《The Goddess’ Chosen》Exploring Little Wood


"Ahh.... I'm exhausted," Allisa said to herself as she exited the school, letting out a loud sigh while stretching. "This had to be the most tiring day of school ever."

"Hey, wait up!" Allisa looked behind and saw Lucy running towards her. "Are you going home?"

"Na, I'm gonna hit the mall to get a new phone. Then I'm gonna check out the comic book store."

"The comic book store, where all the cool girls go," Lucy said sarcastically.

"Shut up." Allisa laughed while playfully pushing her. "You wanna come?" She asked.

"Not today, Chris is coming home, so I wanna say hi."

"He hasn't been home?"

"Not till late at night. He's been very busy cause of these serial killers."

"Oh right. My dad's been working hard on that as well." Allisa then turned to her left to walk down a different road to the one she took in the morning. "Well, take care." Allisa waived.

"Make sure you get something stylish," Lucy called out as a joke.

"Yeah, yeah," Allisa called back. Lucy then started walking down the other road. As she did she took another look at Allisa.

Why does it feel like she's different? Lucy thought to herself. She hadn't said anything about what she saw at Lunch to Allisa since she thought it was nothing. But she couldn't shake the fact that something had changed about her best friend. It also felt like Allisa was hiding something from her. Lucy then shook her head.

"I'm thinking too much." She told herself. She then continued to walk home.


The Little Wood mall was located near the town center. It was always the busiest location in town. The stores there included boutiques, electronic stores, gaming and DVD retailers, a movie theater, and so on.

"There we go," Allisa said, looking at her new phone. It was an old one, but Allisa never really cared that much about the model or whether it was hip or not. "Lucy's definitely gonna complain." She paid too much attention to the phone that she bumped into someone, causing them both to fall down. "S-sorry." She apologized.

"No, that was my fault." The one she bumped into was a woman with long blond hear, and a long dress. She was carrying a bag full of groceries, which spilled out when she fell. "I wasn't watching where I was going." The woman then attempted to pick up her groceries.

"Here, let me help," Allisa said as she crawled to gather them together. It was then she noticed that all she had was salt, sugar and a bunch of iron wool and an entire bag of bottled water. What's all this for? She wondered as she gathered them together. When she was finished she stood up and helped the woman to her feet before giving them to her. "Again, really sorry."

"It's fine." The woman said as she left. "Thanks for the help."

"Don't mention it!" Allisa called out. "That was bizarre," She said to herself, wondering what she was planning to do with the contents of the bags. She brushed the thought aside as she continued towards the comic book store.


Bill immediately retreated when he saw Allisa in the distance. He could tell she was heading to the same place as he was. There she is. He thought as he watched her. What do I do? Do I talk to her?

"Well, what do we have here?" Bill looked back and saw Tristan standing behind him. "If it isn't the guy that takes an hour to say one word. So what you doing out here? Staring at chicks that you have no shot at. That's all you can really do."


"I-I-I," Bill tried to word a comeback.

"I I I what?" Tristan snorted. "It's dweebs like you I can't stand." Tristan then quickly stepped forwards to scare Bill, and in the proses, cried out in pain, grabbing his chest. "D-Damn that kid!" he swore. He then looked at Bill. "What are you laughing at?"

"I-I wasn't," Tristan then grabbed Bill shirt.

"What the Hell are you laughing at!"

"Let him go!"

Tristan looked to his right and saw Allisa running towards them.

"A-A-llis-sa," Bill mouthed.

"You?" Tristan then released Bill, who retreated behind Allisa.

"Are you ok?" Allisa asked Bill.

"Y-Y-Yeah." He stuttered

"Getting saved by a girl, really manly dude." He taunted. Allisa stood her ground. Tristan looked at her with irritation. "You got to be the only girl that pisses me off." He said to Allisa. "I can tell both of you are going to the comic book store. The only people who hang out there are pathetic losers like you."

"Does that include me?" A voice came from behind him.

Looking back, he saw a man with a large bulk and fair hair standing over him. Tristan turned to face the man, slightly intimidated by his figure. "Don't you think you're the pathetic loser here?" The man said.

"W-What you say!"

The man prodded him in the chest. Tristan cried out and dropped to the floor.

"Some advice. Don't go picking fights when you're clearly injured." The man said crouching to him.

"Shit!" Tristan tried to stand but struggled with the pain. The man stood and lifted Tristan back to his feet. "Get off!" He yelled as he shrugged at the man.

"It's people who believe themselves above others through intimidation are the real losers." Tristan, irritated and enraged, then punched the man in the face. He then immediately pulled back, clutching his hand as though it were broken. "Done?" The man said. Tristan then waddled off, clutching his hand.

"This ain't over!!" He yelled as he departed.

"Geez, what's that kid's problem?" the man said, rubbing his cheek.

"Who knows?" Allisa commented. "He's always like that."

"One of those huh?" The man said with a sigh. "Well, not that it's too difficult to deal with. Just gotta know where to hurt them and they back off."

"Thanks for the help Cliff," Allisa said to him.

"No problem. Haven't seen you in a while. You go somewhere over the summer?"

"Um, Yeah, sought off."

"Well, good to see you again." The man then looked to Bill. "Friend of yours?" he asked.

"Oh, kind of. He just moved last year, which is probably why you haven't seen him yet. I think he's come by the store sometimes so Dale knows him."

"Oh, right. Guess we just miss each other" The man then approached Bill. "Names Cliff. Cliff Gail." He introduced himself.

"B-B-Bill." Bill stuttered. He then turned to Allisa. "Y-Y-you know h-h-him?" He asked.

"Oh yeah, he lives with Dale. I see him every now and then." Allisa said.

"Yep." Cliff nodded. "You guys heading there? Mind if I tag along?"

"Not at all."



The Comic book store, Little Wood Mysteries was located near the west end of the mall, on the outside. It's products consisted of Comics, from western to manga, action figures, models, and props. It wasn't the most popular store in the mall, but it did attract some costumes. But the place was empty when Allisa, Cliff and Bill arrived.


"Dale!" Cliff called out.

"Oh, Um welcome." A man responded, getting up from behind the counter. He wore glasses and had long, scruffy hair that obviously hadn't been washed in a long time. He looked around and saw Cliff approaching the counter. "Oh, it's just you." He said.

"Good to see you too," Cliff said. "What were you doing back there anyway?"

"Just checking some stuff out." Dale then looked at Allisa. "Oh, Allisa, Hi." He said quickly. "Haven't seen you in a while."

"Hi Dale," Allisa said.

"You after something?"

"Na, just looking around," Allisa said as she wandered off.

"So you happy to see her but not me," Cliff said sarcastically to Dale.

"Well, we live together. And she's the only noticeable chick that comes to the store with another plus. Anyway," Dale pointed to his cheek. "You get into a fight or something?"

"Na, just some punk kid blowing off steam. Hardly worth the trouble."

"T-That was T-T-Tristan," Bill said, interrupting the two.

"Oh, hi Bill," Dale said to him. "Tristan....? Isn't that the guy that picks on you?" Bill nodded his head.

"W-Why didn't you f-f-f-fight back?" Bill said to Cliff. "He h-h-hit you, but y-y-you didn't fight b-b-b-back."

"Just like I said, he was hardly worth the trouble," Cliff said. "People like that are just trying to prove themselves. So, you should just stand your ground with people like that They back off eventually."

"Oh." Bill nodded.

"Oh, Cliff," Dale said. "Can I speak to you in the back. About 'you know what.'" He said to him pointing to the back door. Cliff looked at him and nodded.

"W-Where are you g-g-going?" Bill asked as Cliff got behind the counter.

"Just stuff," Dale said as Cliff opened the door to the back. "Hold down the fort will ya." Dale then closed the door.

Bill looked around, seeing Allisa looking through comics near the back of the shop. He took in deep breaths and walked towards her. "All-Allisa," He stuttered, attracting her attention.

"Oh hey. Are you ok?" She asked.

"Y-Yeah. T-T-thanks for t-the help earlier" He said."

"Oh don't worry about it," Allisa said smiling.

Bill lost track of what he wanted to talk about from Allisa's smile. "Wh-Why did you help m-m-my?" Bill reluctantly asked, not entirely sure why he asked that.

"What kinda question is that? Cause I'd help you. You're one of Lucy's friends." Allisa's phone then started to ring, which took Allisa by surprised since her phone was new and she wasn't expecting a call. "Hold on." She said as she took out her phone and answered it. "Hello.... Hey Dad.... No I'm at the comic book store. I was just..... Now?" Allisa took in a deep breath before answering. "Alright, I'm on my way.... I'll be back soon... yeah, bye." She then hung up, sighing.

"A-Are you ok-k-k-k," Bill asked.

"Yeah. My dad wants me back now so I need to go."

"Oh, um,"

"Sorry." Allisa walked by him.

"T-T-Thanks ag-g-gain." Bill said, waving as Allisa left the store. After she did, Bill let out a great sigh. "I'm such an i-i-i-diot." He said to himself.

Home invasion

"I'm home," Allisa announced as she walked into the house.

"In the living room." Her father, Herb Reed called out. He sat on his chair, watching Football on TV.

"Allisa." Alicia then entered the room, bringing a tray. "Had a nice day?"

"Oh, yeah," Allisa replied with a weary smile. "It was interesting."

"Allisa." Luke was in the room as well, sitting on the couch. "I heard a group of weirdo's were in your class?"

"Luke, that's rude," Alicia said to him.

Not completely fails though. Allisa thought.

"Allisa," Herb said looking at her. "For the time being, I want you back at home by 6."


"Same for you," Herb said to Luke.

"What?" Luke said, annoyed.

"Is it cause of these serial killers?" Allisa asked. She had known her father for being a little controlling, but he never usually set a curfew for her before.

"Yeah." Herb nodded. "This is the time they usually attack. So I don't want either of you out at this time."

"Ok, Got it." Allisa nodded. "I'll be in my room." She announced as she left the living room.

"Dinners’ almost ready!" Alicia called after her.

Herb watched her leave. "She took that better than I thought she would," Herb said.

"Give more credit to your daughter." Alicia then went into the kitchen.

"Guess I should."

"Hey," Luke interrupted. "What if I'm at a sleepover? Does that count."

"If I know the parents, then yes. If not, don't even bother."

"Ok, what about a party."

"Definitely not."

"No fair."

"Life's not fair."

"WHAT THE HELL!!!" The discussion was interrupted suddenly by Allisa's scream.

"Allisa!" Alicia called up.

Herb rushed up the stairs and slammed the door to Allisa's room open. "What's wrong?!" he said with urgency.

"Nothing!" Allisa said quickly, standing by her closet.

"Then why'd you scream?" Herb demanded walking into the room looking around.

"Um, just... You know, letting out the frustrations of the day, hahaha." Allisa lied, hoping her father would leave quickly. Herb looked at her, little skeptical, he looked around for a bit before replying.

"Ok." He said, walking towards the door. "Next time don't scare us half to death. Thought someone was in your room for a second."

"Haha... Sorry about that." Allisa said, rubbing her head. "I'll be more careful." Herb then shut the door, leaving Allisa alone in her room. She then let out a sigh of relief. "That was too close."

She then stood by and opened her closet. Falling out of it were Nel, Melvin, Max and Yuki, dog piling on the floor.

"What the hell was that for?" Yuki said.

"Hey, your sword was digging into my gut," Max said to him.

"Blame her, not me!"

"Give us some warning next time," Melvin said, freeing himself from the pile.

Allisa held her hand to her head, a look of exhaustion on her face. "I thought you said you had a place to stay." She said, incredibly annoyed by their sudden appearance.

"Of course we do," Nel said, getting up.

"I meant somewhere that wasn't my room!"

"Oh, then no," Nel replied.

"So why didn't you say anything?!" Allisa yelled, trying to keep her voice as low as possible.

"You'd object if I said we would stay here the night."

"Course I'd object!" She pointed a finger at the boys. "I can't have them sleeping in the same room as me! My dad will kill me if he found out I had two boys in my room."

"What about me?" Melvin spoke up.

"Oh, you're easy to hide! Those two are the main problem!"

"We'll keep quiet. Your family will never know we're here." Nel continued.

"Why my room? Couldn't you stay somewhere else?"

"It's the only place I'm familiar within this world. And you're the only person we know."

Allisa wanted to yell again but held it back. "Why is this happening to me?" She muttered to herself as she waddled over to her bed and slumped in it, ranting on and on about the reasons she was in this mess.

"I think she's having some kind of breakdown," Melvin said.

"She's definitely not too happy about this," Max said.

"Can't really blame her," Yuki said, sitting down.

Nel walked over to her desk. "Allisa," she called.

Allisa slowly turned her head towards Nel who picked up her void ring.

"Always wear that. It's important."

"Huh?" Nel chucked the ring to her bed, which landed near her. "Oh, right," Allisa said as she took it. "Do all of you have one?" Everyone responded by raising the hand they had their rings on.

"The old geezer gave us one to get here," Max said.

"It's the only way for us to come and go from your world," Melvin said.

"So do people from your world just come and go here whenever they want to." Allisa moaned, putting the ring on. "If they want a vacation they can just-"

"Actually, travel between the worlds is forbidden." Nel interrupted her.

"Forbidden?" Allisa got up from the bed.

"Only the Arch sages' have the authority to allow people to cross over between worlds," Melvin said. "The void rings can only be given by the arch sages. And it's only to a very select few."

"Seriously?" Max and Yuki said together looking at their rings.

"You two didn't know that?" Melvin said to them with a judgmental look.

Both shook their heads with absent looks.

"Didn't think they were that special," Yuki said.

"So we're allowed because the old geezer says we can," Max asked.

"Yes. And could you stop calling him old geezer." Melvin said.

"Wait," Allisa interrupted, a sense of dread crept over her. "Then that means-"

"It wasn't one of the arch sages that sent the assassins," Nel said, anticipating what she would say.

"But you said the arch sages are the only ones you can give these out," Allisa said, holding up her left hand where she had her void ring.

"They are the only ones who have the authority. However, there are people who have found ways to cross over, without the Arch Sages approval, like the assassins that attacked you."


"Allisa!" A voice came interrupting the discussion. "Dinner!"

"C-Coming!" Allisa called back.

"Was that your mother?" Nel asked.

"Yeah. Dinners ready."

"Sweet I'm starving," Max said heading for the door.

"Same here," Melvin said following.

"Not you!" Allisa snapped, stopping them in their tracks.

"But I'm hungry," Max complained.

"You're not supposed to be here, remember," Allisa said passing him and Melvin. "I'll bring you something up. Just stay here and be quiet." Allisa gripped the door handle. "And don't touch anything." She added as she turned the nob. "And keep him out of my underwear." She pointed at Melvin, and then opened the door and left, closing it behind her. She then opened it again and poked her head around the door. "And no fighting." She added before shutting the door again.

"Who was she talking to then?" Max asked.

"She means you two," Melvin said, pointing at Max and Yuki.


As Allisa ran down the stairs, arriving in the kitchen. "I'm here." She announced as she sat down at the table.

"What was that scream earlier?" Luke asked.

"Is everything alright?" Alicia asked.

"Y-Yeah. Just, um... Letting out... The stress of the day." Allisa said, wondering if that's what she told Herb.

"By screaming out the window?" Luke said.

"Y-Yeah.... the window." A plate was put in front of Allisa. "Thanks." She said to Alicia.

"For a minute there I thought you'd finally gone crazy." Luke continued, eating his dinner.

"What do you mean finally?" Allisa said to him.

Herb then entered the kitchen, dressed in his police uniform. "I'm off." He announced.

"Please be careful," Alicia said, walking up to him.

"I'll be fine." He said as he kissed her.

"Do that somewhere else," Luke said, a little-discussed.

"Luke, that's rude," Allisa said while looking the other way.

"You'll be alright, won't you dad," Luke said to Herb, a little worried.

"A said I'll be fine," Herb said, patting Luke on the head.

"But these serial killers, are you sure you can handle it?"

"I told you before, the force is a never-ending battle." Allisa's grip on her fork tightened on her father's words. "But I'll always make it home, safe and sound, no matter what."


"Promise." Herb then looked at Allisa, who had a distant look on her face. "Allisa?"

"Huh?" Allisa jolted suddenly as she regained her concentration. "Are you ok?"

"Y-yeah. Just spacing out." She said to him. "See you tomorrow." Herb smiled at her, then left the kitchen, followed by Alicia. When they were out of sight, Allisa glanced towards her right hand, which had her fork. Never-ending battle huh? What went through her mind was something she would rather forget.

"Are you ok?" Luke said to her. "You look sad."

"Oh, sorry. I'm fine." She said.

A thump then came from upstairs. "What was that?" Luke said looking up.

What are they doing? Allisa knew just what that sound was.

"Did you two hear that?" Alicia said as she entered the kitchen.

"S-Scuss me." Allisa quickly got up from the table. "I'll be right back." she then rushed upstairs as fast as she could and slammed open her door. "I told you to be quiet!" She said.

"Oh hey," Max said, holding something in his hand. "This wasn't important, right?" In his hands was an action figure, which had been snapped in half.

"Wh-what did you do?" Allisa said in dismay, snatching the figure form his hands. "This was limited edition."

"Looks like a toy to me."

"It was expensive either way! What did you do?"

"Nothing. I just picked it, then something broke and I dropped it."

"We told him not to touch it," Yuki said, skimming through a comic.

"Where did you get that?" Allisa snapped.

Yuki pointed to a box, which Melvin and Nel were sitting with, all reading comics. "This is just a picture book." He commented.

Allisa then snatched it out of his hands. "There called comics." She said. "And I told you not to go through my things."

"Actually, you said not to go through your underwear." Melvin corrected.

"Oh shut up!"

"You have quite a strange collection," Nel said, looking through another book. "According to this, your social status is either a 'geek' or a 'nerd.' Though you would need glasses to be considered a 'nerd,' so you're probably the former."

"Um, what are you reading?" Nel handed her the book. "Guide to high school stereotypes? What the heck is this?"

"I bought several books about school in your world."

"She's not kidding," Melvin said, opening the bag Nel's had with her, taking out the books in it.

"How many books did you get?" Allisa said as she went through the titles of the books along with Max. "Are all these about high school?"

"Of course not. I bought several history books too." Nel said. "I wish to learn about the affairs of this world while I'm here."

"Iraq for dummies?" Melvin read one of the book titles out loud.

"Vietnam, an American tragedy?" Allisa did the same.

"That one was a particularly grim conflict," Nel said.

"Are all these just about war?" Allisa asked, looking through the pile. "And how did you get all these? You didn't steal it?"

"Of course not. I told you, we were left money."

"Yeah, 'Money.'" Yuki said taking out some dollars. "I wanted to ask, how is this suppose to be money? These are just worthless scraps of paper."

Allisa ignored him. "Exactly how much were left for you guys?" She asked.

"Around 10,000 of that paper money each," Nel answered.

"$10,000!" Allisa fell backward with surprise. "Who in the world would leave you guys $40,000?"

"Donno," Max said, skimming through one of Nel's books. "It was in these bags whoever it was left for us."

A sound then came from downstairs "Allisa! Is everything alright?"

"Yeah yeah yeah," Allisa responded quickly. "Everything's fine! I'll be down in a sec!" She then got up.

"When are we getting food?" Max groaned. "I'm starving."

"I'll bring you something up," Allisa said as she walked to the door. "Until then, don't make a sound. And don't touch anything else!" The last one was directed at Max.

"Can we read through these picture books?" Melvin said holding up a comic.

"....... Just be careful with them," she said as she closed the door.

Never-ending battle

"What a day." Allisa sighed as the hot water poured over her body. After dinner, she scrounged together whatever she could and brought it to her uninvited houseguests, and then headed straight into the shower. Though there was something that was on her mind. Unconsciously, she summoned her sword, the first time since she returned. She took some time, inspecting the blade. She then gently ran her thumb over the blade edge, allowing it to bleed. She wiped away the blood and found the cut had gone completely.

A Never-ending battle.

Those words had drilled into her head.

"Allow me to tell you the reality you have just entered into." The strange boy, Yun's words came flowing into her mind. "The fighting, the battles, they will never end." She gripped her sword tightly as the words kept flowing through her mind, looking on as drops formed on her blade. She then discarded it and turned off the shower. "Defeat one enemy, and several more will rise to take their place. Defeat them, and even more will emerge to challenge you." She got out of the shower, approached the mirror, wiping away the steam to see her reflection. "Now that you have accepted your fate, that will become your reality until you die, a cycle of battle you cannot escape."

What have I accepted? She thought, gazing at her reflection. She had secretly hoped that she would return to her normal life. It seemed fate had other plans. What's gonna happen to me? What's going to happen next?

These thoughts plagued Allisa. She grabbed a towel and began to dry herself off. She inspected the void ring that Nel told her to wear. She thought back to what she told her about when they first met, about the ones who possibly want her dead. Who exactly is after me?

She dried herself off as best as she could and reached for her pajamas. As much as she doesn't want to, she realized that her life would never be the same again, and that was something she would have to deal with, sooner or later.


To the outskirts of town was an old abandoned steel mill. It had been abandoned for over 30 years and was now run down and covered in rust. It was the perfect place for gangs to gather. That night gathered a group of random delinquents and street punks as part of the local underground. It also served as a haven for gang activity, since the police were busy with the recent serial killers. Around twenty people had gathered together in one of the old buildings. Little did they know was that something was approaching them, something that couldn't be identified as a human. That night, 20 more victims will be added to the rising tally, and 19 souls will die.


The building was dimly lit. The main source of light was from the car headlights. In the building full of clatter and derby, people congregated together. A mixture of boys and girls age ranging from 17 to 23. Another car arrived. Stepping out of it was one of the gang's leaders, Franco, followed by his girlfriend. They walked through the gathering crowd to a ramp near the end of the building. There was a couch where two other boys and three girls were. One of the boys got up and approached Franco.

"Yo, Franco." One of them said.

"Jojo," Franco said as they bumped fists. "How we doing?"

"Not good. The supplier was killed 2 nights ago by this serial killer."

"Shit," Franco swore. "We got something, right?"

"No, about $200 worth of crack. And that's it." another boy said.

"Right." Franco took a seat. "That just makes this serial killer our business."

"Yay, but, you heard the rumors," JoJo said.

"Sure I have, but we have numbers. No way these fuckers can stop us." Franco replied, taking out a gun. "That bastard will regret ruining our business."

"What about the cops?" Franco's girlfriend asked. "They're all over town looking for this guy."

"Don't worry about it baby," Franco said to her.

Suddenly, a loud slam came from one of the walls as something smashed through the wall, alerting everyone. "The fuck," Franco said.

Where the hole was, there was a person lying on the ground. The thing appeared small, but was naked, and had large stitching's over its whole body. "Hey! Someone check it out!" he ordered.

Two boys slowly crept up to it. When they got close the thing leaped up, wrapping around one of the boys and took a large bite on his neck. Blood sprayed out from the boy's neck as the creature released him, screaming an inhuman scream before attacking the other boy. As panic started to spread, more grotesque creatures crawled out and started to kill anyone they saw. Blood and gore few though the complex as desperate people running for their lives was killed, stabbed, bitten and mutilated by the attacking creatures.

"Wh-What the fucks going on?" JoJo asked as the others watched in horror at the slaughter before them.

Then something landed near them. It then lunged its arm with a large pair of scissors attached at one of the girls, cutting off her head with one swing. On that, Franco shot the creature two times while the girls and the boys ran, leaving him and his girlfriend, who was screaming at the top of her lungs. Franco snatched her hand and ran towards some stairs that lead up to the catwalk above, with the monsters chasing after him.


"Oh Shit! Oh Shit! Oh Shit!" Was all JoJo could say as he, the other boy and the two remaining girls raced towards the cars.

Suddenly, something leaped on the other boys back and tore off his arms before starting to devour him. JoJo ignored the horrific screams from the dying and the creatures and reached his car. The girls raced towards him, but something caught the two and they were dragged back, screaming and begging for help. JoJo locked his door and turned on his car. He then reversed out at full speed, knocking over some of the creatures, and some who survived the slaughter. He turned and floored the gas, racing down the straight road. Unfortunately for him, as he made 10 yards something hit the car and sent it hurdling sidewise, crashing into one of the buildings.

"Shit!" JoJo swore as he crawled out from the car. He then stopped by a massive pair of bare feet standing before him.

"Rubrik's not here."

A low voice came from above JoJo. He slowly looked up, seeing a massive figure towering above him. "That means you're not the one mother wants."

Jojo was about to scream when a massive hand covered his head. The thing lifted JoJo off the ground and effortlessly crushed his head, dropping the body to the floor. Blood and brain matter oozed from the things hands.

"What a mess."


Franco and his girlfriend raced through to the abandoned office. When they entered, Franco immediately blockaded the door with whatever he could find. His girlfriend sat down, traumatized by what had happened.

"I think that will hold them," Franco said. "You ok baby?"

The girl remained silent as though the very words from her mouth had long been drained due to the adherent monsters that assailed her.

"Ok, now what?" Franco continued, surveying the room.

"I want to go home." The girl said in barely a whisper. "I want to go home. I want to go home. I want to-"

"Shut up for a minute!" Franco snapped looking around. He then saw a ladder, which leads to the roof. "Up here, come on!" he said as she started to climb.

The girl got up and went up the ladder as Franco opened the door to the roof. Suddenly, something smashed through the makeshift barrier. Franco then quickly climbed to the roof, and turned and grabbed his girlfriend's hand to pull her up. Something then caught the girl and started to pull her down. Franco was almost dragged down as the girl clung to his hand for dear life.

"HELP ME!" She screamed frantically as she was dragged down.

"Let go!" Franco said, trying to free his hand.


"Let go you bitch!!" He then stomped on her face hard, causing her to let go and drop to the ground. Franco then closed the door, fast as the girl's screams continued. He then got up and waddled back a little, feeling nauseous.

"Found you." A man's voice came from behind Franco. He turned suddenly and saw a silhouette against the moon. The moonlight revealed that the stranger wore a white hoodie and was barefooted. Franco drew out his gun.

"W-W-Who are you?"

The stranger began to move.

"I said who are you?!" he fired at the stranger, who then appeared before him in a second, grabbing his wrist, causing him to drop the gun.

Franco was petrified as he stared at the man's face. It was snow-white, with a massive stitch going down the center. His skin was also white, with the only exception being the top right of his face above the scare, which was a pinkish color. "Wh-What are you?" the stranger then punched Franco in the gut, causing him to cough up blood and collapse. The stranger then looked to the moon.

"I've caught him, Mother."

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