. Amongst Assassin's, your bounties gotta be up to 500,000 Rundes."

"Really?" Nel then gave a slight grin. "I figured as much. Though I thought it was higher than that by now."

"Oh, that's just for your life. There are people who are very interested in those eyes of yours. In fact, there are collectors who would pay over a million per eye."

"Collectors?" Nel had known about her bounty, but the demand for her eyes was news to her.

"Yeah. Some kind of big shots amongst the underground is interested in unique body parts. Don't ask me why."

Disgust started to well up inside Nel. She had heard that there were some people in the world, particularly slavers and mob bosses, who collect body parts of people with unique characteristics, such as her Piercer eyes. "So that's why you didn't attack us when we entered the room. And why you waited until Allisa was gone before you decided to show yourself. You're after me."

"Yep. So I'll be taking those pretty eyes of yours."

"Come take them if you can!" Nel activated her Piercer eyes.

Daud held up his left arm and fired two small bolts from his mini crossbow device before jumping back too behind the column. Nel easily dogged them and used Quickstep to quickly approach the column where Daud had retreated. As she arrived, she saw that Daud had disappeared again.

He's gone! One of her instincts kicked in as she turned quickly and used her short blade to block a blow from Daud, who had appeared behind her.

That diffidently wasn't quickstep. She thought as she attempted to stable Daud in the face with her dagger.

The jab was so fast that it almost made contact with Daud before he disappeared and reappeared a few steps back. But that was quickstep.

Daud smiled with joy. There was a small cut on his cheek with small drops of blood trickling down. "Not bad." He said as he felt where she had cut him. "You're definitely worth 500,000. Not anyone can react that fast on reflexes alone."

He's fast. He's probably just as fast as I am. Daud then pointed his mini crossbow at her.

"Let's see you counter this." He let loose two more bolts at Nel.

He's firing them head-on? Nel moved quickly out of the way, allowing the bolts to miss her.

"Firing through at me head-on won't-" two bolts then stuck into her right arm, causing her to drop her dagger.


She was still able to quickly retrieve her dagger before increasing her distance from Daud, keeping her eye on him.

Daud didn't move from his position and just watched as Nel tried to process what had happened She then quickly glanced at her arm to inspect the bolts. Luckily they were small enough as not to cause any major damage or bleeding, so she could still move her arm without any problem. What baffled her was the direction of which they came at her. These bolts came exactly from her right while Daud fired in front of her. She also had her Piercer eyes on him so she knew he didn't move from that spot, even for an instant.

Is there another assassin here? Nel quickly pulled out one of the bolts to inspect it. Her Piercer eyes allowed her to see things in greater detail than normal. So even if just for an instant, she could take note of the details on the bolts down to the tiniest dent or scratch. And she could instantly tell that the bolts that struck her Right arm were the same ones Daud had fired at her head-on.

"You seem confused." Nel looked up at Daud in time to see two more bolts flying towards her head. She moved her head out of the way, just barely allowing one bolt to scratch her cheek.

That was too close. I got careless.

She was about to make a charge at Daud when two bolts stuck her in the back. She staggered forwards by the sudden pain she felt in her back. Daud took immediate advantage and used Quickstep to appear to Nel's left. He pivoted and struck down low with his sword. Nel quickly blocked the Sword with her short blade and pushed back. As Daud staggered back, Nel got to the ground and kicked Daud's feet causing him to fall. Nel then used her dagger to stab upwards. Daud let go of his sword and caught Nel's right arm before it could stab him, and kicked Nel in the face. He let go of her hand as she staggered back, landed on his back and fired another two bolts at Nel. Still dazed from the kick, both bolts stuck Nel in her front. He then got to his feet, sword in hand and lunged at Nel, who used quickstep to vanish appearing on the other side of the room.

He's more agile than he looks.

Daud kept his position as he faced Nel. "Not bad again. But you seem to be getting out of breath." He called out.

"What do you mean? I'm just getting started."

"Really, to me it seems like the effects are starting to kick in."

"Effects?" Nel then began to notice that the areas around the bolts were starting to sting, and not because of the pain. She also noticed that her breathing had begun to increase. She was also breaking out into a cold sweat. "What have you done?"

"Those bolts have poison on them."

"Poison?" she then looked at the bolts in her front.

"You should have guessed that the bolts’ too small to do any real damage." Nel had noticed that. "Before you get too worried, it's not something that will kill you. It's a poison that drains your energy, increasing fatigue, and slows down your reaction time. Each one has a pretty small dosage so about two is required for most normal people to take effect."

That explains why he fires two at a time.

"You've been struck 6 times, plus that small cut on your check. So by now, the poison is beginning to have some effect. You should start to lose your energy faster than normal."

"That's playing dirty."

"Where assassins. We don't fight fair."

Nel smiled to herself. "That's True." She then used Quickstep to appear behind Daud.

Upon realizing, Daud pivoted and swung out his sword at Nel. Before it made contact Nel disappeared. Suppressed, Daud then turned, just as Nel rushed past him in a blink of an eye, cutting into his left side with her short blade.

She's fast.

Daud then turned to strike back at Nel, but she was already gone. He used Mana focusing to enhance his reflexes, and turned again, putting his blade up just in time to block Nel's next strike. Nel immediately backed off. As she did, Daud launched two bolts at her. This time, Nel knocked them out of the air with swift movements with her dagger.

She can still move that fast despite the poison.

Nel then disappeared again, appearing above Daud, preparing to strike down on him. At that moment, two bolts then struck her in her left thigh. The surprise caused her to lose her momentum, and Daud struck up with his sword. Nel managed to block the struck, but Daud used Quickstep to disappear again. Nel landed back on her feet, and then collapsed to one knee, huffing and puffing. She felt that she was getting tired, indicating that the poison was beginning to get to her. She glanced down at her thigh were two new bolts had struck her.

I didn't even see him fire at me. It must be some kind of ability.

"You're really something." Daud's voice then echoed around her. "It's one thing to land a blow, but you also moved so fast despite the poison that if I didn't use mana focusing, that second strike would have killed me."

"You shouldn't underestimate the Crimson Blades."

"I'm not. In fact, I'm very impressed. I can see how one of you managed to survive them."

"'Them?'" She then quickly got back to her feet with a little struggle. "Do you know something about the attack 14 years ago?"

"You don't know?" Daud chuckled slightly to himself. "Well, I guess you haven't been to other Assassin clans, so you might not have heard about it."

"About what?" Nel demanded, losing her patients.

"Tell you what, beat me and I'll tell you everything I know with my dying breath."

"I see." Nel then turned to her right, blocking a strike from Daud, who had just appeared.

"And I'm coming at you with everything I've got." He then leaped back.

Nel stayed where she was, and grinned slightly. "Good, because I don't intend to be defeated." He readied herself to attack her opponent. "And I intend to get that information from you one way or another."

Allisa vs. Garlahad

"Can't believe I'm all one my own," Allisa said to herself as she descended the long staircase. "Hope the others will be ok."

She started to reach the end where the next entrance was within sight. "So she's just ahead."

Allisa summoned her sword to her hand. She was nervous to say the least. She had a feeling that she was going to confront Loria or another guardian in the next room. And this time, she would be completely alone, with no one to help her if things got bad like before. But she knew what was at stake, and that her friends were risking their lives. To turn back now won't only abandon Elizabeth, it will abandon her friends as well. So, she swallowed her fear and ran straight forward.

"ELIZABETH!!" She screamed as she charged straight through the corridor to the entrance.


Elizabeth was startled by the familiar voice screaming from the entrance echoing around the room. "Allisa?"

"She made it after all," Loria said slightly annoyed. "It's almost time as well. What the hell are those guys doing up there?" Garlahad remained silent, keeping his eyes glued to the entrance.

"I hope you're paying attention, princess." He said with a cold voice. "Watch as I break your savior in front of your very eyes."


Allisa charged into the room before stopping by the entrance to look around the large room. What immediately caught her attention was the massive circle on the wall in front of her.

"Whoa. What's that?" she then immediately noticed an armored figure standing on top of a high altar at the back of the room. As she took a closer look on the figure, she immediately recognized who it was.

"Garlahad?!" she said, glad to see the man. She then lowered her sword and walked towards the altar. "Looks like you beat us here! Sorry for coming, I just-"

She then stopped suddenly, staring in disbelief at the woman Loria, who was by his side.

"Wh-why are you with her?"

Garlahad drew his sword, a rapier, and slowly came down the steps.

"What's going on? Y-you came to save Elizabeth, right?" as he walked down, Allisa caught a glimpse of Elizabeth, who was chained up to some kind of large frame. "Hey, answer me! What going-"

Something then passed her head to her right at incredible speeds, smashing the ground behind her.

"You really should have stayed put," Garlahad said, lowering his weapon. Allisa's disbelief quickly turned to anger.

"You…?" Allisa gritted her teeth hard. "Why? She trusted you..." Allisa clenched her weapon hard. "How could you betray her like that?!!"

"That is not any of your business." Allisa then charged at the platform but was then stopped by a shot of light, striking the ground in front of her. "I will give you a chance to turn back." Garlahad lowered his sword as he continued down to the bottom of the stairs. "If not, I will have to kill you."

"How could you do this?! What did she ever do to you?!"

"That's not something an outsider like you should be concerned about." Garlahad glared at her as he reached the bottom of the stairs.


"Don't play dumb. You're not from this world, Avalon! You're from Terra!"

Allisa was startled by his response. "H-how did you know?"

"You can fool the princess but you can't fool me. I have my sources. I know the Arch Sage bought someone from the other world two months ago." Garlahad chuckled slightly. "It's quite funny. Of all the people of that world, and he just so happens to bring back some silly little girl who's trying to play the hero in rescuing the poor damsel in distress."

"So what if I am," Allisa said quietly. "What difference does it make? Elizabeth's still my friend! And she doesn't deserve any of this!" Garlahad returned to a serious expression.

"That is where you're wrong. She had this coming for a long time. Her and that accursed brother."

"For what? She hasn't done anything wrong!"

Garlahad began to lose patience. "This is your final chance. You can't save the princess. Turn back and I'll spare you and your friends. Stay and I will kill you."

Allisa raised her sword and pointed it at Garlahad. "I'm not gonna run." She fixed a determined look at Garlahad. "I'm going to save Elizabeth. Even if that means going through you."

"Through me?" Garlahad fought the urge to laugh. "Very well. You had your chance to run." He then parted his legs and moved his right leg back. "You're about to find out how terrifying a knight can be." He lifted his sword, holding it straight until the tip was pointing directly at Allisa. Instinctively, Allisa grabbed her sword in both hands, preparing for the attack.

We're quite far apart. If I keep my distance and look for an opening.

The tip of Garlahad's sword started to glow, he then, in a swift flash lunge with his arm, shot out a white projectile at Allisa. Allisa, prepared to dodge as she saw the tip of his sword glow. As he let out the shot, she jumped to her left, as a white flash just scratched her side.

Allisa stumbled slightly after dogging. Garlahad did the same motion 3 more times, Intentionally hitting the ground beneath Allisa, causing her to stumble back. He then sent one more out, which pierced Allisa in her Left thigh. Allisa cried out in pain checking the wound in her thigh.

Wh-What the.... It felt like I'd just been shot. There was a small hole where it had impacted, burning right through to the other side. She grabbed the wound as blood started to pour out. I didn't even see what that was....

"It's called projection," Garlahad called out, keeping his stance. "I can shoot out my mana through my Rapier. As you discovered, they travel at sonic speed and are capable of piercing anything." Allisa tried to steady herself. She was waving slightly due to the pain in her thigh.

"D-damn it." She held out her sword. I need to close the distance somehow. Looks like I need to use mana focusing.

She quickly concentrated her mana to improve her reflexes, just in time as Garlahad relisted another Projectile at Allisa.

The enhanced reflexes allowed her to dodge the projectile but scraped her in her left arm. She attempted to charge Garlahad but was forced to dodge another projectile he fired. As she did, a second one pierced her right arm. Damn. As she regained her footing, she instantly froze in place as another projectile impacted on the wall directly behind her.

She slowly looked down and saw a circle of blood-forming around a hole in her chest, where her heart is. "N-No way...."

Four more projectiles then struck across her front, causing her to cough up blood. Her top started to be dyed red from the holes in her body, running right through her. Eyes wide open with shock; she then fell to her knees.

"I just pierced your heart and several other major arteries. I'd say you have about a minute before you bleed out." Garlahad sheathed his sword and turned as Allisa slumped to the floor. "You didn't stand a chance, to begin with." He then started walking back up the steps. "You will die, knowing that you couldn't save anyone."

"Well that was a letdown," Loria said from her vantage point. "I was expecting her to at least put up more of a fight."

Elizabeth stared in horror as her friend lay there lifeless on the ground. "ALLLISSSAAAA!!!!!!"


".....up, hey!" Melvin slowly opened his eyes, seeing Yuki standing before him.


"Good, you're alive. Are you ok?" Yuki asked, stepping back.

"Well, My ribs are broken, and probably my left arm as well. Other than that, I'm fine." He then tilted his head to look straight at Yuki. "What about you? You're bleeding." There was a massive cut on Yuki's chest. It wasn't bleeding much, possibly due to blood clots, but it looked pretty serious. There was also a cut on his left arm, which had dried up.

"It's fine. Only a scratch."

"Are you kidding, it looks- AAAH!" Melvin tried to sit up, but struggled due to his ribs. "Damn!"

"Are you alright?" Yuki said.

"Yeah." Melvin then lay back down.

"Where's Allisa and Nel?" Yuki said as he looked around at the devastation in the room.

"They went ahead." Melvin looked round as well. "Where's Max? Wasn't he behind you?"

"No. Now that you mention it he never caught up."

"You think he's ok?" Melvin said worriedly.

"Don't worry. I guarantee he's fine. It's gonna take more than a bunch of tin cans to overwhelm him." He then looked back at Melvin, who was clearly in pain. "Anyway, couldn't you heal thought bones with your magic?" Yuki said as he took a seat next to Melvin.

"I only have one good arm at the moment. And I can't fully repair bones. I need to see a doctor or a specialist for them to heal fully."

"So was that guy over there your opponent?" Yuki gestured to Lougas, who was floating in the water. "Must have been pretty tough."

"What about you?" Melvin said as he finally got off his back. "I don't think some cultists could even touch you."

"It was that bastard knight." Yuki said with a serious look on his face.

"Knight?" Melvin looked up confused. "You mean Sir Garlahad and Kuradeal made it?"

"No, they were already here, to begin with."

Melvin clutched his left arm. Worry started bubbling up inside him. "What do you mean? You can't mean that...."

"They're the ones behind the princesses abduction. That knight said so himself."

"My god...." Melvin muttered as he pieced the information together. "Y-you, think this is what Nel was talking about at the entrance?"

"I wouldn't put it past her to piece it together before we got here."

Disbelief came over Melvin upon learning about this dark turn of events. "This doesn't make sense. Why would those two turn on the princess?"

"That knight said something about it." He then stretched his head as he tried to think. "Something about one being, or not being royalty, and the other what's power or something."

"Could you be any vaguer? That doesn't tell us anything."

"Well, I forgot the rest."

"How could you forget something that's clearly important?"

"Don't blame me, the guy wouldn't shut up! I missed half of it!"

"I swear, all you and Max ever think about is eating, sleeping, and fighting, nothing else."

"Don't compare me to that pyro!"

"Anyway. We should probably move." Melvin then jumped down into the water, clutching his chest. "We... gotta catch up to the others."

"You sure you're alright?" Yuki said as he got up.

"I'm fine," He gritted his teeth as his left arm dangled uselessly. "Let's go.... Where wasting time."

"Hold it." Yuki stopped Melvin and undid his clap. He then ripped it in half. He used one as a sling for Melvin's arm, and the other as a bandage on his wound on his left arm. "There. That should help a bit."

"Thanks," Melvin said as he got his arm in the sling. Yuki then looked up at the walkway above them.

"How do we get up there?"

"I could try and create some stairs," Melvin said as he got out his wand.

"Don't think you'll need to." Yuki stopped him and pointed to the end of the walkway. Below it on the far end was a passageway, below the main one. "Where do you think that leads?"

"Don't know," Melvin said as he looked. "Might be some secret passage." Yuki then walked towards the passage. "H-hey wait!" Melvin then caught up. "We don't know if it will lead us to the princess."

"Well, one way to find out." Yuki continued his march through the water.

"Hold on!" Melvin said as he followed after Yuki. Why do I have a bad feeling about this? He then looked at Yuki's gash on his chest. "You sure that's ok? It might get infected."

"I told you it's fine."

"At least let me close it up." He pointed his wand and let out a green light. "I can at least close it while walking. But don't move around too much."

"Alright, thanks."

"I said don't move around too much!"

"I'm just walking!"

"You're swaying too much! Try walking still!"

"How do you walk still?"

"Don't move around too much, you'll open it up!" the two continued to argue as they made it through the secret passage.


"D-Damn that kid...."

Hecoton struggled as he made his way through the destroyed courtyard. His armor was completely shattered, and he was burnt and bruised all over, and was sure to have broken some bones. To him, it was a miracle he even survived, let alone pull himself free of the rubble, rested by one of the broken pillars, looking back at the entrance.

"They're not gonna be happy I let intruders in. I'd better leave before they decide to off me for failing to guard the front door." He then grinned slightly. "Screw this deal, I gotta tell Master-" He then turned to make his way towards the entrance of the temple. "Even that kid couldn't take on a knight." He then stopped suddenly as he saw someone coming into the courtyard. "Who's there?!"

He then noticed it was a small boy. By his estimates, he was around the same age as the youngest in the group that passed him. "Another one? What's with kids these days?"

As he got closer, he then noticed the boy's hair was completely white, as though he could be in his 80s. His skin was also as pale as a ghost. He also wore a long white coat that stretched down to his knees.

Why am I getting a bad vibe from this kid? "Hey, are you lost?!" he called out again as the boy slowly walked towards the entrance. "I'm talking to you kid! Don't ignore me!" the boy then stopped parallel to Hecoton, looking up at the temple entrance. Sweat started to drip from Hecoton as some kind of fear seeped in. "W-who are you?" he asked enviously.

"This episode is reaching its climax." The boy said calmly, not turning to face Hecoton.


"The hero is now in the clutches of death, standing at a crossroad face with two decisions. She can either awaken to her true power, thus accepting the fate that was forced upon her. Or, she can reject it, and accept oblivion."

"Wh-What the hell are you talking about?"

"Either way, no matter the choice, one outcome will be the same. The peaceful existence you once cherished, will be nothing more than a memory, a dream, a fantasy, never to exist again."

"Hey! Try to make sense you-"

A white light then engulfed Hecoton as a massive force obliterated him and half the left courtyard, even burning into the cliff. Pushing the earth back until the whole section of the cliff had vanished completely, leaving the ground below it to collapse, connecting the temple to the land above with a steep slope.

"I wasn't talking to you."

The boy then lowered his left hand, which simmered in a purple mist. He then resumed his walk towards the entrance of the temple, gleaming forwards with an amused smile and blood-red eyes.

"So what will be your answer, Allisa Reed. Accept your fate, and resign yourself to a never-ending battle. Or accept death, and free yourself from this accursed fate."

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