《The Goddess’ Chosen》Cult of Dorstera


A mound of corpses gathered around a barren wasteland. Weapons scattered, broken and impaled within bodies as far as the eye can see. The land soaked red with blood. The sky, reflecting the ground, shone a dark red amongst the clouds.

Amongst the carnage, a man stood there, the sword of light falling from his hands. Armor cracked, soaked with blood. The man fell to his knees. His executioner approached, a sword of black held in his hand. Blood fell freely out of an open wound in his front.

The man looked up at his ......... , tears falling from his eyes. He closed his eyes and waited. Waited for his death.


Allisa's eyes shot open. She noticed she was breathing heavily and had broken out into a cold sweat. "Again." She reached for her forehead, wiping away a thick layer of sweat. "They're coming more often now. What.... is this?"

She looked at the clock beside her. It was around 7:30. She was relieved that time in Avalon was the same as in her world. She got up and approached the desk in her room.

There was a calendar where days had been marked off. With assistance from the Arch Sage, they were written as though she were back in Terra. A little over 2 months she agreed to spend in Avalon. August 31st was when she was to return. The date on the calendar was August 22nd.

"Not long left."

She had little over a week left before her agreed to return to her world. Now that she thought back, she realized how fast the two months had gone.

The house was silent, which meant her housemates were still asleep.

She pulled back the curtains, letting in sunlight. The view of the harbor came into view.

"I should ask Dran about it while I still have time."

Old acquaintance and a new job

The shops of Riser were starting to open up as Allisa walked to the Arch Sages residents. She knocked at the door as she arrived. Rowin was the one to answer the door.

"Mistress Allisa. Good morning." He said.

"Morning." She replied looking around the study illuminated by the weak ray's of sunlight penetrating the large windows.

"Is Dran here?" She asked.

"Unfortunately the master is out at the moment."

"Oh, really? Guess I just missed him."

"He is to return soon though. Would you like to come in and wait for him?"


It had been a while since Allisa had been back to the building, yet it hadn't changed one bit. Still the same strange apparatuses set up over the different tables, many of which she still had no clue what they were for.

"Where's Mira?" Allisa asked, noticing that they were the only ones here.

"She's out shopping. She likes to be the first to the stores as they open."

"Really. Guess that makes sense."

"Anyway, what might the purpose of your visit be? I can tell it's something that's troubling you."

"Well, there's something that I wanted to ask Dran about. I've kinda been putting it off, but since my time here's nearly up, I thought I should ask him now while I have the chance."

"I see. Perhaps you could tell me about it while you wait for the master." Rowin then gestured towards the kitchen area. "See if it's something I can help with."

"Ok." The two went towards the kitchen where Allisa took a seat.

Rowin put the kettle on before sitting down. "So what's troubling you?"


"Well it's..." Allisa though of how to phrase her explanation. "... It's my dreams."


"Yeah. I've been having these really weird dreams lately."

Rowin raised an eyebrow. "What kind of dreams are they?"

".... I'm not sure." Allisa rested her hand on her head as she tried to think. "I-I can't remember them clearly. But they seem so real. And it... it has the same sort of things every time. Some man, castles, a battle, a table I think, and... and that bright and dark sword."

Rowin was quiet as he listened, trying to figure out its meaning.

"I know their not ordinary dreams. It's like... like some kind of story playing out in my head, but with no beginning or anything. Sorta like.... a jigsaw puzzle."

"I see," Rowin said, sounding intrigued. "When did they start?"

"The first one was on my 13th birthday I think. It's the only one I can actually remember. A man, wearing armor, kneeling down. A bright sword in his hand. And he was... crying.

"Since then, I got fragments. It then became actual dreams about a week before I found the sword. Since then, they became more detailed and frequent."

The whistle from the kettle then interrupted Allisa's description. Rowin went to it and poured some tea, offering a cup to Allisa. "Do you have any idea what they are?" She asked, gently grasping the warm surface of the mug.

"I'm afraid not," Rowin said as he sat down again. "I think master Dran may be more useful in this case. I apologize for not being more useful."

"Oh no, it's ok. In fact, it feels relieving to finally tell someone about it," she said as she sipped her tea. "To be honest, it's a little frightening. Having the same kind of dream over and over again."

"I think that you seem to be having some kind of premonition if I was to guess."


"Some kind of message or warning from what you've described. But I think the master would have more insight into it."

"Warning, huh." Allisa thought about how the dreams played out. It did seem that Rowin had a point. But.... what is it warning me about?

"Let's change the subject," Rowin said as he took a sip of his tea. "How are the others?"

"The same as always. Nel's still bossy, Melvin's still a perv, and Max and Yuki argue pretty much every day," she said describing her housemates.

"I see," Rowin said chuckling. "But you're getting along with them?"

"Of course. They may be weird, and annoying, but they're all good friends." Allisa replied smiling. "I'm really glad I met them."

"Good to hear it. And how have you been? You've been here for two months now. How have you found Avalon?"

"It's.... different from my world, that's for sure. But it's been fun." Thinking back to when she first arrived, it was hard to believe that she was leaving soon. "It's been an interesting summer in more ways than one."

"I hear that your sword skills have improved. Nel's told us that didn't require any assistance on your last job."

"Yeah. I think I've improved a lot since I came here. Although that jerk Yuki never cuts me any slack."

"Still sparring with him I see."

"More like him beating the crap out of me."

"Well, I did choose him to be your instructor. I hardly expect you to beat him." Rowin said chuckling. "It's still good to hear that your making progress."


"I definitely feel a lot stronger than before. I mean before I couldn't really defend myself without help."

"I wouldn't put it that way. After all, before you arrived there was the Fenrias in the Greenwood. Then there was the time when you protected Max from Ogers Foot. And let's not forget about the Rats in Lers. It seemed like you had some natural talent with a blade, to begin with in my opinion."

"You really think so?" She asked Rowin as she finished off her tea.

"Of course. Along with that, you even learning about mana focusing. I can't tell you how impressive that is." Rowin had heard this from Nel.

During her stay, Nel had been giving Dran regular updates about Allisa's progress. Learning that she unconsciously used Mana Focusing was a surprise to say the least given that Allisa had no mana experience before.

"Uh... that's not going so well." Allisa said rubbing the back of her head. "I can only manage about four minutes of that before my body gives out."

"You're still learning. It's just impressive that you can achieve that long given you've only been training for about two months. Most can usually manage about 59 seconds at the most in that space of time. I also learned that you're trying mana channeling as well."

"Yeah, but that's been a disaster. I can't do anything remotely related to that."

"Oh. I heard you unleashed a powerful blast during the Rats incident."

"Well, I can't seem to remember much about that. I don't even know what I did."

"I see," Rowin said as he stroked his short beard.

Nel had also told Dran about the powerful attack Allisa displayed during the Rats incident two months ago. Since then, however, she had not been able to replicate that technique. Along with that, it was starting to become apparent that she had no talent for mana channeling, which was puzzling given that she could perform mana focusing.

"Is something wrong?" Allisa asked, breaking Rowin's chain of thought.

"Oh, it's nothing." He said as he got up. He then took Allisa's empty cup to the sink. At that moment, the door to the study opened. Mira walked through carrying a basket in her hand.

"I'm back." She said as she walked through the door. "Oh, Allisa! I wasn't expecting you in so early."

"Hi. Sorry for coming unannounced like this." Allisa said to her.

"Oh, no need to apologize. You are always welcome here."

"Seems you already have guests." Another voice came from the hall. "I hope I'm not intruding." An elderly man, about the same age as Rowin, wearing similar butlers attire to him along with a pair of glasses, came through the door behind Mira.

"Clive!" Rowin said, approaching the man. "It's been to long, old friend."

"Aye it has," Clive said as he shook Rowin's hand. "It's good to see you in such good health."

"You as well dear friend." The two smiled at each other as they withdrew. Clive then looked towards Allisa.

"And who might this be?" He asked.

"Oh, this is Allisa Reed. She's studying with us." Rowin replied. It wasn't a lie, but it did leave out a lot of the important details.

"Allisa?" Clive stared at Allisa upon hearing her name. "By any chance, are you the one lady Elizabeth met two months ago?"

"Elizabeth? You mean the princess? Yeah, I met her in town." Allisa replied, a little taken back by the mention of her name, given how long it has been since she saw her.

"My word," Clive then approached Allisa and took her hand while kneeling. "It's such an honor to meet her highness' first friend outside the castle."

"My, I wasn't aware that you were acquainted with Princess Elizabeth, Allisa," Rowin said chuckling.

"Oh, um, I just bumped her the one time," Allisa said awkwardly as she freed her hand.

"Maybe, but I've never seen my lady as happy as she was that day," Clive said as he got back to her feet. "She told me all about how you helped her, even though you didn't know she was the princess. I just had to meet this person to thank them."

"No problem. She's my friend after all." Joy came over Allisa on hearing what Clive told her. "Wow. It's been ages since I've seen her. How's she doing?" Clive's became more serious than it was.

"She's doing fine for now." He said with a worried voice.

"....for Now?

"Did something happen?" Rowin asked, picking up the worry in Clive's voice.

"It's actually the reason why I'm here." He replied. Clive took a seat, before continuing his explanation.

"Over the past week, there have been three attempts to abduct the princess."

"What?!" Allisa said with shock.

"My goodness. How terrible." Said Mira putting a hand over her mouth.

"Do you have a culprit?" Rowin asked with a serious look.

"It was only confirmed after the last attack. The Cult of Dorstera." Clive answered. "We don't know what they want, or why they are after lady Elizabeth. What we do know is that they have some powerful people with them. The latest attempt, about 8 people were killed, 3 of them were knights."

"My, that's quite serious," Rowin said with worry. "The fact that they were strong enough to take down three knights is worrying."

".... How strong are Knights?" Allisa asked. Clive shot a confused look at there, making her feel like it was common knowledge. "Uh... I-I mean," Allisa shot up, trying to think of a plausible excuse as to why she didn't know something that should be so basic.

"She's not from Rosaria," Rowin said to Clive before answering Allisa's question. "Knights are the most powerful warriors in Rosaria. Taking down even one is impressive in its own right. But to take down three... That's a cause for worry if ever there was one."

"Actually, most of their members were weak enough to be dispatched by the guard, as they did with the two previous attacks. However, this one, they were better equipped than they had been previously. Not enough to defeat a knight though, but strong enough to overpower the guard."

"Then what of the three Knights?"

"The cult had an assassin with them."

"A-an assassin?" Allisa mumbled. Does he mean like Nel?

Clive continued his description. "We don't know which Assassin clan he was from. But he took down 3 knights with ease."

"That is troubling. What of the princess? How is she taking this?" Rowin asked.

"We've tried to keep her oblivious about this. But after this attack, we weren't able to keep her in the dark. What's more worrying is that the Assassin told us before he retreated that they will attempt another attack."

"Another attack? When?"

"Currently, the princess is traveling in the port town of Trest in the North for an important festival. According to the assassin, that's when they will strike. We begged the princess to stay at the palace where its safe, but she insisted on going. She can be really stubborn at times. She said she won't abandon her duties, even if her life is threatened."

"I see." Rowin sighed. "I trust you provided her with adequate security in the case the worst happens."

"A handful of guards and two knights are accompanying her. But I fear it's not enough. That's why I'm here. I need some strong worries, strong enough to rival a knight. I was hoping you might know of some."

"I see." Rowin's gaze drifted towards Allisa as a smile crept on his lips. "I think I know of such a group."


At the House, In front of the bathroom door, Melvin was kneeling to the gap at the bottom of the door, withdrawing a steamed Mirror attached to a stick. "Damn, I can't see a thing." He said as he sat upright. "Either the door needs to be shorter, or I need a better mirror."

"What the heck are you doing?" Yuki stood behind him, judgmentally glaring at him.

"Making sure Allisa's safe while she takes her bath," Melvin replied, before being hit on the head by Yuki. "Hey! That hurt!"

"Are all the kids in Rosaria giant perverts, or are you the just exception?" He asked rhetorically.

"If you live outside a brothel for most of your childhood, you pick up on some things."

"I don't even want to know what that means," Yuki said.

"Hey, many people get the urge to glance at a naked woman while she's bathing." Melvin defended rather pathetically, folding his arms. "Besides, I've seen way worse stuff happen in my time on the street. And as a growing boy, there's no reason I should try to ignore the urges of puberty."

"That doesn't make it sound better, pervert!"

"I'm not a pervert! I'm just overly curious jerk!"

"How does that not make you a pervert?!"

"What's with all the noise?" Max emerged from his room, which was two doors away from Allisa's room at the end, where Yuki and Melvin were standing. It was obvious he had just woken.

"You only just woke up?" Yuki said. "How lazy are you?"

"Hey, I need my sleep jerk." He replied wearily wiping his eyes.

"Didn't you just wake up?" Melvin said, rendering Yuki usable to counter.

"So why are you calling me lazy sword bastard!? You're no different than me!" Max yelled as he locked heads with Yuki.

"Shut up Pyro! At least I don't act like a firkin zombie unlike you!"

"Why you!" The two then locked hands pushing each other.

"It's too early in the morning for this," Melvin said exhaustedly. During their effective wrestling match, Yuki lost his balance, which causes Max to lose his balance, causing both of them to slam down the bathroom door.

"What was that for, Sword bastard?" Max said as he tried to get up.

"That was obviously your fault pyro!" Yuki replied as he tried to get back up as well.

"Guys." The two then turned to Melvin, whose face was turning bright red, a small trail of blood coming from his nose. "I think I made a mistake."

The two slowly turned their heads forwards, seeing a wet and completely naked Nel standing before them.

"Um.... our mistake," Yuki said worriedly.


"My, what a lovely view," Clive said as they walked up the hillside road towards the House. "You can see the entire harbor from here." On Rowin's recommendation, he, Allisa, Mira and Clive were walking together in order to get Nel, Melvin, Max and Yuki. "I do thank you again for your assistance." He said to Allisa.

"Don't mention it. If it helps Elizabeth, I'm glad to lend a hand." She replied enthusiastically.

"Glad to hear that." Clive nodded with a smile. "So who else will be coming?"

"Well..." Allisa thought of her companions. Her enthusiasm suddenly took a dip when she realised that two of them at least could cause more problems then actually prevent them.

"Well there's Melvin and Nel, who I believe you've bet before," Mira answered for Allisa.

"Melvin! My, I haven't seen him in ages."

"You know Melvin and Nel?" Allisa asked.

"Oh yes. I've seen them on many occasions. Have to say, Nel by the princesses side puts my mind at ease." Allisa couldn't help but agree with Clive's statement. "Melvin as well. He's quite the protégée for his age. Who are the others?"

"Max Clot, a salamander, and Yuki Akoga, a wandering Kugarati swordsman," Rowin replied.

"A Salamander? Now that's interesting. And a swordsman from Kugarat. That's quite a formidable team. I guess my mind can be put at ease."

"They can be a little crazy. But they're all super strong." Allisa said.

"Well, I'm looking forward to meeting them." They then within sight of the house. "My, this used to be an old hotel didn't it?"

"Master Dran brought the property a few recently," Rowin answered.

"And you live here?" He asked Allisa. "Seems quite extravagant to me."

Allisa wants sure how to respond to that. Part of her did agree, they had so much room they didn't really know what to do with it all. Even her house back home wasn't that big.

"This will be our first visit as well," Mira said as they approached the front yard. "Makes me feel as though we should have visited earlier."

"After you." Rowin gestured to Allisa.

"Oh, right." The group crossed the front yard to the front door. Allisa was the first to open it. "I'm back." She called as she walked through, not expecting what she saw.

"Oh, I didn't realize you were out." Nel was standing in the hall. She was dripping wet and was wearing a towel. To the left of the top of the stars were Yuki, Melvin and Max, whose heads were stuck between the railing, their faces beat up and noses bleeding.

"Um.... Are they ok?" Allisa asked awkwardly.

"Not sure." She turned to the three boys. "Are you still alive?" she called out. The three gave grunted responses. "Seems they live." She replied. "Anyway, where have you been?" Allisa stood aside showing Clive, Rowin and Mira, with uncomfortable looks on their faces.

"They're offering us a job."

An awkward silence then came over the hall.

"Please excuse me," Nel said as she walked back up the stairs.

"Is this a bad time?" Clive asked, feeling uncomfortable.

"Probably," Allisa replied, feeling embarrassed at what she's seen.


"Cult of Dorstera. Can't say I've heard of them." Nel said.

The party was in a carriage that was arranged by Clive to take them to Triest. Compared to the wagons and carriages they had ridden on in the past, this one was more fancy and ornate. They had just set off and were heading north. They were currently passing through farmland, occasionally catching sight of the sea. The interior of the carriage had seats facing each other. Nel and Allisa sat at the back of the carriage while the boys sat in the front, with Melvin sitting between Max and Yuki.

"I still can't believe that you met the princess and didn't tell us," Melvin said.

"It's not like I was keeping it a secret. You just never asked." She said. "Still nice to get out and about again."

"You said it." Said Max with a grin while casually resting his hands over his head. "I finally get to see some action."

"Yeah. Those cult guys won't know what hit them," said Melvin with a beaming smile.

"No way am I gonna lose to some group of weirdo's." said Yuki with his usual grumpy attitued.

"Why am I the only one worried here, again?" Allisa moaned. "And so we're clear, I'm not going to be doing all the work as usual."

"Don't worry, this is different," Nel said leaning forwards. "In fact, if we do encounter this assassin, I should be the one to fight him. From what Clive told us, I'm probably the only one here who stands a chance against him."

"Are you kidding? Just cause he took down some knights doesn't mean he's that tough." Max complained.

"Besides, Knights are just assholes who overestimate themselves," Yuki added. "I bet I can take one down."

"Regardless of what you think about knights, I have to agree with Nel on this one," Melvin said to the two of them.

"Are knights really that strong?" Allisa asked curiously.

"They are considered the elite amongst the Rosarian military. They are well known for their powerful mana abilities and use of magic. Fighting one of them is a challenge. But to take down three at once means that this assassin is probably on the same level, if not, stronger than me." Nel answered.

".... That's not encouraging."

"Don't worry. I can take care of myself."

"I just hope they don't have any other strong members," Melvin said. "Fighting that girl in the Rats was hard enough."

"I hope they have some decent swordsmen amongst them. I need a little workout." Yuki said eagerly.

"Besides, it be pretty boring if they were all just a bunch of pushovers," Max said.

"Why is the only thing you two agree on involve fighting?" Melvin moaned.

"So, what's this place we’re headed?" Allisa asked, trying to change the subject from the prospect of the two hot heads fighting.

"Triest," Nel answered. "It's a port town in the north known for its fishing from the reefs off the coast. They hold some kind of big festival every year to wish good fortune to the fishers apparently."

"They say that Princess Elizabeth has been attending the festival for the past three years," Melvin added.

"Great, we're risking our lives to protect some spoiled princess attending some pointless festival." Yuki moaned.

"She's not like that!" Allisa snapped, surprising everyone. "Um, I'm mean, when I met her she was pretending she wasn't royalty or anything. She never dropped her act around me. I'm sure she has her reasons for going."

"Ok, sorry." Yuki apologized, lightly surprised by her outburst.

"Had that coming jerk," Max commented.

"Say something Pyro?" Yuki said, irritation building up.

"You heard me sword bastard."

"Not in here!" Melvin said in a futile attempt to prevent another argument. "How much longer till we get there?" he asked Nel.

"Should be another three hours before we arrive." She replied.

"Are you kidding? I'm in danger here!"

"Just relax and enjoy the countryside."

"How? I'm sandwiched between two brutes."

"He's the brute here," Max said pointing at Yuki.

"That's rich coming from someone who can knock down a door." Yuki countered.

"That was your fault!" Max said leaning in, squishing Melvin.

"No, it's yours!" Yuki leaned in close to Max, crushing the helpless Melvin.

"Someone save me." He mumbled while Allisa and Nel watched from the other side of the carriage.

"This seems like my fault for this," Allisa said to Nel.

"Those two are like water and oil." She said with a sigh. "Don't let it bother you."

"Right." Allisa then looked into the countryside, trailing off into thought. I wonder if she'll still remember me?


The Town of Triest, a peaceful sea town. Most of it was built along the coast. The port itself contained many fishing boats. Across the town, banners and flags were put in place for the upcoming calibration. Markets stalls selling fish dotted across the entire city. The streets themselves were bustling with activity, mainly around these marketplaces.

The group was taken directly to a large mansion, located at the edge of town. It was located on a large estate; a huge garden spread out around the mansion, surrounded by a wall. In front of the building was a fountain, the image depicting some kind of maiden, holding a vase, from its water poured out. The carriage pulled up outside the mansion front door, allowing the group to exit. Melvin was the first, scrambling over Yuki to get out.

"Finally!" he said as he fell to the ground. Yuki and Max excited then. "Next time, I'm sitting with the girls."

"You were between us?" Max asked scratching the back of his head. "Sorry, I forgot."

"How can you forget that?" Melvin yelled.

"He can forget everything apart from eating and sleeping," Yuki commented.

"What you say!" Max yelled locking heads with Yuki.

"Not now." Nel stopped them. "We're about to meet royalty, so try to act with some class." She said to the boys as she walked past. "If not, I'll kill you." She noted in a threatening voice, immediately freezing the boys in their track.

"S-she's not talking about me.... Right?" Melvin said worriedly.

"I'd rather not find out," Yuki said, just as worried as he recalled what happened earlier. "I never want to go through that again."

"No kidding. She can be scary." Max said, shivering.

"I think I'll have nightmares about that," Melvin said, shivering.

Allisa was the last to exit the carriage, taken in by the massive view of the mansion, ignoring the boys whimpering on the ground.

"Nervous?" Nel asked her.

"A little." She answered. The front door then opened slightly, allowing a man to slip through. He was dressed similarly to Rowin and Clive, indicating him to be a butler as well. However, he was much younger than the two, possibly in his mid-40s. He had sort blackish heir and had a mustache.

"You must be the people Sir Gerwens sent." He said. "I am Waver Henzel. Servant to the Mayor of Triest."

"Gerwens?" Allisa wondered whom he might be meaning.

"That's Clive's last name," Nel answered for her. Waver then opened the door all the way and stood beside it.

"Please come in." He said, gesturing the group in. Allisa was the first to enter. Followed by Nel, then the boys. The foyer was a massive space, with a central staircase leading up to the balconies above to the left and right of the hall. A large chandelier hung from the calling. A large portrait was placed on the end of the stairs, showing a family, presumably the mayor and his family. "Please wait here." Waver said as he walked up the stairs, leaving the others alone in the hall.

"Gotta say," Yuki broke the silence that followed. "This is the first time I've been in some Rosarian mansion. Pretty ugly if you ask me."

"Oh right, the buildings are different in Kugarat." Melvin said.

"Yeah. Personally, it's more simple than this stone monstrosity."

"It's just a building to me. I knocked down loads of places like this." Max said.

"That's not something to boast about," Melvin said as he and Yuki fixed Max with exasperated stares.

Allisa glanced at the structure, transfixed by the architecture. "It's sorta familiar,"

"Familiar how?" Nel asked.

"There's a country in my world called England. I think they have buildings like this. Though I've only seen it in pictures, I've never actually been there before." As she thought back, she had noticed that most buildings in Avalon were similar to what she'd seen in fantasy comics or things she's seen on TV in her world. It always hammered home that she was in a world similar to those places seen as make-believe places of knights and dragons.

A crash then came from behind them. Looking back, she saw a broken vase on the floor next to a stand, which Max was standing next to.

"Can't you go ten seconds without destroying things?!" Melvin Yelled.

"I just touched the thing and it fell," Max said, defending himself.

"Then don't touch things!" Yuki yelled.

"I can touch whatever the hell I want, sword bastard!"

"Now's not the time!" Melvin intervened. "We need to get rid of the evidence quick before that butler guy comes back!"

"How? We can't sweep it under anything." Said Yuki, frantically looking around for an area to hide the evidence.

"Oh, I know." Max then stomped on the broken vase, smashing the pieces into smaller pieces.

"What are you doing Pyro?!"

"If we smash it into smaller pieces, it will just turn to dust and unrecognizable. Then we can spread it out so it looks like regular dirt."

"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard!"

"We don't have a choice!" Melvin said as he joined in.

"Oh what the hell." Yuki quickly joined in.

Allisa and Nel watched the frantic stomping from where they were.

"I'm not involved," Allisa said quickly.

"Me neither." Nel nodded.

Waver then returned, followed by an old man and a woman, both dressed in fancy clothing.

"May I introduce Lord Velfrom and his wife lady Catherin, the mayor of Treist." Waver said, gesturing at the two. "These are the adventurers that Sir Clive haired to protect the princess." He said to his masters.

"My, they're so young." Lord Velfrom said. "Back in my day, you rarely saw an adventure below 30."

"An honor," Nel said as she bowed slightly. "Nel Zepher."

"Zepher? Know that's a name I haven't heard in ages. Are you a Crimson Blade?"

"Yes my lord. I'm the last of my clan."

"So, the rumors of a survivor were true." The mayor looked at Allisa who instantly stiffened up, nervously on how to act. "And who are your friends?"

"This is Allisa Reed, and acquainted of the princess." Nel introduced.

"Huh? No no no, I just met her the one time." Allisa said hastily. "I doubt she remembers me."

"I see, a friend of the princess." Lord Velfrom said, chuckling slightly. "And who are they?" he gestured to Max, Melvin and Yuki.

"Melvin Stride."

"Max Colt."

"Yuki Akoga."

All three of them said rapidly all of whom were staying where they were, standing in front of the broken vase.

"A pleasure. Um, why are you standing over in the corner? Why don't you come over?" Velfrom said.

"No, we're fine here," Melvin said quickly.

"Yeah. It's not like we're trying to hide something broken or anything." Max said quickly.

"Shut up dumbass, you'll blow our cover," Melvin whispered to Max

"This is stupid. Why do I have to play a part in this, It had nothing to do with me." Yuki joined in.

"You're going down with us."

"..... are your friends alright?" Velfrom asked Nel and Allisa. "They're acting really strange."

"They're always like that," Allisa said with her eyebrow twitching.

"Allisa!" A familiar voice was then heard from the top of the stairs. There stood Elizabeth. Unlike before, she was wearing a beautifully woven dress; showing off the fact that she was royalty. On top of her chestnut hair was a pretty tiara.

Accompany her; Allisa recognized Kuradeal and Galahad, the men that were searching for her before. As she walked down the stairs to the group, all the others, with the exception of Max and Yuki, kneeled before her.

Allisa then followed the others lead by kneeling. Elizabeth approached her and extended her hand to her. "Like this?" She asked. Allisa looked up and realized what she was doing she got to her feet and shook her hand.

"Yeah, that's right." She said smiling.

"It's wonderful to see you again," Elizabeth said as everyone got back to their feet.

"Oh ho, you truly are an acquaintance with the princess," Velfrom said impressed.

"She's not an acquaintance, she's my friend," Elizabeth said to him.

"My apologies, your highness. I wished no offense."

"It truly is a small world." Garlahad then approached Allisa, giving her a grin. "It's good to see you again."

"Um, Gralarhad, right?" Allisa said to him.

"Ha, Close. Garlahad." he then looked to Kuradeal, who wasn't as enthusiastic to see her again as his college was. "Kuradeal." He said to him. Kuradeal reluctantly approached Allisa as well.

"I suppose... it's good to have someone that her highness is familiar with." He said to her.

"Ahem." Garlahad coughed, edging Kuradeal on further.

"And..." Kuradeal gave out a sigh before continuing "I apologize for my... comments when we first met." He finished, bowing.

"Um, it's fine, really," Allisa said. She could tell that his apology was forced.

"So these must be your other friends," Elizabeth said looking at the others.

"Oh, yeah. That's Nel, Max, Melvin and Yuki. Clive asked us to protect you."

"Oh, he did." She then bowed to Allisa. "I'm sorry for the trouble I have caused."

"Y-you don't need to bow. Really, we're happy to help." Allisa said, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"Hold on." Kuradeal approached Nel, who was standing beside Allisa. "This woman's an assassin, correct?"

"That's right," Nel said. "I'm currently accompanying her." She gestured at Allisa.

"Why is there an assassin here? They are untrustworthy scum who seek lives for coin. How can she possibly be trusted with the life of the princess?" He said mostly to Garlahad.

"I hear there is another assassin going after the princess," Nel replied back with a glint in her eye. "Think of me as an anti-assassin assassin. I can take him out without anyone else being harmed."

"She has a point Kuradeal," Garlahad said to him. "After all, you saw how skilled he was. Having someone who understands his movements would surely help."

"I suppose so." Kuradeal then turned his attention towards the boys. "Why is there a child?"

"I'm a wizard," Melvin said, puffing his cheeks. "And I'm the apprentice of the Arch Sage Dran."

"This is no place for some little brat. Just run along back to your home and leave this to the grown-ups." Kuradeal said as he walked towards Max and Yuki.

"That mark on your chest makes you a Salamander." He said to Max. "And that sword means you from Kujarat." He said to Yuki. "The assassin and the child is one thing. But the last thing we need is some dangerous monster and a backward third rate country swordsman in the presence of us elites."

"Hey princess," Max said cracking his knuckles.

"It's ok if we kill this asshole right?" Yuki said, pushing the hilt of his sword up slightly with his thumb.

"What did you say to me?" Kuradeal said, scowling at the two.

"That's enough Kuradeal." Elizabeth said to him. "If they are Allisa's friends then I trust them."

"As you say, my Lady." He said reluctantly, walking back towards the stairs.

"Don't worry. I'm sure everything will be fine." Garlahad said to Kuradeal as he passed.

"I'll be in my quarters until I'm needed." He said as he departed.

"I see he hasn't changed," Allisa said to herself.

"I'm sorry. He can be rude at times, but his a good person.... in his own way." Garlahad said. "So, you're an assassin too," he asked Nel. "Which Clan?"

"Crimson Blades," Nel answered.

"Crimson Blades?" Garlahad repeated with intrigue. "I heard they were all wiped out 19 years ago."

"They were. I'm the only survivor."

"Well, I've heard the stories of the Crimson Blades. Your help will be appreciated." He then turned to talk to Allisa. The boys remained where they were, watching Garlahad.

"He's a lot nicer than that other guy at least," Melvin said.

"I don't like him," Max said in a grump.

"His still pisses me off," Yuki said in a similar manner.

"Oh come one. Look how nice he is." Melvin said.

"He just smells weird," Max said.

"All knights are just assholes to me," Yuki said.

"Can you at least have an open mind?" Melvin said sighing. "And what does smell have to do with anything?"

"I don't know. He just smells... off to me."

"That doesn't make sense."

"I just don't like these arrogant bastards," Yuki said.

"That actually makes Max's reason sound better."

Well then." Velfrom interrupted the discussions. "Waver, why don't you show our guests to their room?"

"As you wish, my lord." Waver replied. "Please follow me," he said as he walked towards the stairs.

"I guess will see each other later," Allisa said to Elizabeth.

"I look forward to it." She replied.

"Come on you three," Nel called back to the boys, who were a little reluctant to move.

"What do we do now," Yuki whispered to the other three. "We move, and they see that the pyro broke the vase."

"I just remembered, I could have use repair magic to fix it," Melvin whispered.

"Great, problem solved," Max whispered with relief.

"Yeah, problem solved. Except, how can he do it now with everyone watching?" Yuki whispered. "And if that was an option, why not do that in the first place?"

"I forgot ok," Melvin whispered. "Only problem is I doubt I could fix it since it's now mostly dust."

"Are you kidding! Why did we stomp on it in the first place? On second thoughts, why are we covering for him?"

"Why are you just standing there?" Nel said, pinching Yuki and Max's back hard.

"W-weren't you over-" Melvin looked to where she was standing before, which was with Allisa at the foot of the stairs.

"They are showing us to our room." She said smiling menacingly while increasing pressure on the two in her grip. "I'm sure you don't want to cause any embarrassment, right?"

"S-sure." Max said in pain.

"W-what ever you say," Yuki said as well. They then started to walk quickly towards, with a Melvin in tow, and a threatening Nel behind them.

"That was Quickstep wasn't it?" Garlahad asked Allisa. "Don't think I've seen one that fast before."

"I barely even noticed," Elizabeth said, slightly amazed by Nel's speed.

Two months of seeing it and I'm still not used to her doing that. Allisa thought to herself.

Princess Elizabeth

"This will be your room." Waver showed the group to where they will be staying. The room was well decorated, had two expensive chairs, a fireplace, and a large double bed.

"Um, whose room is this?" Allisa asked Waver.

"All of yours."

"All? But there's only one bed. And why am I sharing a room with the boys?" Allisa protested.

"Terribly sorry, but this is the only room we have available." He then shut the door, leaving the five of them in the room.

"He's kidding, right?" Allisa said to herself with dread.

"Guess we should decide who sleeps where," Nel said studying the room. "I say Allisa and I sleep in the bed and the rest of you sleep somewhere on the floor."

"Why are you deciding everything for the rest of us?" Yuki spoke up.

"That bed can only fit two people, and I assume the last thing you want is to share with him." She replied pointing at Max.

"Why do I have to share a bed with you?" Allisa asked.

"You're used to sleeping on a bed and I doubt you want to sleep with any of the boys." Nel summarized.

"Could you phrase that a different way?" Allisa grimaced at how that sounded.

" I don't take up too much room I can easily fit in with you two," Melvin said.

"Do that and I'll murder you," Allisa said to him menacingly.

"Fine," Yuki said as he walked to the door. "Well, I'm going to get something to eat." He then opened it and walked off. A loud rumble came from Max's stomach.

"Man I'm hungry." He then walked to the door. "I'm gonna hit the kitchen." He then disappeared out the door.

"I guess I'll look around this place," Melvin said as he also exited, leaving the girls alone.

"I'll probably do the same? It's best to familiarize my self with the area." She then walked to the door before looking back at Allisa. "Do you want to come?"

"I think I'll stay here. I feel a little tired." She said.

"Alright. See you later." Nel said as she shut the door, leaving Allisa alone.

Allisa approached the bed and took off her boots. For some reason, she felt really exhausted. Her guess was either from the journey or from the dream she had last night. She laid her boots beside the bed, then got on and laid down. She spent time looking up at the ceiling, lost in thought. It wasn't long now before she returned to her world.

What then? What will happen to her? Will she return to Avalon after this? Many questions wandered through her head wondering how the rest of her life would play out now after everything she's experienced. Her thoughts dragged on as she closed her eyes, and fell asleep.


In the distance, the castle of ....... lay in sight, raining death on the ...... from afar. I watched as man after man was cut down by.......

I dodged a blow to the left, brought my sword down, slicing through the shield as though it was made of wood. I extracted it as another one of the traitors attacked me with his blade. He shared a similar fate as the first, my blade carving him in half. From behind a man charged at me with his spear but was.....

At last, onto the mound of earth, I finally found him.

"Hello, my ......." I summoned mana into ...... preparing to finish him and end this sad conflict. He did the same, fully intent on killing me. How far he has fallen I thought as I raised my sword. "Let's end this!"


Allisa awoke suddenly. She noticed she was breathing heavenly again. Her head even hurt this time. As she got up, it quickly vanished. It was now nothing out of the ordinary. It seemed every time she closed her eyes, she got some kind of vision. She had had that kind of dream before. But this time, it was noticeably more detailed. Though some of it was still hazy, she could see more of what was going on. Not that she was any closer to understanding them. There was then a knock on the door.

"It's open." She called. The door opened and Elizabeth stepped in.

"You're finally awake." She said.

"Oh, hey." Allisa got off the bed, feeling really heavy.

"Did I wake you?"

"No, didn't really sleep," Allisa replied, wiping her eye's. "Is something wrong?"

"No, I just wanted to talk to you. I hope you don't mind?"

"Oh, no it's fine. I guess we didn't really get to know each other last time."

"That's true." Elizabeth then bowed to Allisa. "And once again, I am truly sorry for not telling you who I was then."

"I-It's fine, and you don't need to bow. Actually, I should be the one bowing to you."

"That's alright," Elizabeth said as she raised herself. "In fact, I prefer you didn't." She then went to one of the chairs in the room. "Mind if I have a seat?"

"Go ahead." Elizabeth then sat down. "So.... What's it like being a princess?" Allisa asked. "I always thought that princesses just wear dresses, go to parties and meet prince's and all that other stuff,"

"Well, that's not entirely untrue," Elizabeth replied giggling. "I actually wish that it was that simple." She said in a sad voice.

"Um, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to," Allisa said quickly, realizing that she may be touching a sensitive topic, again.

"No, it's ok," Elizabeth said reassuringly. "It's a very demanding role. Since you're part of the royal family, you can't show any weakness. You have to be someone that people look up to, as well as a representative of the kingdom. I have to admit, it can be quite difficult at times," She let out a long sigh. "Although it has gotten more difficult over the last four years."

"Did something happen?"

"Yes. My father, the king, has fallen ill. The doctors say that it's a cancer of some sort. Over the years, his health has slowly deteriorated to the point where he cannot leave the bed. As a result, my brother, the prince and heir to the throne, has taken over as regent."

"Your brother? The one you mentioned?"

"Yes him."

"So, is there something wrong with how your brother is running things?" Allisa asked.

"Oh no, nothing. He's a kind and gentle ruler who listens to what people have to say. Although he's taken on the duties of my father, he's refused the crown, saying that he is acting in service of Father, the King. Although, most of the nobles don't seem to like this, and have pushed for him to accept the throne."

Elizabeth's tone then became sadder "Because of his duties as the regent, we don't spend as much time together as we used to. I know it's selfish, and I know he has important matters, but sometimes, I just wish that we drop everything and spend time together like when I was younger."

"You sound really close to you brother."

Elizabeth nodded in response. "But I can't complain. There are people who depend on me too. And I must do my duty, no matter what happens." She then looked at Allisa. "Even if there are though after my life, it's not an excuse to abandon the people who need me."

Allisa remembered the conversation she had with Clive that morning. "So.... you do know about what's going on?"

Elizabeth simply nodded. "It's not the first time it's happened. I know Clive and the others try to keep me in the dark for my own good. I don't want to worry them, so I just play dumb for their sakes. But," She then looked down and unconsciously clenched her fists. "This time people were killed because of me, so I couldn't keep quiet about this. And now, I'm putting you and your friends in danger."

"We'll be fine," Allisa said smiling at her. "Trust me, those guys are the last people you should worry about." Elizabeth looked up at Allisa. "And I may not be like my friends, but I can hold my own now." She then shot up from the bed. "You just leave it to us. When we're finished, those guys after you will regret the day they tried to pull this kinda stunt again."

Elizabeth then giggled.

"Um, s-sorry, I guess I got a bit carried away," Allisa said feeling bashful.

"No, I believe you. Not sure, but I feel at ease with you and your friends. They all said the same thing."

"You met them?"

"Yes. I ran into the assassin as she was leaving for town. I then saw that boy wandering around the mansion. And then I saw the swordsman and salamander fighting in the kitchen."

"Fighting?" Allisa let out a sigh. "I'm so sorry about those two."

"No need to apologize. It was actually quite funny that they were fighting over a cake both of them found."

"That sounds like them," Allisa said, putting a hand to her head.

"But they all seem so brave. And they look so strong, like you." Elizabeth then smiled at Allisa. "So, I'm going to believe in all of you."

"Thanks. I promise I'll keep you safe, no matter what." Allisa smiled back at her. "Oh, can I ask you about this festival?" She suddenly asked. "I don't really know anything about it."

"Oh, of course," Elizabeth replied. "Well, it's an annual town festival. It's a three-day-long festival starting tomorrow where they have various markets and events. At the end, there is a celebration as a thank you to the goddess for good fortune. I'm to be part of that."

"What's the celebration?"

"A special dance."

"Dance? You mean you going to dance?"

"Yes. It's actually a lot of fun. This will be my third year participating in it."

"Really." Allisa sat back down on the bed. "I'm actually looking forward to it now. Must be a pretty important event for the princess to be part of it."

"No, it's actually not that important. In fact, most nobles frown on me participating."

"Oh? So why are you doing it?"

"Because I made a promise to someone very dear to me. That's why." There was sadness on her face as she said that.

"Sorry. I shouldn't have asked."

"It is alright." Elizabeth then sat up and walked to the window, looking out at the garden. "Besides, I love it here. Everyone's so friendly and the festival is so enjoyable. And the dance makes everyone so happy at the end which makes it much more worthwhile." She then looked a little embarrassed. "Although.... I haven't actually experienced any of the festivities myself."

"You haven't?"

"Since I'm the princess, I'd stand out too much. I've been around before, but I get special treatment because of my status so I never truly experience what it's like as a normal citizen."

"Oh, right." Allisa couldn't help but feel sorry for her. To have not lived an ordinary life, being expected for greatness, the kind of pressure that was obviously weighing heavily on her. It was at that moment that she had an idea. "Hey, why don't we go around the festival tomorrow? Not as a princess, but as a normal person."

"What do you mean?" Elizabeth said turning around.

"Remember, when we first met. You were wearing a cloak so no one recognized you. Tomorrow, you put on a disguise and we'll take a walk around."

"Of course. I didn't think of that." She said excitedly. "But, the people after me-"

"I doubt that they'll try anything in the middle of town." Allisa interrupted her "And I'll be there to make sure you're safe."


"No buts," Allisa said sternly as she stood up from the bed. "You already do so much so you at least deserve time to be yourself once in a while."

"Allisa." Elizabeth then giggled. "I don't think anyone's ever talked to me like that before." She then approached Allisa. "Very well. Tomorrow, I will have fun like everyone else." She then raised out her had to Allisa. "And I trust you to be my escort."

"Of course." Allisa smiled as she took her hand and shook. "I'll keep you safe. I promise."


A light fog covered the town of Triest as night fell over the quiet town. Under the cover of night, a cloaked figure made their way through the cover of the darkness to a small field with few trees.

"It's cold you know." A woman's voice startled the figure as he turned. The woman was wearing a clock as well, with the hood pulled back. Most of her features were shrouded by the darkness, though visible was a small green diamond, embedded on her forehead. "We're all set for tomorrow. The princess is here right?"

"Yes, but there are complications." The cloaked figure said. "That Butler of her's hired some adventurer's as additional security."

"That doesn't sound like trouble."

"One of them is an assassin. This could be problematic."

"I don't see an issue?" A new voice came from the branch above. There sat a man leaning against the trunk. He was dressed in dark clothing, with a short blade attached to his belt, and a strange device attached to his left wrist. "If they get in my way, I'll kill them. Simple as that."

"I see there's no lack of confidence from you Daud." The woman said to him.

"This is no ordinary assassin. She's a Crimson Blade. The last survivor." The cloaked figure said.

"Is that right?" Daud said, a dark grin spreading on his face. "Looks like this will be interesting after all."

"Regardless, this doesn't affect the plan." A second cloaked figure approached the others. "The princess will be out of the mansion with the adventurers for the day." he then addressed the woman. "Loria, use you men to distract the group." He then addressed Daud. "When their attention is on the men, you grab the princess. Then all of your retreat to the ruins."

"That's boring." Daud groaned. "I could at least take on that assassin."

"Cease you complaining and do your job you ingrate!" The first cloaked figure spat.

"It just seems like we're the ones doing all the work here while you two slack off with you pantomime act."

"We need to keep up appearances." The second cloaked figure said.

"Well, I guess this concludes the meeting," Loria said. She then approached the second cloaked figure and kissed him.

"I'll have everything ready by tomorrow, my king." She said as she departed. The Cloaked figures then walked back together, towards the mansion.

"Guess they're really going through with it," Daud said to himself. Remaining where he was. Moonlight pierced the branches of the tree, shining on him, casting a shadow across the woods. "I have a feeling this is going to be fun."

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