《The Goddess’ Chosen》Homecoming


'He who pulith this sword from the stone shall be proclaimed king.'

It is a legend passed down in these lands since the death of the king. Located in a rock, in the middle of a field, there lay the legendary sword.

Many have tried, many have failed.

Yet here I stand, before the rock, before the sword of destiny. At my back was the old hermit, Merlin, who guided me to this elusive sword in the stone.

As I reached my had towards its hilt, Merlin gave me this warning. "To pull that sword means relinquishing your very existence to an endless spiral of conflict. Take not this decision lightly young Arthur. If you so wish, then take up the blade. Become the guiding light in this world of chaos."

With such words of caution, I knew that such an oath to wield the sword must be one I must never look upon as a jest. Therefore, I made my decision and reached for the sword.


Allisa slowly opened her eyes, taking deep breaths. "What the...." She slowly sat up, holding a hand to her head. She had one of her dreams again, which was something she was used to by now. But this one was very different. Instead of the hazy images from before, this one was completely clear. "Was that.... Arthur's memories?"

"Allisa?" Allisa looked around and saw Nel standing by the window.

"Oh, you're up?"

The group was still in Triest and was resting following their fight two days ago. Nel had been unconscious the entire time. She was wearing pajamas, which were provided by Mayor Valfrom, and had bandages over parts of her body.

"How are you feeling?" Allisa asked.

"I'm fine," Nel replied. "Are we in Triest?"

"Yeah," Allisa said as she sat up. "You were out for two whole days. Almost had me worried."

"That long huh?" Nel walked over and sat on the bed. "The princess?"

"Elizabeth's safe."

"Good. Mind catching me up?"

"Oh, sure."

Allisa then told her everything that happened to her after they split up; her fight with Garlahad, their escape, and then the time they spent recovering. For some reason, which she didn't know herself, she didn't mention the meeting with the mysterious boy Yun.

"I see," Nel said after the explanation. "Personally, I am amazed that you defeated a knight in combat. That's no small feat."

"I guess." Allisa wasn't entirely happy about the victory.

"Would you rather you felt differently," Nel said, reading Allisa's mood.

"Oh, um... I'm not sure. I still kinda feel bad for him."

"Even after what he did?"

"I know he did a lot of bad things, but, it was more like he was fighting himself. That's what I got from him anyway."

Nel smiled to herself.

"Is it wrong for me to feel this way?"

"No. You're only human, so it's natural to feel conflicted about an enemy."

Allisa slowly looked down on her hands, her head still wrapped in what had happened. True, she did kill Garlahad. True he did some bad things. But despite all that, she wasn't happy about her victory. Part of her regretted killing him, wishing there was some other way so he wouldn't have to die. "Do you ever feel that way? You know, when you fight?"

Nel's smile disappeared. She paused before answering the question. "I can't really afford to. I was trained at a young age to kill without hesitation or feeling the slightest emotion. When I fight, I fight to kill. I don't think about anything else. And most importantly, I don't feel anything. No anger, or sadness, or satisfaction."


Allisa looked lost for words. "You don't feel anything?"

Nel's face became sterner. "Nothing."

Allisa gulped at Nel's response. She felt a little uneasy about her. Before Allisa could ask more, the door to the bedroom opened. Elizabeth and Clive walked in.

"Oh, miss Nel. You're awake." Elizabeth said to her.

"You had me worried," Clive said to her. "I don't think I've ever seen someone in such a worse state as you."

"I'm fine," Nel said bluntly. "It was just a poison designed to increase fatigue, nothing fatal."

"Glad to hear it." Clive then left two pairs of clothes on the bed. "The maids have finished repairing your clothing."

"Thanks," Nel replied.

"Where's the guy's?" Allisa asked looking around the room.

"Oh, I saw Yuki in the garden this morning. Max and Melvin are with the doctor." Clive said.

"Oh, right," Allisa remembered that Melvin had been seeing a doctor to heal his broken bones.

Nel then sat up from the bed, struggling slightly. "Careful," Clive said as he tried to support her. "You're probably a little disoriented-"

"I said I'm fine," Nel said as she pushed him away and hobbled to her clothes, picked them up before approaching Clive once more. "I'd like to discuss something with you, in private." She said quietly as she passed him. "Is there somewhere I can change?"

"The bathroom will be sufficient. Let me escort you." Clive then walked to the door, following Nel. "If you'd excuse me?" He said as she closed It, leaving Allisa and Elizabeth alone.

"How are you feeling," Elizabeth asked. "You've been sleeping a lot."

"Much better, thanks," Allisa said as she stretched. "Don't think I've ever been so exhausted in my life," she said looking out of the window. "Today's your dance thing, right?" She asked Elizabeth, hoping she hadn't overslept.

"That's correct," Elizabeth said as she sat on the bed. "Are you going to be there?"

"Cause I am," Allisa replied. "After what I went through, there's no way I'd miss it."

Elizabeth nodded with a sheepish smile. "Then you're leaving?"

"Yeah." Allisa was a little sad about that. "Sorry, but I'll be leaving shortly after I get back so I really can't stay."

"It's ok. We will see each other again." Elizabeth told her. "I just know we will."

"Yeah. We will, I'm sure of it."

"Well, if it's not too much trouble, mind telling me about your world?"

"Oh, right. Guess I never got round to it huh?" Allisa rubbed the back of her head, slightly embarrassed she forgot. "So what do you want to know?"


"232, 233, 234, 235,"

Yuki counted with each swing of his sword. He felt that he was resting too much so he went out to train. He had snuck out to train since the doctor forbade him to do any strenuous activity while he was recovering. She claimed that since he didn't properly treat his gash he had put more of a strain on his body.

Yuki had ignored her, or just didn't bother to listen. But he was unable to completely turn her down due to her strict nature. Since she was treating Melvin's arms, Yuki thought it was the best opportunity.

I need to build up strength. I have to be able to cut something that hard on the first swing. What was on his mind was the armor Kuradeal wore, and how he did no damage until he increased the strength of his swing. Which meant he had to make sure he could swing that hard normally.


I need to get stronger.

"What do you think you're doing?!" A woman's voice came from the mansions back door.

"Oh crap!" Yuki froze.

It was the doctor who had been taking care of the group who Clive called, a woman named Wenda. A middle-aged woman with short black hair and glasses.

"I told you, you need your rest!"

"I'm fine, look!" He pointed at his chest. "I'm not bleeding anymore, and you already used magic, so I'm fine!"

"Do you have any brains at all? You're not completely healed! I've only just closed the wounds and repaired the damage, the new tissue is still fragile!"

"I don't have a clue what that means!" Wenda then jabbed Yuki's chest, sending a shockwave of pain through his body. "OW!"

"It means you're still sore!"

"What the hell was that you old bat?!"

"Want to repeat that, you pea brain!?" She said as she jabbed him again.

"What kind of doctor hurts their patients?!"

Melvin and Max were standing at the entrance of the mansion, watched as an argument broke out between the two.

"What do you know, it's not just you he argues with," Melvin said sarcastically as she watched the spectacle. "That said, I think he's met his match."

"That doctor the old guy called is scary," Max said.

"She's good though. I mean look." Melvin held out his left arm. "Still a bit stiff, but I can move my arm again."

"Some kind of potion right?"

"Yeah, with some healing magic. It was painful, but it worked in a day. Quite incredible if you ask me."

They were then interrupted as the doctor dragged an unconscious Yuki with a black eye by his hair. "What are you looking at?!" she snapped at the other two.

"Nothing." Both Max and Melvin said quickly.


Nel met with Clive outside the front entrance when she finished changing. "So what did you want to discuss?" Clive asked.

"I'll get right to it. Have you ever heard of White Rose?" she asked.

"White Rose? Not the flower I believe." He thought to himself. "Can't say I have."

"I see." Nel then thought to herself. "You were there with Rowin at the Crimson Blade's stronghold where you found me. Did either of you notice anything strange or out of place?"

"Strange?" Clive thought again, something then came to mind. "I remember, when I was in the clans meeting room, on the table was a single white rose, slightly stained with blood. It was strange, but I didn't think much of it at the time so I didn't report it." He then noticed Nel clutching her sleeve hard, a troubled look on her face. "Did you learn something while you were down there?"

Nel nodded. "The Assassin with Garlahad and Kuradeal, he claimed it was a mercenary group that has been targeting assassin clans. Apparently, the Crimson blades weren't the only ones."

"I see, that's quite troubling," Clive said, seeming deeply disturbed but the news. That would explain these troubling reports I've been hearing. He thought to himself.

"On another note, there's something that's been bugging me." Nel changed the subject. "What happened to the rest of the cult?"

"What happened?" Clive repeated the question.

"When we arrived, we were ambushed by the cult members. And according to Allisa, the others managed to escape without any opposition. I find it a little suspicious that they allowed us to escape, given how easily they could jump us." Nel clarified. "Just something that's been bugging me. Why would they allow the others to escape? That part makes no sense."

Clave thought about what Nel said before responding. "The guard searched the ruins thoroughly, but we only found one alive, some boy who claimed to be a mercenary hired by the cult for protection."

A boy? The one Melvin fought? Nel pondered to herself, "Wait, only one alive?"

Clive nodded. "They found the corpse of presumably the entire cult in some of the chambers deep in the ruins. Seems someone slaughtered them."

"Slaughtered?" Nel jumped. "You sure it wasn't mass suicide?"

"No, they were definitely attacked by someone due to the wounds. We also found several kunai knives around the area, some in the corpse, not a weapon you'd find in Rosaria."

Kunai? The expression on Clive's face suddenly darkened. "What is it?" Nel asked, noticing the change in expression.

"I just remembered. I accompanied the guard when they inspected the ruins, and there was one thing that has stuck in my mind. In some kind of chapel, I found on the altar, a single white rose."

Nel's heart sank upon hearing the news.

"The circumstances seems too similar to be-"

She immediately grabbed Clive, rage burning in her eyes. "When was this?" She asked frantically.

Clive shook his head. "They say it was round about when you went in. The perpetrator would be long gone by now." He gently moved Nel's arms. "I'm sorry." He then walked back indoors, leaving Nel by herself.

Rage and frustration built up inside Nel. Out of that frustration, she cried out and punched the wall hard, breaking a part of it.

One was there! No doubt about it, It's them! She placed her head against the wall, gritting her teeth hard. Right there! One of them! Damn it all!

"Hey, sleeping beauty." Wenda then approached Nel from the front door. "You should still be in bed. Your body still hasn't-"

"Leave me alone," Nel muttered.

"Not a chance. That other guy-"

Wenda was interrupted when Nel stared directly at her. Her Piercer Eyes were activated and were glowing even brighter than usual. Wenda froze as Nel's murderous gaze burned into her.

"Leave, or I might actually kill you."

What Nel said was a warning, and she knew she wasn't bluffing. Never before had she felt so much rage bubbling up inside of her. If she wasn't careful, the woman in front of her would be killed. Wenda immediately turned and walked away quickly.

When Nel regained her senses, she immediately sank to the floor. "What just happened to me?" She said to herself, clenching her fists tight. Nel fought hard to suppress the pent-up rage that had bubbled to the surface. Eventually, her eyes reverted to their natural color, and she managed to calm herself down to a more tolerable state.

She looked at her hands, which still shook with rage. The front door then opened, with Allisa stepping through. She was dressed in her usual garments. Elizabeth accompanied her.

"Oh, Nel." She said looking down on her at the floor. "The doctor just past us, she looked a little startled." Nel looked up at Allisa. "Are you ok?" Allisa said, noticing the crack in the wall.

"Y-yeah." Nel said as she got back up. "I just need some rest." She pushed past the girls and hurried through the foyer to the bedroom. Her head kept spinning over that incident, leaving her to wonder if she faced this 'White Rose,' what would she do.

Will I give in to that rage? Will I just be a killer?

What Nel had told Allisa, about not feeling any emotion when fighting, that wasn't a complete lie, but not the whole truth. The only time she ever felt something like anger, rage, or satisfaction, was against killers who take pleasure out of taking lives. When faced with this opponent, a mental switch, which suppresses her emotions is turned off, and Nel attacks purely out of rage and anger, until the enemy is utility destroyed.

The last time Nel could remember that happening was against Zagrab of the Rats. This was never something she enjoyed. And afterward, she felt ashamed, ashamed that she took joy in the downfall of her foe, ashamed that she acted like a killer. If she encountered 'White rose' , would she still be an assassin, or just another killer?

Dance of the goddess

Night fell over the town of Triest. Small bomb fires were lit across the town as people flocked the streets. A parade of light and dancing took place throughout the town. In the main garden with the shrine, a large crowd came, taking seats on the Amphitheater facing the shrine. The damage to the stands had been repaired the day before, and the performance was going as planned.

The news about Elizabeth's abduction was kept secret at Elizabeth's request. Her reasoning was not to cause a fuss and have the performance canceled.

Allisa, Nel, Max, Melvin and Yuki were sitting in the stands. The guys sat on their own since Allisa and Nel had arrived before them, acting as Elizabeth's escort. Melvin was sitting in-between the two, mostly to act as some kind of buffer in case they locked heads again.

"What was this dance again?" Max asked.

"It's called the dance of the goddess," Melvin replied. "It's a pretty old dance. It's supposed to be a dance that represents the harmony of the goddess."

"The what?" Max asked, looking confused.

"Seriously, what do you know?"Melvin asked, letting out a loud sigh.

"Just a dance right," Yuki said resting his hands behind his head. "What's so special about it anyway?"

"I don't really know? I grew up on the street so I don't really get these things myself."

"Well, you know more than me about this," Max said leaning back.

"That's cause I read about it. I kinda find it... interesting. Seeing these festivals which have likely gone on for hundreds of years, kinda piques my interest." Melvin turned his head to Yuki. "Do they have anything like this in Kugarat?" he asked.

"Beats me. I grew up in a small village that I left about 5 years ago." He responded bluntly.

"Is that where you learned to use a sword?"

Yuki's expression darkened. "Yeah," he replied. Due to his expression, Melvin thought he best not pry any further.

"So, how old is this dance?" Max asked.

"I think it dates back to the age of Conflict about 1500 years ago. It was a bigger deal back then. They say that massive ceremonies were held, mostly in order to beg the goddess to end the conflict. After the founding of the Arch Sages and the coming of the Hero Arthur, the meaning changed."

"I see," Max said nodding.

"You didn't get a word of that didn't you?"


Melvin sighed. "You're hopeless."

"The sword Allisa has," Yuki then intervened. "It's the same one as the hero, Arthur, right?"

Melvin nodded. "That's right. That's what makes her special. They say that when the sword reappears, a new hero will rise to combat darkness and evil."

"Really?" Yuki glanced over at Allisa. "Cause I have my doubts about that."

"W-Well.... I'd lie if I said I fully believe it." Melvin said, taking a look at Allisa. "I mean, she doesn't really strike me as some hero. I was kinda surprised when I first saw her."

"What are you talking about?" Max interrupted. "She did fine the other day."

"She got lucky," Yuki said bluntly. "You saw the injuries she sustained back then. I could tell each one of them was fatal. I'm not sure what saved her from death, but I know it won't happen again." He kept his gaze on Allisa. "To me, she's walking down a path she was never meant for. Kinda petty her."

"It's not like she chose this!" Max said more sharply, grabbing Yuki and Melvin, attention. He's hand's clenched into fists. "You don't know what it feels like, to have something forced on you." He placed his hand on his chest. "I know it's nothing like what I went through, but I understand how she feels."

Melvin looked a little depressed. "Sorry. I didn't think about that." He apologized. "It must be way harder on her."

To have something forced upon you. Yuki said nothing but clutched the tip of his sword hard. Believe me, I wish I didn't.

"I made up my mind." Max suddenly said. "I'm staying with her."

"What do you mean stay with her?" Melvin asked, slightly puzzled.

"Well, like you said, she's gonna be important. So, I'm going to protect her."

"I still don't get what you're saying?"

"It's just," Max looked down on his mark. "She's the first person who ever saw me as a human, and not a monster. After all that time, it really meant a lot for someone to see me that way again." He gently placed a hand on his scar. "So I'm gonna stay with her. And no matter what happens, I'll always be on her side."

Melvin was going to say something, but he realized that he did think that way when he and Max first met. "..... I'm gonna stick with her too." He announced. "It's been fun these past two months, with her and you guys, so I'd hate for it to just end." He then turned to Yuki. "What are you gonna do?"

Yuki thought for a minute before he answered, "Well, it's not like I really have anywhere to go, so.... what the heck, I guess I'll stick with you guys for now." He answered.

"For now?" Max said. "What's that mean?"

"There's someone I need to face," Yuki said. "He's strong, so I need to be stronger when we finally meet." He clutched his sword grip. "So if I travel with you guys, I might become strong enough to beat him."

"Who?" Melvin asked.

"That's none of your business," Yuki said bluntly.

"Aww Don't be like that," Max whined. "Come on you jerk. You gotta say something now."

"I'm definitely not telling you!" Yuki said sternly.

"Oh come on, this is the first interesting thing about you!"

"What do you mean 'first'?!"

"Not now," Melvin said to himself as the two started to argue.


"Looks like they're here," Allisa said, looking at the commotion to her right. "And they're already fighting." she sighed. "Those two are hopeless." She then looked to her left at Nel, who was still a little spaced out. "Are you ok?"

Nel took no notice.


This time Nel reacted. "Did you say something?" She asked.

"You haven't been yourself since this morning. Is everything alright?"

"Yeah." She sounded tired.

"You sure? You've been in the room the whole day." Nel looked at Allisa.

"It's nothing to worry about. I'm alright now." Nel could see that Allisa wasn't entirely convinced. "Just something on my mind. That's all."

"Did something happen?" Allisa asked.

"Not really." Nel looked at her hands. "Something just caught me off guard. Something from my past."

"Oh! About, you know...." Allisa was reluctant to take a guess what was on her mind.

"Yes, about the destruction of the Crimson Blades," Nel said reluctantly.

"Ok. I won't ask."

"You sure?" Nel could tell Allisa was interested. "I'll tell you if you want."

"No, it's fine."

"You don't want to know?"

"I do, but.... I don't what to make a habit of digging up people's bad memories, so I won't ask. After all, its definitely something very personal, so I really don't have any right to ask."

"I see." Nel chuckled slightly.

"Wha-What is it?" Allisa wondered if she said something funny.

"It's ironic, you're now the one consoling me."

"Huh?" Allisa then felt slightly embarrassed when she realized what she was talking about. "I-I wasn't... I mean, I..." She stuttered as she tried to piece her sentence together.

"You've really changed," Nel said with a small smile. "I still remember how you were when I first found you."

I'm sure I don't what to know what you thought of me. Allisa thought as Nel chuckled.

"You've matured a lot. You're even getting better at defending yourself."

"S-stop, you're embarrassing me." Allisa slumped in her seat, as Nel smiled.

She really has grown. Nel thought as Allisa hid her face. She's definitely not the same girl from before. She then faced forwards. "I think it's starting." Allisa then raised her head, as music could be heard. Makes me wonder, what will happen next for her.

Nel had realized that she had become quite attached to Allisa, more so than even the Arch Sage. And this worried her. She had lost everything she had ever known. Her family, her friends, her home, everything was taken. Since then, she closed her heart to everyone, only seeing people as nothing more than steps in life, ready to leave them behind if need be.

Even to her to begin with Allisa meant nothing, just a job by her employer, nothing more. She kept her safe, not out of friendship, but because it was her mission. At least, that's what she thought initially. After the incident with the Rats, she started to change. She started to see Allisa as something more. Not just her, but the others as well. She was forming a bond with them, though Allisa, a bond she had long thought impossible, a bond she never wants to be severed. And that fact, that bond, frightened her, more than anything.

If she lost them, what would she do?

Would she still be an assassin or a killer?

The gentle sounds of a harp started to wave through the air. A woman, dressed in a pure white dress sat on a stool near the Shrine. A soft melody was played on the harp. Two dancers then emerged from the shrine entrance, both wearing white, walked out to the side of the stage, taking bows.

Elizabeth then emerged from the shrine, wearing a similar dress, with the exception of a silver tiara, and two low dangling clothes attached from her wrists to her back. She walked to the middle of the strange, held out both hands and twirled. The music continued as the dancers span around the stage. The performance was a very simple one, even Allisa could do it. The movements weren't complicated, just a series of twirls, bows and spins. That said, there was something surreal about it, almost magical enhanced by the gentle melody of the song played. For Allisa and her companions, it made them feel as though their previous battles two days previously were just a distant memory. Maybe because of its simplicity, that Allisa was captivated by the performance. It also made her think whether she should stay, in Avalon. Her day of departure was a few days.

After tonight five more days remained before she would return. Something inside he was saying that this world was where she truly belonged.

That said, she still felt a desire to go home. She had become homesick, and the longer she did stay, the more distant she became to her world. She had made it clear at the beginning that she wanted to go back, and she was going to stick to it. No matter what, she was going to return to her world.

As the dance continued, Allisa couldn't help but lose herself in thought, particularly about the future. What will happen after? Will this be the end of her adventure? Or is it just the beginning? Allisa, realizing she was thinking too hard about it, and simply brushed it aside, and paid attention to the performance.


The next morning, a chariot was pulled in front of the mansion, preparing to take Allisa and her companions back to Riser. Allisa remained at the front door to say goodbye to Elizabeth, while the others waited by the carriage.

"So, I guess this is goodbye for now, huh?" Allisa said.

"Yes." Elizabeth then bowed. "Thank you for everything you've done."

"Um, you don't need to bow."

"Oh, my apologies." Elizabeth extended her hand forwards. Allisa smiled and shook her hand. "Until we meet again."

"Yeah. Till then." She said with a smile. Allisa couldn't help but feel a little sad about her departure, especially since she didn't really know if she'll be back in Avalon again.

She realized that she still had Elizabeth's charm. She pulled it out, and was about to give it back before Elizabeth stopped her.

"It's a gift, remember." She then took out her shell necklace. "Something to remember me by."

Allisa smiled. "Right. Thanks, I'll take good care of it."

"Hey! You done over there?" Yuki called out.

"Give me a minute!" She called back.

Elizabeth chuckled to herself. "You have such wonderful friends." She committed.

"They can be a handful sometimes," Allisa said exhaustedly. "I should get going. Sounds like they're getting impatient."

"Hope to see you again soon," Elizabeth said as Allisa ran towards the carriage.

"You too! See ya!"

Elizabeth smiled as Allisa reached the carriage.

"Quite a lively group," Clive said, who was standing by the door, watching, as the 5 got ready to leave. "It's going to be quiet without them."

"Clive," Elizabeth said, sounding determined.

"What is it, my lady."

"I wish to learn magic." She said as the carriage started to pull away.


"I want to be strong, like Allisa, and my brother." She waved as the carriage reached the front gate, just seeing Allisa waving back. "So I won't be a burden to anyone again."

What had been going through her mind was the events in the ruins, and how helpless she felt as everyone fought for her sake. They were hurt, some badly, while she just watched. She felt some kind of guilt, that all she could do was watch.

"I'll arrange for a tutor on return to Riser, my lady," Clive said bowing. "And no one thinks you're a burden. Not your brother, not Allisa, nor Merigol, and certainly not me."

Elizabeth didn't reply but smiled as Clive returned inside. Allisa, I'm going to get strong, so I can stand with you, so I won't be a burden. Until then, take care of yourself. And when we meet again, I will be someone who can stand by you, as a true friend.

Journey's End

"Oh geez. What the hell is this?" Allisa moaned as she inspected the massive patch on the back of her hoody. "Mom's definitely gonna notice." She then looked to her back, where there was another big patch. Allisa forgot that the clothes she came in had claw marks on the back. She never did get round to inspecting the patch job Gretal did on them two months ago.

Wearing her old clothes felt strange, given that she had gotten used to her Avalon clothes. The house was very quiet, for once. The others had gone off on a job. Allisa asked to stay behind for this one.

There was a very good reason.

The date was August 31st, the day she's going home. The others didn't know this since Allisa couldn't bring herself to tell them. Instead, she wrote a letter, which sat on her desk, where the others would see it. Wasn't the best goodbye, but she just couldn't bring herself to say she was leaving.

There was a knock on the door. On hearing it, Allisa put her hoody on and ran downstairs to the front door. Standing in the doorway was Dran.

"Morning." He greeted. "So that's the clothes you wore. I have to admit, it's quite strange clothing."

"Well, I can't go back in my other clothes. I'd just look weird back home," she said as she closed the door.

"Are the others in?" Dran asked.

"No, they're out on a job."

"You've said your goodbye's?"

"Y-yeah." Allisa lied.

Dran then held out his hand, on his palm was a silver ring.

"What's that?"

"It's called a void ring," Dran answered as Allisa took it. "I believe you've seen it work before when Nel brought you to Avalon. It creates a portal that connects Avalon to Terra. It can take you anywhere you want to go in both worlds. Make sure you don't lose it."

"It can take me anywhere?" Allisa asked as she put in on.

"Well, you have to have visited it physically first. You can't transport yourself to the other side of your world if you haven't actually been. Does that make sense?"

"I think so. I can use this to get back to Little Wood, but it can't take me to LA since I haven't been myself."

"That's correct." Dran obviously knew nothing to the paces Allisa just mentioned, but was happy she had some understanding of how it works.

"So how do I use it?" Allisa said inspecting the ring.

Dran took her to the front yard before explaining. "Point it in front of you." Allisa raised her left arm, which had the ring. "Now, envision a place in your world, a place you know." Allisa did, and the first thing that came to mind was her spot by the little pond where she found the sword. "Now say, Open."

"Open!" A bright light then formed in front of her, which then opened up into a portal, which she immediately recognized as the one she came in.

"That portal will take you back to your world."

Allisa inspected the portal for a second before turning to Dran. "Thanks for everything Dran. I really appreciate everything you've done for me." She said.

"It was wonderful to meet too." He replied. "Now go. The portal won't stay open forever." Allisa faced the portal again and leaped into it. It then vanished as quickly as it appeared.

"So, she didn't say goodbye, right?" he turned to Nel, who was standing behind him.

"I already knew," Nel said with a smile. "I was there when she said when she planned to return. Having lived with her for two months, I think I saw this coming."

"The others?"

Nel shook her head. "I guess she couldn't bring herself to say goodbye."

"I don't blame her. After all, I'm sure she thinks she won't ever see them again. As far as she's concerned, her adventures are over." Dran said.

"It's not the end for her, is it?" Nel's face became stern.

"I'm afraid not." Dran looked to the sky, a worried expression on his face. "In fact, I think this is just the beginning." He then faced Nel again. "When will the others return?"

"Well, I ditched them before they left town this morning, so they might be back by nightfall. Why?"

"I was wondering if they would accept a special job from me."


A violent storm covered the blackened sky. Not a single ray of light shone on the blackened basilica. Yun sat atop its roof, looking at the bleak scenery, feet dangling over the edge. "My, how gloomy. Though I suppose it's fitting for the one who lives here."

"I heard I had an uninvited guest." Gillan approached him from behind. "But it turned out to be just a child."

"Is that any way to greet an old friend?" Yun replied to him.

"I'd hardly call an uninvited guest a friend. Nor can I for someone I could never trust to begin with." Gillan answered. “Though seeing this you in here is quite the shock,”

"This place still exists in a way so I can be here too." Yun chuckled. "By the way, I hear you're going by 'Gillan' our days."

"Is that a problem?" he demanded defensively.

"No, I was just curious as to the reason why you abandoned your old name."

"What is there to it? I changed it, it's as simple as that."

Yun then chuckled to himself. "Nothing is ever 'simple.' The act of changing a name is a significant act in itself. To abandon your name is to reject the person you once were, to cast the past away and forge a new identity. Or, you're running, running from the sins you have committed. Sins that have forever tormented you, to the extent that you feel that you must though away your previous name in order to escape the guilt that's consuming you."

Gillan drew his sword and swung at Yun, stopping the blade inches from his neck.

"Touch a nerve did I?" Yun turned his head, grinning at Gillan. "You know you can't kill me, even using the power I gave you."

Gillan snarled as she withdrew his blade. "I assume you here for something other than my change of name." He said changing the subject.

"I guess there is something I wanted to discuss. And I think you have some idea as to the topic at hand."

"...Allisa Reed?" He guessed.

"Oh, so you do know about her," Yun said cheerfully. "I've even been to see her myself. She's quite interesting."

"So you want her dead I presume."

"Of course not."

"What?" Gillan was very surprised by what Yun said. "I thought you of all people would want her dead!"

"And why would you assume that. She's actually become quite entertaining. Killing her now would deny me fun for the future."

Gillan gritted his teeth in anger, enraged by Yun's carefree and childish attitude. "It truly is just a game to you, isn't it."

"I think of it more like an endless show of struggle, where the hero rises to the occasion, only to be crushed by the weight of the world she seeks to protect. What could be more entertaining than that?" Yun said, raising his arms. "I'm actually more surprised that you haven't killed her yet. After all, I assumed that you would have no problem in dispatching her as she is now."

"I have no need to kill her. She's hardly worth the effort, and she will not interfere with my plans." Gillan scoffed. "All I've seen is a sad little girl who's playing the role of hero. But in this cruel world, she'll die long before she could possibly reach me."

"Is that it?" Yun pressed more. "I think you 'can't' kill her. Or rather 'you won't' kill her. I can't really blame you. Especially after what you've done."

Gillan was so tempted to take Yun's head off. But, he knew the colossal gap in their power made it impossible; instead he decided to change the topic. "That incident with Dorstera. You had a hand in it, didn't you?"

"You make it sound like I planned it out. I just gave that old man its command seal on a whim, just to see if he'll play his ambition out. To think that he would pass his burden on to his son, let alone the surprising turn of events that occurred during its revival. That's what makes it so fun, plant the seed however you like, yet you never know what will happen in the end."

"Hm. I'd expect that kind of answer from you. Everything always seems to make its way back to you one way or the other." Gillan scoffed as he sheathed his sword. "I know I've asked this before, but with my goal now accessible to me I'll ask you again. Yun, what is it that you're after?" He demanded.

"What do you mean? You think I have some kind of nefarious scheme, some evil plot though complicated and unforeseen events like you. No. It's a lot simpler than that. I don't want anything or crave anything. I don't wish to conquer, and killing just bores me."

Yun looked out to the fog, a sinister smile forming on his lips. "I just love to watch the folly of mortals, seeing them make the same mistakes over and over again. 2000 years on and nothing has changed. People still fight and die for such trivial things. I guess that's what I love most of all."

"That can't be the only reason. I know you have something you're working towards."

"Of course I do." He turned and smiled. "But I'm not telling you."

"Right. Dumb question." Gillan nodded and folded his arms. "Well, whatever it is, I take it you won't interfere with my goal." He asked cautiously.

"Of course not. I'm looking forward to it. Although I would be cautious of Allisa Reed. Her power is growing fast, far more than her predecessor. Sooner or later, you will have no choice but to confront her. And at that time, she might have the power to stop you. Just bear that in mind."

Yun then got up from his perch. "Now if you excuse me, I have places to go, people to see, stuff to destroy." A black mist came from his feet. "I bid you adieu." He then vanished in the black mist, leaving Gillan alone.

"Not a care in the world." Gillan then started laughing, as though he had gone insane from his discussion. He leaned against the wall as he took in breaths to replace the air he let out. "I guess, that's what I hate most about you, Yun."

He then looked out into the distance. "No matter, I have three keys now. Everything is falling into place." A sinister grin came to Gillan's lips. "And I'm doing things my way, you little shit." Black mist then consumed him, causing him to disappear.

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