《The Goddess’ Chosen》Homunculi


Legends speak of mighty beings that once ruled over all the earth.

Winged monsters with the power to decimate armies in the blink of an eye. In Wales, in the flames of the high mountains, we sought the one referred to as .........

In the heart of the mountain, we did battle with the monster. Fierce as it was, with we fell the dragon with the assistance of Merlin's magic. My mentor, his power truly knows no bounds.

But then the dragon spoke. It asked me "Why do you seek my power, human?"


Allisa's eyes snapped open. "Another dream?" she muttered as she moved her right hand up to her head. As she did, she noticed that her hand was bandaged. "Huh?" she then took a look around and saw she was on a bed. "Where am I?"

"Oh good. You're finally up."

Allisa turned and saw Mirage approaching her. "M-Mirage?" She then sat up, feeling some discomfort in her chest.

"Whoa, easy there," Mirage said to her as she helped her up. "You at home."


"Well, our home. Dale and Cliff brought you guys back after what happened. The others just woke up."

"Oh. That's good." Allisa clutched her chest hard. It ached terribly, like every muscle hand just seized up all at once.

"You probably shouldn't move yet. Dale said your insides were messed up bad."

"My insides?"

Allisa put a hand to her chest. Oh right. That white guy did something. She had no idea what he did. All she remembered was that he slammed his palm into her chest. What followed was some kind of unpleasant wave passing through her followed immediately by excruciating pain.

"Your hand should be alright," Mirage said pointing at her hand. Allisa looked down on it and took off the bandages. When they were off, she checked the back of her hand and saw that the skin was healed completely. "Wow, Nel was right. You really do heal quickly." Mirage looked close at her hand. "When we found you that hand was messed up, the skin was literally torn off."

Allisa gazed at her hand, recalling how her opponent just stepped on it which ripped her skin off. Thanks to her healing ability, there was no trace of it left, which suited her. "How long was I out?" she asked, changing the subject.

"About two hours. You and the others."

"Two hours….?" Allisa looked around and saw another bed near hers. On the bed was Yuki. He was still asleep and his sword by his side. His entire chest was covered in bandages. "Is he ok?" Allisa asked Mirage, gesturing at Yuki.

Mirage looked over at Yuki. "He's alive at least, but he lost a lot of blood. I doubt he'll be moving anytime soon. Best just let him rest."

"Oh, Ok." Allisa looked at him with a worried expression. "At least he's alive."

"Kinda surprised he is. He had a sword sticking out of him." Mirage said, looking very grim. "On all accounts, he should be dead."

Allisa slowly looked around the room as she slowly tried to reorientate herself to her surroundings. It didn't have much in the way of furniture, besides other beds. It looked more like an infirmary to her. "Where're the others?" She asked.

"In the main room. Right now they're telling the others what happened to them."

"Got it." Allisa then got out from the bed, feeling a slight discomfort.


"Hey. You probably shouldn't move too much." Mirage said as she gently supported her.

"I'm fine," Allisa said to her. "It doesn't hurt as much now."

Mirage took a look at Allisa then let out a sigh. "If you say so."

Allisa nodded and walked towards the door.

"Just don't try pushing yourself. Nothing ever good comes of it." Mirage said quietly.

"Huh?" Allisa stopped and looked again at Mirage, who simply smiled and shook her head.

"It's nothing. Just don't exert yourself."

The next move

Everyone was gathered in the main room, with the exception of the elder. As Allisa went through the door, Sasha ran up to her and hugged her.

"You're ok." She said with relief in her voice.

"She was quite worried about you," Mirage said. "Even checked up on you a couple of times."

"Aw." Allisa patted Sasha on the head. "Don't worry, I'm ok see." She said to her.

Melvin and Max then approached her.

"You blacked out too huh?" Melvin said.

"Yeah." Allisa nodded as Sasha released her. "Did you guys hear something before you blacked out? Like a high pitched sound?"

"Yeah. It felt like my ears were gonna burst." Max said, rubbing his right ear.

"So you heard it too," Nel said as she approached them. "Seems we were lucky it just paralyzed us, along with the fact that they let us live."

"I guess," Melvin said looking grim. "Although, strange they just let us live. I mean, they could've just killed us then and there."

"Probably best not to think about it too much and count your blessings they let you go," Cliff spoke as he approached them. "Now that you're all awake we can talk exactly what happened. You guys didn't half make a commotion, the pitch looks like a bomb was dropped on it."

"I said I was sorry, geez." Max pouted. Allisa, Melvin and Nel all scowled at him since most of the damages were his fault, again.

Dale came forward with a tray of coffee as he lay down near the boxing ring where everyone gathered. "We have an idea of what happened from Max since he was the first one up," he glanced a look at Max. "According to him, you were attacked by three people, an 'Exploding guy,' a 'sword arm guy' and a kid."

Nel nodded. "It's very dumbed down, but that's the gist of it."

"Actually," Allisa interrupted, taking a cup of coffee. "There was a fourth." Everyone stared at her in confusion.

"A Fourth?" Melvin said.

"I came to shortly after I blacked out, and there was another one."

"Another one? What was he like?" Nel asked, sounding concerned.

"He was.... uh, his skin was incredibly pale, and he wore some kind of white clothing." Allisa moved her hand to her chest. "He was also pretty powerful. I tried fighting him but he beat me." She put a hand to her chest, looking lost in thought. Then something came to mind that made her eyes widened. "Hold on. What about the others? Francesca and the other people that were there?"

"Don't worry. They're all fine." Dale said reassuringly. "They were also unconscious but didn't have any injuries, so we moved them. I also wiped their memory so they won't remember what happened."

"Huh?" Allisa looked a little shocked by what Dale had just told her.


"Don't worry, it's not dangerous." Dale tried to reassure her. " It's a spell that can wipe a person's memories for about two hours so they’re unable to recall anything. As far as they're concerned, they just passed out by something and they can no longer remember."

"Three are dead though," Cliff said grimly. "We left their bodies there. To everyone else, they'll just be more victims of the serial killer."

"Oh." Allisa took a sip of her coffee, remembering the sword arm guy killing the three boys at the beginning. As she did, something edged itself into her mind. A feeling that she was forgetting something.

"Well, based on your description. Sounds like another ghoul attack." Dale said.

"But, In the middle of the day?" Mirage said, not sounding convinced. "That's pretty bold."

"They weren't ghoul's," Nel spoke up, ensuring she had the others attention before speaking again. "They were Homunculi."

Dale spat out his coffee while Cliff and Mirage stared at her in shock.

"D-Did you just say what I think you said?" Cliff stuttered.

"You did." Melvin nodded. "The one we fought told us."

"Homunculi?" Allisa said in confusion.

"Oh yeah. I think the exploding guy said he was one." Max said rubbing the back of his head.

"Oh God..." Dale gasped, wiping his mouth, "things just got a whole lot worse."

"You can say that again." Mirage nodded.

"Um..." Sasha raises her hand. "What's a He-mo-cally?"

"Homunculi." Mirage corrected.

"It's plural for Homunculus," Dale said, gripping his cup hard. "It's the scientific term..." he gave an uncomfortable pause, "... for an artificial human."

Allisa starred in surprise. "Artificial? You mean man-made?" Dale nodded. "But... That's impossible."

"Not quite," Nel said. "Through magic, and particularly Alchemy, it's entirely possible to create a Homunculus. And there's no denying what we saw were clearly not human, or ghouls for that matter."

"Thing is, creating even one Homunculus is taboo, even amongst Alchemists."Melvin continued from Nel. "But three... no four."

Max scratched his head. "Um... I don't really. Why are they so bad?"

"It's kinda complicated," Dale said, raising his fingers. "First is down to ethics. Most people consider Homunculi as abominations, a mockery of life."

"The second is how they're created," Cliff added.

"How are they created?" Allisa asked

"To make a Homunculus," Melvin said looking down. "You need human life."

A cold chill came over Allisa. ".... Human life? Y-you mean.... Like a sacrifice?"

"Remember equivalent exchange. One thing of equal value to another." Melvin reminded her. "It's the same with magic. In order to artificially create a life, you need another life to act as a template. In other words, a human sacrifice"

Allisa remained silent as the news sunk in, something still chewing at the back of her mind. She then recalled what the first three had said before the battle began, how they referred to everyone gathered around as 'sacrifices.'

"So, if I got this right," Max stretched his head. "Someone's making these guys by sacrificing people." He then let out a sigh. "I still don't get it."

"Me neither," Sasha said, looking just as lost.

"Well, let's change the subject. I do have some good news." Dale said. He then pulled out a map. "Thanks to that mess, I finally managed to locate the Alchemist's whereabouts."

"Really!" Allisa said looking at him.

"Well, almost." Dale then laid the map out in front of everyone. It was a map of the town and the surrounding area. "I was able to get a trace on one of them and it led here." Dale pointed to the forest that lay to the west of the town. "Unless I've got it wrong, Alchemist is lying somewhere in this forest... maybe."

"Sweet!" Max said as he shot up. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's get going!"

Nel then grabbed Max's arm. "Hold it." She then tugged him back down before addressing Dale. "You said 'somewhere.' That means you don't know exactly where the Alchemist is yet."

"I'm working on a means, don't worry." Dale nodded.

"And Max does have the right idea though," Cliff said, folding his arms. "You agree we should take this guy down as soon as possible, right?" The other's nodded. "Then the moment Dale is ready, we strike. But we're gonna need your help to pull this off."

"Our help?" Nel said, putting a hand on her hip.

"Originally, the plan was for me and Mirage to confront the Alchemist. But, with these Homunculi about, that complicates things."

"The rest of us have to stay behind in case of another ghoul attack." Mirage continued on. "And you can see we're pretty short-handed as is. And there's no telling what could be waiting in the enemies base."

"I see where this is going." Nel nodded. "I'll come."

"Me too!" Max said pounding his palm. "I'm settling things with exploding guy!"

Melvin sighed. "Guess I'm coming too."

"Count me in," Allisa said with determination. "I said I'd help you with this Alchemist and I'm not backing out of it."

"Wow." Dale rubbed his head. "I wasn't expecting you to agree so readily to be honest."

Cliff smiled. "Thanks, you'll be a big help. I'll be coming along with you guys. That makes five of us."

"Hey." Everyone then turned and saw Yuki leaning against the door, holding his sword. "Hope you're not forgetting about me."

"Oh no!" Dale said as he shot up. "You're not going anywhere! Those were really bad injuries."

"I'm healed aren't I?"

"That still doesn't mean you're completely healed! If those wounds open back up you'll die."

"I agree. You were impaled, you lost a lot of blood." Melvin said. "I'm frankly amazed you're still alive from that."

"I don't care." Yuki waddled forwards. "I have a score to settle with that sword armed bastard."

Cliff then stood up and approached Yuki. "You're in no shape to do anything. Just go back and rest." He said glaring at him.

"Not a chance." Yuki glared back.

"Now, now." The Elder then entered the main room, walking towards Cliff and Yuki. "If the boy wishes to go, then let him."

"E-Elder!!" Cliff yelled in protest. "He's injured. Badly!"

"I'm fine!" Yuki yelled in protest.

Cliff then prodded him in the chest hard, causing him to collapse to the ground grabbing his chest. "The Hell you are!"

Mirage and Dale ran up to Cliff to try and hold him back. Everyone else stood up. "Cliff!" Mirage said as she tugged him back.

"Whoa, easy!" Dale said as he picked Yuki up.

"If you go in your state you're gonna get yourself killed," Cliff said.

Yuki then lunged forward and grabbed Cliff's shirt. "I don't care what you say." He growled. "I have to beat him. If not...." His grip then tightened as he gritted his teeth. .....If I can't even beat him. I won't be able to defeat Gai.

"Just let him come." Max interrupted, still sitting down. "Besides, he's a stubborn bastard. No way something like that'll kill him."

"I agree. It will be pointless to try and keep him here." Nel said.

"A-Are you sure? He did get a sword through the gut." Melvin said.

"And the first day we met him he stood against one of the best swordsmen in Avalon and 50 others while poisoned."

Allisa moved her hand to her neck. Right, after he nearly took my head off earlier that day too.

"Well then. I guess that settles that." The elder then gently separated Yuki from Cliff.

Dale took a deep breath as the tension began to defuse. "Th-there's still some preparations to be made before you go out." He said to Yuki. "Until then, you need to rest. I'll also do what I can for you."

Dale then led off back to the room he came from. Cliff stormed off shortly after, brushing Mirage off.

"Men," She sighed.

"Are you sure it's a good idea?" Allisa asked. "He was stabbed through the gut after all."

The Elder then approached Allisa. "If he stayed behind, the wound to his pride would be irreparable."

"But what good is pride if it just gets you killed." Allisa pressed.

"True, one's pride can be their downfall. I've seen it happen many times in my years." The elder then started to walk away. "However, it's that very pride what drives them forwards in the end." Allisa watched as he walked off, not understanding what he was talking about. "I'm sure you'll come to understand this someday."


The sun was starting to go down as Allisa walked home. It was after her agreed on curfew, which meant that she would be in trouble when she got back. That would normally be worrying her, but she had something else on her mind.

Dale brought forward a crystal to the group. "This is how you'll be tracking the hideout. It should be ready by tonight."

"Alright." Nel nodded. "We'll meet outside Allisa's home at 10 pm. Then we'll set off."

Allisa let out a sigh as she arrived at her house. It's a good thing school's canceled. I'm not likely to get any sleep tonight. She then opened the door and walked in her house.

"It's late," Herb said from the living room watching TV.

"Sorry. I lost track of time." Allisa said as she walked in. She then walked toward the stairs. "I'll be in my room."

"Hold up. Come here a sec." Herb called out.

Oh Crap. I'm definitely in trouble. Allisa reluctantly walked into the living room and approached Herb. "What is it?"

"It's about what you said this morning, about how you came to without knowing what happened." Herb then turned to face her. "You sure you didn't notice anything?"

"No, why?"

Herb took in a deep breath. "Well, the guy's found some of your classmates who are saying the same thing."


"Yep. They said they were on their way to meet up with some friends, next thing they knew they blacked out and woke up outside the baseball pitch."

"Oh, is that so?" Allisa felt relieved at the news. They really don't remember. That's good.

Luke then walked into the room. "Isn't the baseball pitch where those explosions came from?" he asked.


"Must have heard them. I could hear it even at school."

"Heard about the damages from the officers on scene," Herb said. "Apparently, it's like the same thing with the high school. Like a bomb went off or something."

"Y-you don't say," Allisa muttered. I'm sure most of that was Max.

She then turned towards the stairs. "I'll be in my room until dinner." She then walked up the stairs quickly to her room and closed the door behind her, letting out a sigh of relief. "Oh boy." She then leaned against the door. "I don't know how much longer I can keep this up."

She then walked to her bed and laid down on it, staring up at the ceiling, lost in thought. Why do I keep getting this feeling like I've forgotten something? She didn't quite understand, but after she blacked out on the pitch the first time when she regained consciousness, the only memory she had was of charging the white man. As she tried to remember what happened before that, she kept drawing a blank. What was it? Why can't I remember?

Creation of a Homunculus

Where am I? What's going on? Why is it so dark?

Francesca's head was spinning. She felt like something had bashed her skull in.

Was it all a dream? Must be. No way that was real.

She then slowly opened her eyes.

It was all a dream.

"Oh. You're awake."

As Francesca awoke, Frosh was standing before her with his head very close to hers. After a brief second of silence, she screamed and kicked Frosh back, knocking him to the floor.

"The girls awake," Frosh announced on the floor.

"Wh-What the?" Tristan then awoke looking around frantically. "Where am I?"

Bill then awoke next, just as startled as the others, struggling to get out a word. The three found themselves in some kind of cage-like area, big, dark and gloomy, lit up by crystals. Inside the cell, iron bars separated them from the wider dungeon looking area.

"Wh-Where are we?" Francesca said.

"Our home," Frosh said as he got up. "I know it looks gloomy, but you won't be here for too long." He then turned to Thatch, who was leaning against the bars on the outside near the cell door. "They're all awake now." He said.

"Yeah, wonderful," Thatch granted, not turning.

"Still upset that fire dude kicked your ass."

Thatch then turned his head sharply. "Shut up! I could have killed that kid if Rubrik didn't interrupt!"

"From where I was, it looked like he kicked your ass." Frosh continued.

"Like you did any better! You couldn't kill the two you were against! And one of them was a kid!"

A brick then flew at Thatch and hit him on the head.

"Be quiet! I'm concentrating you barbarians!"

Outside the bars was Sharly, standing on a stone chair with Gamba. A cord ran from her back to a strange creature above her. It was just a torso of a human and had a strange face with sewn lips. The entire creature emitted a strange purple mist. Its belly was open with metal tendrils coming out, each one with a medical tool that operated on Gamba's severed arm and sewed on a new blade.

"Honestly, What the hell happened to you guys?" Sharly asked as she continued to operate.

Gamba remained silent. He just faced forwards with a scowl on his face.

"Must have been something to have shut you up."

Francesca, Tristan and Bill started in terror at the creature hovering above Sharly. "W-What is that?"

"That?" Frosh took a look at Sharly. "That's her 'Dr. Jakle' ability. Basically, just a toolbox where she has all her tools for modifying us and the dolls. Nothing special."

"Says the kid with a toy box." Sharly retorted.

"Just what are you freaks?!" Tristan yelled in terror. "Just what the hell do you what from us?!"

Thatch then approached him and slammed one of his palms against the wall hard enough to crack it close to Tristan's head, then leaned in close to his face. "I don't know why, but there's something about you that really piss's me off." He snarled.

"Wha-Wha-W-w-w-" Bill tried to speak, still struggling to even put out an entire word.

"We're Homunculi," Sharly said, understanding what was asked. "It means artificially created humans."

"What?" Francesca gasped. "What do you mean artificial?"

"Artificial as in we're not natural," Frosh said.

"W-What? What the heck does that mean?!"

"Just leave it." Thatch said as he leaned away from Tristan. "It's not like they need to know what we are."

"It's the first time someone asked what we are. The guy over there never asked those kinds of questions." Frosh said as he pointed to a corner of the cell. There, sitting in the corner huddled was another boy. As the three looked, Tristan immediately recognized who it was.

"Franco?" he gasped. Franco said nothing in response. His eyes were wide open, and it was clear that he had not been to sleep for some time. "Hey! Franco!" Stills no response.

"Oh, You know him," Frosh said. "Got him four days ago. Hasn't said much since he was here."

"Wh-What did you do to him?"

"Nothing. Just left him there. You guys are more talkative them him."

"Ok. Done." Sharly said. The creature then dispersed into mist as Gamba got up. He held out his sword hand and gave it a few swings. "This one's lighter than the last so it's probably not as strong as-" Before Sharly could finish, Gamba swung at the wall, tearing through the rock like it was nothing. "Never mind." She then turned to Thatch. "Still curious about these Avalon people. Were they really that much trouble?"

"No way." Thatch snarled. "That fire kid may not be human but he still got nothing on me. And Gamba killed one before he lost his arm to that girl."

"He's alive," Gamba muttered, a small grin appearing on his lips. "I can feel it." he then stared at his blade as his grin grew.

"Yeah..." Thatch muttered. "From what I saw, you impaled him with your blade. How do you know he survived?"

"Call it an instinct."

Edasa then entered the room. "It's time." He announced. "Bring him."

"Oh, it's starting," Frosh said.

"Fine." Thatch said. He then walked towards Franco, who looked up at him in terror.

"P-Please." He muttered. "Please don't-"

Thatch growled as he picked up Franco with one hand and slumped him over his back as he struggled, shouting and yelling. "Can't I knock him out?"

"No," Edasa said firmly as Gamba and Sharly walked out of the room. "We can't take the risk that you'd kill him. He's only human after all."

"Yeah yeah." Thatch then walked out of the cell. Frosh followed and locked the cage behind him.

"Later." He said to the three as he and Thatch walked out. Edasa took a look at the others and left.

"Ok... What the fuck are they talking about?!" Tristan blurted out.

"Artificial?" Francesca breathed. "That means man-made right?" she asked Bill. Terrified and unable to speak, he simply nodded.

"This is just some joke!!" Tristan then shot up and walked to the cell door and kicked it hard. "Come on! None of this can be real! It's gotta be some kind of reality show, or a prank show!"

"You saw what happened earlier!" Francesca said. "No way something like that was made up." She then huddled close together. "I just..." she took in deep breaths. "I saw four people killed, right before me."

"Oh come on!! There has to be a trick behind it!" he then looked at Bill. "You're a geek! You know I'm right!" Bill shook his head. Frustrated, Tristan just sat down and put his head in his hands. "This isn't happening."


Her name was Luvia Roswell. She was an Alchemist and the creator of the Homunculi. She sat at a desk, lit dimly by candles around the area. On the desk, she worked on strange circle diagrams and research notes. Won't be long now. I'm sure of it.

Rubrik then entered the room "Mother." he addressed her. "Everything's ready."

"Hold on." Luvia finished what she was writing and put down her pen. "Alright. Let's go."

Rubrik led Luvia into a large circular room. At the base was a massive circle in the very center of the room. On it was two altars, both with their own magic circle. On the one to the right lay a woman. She was pale like the others with several stitches and had long brown hair. She was cloaked in a long thin dress. Weedree was present, hanging above the entrance Rubrik and Luvia entered.

"Weedree brought her mother." He said to Luvia.

"Thank you, Weedree," Luvia said as she put on a glove. "Is the sacrifice coming?"

"I sent Edasa to retrieve him along with the others," Rubrik said. Suddenly, screaming came from the room's second entrance.

"Please! Let me go! I beg you!"


The door then opened with Sharly and Edasa walking though. "We're here!" Sharly announced. As Edasa walked though, Gamba was next, followed by Thatch with Franco struggling on his shoulder.

"Seriously, why can't I knock him out?!" Thatch said as he walked. Frosh came in behind him.

"It's cause you could crack his skull open. Mother's method is better." He said.

Thatch smacked his free hand to Frosh's face and blew it up. "No one asked you!" he then walked to the second alter in the room and forced Franco down and browned him with restraints.

As Franco continued to lash about Luvia walked up to him and placed her hand with the glove on his head.

"Don't worry. I promise you won't feel a thing." She said. Franco then started to struggle less until he eventually relaxed and fell into a deep sleep.

"What did she do?" Gamba asked.

"Oh, that glove has an Alchemic circle to put people to sleep," Frosh said as his head finished regenerating. "It's more humane that way."

"Why knock him out? What is she going to do?"

"Right, this is your first time seeing this," Sharly said to Gamba. "This is the ritual to create a new homunculus."

Gamba looked around at the circle that took up much of the room. "This?" he then looked over at the woman laid down on the altar. "I remember this room when I was born. Can't say I remember it all that well." Thatch then walked towards the group while Luvia headed in the opposite direction towards Rubrik and Weedree. "So what exactly is going to happen?"

"Mother's going to use that boy's soul to summon a new soul and put in that body." Sharly pointed to the woman on the altar.

"I never understood it." Thatch said as he joined them.

"Quiet," Edasa said. "Mother's about to begin."

Luvia stood at the edge of the circle and took off her glove. Then knelt down, clapped her hands together and took a deep breath. "Let's begin," she said to herself.

She slowly placed both hands on the circle's edge and closed her eyes. A second later the circle started to light up in a bright red color as sparks of energy few of. Franco's body then started to jerk about violently, his mouth open and his eyes wide open and rolled back. After a second he stopped and slumped back to the altar. A moment later, the woman started to twitch slightly. The light started to die down until it eventually subsided. Luvia then slumped down but was caught by Rubrik who then supported her back to her feet. All eyes stared at the woman lying on the altar.


It's dark.

Very dark.

Am I alive?

Aren't I dead?

I can feel.

I can move.

Does that mean I'm alive?

The woman slowly opened her eyes, showing off one dark eye and one blue eye. They darted around the new surroundings. She then slowly got up still looking around. She then stared at her arm inspecting the stitches. Is this... my arm?

"Hello," Luvia said as she walked up to her with Rubrik.

"Who.... are you?" the woman said slowly.

"My name is Luvia Roswell. I created you."

"C-Created?" The woman looked again at the arms. "What.... am I?"

"A Homunculus I created."

"Homunculus?" The woman looked around at the others standing at the edge of the circle. He then reached for her head as something started to flow into it. What are these images?

"Do you remember your name?" Luvia asked.

"My name... my name? My name is....." the woman then looked down at their feet. "Di... Diane."

Luvia looked surprised, as did Rubrik and the others. "Diane." A smile then came to her lips. "That's a good name."

"Diane?" The woman rubbed her head. "That's my name. How did I know?"

Sharly then approached her. "Hi." She said. "I'm Sharly."

"Sharly? Are you like me?"

Sharly nodded. "If you come with me. I can do the finishing touches."

Diane looked at Sharly for a second before nodding. "Ok." She then got up from the altar.

"If you have any questions, I'll answer them."

"What about her?" Diane asked.

"Mother needs some rest. The ritual always tire's her out."

"Ok." She and Sharly then walked off, followed by the others. Edasa took the body of the altar and followed suit with Weedree, leaving Rubrik with Luvia.

"She remembered her name," Rubrik said. "She's the first to recall her name."

"Yes." Luvia nodded. "I'm getting closer now." She then separated from Rubrik and walked to the door she entered from. "Soon my goal will finally be achieved."

All set to go

It was 10 o'clock. Allisa's lights were off and she stuffed her pillows in her bed, just in case. She was already in her Avalon clothing and was prepared to go. She then sat on her bed and waited nervously for the others to arrive and for some reason she was really nervous. While she was in Avalon, where she was exposed to danger and life-threatening situations on almost a daily basis, she had never felt nervous or scared. Evan going to rescue Elizabeth, she didn't feel the way she did at that moment.

Was it nerves, or the fact that this was her home, her world that was to be the battlefield this time? What was more, the haze in her memory hadn't cleared, and she was left with the sense that she had forgotten something important. Then, a tapping sound came from her window. Going over to it she could see the others gathered below. Nel, Max, Melvin, Yuki and Cliff.

Ok, It's time.

She took a deep breath and opened her window. She went through, trying not to look down. As she did, she snagged her foot on the window pain, lost balance and fell all the way down to the ground, landing on her back.

"Great. We're all here." Nel announced.

"Some sympathy would be nice," Allisa growled as she picked herself back up. "That hurt you know."

"You're alive aren't you?"

"Never mind." Allisa took a look at Yuki. He was wearing a Bermuda shirt, likely one of Dale's. It was unbuttoned, which showed off the bandages that covered his chest. Is he still injured?

"So where to next?" Max asked. Cliff then pulled out a glowing crystal, which Allisa recognized as something similar to what Nel used to find her.

"We're using this to find them," he said. He then walked past the others to take the lead. "Follow me."

"Alright!" Max said as he set off after Cliff. "I'm coming, Exploding guy!"

"Be quiet! People are sleeping!" Melvin said in a hushed voice. Yuki followed after him. Allisa was about to set off when she turned and saw Nel staring across the street.

"What's wrong?" She asked. Nel turned to look at Allisa. She then turned back across the street one more time.

"Nothing." She said as she walked after the others. "Let's go."

"O-Ok." Allisa followed, taking a quick glance across the street. Was someone there?


On the house at the other side of the street, around a dark corner, a girl, dressed in a completely black coat, stuck her head out, watching as her target began to move away. She then took out her cell phone, dialed the first number and brought the device to her face.

"There on the move... There's one more now, a hunter it seems." She then retreated behind her cover. "... By their direction they're headed, it's possible they discovered the Alchemist's whereabouts. Should I engage?" She then took a look out as the group started to disappear into the woods nearby. "... As you wish, Lord Cob."

The girl then hung up the phone and walked out clenching her fist. "So it is you, Allisa."

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