《The Goddess’ Chosen》The slumdog wizard


The slums of the Hobred district, the poorest district of Riser. It is located in the north of the city close to the harbor, resembling a slum to even the poor locals who called it home. Disease and crime were rife within this section of the city, buildings held together with haphazard materials looking so brittle a single breath could send the entire structure toppling down. People with nowhere to go, flocked there in order to have some shelter, and most other people, who included travelers and even the guard, gave this dangerous part of the city a wide berth. Only a few merchants would come in in order to sell their weirs. Some pubs and brothels also lined the districts, and adventurers and bounties hunters would enter only if their job took them there.

So it was unusual for the Arch Sage Dran to be in a run downtown like this. Although he kept a low profile as he traversed the desolate and run-down street, dotted with a few merchant stands. "I'll take one of those." He said to one of the merchants who was selling bread products.

"Don't get many travelers around these parts." The man said as he picked out a bun for him. "Are you an adventurer?"

"You could say that," Dran replied as he paid the man. "Just following a strange rumor I've heard."

"Well, I've been in this town for 40 years as a baker. You hear strange things every day. Most of which is a bunch of crap." He took the money and handed out the bun. Just as he did, something flew past and snatched it out of his hand. "Damn! It's that thing!" Dran saw a strange dog before him. He was incredibly small, the same size as a cat, and its hairs was literally in flames and wore some kind of black armor on its face. With the bun in its mouth, it ran off quickly down the street.

"What was that?" Dran asked curiously.

"Don't know. Some kind of demon that goes around stealing food from merchants. Rumor has it that it belongs to some kid that lives near 'Sassies,' the local brothel."

"A kid?"

"No ordinary kid. I heard that some thugs tried to kill the kid, and their faces were burnt off. They say he can use magic."

"Really." Dran's interest began to sore.

"Its just a rumor though. Demon may be real but I'm sure the kids a fake. They say he's around 4 or 5. Someone that young using magic and can command a demon? That's just ridiculous if you ask me."

"I'll take another," Dran said, holding out some money. "Out of interest, where's this brothel?"


The dog ran through the worn-down streets to a back alley opposite a building with the sign 'Sassies' on it. There it stopped by a makeshift shack made out of old boxes. It dropped the bun in front of it and gave off a bark.

"Cerberus?" Emerging from the box was Melvin, a boy with nowhere to call home, wearing nothing but rags that he put together, his ginger hair both dirty and messy.

"Oh, thanks boy." He took the bun and sat down on another crate. "Guess this was all you could get today, huh buddy?" He then tore the bun in half and dropped a piece on the floor. Cerberus approached it and nibbled along the edges. Melvin scoffed him down quickly. "I thought I was going to starve today." He then looked up, seeing the sheets dragged across the ally, blocking out the sun.


"Well, latest update, Libra's got a new bondage technique which she used on her client last night. There was also a fight that broke out in the main foyer. I think a guy lost an ear. Other than that it was business as usual." Melvin was describing scenes from the brothel, which he usually sneaked around.

He wasn't sure why he told Cerberus these details since he knew he won't understand them. But Cerberus was the closest thing he had to a friend. All alone in the most dangerous part of town, each day was a fight just to survive.

"That's not the kind of thing a child should see."

Melvin, in response to the voice, quickly stood up, taking out a stick and faced the entrance of the alley. Cerberus stopped eating and turned growling. In front of them was a man in a long brown cloak.

"Don't take another step!" He called out to the stranger. "I'm warning you, I can use magic!" Then the man took a step forward. "Fire bolt!" Melvin emitted a flaming ball from his stick and sent it to the stranger. However, it then smashed against a barrier that was surrounding the man. "What!"

"Impressive. You weren't lying when you said you could use magic."

Melvin nervously took a step back, fear building inside of him. That was a barrier. That means he's a wizard! The man started to walk towards him. "S-Stay back! I'm warning you! I can do more!" Cerberus stayed close to Melvin, growling at the man. He then reached into his cloak, making Melvin more scared. "Fire Bolt!" he launched another one at the stranger, which hit harmlessly against his barrier. Still nothing.

"Don't be scared." The man said as he stopped and brought out a bun. "I mean you know harm." He said with a smile.

"Wh-Huh?" Melvin looked confused, but still reluctant to lower his guard.

"You're hungry, aren't you? That's why your friend there steals food for you?" he gestured at Cerberus, who was beginning to calm down.

"You sure boy?" He asked him. Cerberus simply nodded at him. Melvin then slowly reached forward, then quickly snatched the food out of the man's hand. "T-thanks." He said as he tore off a piece, dropping it to Cerberus. He then lowered his stick and sat back down.

"You seem less scared now." The man said to him.

"Well, he says you ok." he gestured to Cerberus who went back to the first bun. "And he's good at detecting hostile intent."

"I see." The man then smiled at Cerberus. "Mind if I have a seat?"

"Sure, if you want." The man took another create and sat opposite Melvin. "So what do you want with me?" Melvin asked as he gobbled up his bun.

"What makes you think I want something?" the man asked.

"Cause the only adults who come for me either want to kill me, though rocks at me, or try to steal my book."


"My spell book." Melvin said irritatedly, pointed at the shack. "It was my parents. It's the only thing I have left of them."

"What happened?"

"They're dead, what else," Melvin said sharply.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked." The man bowed.

"So what do you want?"

"Well, I heard a rumor that there was some boy who knows magic and has a demon dog by his side, living in this district so I came to find him. Or should I say you."


"Why?" Melvin stared at him with suspicion.

"Just needed to see it for myself." The man said smiling. "I certainly wasn't expecting it to be a 4 or 5-year-old boy."

"I'm 7," Melvin corrected.

"Apologies. Oh, where are my manners, I've yet to introduce myself." He stretched out a hand at Melvin. "My name's Dran. What might yours be?"

"Melvin Stride." Melvin kept his hands to himself. He then gestured to his companion. "This is Cerberus. And he's my friend, not a demon."

"Of course," Dran said as he withdrew his hand. "In fact, he's a familiar. Quite an advanced one by the looks of it."


"A creature that a wizard can summon to their side."

"Huh? Summon?" Melvin said, looking to Cerberus and back to Dran. "Cerberus has always been with me. I didn't summon him or anything."

"Really? That's fascinating."

"Again, what is it that you want from me?" Melvin still had some suspicion.

Dran thought for a moment. "Would it be ok if I return tomorrow?"

"Huh? Why?"

Without answering Dran stood up. "I'll have the answer to your question by tomorrow."

"What's that supposed to mean? Can't you tell me now?" Melvin demanded.

Dran simply chuckled and patted Melvin on the head. "I can't because I don't have an answer at the moment. Be patient." He then leaned down and stocked Cerberus. "Would you kindly keep him safe until then."

Cerberus nodded to him, giving a small yelp of confirmation.

"Good boy."

What the? Cerberus is never friendly to anyone but me. Melvin thought as Dran got to his feet. Just who is this guy?

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow," Dran announced as he departed. Before he left the ally he dropped a bag containing food. "Take care."

"Wh-wait!" Melvin called out but Dran left. Melvin rushed to the street, but he was out of sight. "Who is that guy?"


The sun was beginning to set as Dran reached the docks close to the outskirts of the Hobred district. There Rowin greeted him "I trust you had a present venture master Dran?"

"Yes. Turns out the rumors were true." Dran told him excitedly

"I don't believe I've seen you in such high spirits before," Rowin said chuckling at his master's excitement.

"He's amazing. He was able to cast magic, which was quite strong for his age."

"And this supposed demon he's said to commend."

"A familiar. An S class by the looks of it, though not completely manifested."

"S class! The boy that young can summon an S class familiar?"

"That's the amazing thing. He claims that he's always been with him." Dran said enthusiastically, glancing back to the entrance to the district. "If I'm right about that boy...."

"I can assume that well be returning tomorrow," Rowin said as he began walking.

"Of course. You should come along too." Dran said to him as he began walking after him.

"I think I might. This boy definitely sounds-" he then stopped walking all of a sudden.

"Is something wrong?" Dran asked as he stopped behind him. Rowin was discretely eyeing a nearby party of six armed men, dressed in garbs that would pass for common street thugs, strolling past them with a piece of parchment in their hands.

"I don't know, this seems a bit overkill." Said one of the men. "I mean 10,000 just to take out some little kid."

"Oh come on, its easy money." Another man said.

"I don't know." The third said. "I hear that he can control demons and all who come near him are never seen again."

"Come on that's bullshit. There's no way some tiny little street rat could do that. And even if he could he's still no match for us." The group then walked into the Hobred district.

"It seems we're not the only ones with an interest in the boy," Rowin said to Dran. "What should we do?"

"I think we're going to be late for dinner tonight my friend," Dran said walking back.

"Seems so." Rowin followed Dran back into the district.


Night fell, making the ally even darker, almost pitch black. The only light came from Melvin's stick. He was sitting in his shack, reading the old book he had. To him, it was the only link he had to the family he never knew. Cerberus was by his side, snuggling up to his beloved master. The particular part of the book he was reading referred to the creatures known as 'Familiars.'

"Well, according to the book, 'Familiars are creatures that can be called to this world through a contract made between them and a wizard.'" He then looked at his companion. "If what he says is true, then I wonder who you're contracted too."

Cerberus gave two barks at him.

"Hmm, I guess so." Then stroked Cerberus. "That makes you another thing my parents left me." he then closed the book and turned out his light, leaving the glow from Cerberus's fir the only light in his shack.

"Still wonder what that guy wanted with me?" he said to Cerberus. "He sure was strange, don't you think." Cerberus gave him a nod. "I don't think I'll be getting any sleep tonight huh?"

Cerberus then suddenly started growling at the entranced alerting Melvin. "What is it boy?" he then grabbed his stick and followed Cerberus out of the shack. "Who's there?" he called out.

"Well, what do you know, it really is a kid." A man then walked into the alley, armed with a sword. 5 others, 3 armed with swords, one armed with a bow, and another unarmed, accompanied him

"Is this kid seriously worth 10,000." One of the swordsmen said.

"Well he's got that monster with him, so it's definitely the right kid." The bowman said, sounding a bit unsure. "We seriously gonna do this? I mean he’s just a kid."

"Come on, it's easy money." The leader said with a detached voice, as he turned round to his men. "The things the size of a pea and he's got a stick. What could this little kid possibly do to-" a fireball then smashed into his back sending him flying forwards.

"I wouldn't underestimate me, you bastards," Melvin said, holding up his wand. "I recommend you leave before I decide to kill you."

"Holy crap? That was magic!" one of the swordsmen said.

"You ok boss?" another one said to the leader.

"I'm fine." The leader said as he got back to his feet. "Alright you cocky little shit, now you've done it. I'll make sure your death is as painful as possible!" He was about to lunge after Melvin before the unarmed man stopped him.

"Let me disarm him first." The man said to him. "His spells are weak, but they will hurt you if they hit."

"All right. Just don't kill him yet."

"Got it." the man walked in front of the others.

"Fire Bolt!" Melvin launched an attack at the man. It then hit a barrier. "What?"

"That was weak." The man then pulled out a wand.

This guy's a wizard?!

"Fire Bolt!" the man sent out his own attack, which struck Melvin's stick, obliterating it completely.

"M-My wand!!"

"Consider that a difference in strength." He then stepped aside as his boss and the three swordsmen passed him. Melvin started to panic and started to walk backward nervously.

"What happened to that cocky attitude of yours?" the man said as he approached Melvin menacingly reaching out a hand. Cerberus then leaped up and bit his hand. "Ahhh!! Rotten little" he then violently shook Cerberus off. When he lost his grip, Cerberus few into a wall. As he tried to get up, the man plunged his sword into him. As the blade made contact, Cerberus then turned to embers and dispersed.

"NOOO!!!!" Melvin cried as he watched the embers disappear. Tears then started to fall.

"Stupid beast." The man said as he checked his hand, which was bleeding from the bight marks.

"You...." Melvin charged the man, "BASTARD!!!!"

The man punched Melvin hard to the ground. When Melvin tried to get up the man stomped on his head, pinning him to the ground.

"Sorry kid, but you've really pissed me off." He stuck his sword close to Melvin's head, causing him to stop squirming. "I think we'll start by removing your fingers, then your feet, then your ears. And if you’re still alive after that, I'll personally cut off your balls." The man grinned a sinister grin at Melvin who had the look of absolute terror in his eyes.

"That's a bit harsh don't you think." An old man then appeared at the entrance of the alleyway, suppressing the group. "After all, he's only a child."

"What do you want, Geezer?" the leader said as his men turned to the old man. "We're in the middle of something here. If you're after this kid too tough, we got here first."

"I have business with that child." Dran then appeared beside the old man. "Would you kindly hand him over?"

"Dran!!" Melvin called out.

The leader sneered. "Sorry, but the only place this kid's heading to is a nice hole in the ground."

"I see. Rowin." Dran looked to the old man. "If you please."

"As you wish master Dran." The man named Rowin stepped forward into the ally.

"You got a death wish old man. You don't even have a weapon." He then addressed the swordsmen. "Take care of him." Grinning, the men approached the old man.

Rowin? The wizard thought to himself. It couldn't be...

Rowin stopped short of the group who were closing in on him.

"Too late to back down old man." One of the swordsmen said spinning his sword in his hand.

"Oh my, I'm so scared," Rowin said in a mocking tone. The first swordsman then pointed his sword at him.

"You should be old man.'' He then lunged at Rowin. As he did, the man pivoted on his heal and with his palm struck the swordsman's arm, disarming him.

"Your grip is weak." He said as he allowed the man to pass him as he lost his balance. He then struck the man in the back of the neck, rendering him unconscious.

"What the?" The other swordsmen started to back away as their comrade hit the floor. One of them lost his cool and charged.

"Don't screw with us old man!!" he yelled as he raised his sword overhead and brought it down on Rowin.

"I'm more than and just an old man," Rowin said as he dogged and struck that man in the back of the neck as well, knocking him out. The final one attacked by swinging in a wide arc. Rowin rushed forwards and gripped the swordsman's arm before tripping him with his feet and flipping him to the ground, knocking him out.

"Wh-what the hell!" the leader as he staired in horror as three of his men were dispatched.

"No. No no no no, that can't be!" the wizard went pale as his eyes widened.

"What's gotten into you? Do something!"

"Rowin Wilhelm." The man whispered.


"Former general and tactician of the army! Chief General Rowin Wilhelm!" The man muttered.

"Y-Your kidding." The bowman said going pain on the mention of his name. "This old man's 'that's' Rowin Wilhelm."

"So what!" the leader yelled. "He's just some crusty relic now!"

"But the man behind him." The wizard fixed his gaze on Dran. "That Dran the Arch Sage."

"Wh-what?" The leader lost all his jaw dropped. "Th-The Arch sage? F-For real?!"

"Oh man. He's right!" The bowman was close to passing out with fear, his breath panting. "Oh shit.... We're screwed."

Arch Sage? Melvin couldn't believe his ears as he stared at. That means, the Arch sage? The leader then got off Melvin's head and wrenched him up by his heir.

"Stay back!!" the man yelled as he raised his sword to Melvin's Neck. "Or I Slice the kids throat!" he yelled. Sweat was seeping out of every pour as the man's fear built up.

"J-Just give up the kid!" The bowman said, dropping to his knees. "Y-You want the kid right! Just take him! He’s not worth it!"

"What are you doing? Stand up!!"

The wizard then instantly dropped to his hands and knees. "Please spare us!" he pleaded. "Will give up the kid! Just let us live!!"

"That's not your decision to make!!!" The leader was getting increasingly desperate. "I-I'm still in control here!" he said, going slightly hysterical. "You want this brat huh?" he then inched the blade closer to Melvin's neck, losing more of his sanity.

"Don't do it!!" The bowman pleaded. "Just give up the kid! It's not worth our life!"

"Shut up!! I'm still in con-" his arm then froze in place. "Wh-what" It wasn't just his arm; his entire body was frozen solid. "Wh-what is this?"

"'Puppet strings?'" Rowin said to Dran.

"Sorry. Guess I got a bit too anxious." Dran said as he walked past

"No apologies necessary. I was about to rush in myself." The other two men then scrambled as Dran passed them. Running past Rowin and just kept running.

"Now," Dran got behind the man, who was now as white as a ghost. His clothes were now drenched with sweat. "I'm going to release my spell now, and you are going to release the boy. If not, then you will know true despair."

He then raised his fingers to the man's ear and clicked. The man then dropped Melvin and his sword. Melvin scrambled to the wall as the man dropped to his knees, and passed out. Melvin took in deep breaths as he stared at the man. Tears then trickled down his face.

"Are you alright?" Dran said crouching to him.

"No." Melvin sobbed. "Cerberus.... Cerberus is gone." He then pushed past him and picked up the man's sword. "That bastard killed him!" Dran gripped Melvin's arm, preventing him from killing the man. "Let me go!!" he struggled, dropping the sword. "I'll kill that son of a bitch! He took Cerberus from me! I'll make him pay!!"

"Cerberus isn't dead," Dran said comfortingly. "I'm sure of that."

Melvin then stopped struggling. "He's-he's not?"

"In fact, you can bring him back." Melvin slowly turned his head to Dran.

"How?" he said quietly. Dran let go of him, allowing Melvin's arms to drop.

"Come with me, and I'll tell you." Dran then got to his feet, staring at Melvin for a minute as he tried to make up his mind.

"Ok," he finally said. "I'll come." Dran then smiled at him. "Just give me a second." He then rushed into his shack. He then emerged with his spellbook. It was big enough that it required him to hold it.

"Shall I take that?" Rowin offered. Melvin instantly turned his body. "Very well." He then turned to Dran. "Shall we return?"


Melvin scoffed down the food in front of him.

"You really shouldn't eat so fast," Mira said to him. "You'll give yourself indigestion."

"I'm starving though. I eat about one meal a day if I'm lucky." Melvin said with his mouth full. Dran and Rowin had brought Melvin back to the Arch Sages residence, where Mira, Rowin's wife, made him a meal while Rowin and Dran searched the study. "I still can't believe that you're that old coot's wife."

"Most people have that reaction. They think I'm his daughter because of my age."

"Can you blame them, you look like you're in your 20's. So is it just the two of you with the arch sage?"

"There's one more. But she's out for now."

"Enjoying yourself?" Rowin then approached them. "The master should be here shortly." Melvin ignored him and continued to stuff his face. Rowin noticed the book beside him. "If I'm not mistaken this is a Wizards companion."

"A What?"

"Wizards companion. It's a book that is meant to introduce the fundamentals of magic. It even has a few level 1 spells within its pages."

"Yep. I only know one of them though. The 'Firebolt' spell."

"Where did you get this book from, if you don't mind me asking?"

Melvin then stopped eating. "It was my parents? It's the only thing I have left. Well, it is now."

"My apologies." Rowin then bowed slightly. "I didn't mean to upset you."

"It's fine. I don't remember them. I just know they're dead. And that's it."

"And you've been alone ever since?" Mira asked.

"Pretty much. I always had Cerberus though so it went all bad." He then looked around the study. "When's the arch sage coming back? He said he can bring him back."

"Just be patient," Rowin said.

At that moment Dran returned. He then handed Melvin a wand. "What's this?"

"It should be better than that stick you were using," Dran said to him. "Now, try summoning Cerberus back."

"How do I do that?"

"You should already know. Just focus, like when you're casting a spell." Melvin got off his seat and aimed his wand forward. He did want Dran told him. As he did, strange words started to flow into his head. It was a strange sensation, like someone inside him was reading a book. His mouth then moved on its own accord.

"From the gates of the Underworld, I summon you to my side. Cerberus!" a puff of smoke then appeared before him. As it subsided, Cerberus could be seen in the center. It looked up at him and barked. A well of emotions then overcame Melvin as he rushed and hugged his friend. "You're ok. Thank goodness," He said sobbing. "I thought I lost you forever."

"Amazing." Mira breathed.

"Truly a diamond in the rough," Rowin said.

Melvin then stood back up and wiped the tears from his eyes. "T-Thank you so much. You gave Cerberus back to me. Thank you." He said to Dran.

"I'm not sure why you're thanking me," Dran said with a smile. "It was you who brought him back."

"I did?" Melvin said with confusion.

"Yes. In fact, there's something I'd like to ask." He then knelt till he was level to Melvin. "Would you like to be my apprentice?"

"Huh?" Melvin wasn't sure what to say. "What do you mean?"

"You have incredible potential as a wizard. It would honor me if I were allowed to teach you."

"I-I can learn magic? Does this mean I won't have to live on the street anymore."

"Of course." He then turned to Rowin and Mira. "I'm sure they wouldn't mind you staying with them."

"Of course not master Dran." Rowin said.

"We'd be more than happy," Mira said. Dran then turned back to Melvin.

"So what do you say?" Melvin's face lit up with joy.

"Yes." He said excitedly. "Please, teach me."

"Wonderful. But first" he then held up three fingers. "I do have three rules that you must abide by when using magic."

"Rules?" Rowin then lowered two of his fingers

"First, do not use magic to steal from others. I promise you won't have to anymore." He then put up one finger. "Second is never to use magic to deliberately attack. Use it only in defense of yourself, or the defense of others."

He then lowered his hand. "While you will be scolded if you ever brake the first two, if you break the third rule," Dran's expression then changed as he spoke in a more serious tone. "You will be immediately expelled as my pupil forever. Do you understand?"

Melvin nodded nervously. Dran then held up three fingers. "The third rule," he spoke with a serious tone.

"Never, no matter what the circumstances use magic, to kill." He then lowered his hand and his tone returned to normal. "Now, do you swear to this creed, and walk the path as my pupil."

Melvin took a deep gulp and stared at his new master. "I swear."


"H-Hold it!"

Lougas turned around and to his surprise saw Melvin back on his feet.

"W-we're... We're not finished."

"Impossible. How could you still be alive?" Lougas asked, simply dumbfounded by the fact that Melvin was still conscious, let alone could stand. "Your skull should have been shattered. On top of which, your ribs are definitely broken. How can you still stand?"

Melvin then spat out some saliva mixed with blood.

"Nonetheless, you still have no chance to defeat me." Lougas then took out his yoyos again. "You have sustained far to much damage to-"

"Shut up!" Melvin pointed his wand down into the water. "I told you to stop talking like you've won." He then grinned at Lougas. "And I also told you, I'm getting really sick of listening to your voice."

"Very well." Lougas then sent both yoyos flying at Melvin. "Then I'll make sure you die."

As they approached Melvin the water shot up and quickly started to freeze. Seeing this, Lougas quickly withdrew his yoyos before they hit the water. The water froze into an ice spiral with an opening in the front, where Melvin was standing.

"Pretty, but it still doesn't help your current predicament. Don't think I cant smash through that ice with my weapon." Lougas told him.

"You know something?" Melvin then pointed his wand at the water below. "You really need to talk less in a fight. You leave yourself open way too easily." He then grinned at Lougas. "Lightning Blast!" Lightning then burst from his wand into the water. Lougas screamed as the lightning discharged around him. The lightning quickly subsided, leaving Lougas standing still, burnt and chard. His yoyos then dropped from his hand, causing huge splashes.

"One thing you failed to consider was the fact that we're standing in water." Melvin struggled down from the ice spire he created. "And you should be aware that electrical discharges in water." Lougas tried to speak, but his tong had gone completely numb. "Looks like I finally shut you up." Melvin then waddled over towards Lougas, holding his right hand over his broken ribs. "Don't worry, I made sure the shock wouldn't kill you. Although, it seems to have relaxed all the muscles in your body. Now you're completely helpless."

Damn it... He's right. Lougas tried to raise his hands, but he couldn't move them at all. He didn't have the strength to pick up his 4 tone yoyos anymore. Melvin stopped short of Lougas and raised his wand.

"Heed me, origins of the flame that gives us life and will, gather together and smite down my foe." A massive fireball then began to form above Melvin.

A level 2 spell! Lougas desperately tried to move, but he was glued to the spot by the numbness in his legs and the weight of the yoyos.

"There's something else you failed to consider," Melvin said to him, as the ball took form. "You assumed that I was physically weak because I'm a wizard. Since most wizards usually come from special schools or elite families, that can be the case. I, on the other hand, grew up alone in a slum for as long as I can remember. I had to fight every day just to stay alive. And your little toys are nothing compared to what I've had to go through in order to even be standing here!" He then glared at the helpless Lougas.

"Burning Hearts!" He then let the ball loose on Lougas.

No, I have to move! I can't lose to a wizard! I simply can't lose to them!!

The ball impacted, causing a large explosion, which blew the walkway above Melvin away along with his Ice sire. Melvin tried to keep his footing but was blown to his back due to his injuries. The explosion subsided with steam rising from the water. There in the center, lay Lougas, Clothes ruined and body burnt, but nonetheless alive.

"Geez. That took a lot out of me." Melvin said as he struggled back to his feet. He then starred at the motionless Lougas. "You called me arrogant because I let the girls go ahead." He said to him. "To me, you were the arrogant one here. You keep pointing out your opponent's weakness while ignoring your own. That's why you lost."

He then turned his back to Lougas and set off to the rubble behind him The blast caused a section of the walkway to be destroyed, and the rubble was collected against the wall behind.

"You know," he said as he struggled towards the rubble. "You may be annoying, but I like you better than that bitch from the Rats. What was her name again? Ahh, who cares."

He then reached the rubble and struggled onto one with a flat top, possibly a part of the walkway. He then lay on his back and breathed in and out. "I think I should rest here for a while." He then raised his arm right arm and held it on his chest, a warm glow emitting from his palm as he began healing himself. "This is difficult with one hand...."

The boy stared up at the ceiling, losing himself in thought. His left arm was broken, some of his ribs had cracked, and his head was still rattling from the blow to the back. "Allisa, everyone, I'll catch up later. I just need to catch my breath." His eyes then began to close shut.

Max vs. Hecoton

An explosion caused one of the pillars to collapse, crushing a number of the clones underneath. One of the clones took a swing at Max, who caught the arm and crushed it. He then kicked the clone back as he turned and threw a fireball at the clones behind them, destroying several. Two others assaulted him. Max leaped over them and relished his Roar, creating a huge explosion beneath him, obliterating a large number of clones. He landed on the pillar, designing to one leg as the clones surrounded.

".... This is getting ridiculous," He said, huffing and puffing. "What gives? There seems to be more than when I started."

"Getting tired? Weren't you still warming up?" Hecoton said with a mocking tone. Max gritted his teeth in frustration. He had been fighting the clones for around 10 minutes; he lost count of how many clones he destroyed. But the sea of bronze surrounding him made it seem like he hadn't made a dent in their numbers. "It's useless you freak. You can destroy as many clones as you want. I'll just create more."

"Rrrrrrrrr! Where the heck are you?" Max yelled as he got back to his feet, and released a wide flame in frustration, which destroyed the clones standing in front of him.

"Like I'll tell you." The clone he spoke though then lunged at Max, who smashed it to pieces as with a punch. "It's useless. You won't be able to find me amongst my clones. You might as well give up and let me kill you." Max then started sniffing around. He then grinned and turned to his left holding a fireball in his hand.

"We'll see about that." He then thought it at one of the pillars, destroying the bass and causing it to topple onto clones beneath him. One of the clones then looked up and quickly leaped out of the way as the pillar smashed into the clones.

"Whew... That was close." It said to itself as he got up.

As it got back to its feet, Max appeared in front of it and punched it hard in the face, sending it smashing through the broken pillar behind. But unlike the others, it didn't shatter. Its facemask fell off revealing a human face beneath it.

"Found ya," Max said with glee as he walked through the derby.

"I-impossible!" Hecoton said as he got back to his feet, holding his broken nose in place. "How did you find me?"

"Simple, I smelled you out."

"Smell?" Hecoton jumped to his feet. "How the heck could you have smelled me out?"

"Well, all your buddies got that bronze smell, but I kept picking up some different smell from one of you."

"Wh-what the hell? What kind of freak are you?"

"Haven't worked it out?" Max engulfed his fists in flames while grinning his teeth at Hecoton. "I'm a Salamander!"

A-A Salamander? This kid? Hecoton simply laughed at Max. "You think I'd fall for some cheap trick like that?"

"What?" Max didn't expect that reaction.

"Come on. A Salamander is some kind of human that is given the powers of a dragon by a dragon. That's just some stupid fairy tale people came up with to try and prove that dragons still exist."

"You calling me a liar?" Max's irritation started to build up.

"What else. Everyone knows dragons went extinct hundreds of years ago. The thought that the most powerful creatures shared their powers with humans is just a load of crap. You're just some wizard with a cheap parlor trick, masquerading as these monsters from a fairytale just to gain some notoriety."

Max burst forwards and smashed Hecoton in the gut, bursting flames though him and sending him flying back through some of his clones.

"You can believe whatever the hell you want. But a dragon gave me this power after destroying my home. If you think I'm putting on an act, pretending to be some kind of monster," he then fixed a murderous look on Hecoton. "Then I'll turn you to ash."

"Damn brat." Hecoton struggled back to his feet, coughing up blood. There was a hole in his armor which Max smashed though as well as a bigger one in the back of the armor where his fire burst through. The skin there was a pinkish color. He then picked up his sword and shield. He then glowed a strange amber color. "Don't start to get cocky because you found the real me."

Two armored figures then separated from the strange aura, materializing into Hecoton's armor, but in the original form rather than the bloodied mess he currently was. "I can still create my clones, and I can still wear you down."

"Hold on! They look completely different to you! How can they be your clones?" Max pointed out.

"My ability is to make copies of my armor and manipulate them as walking puppets. It doesn't matter if my armor is broken, as long as there is something remaining to act as a template." He then pointed his sword at Max, causing the clones he just created to attack him, along with five others.

"You can make as many copies as you want!" Max effortlessly smashed the attacking clones apart with his flames. "They way too weak against me! I'll keep destroying them no matter how many you make!"

"Your manas not infinite phony!" Six more clones then separated from Hecoton's body. "All I have to do is keep sending wave after wave at you until your dry, then come in for the kill!"

"I prefer we finish this," Max dogged a blow from one of the clones and leaped on its head, launching itself at Hecoton. "FACE TO FACE!!!" he punched him into the ground hard enough to make him bounce back up. As he did, Max flamed his fist and formed a massive fireball.

....He's got me!

Max lunged the ball forwards with a right hook, causing a massive blast coming outwards, turning Hecoton into a commit, sending him flying through another pillar into the West wall of the courtyard, hard enough to smash through the wall into the rock face of the cliff behind it. As derby flew from the impacted, the clones surrounding Max started to disintegrate.

"Guess I beat him." Max watched the rocks finished falling, creating a derby field. The damage to the courtyard was worse.

Out of the twelve original pillars, which lined the main pathway, only 4 of them were still standing. The walkway itself was almost destroyed, with craters dotted around, parts of it destroyed completely, debris littering about the place from the destroyed pillars as pieces of the wrecked pathway.

"Looks like I overdid it again," Max said to himself as he wandered towards the entrance. "Wonder if the guys are still breathing?" He then shot out a fireball, clearing the rubble from the entrance, opening it up again. "I better catch up." Max then charged into the entrance. "Hold on guys. I'm on my way."


Blood poured from the cultist's neck as his head was sliced off his shoulders. As he fell, Yuki turned to his next opponent, and hit a single slash, sliced through the man, causing him to drop to the floor. Fifteen bodies were dotted around Yuki. Blood leaked from their bodies, flowing into the gaps in the brickwork beneath them.

"That all of you?" Yuki himself was completely unharmed. He regained his usual stance as he looked around. "You think that at least one of them would be able to put up a decent fight. That was hardly a challenge."

"I couldn't agree more." Yuki turned to his right holding up his sword. "I honestly thought that they would have at least put up some kind of resistance." An armored figure then started to emerge from the shadows. His voice sounded familiar to Yuki. "But what else can you expect from low-life scum such as them." Yuki's eyes then widened as he started to realize who it was. "But to be bested by some backward third rate country swordsman is beyond forgivable to those retches."

"Ha," Yuki smiled to himself as he lowered the sword. "Well, I can't argue with that. These guys were so bad I doubt they could tell the difference between the blade and the hilt. But the blame falls more on you for not teaching them properly. Cause, it's not like you care what happens to them." He then readied his sword and rested the back of the blade on his shoulders as he grinned at the man "And here I thought that you guys have some kind of honor, Bastard Knight."

"I have a name you inbreed." A sinister smile aspired on the man's lips. "It's Kuradeal. The right hand of the true king."

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