In Serial

Chasing Darkness

8 88 49
Author: Type:Male

Lilith's first time parachuting at night was a disaster. Fictional Gods clashed before her eyes. Caught in the crossfire, Lilith traveled through Space and Time. Her reality was turned into her favorite childhood game, Pokemon.

The beginning of journey shrouded in the Dark.

A Pursuit of something Greater.


Author Notes:

As a writer, I enjoy the 'How' and 'Why' thing happen in a story over 'What' happens. This will not, however, diminish plot points in the story. Each Arc will be well thought out.

This Fanfic explores what it would be like in a reality where Pokemon exist. Most other Fanfics are based on game or anime logic. I will be taking the point of view of a Progression Fantasy.

I will try to update every Weekday at Noon Central.

P.S. I do this for fun. As I am an amateur writer, I expect complaints and criticism. Anything other than constructive will be ignored. Well thought out Reviews, please.

*I Do NOT own Pokemon in any way, shape or form.

*I created the Cover in all its pixilated glory.

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