《Chasing Darkness》Chapter 20


“I first arrived at Bouy Town and found the place deserted. We investigated the area, but neither Pokemon nor a person came to our attention. We then shut down the Center, as that was the first mission objective. Our second objective was to locate the person who walked into the Pokemon Center and brought its systems back online.” Stuart explained.

“My partner, Aggron, then discovered a relatively weak Ghost Type Pokemon across the street once we left. I encouraged it to show itself with my Silph Scope…”

“Why do you have a Silph Scope?” Clay, the Ground Type Gym Leader from Driftveil, interrupted.

Silph Scopes were produced in a different region on top of already being very expensive. That led to only the top Trainers and Rangers acquiring one for use from the Unova League. One could procure a Scope for themselves, but they were relatively expensive.

Stuart was a 6 Star Ranger, meaning Stuart’s Partner, Aggron, was at a Gym Leader Level. Rangers only have one Pokemon however. To be a Gym leader, one had to be a 6 Star Trainer. That meant having at least four 6 Star Pokemon. The difference was stark.

Clay wondered why he had fewer fancy toys when he was clearly stronger, despite Ranger Stuart’s one Partner. The consideration seemed unbalanced and shady considering his mentor.

“I gave it to him, now shut up and let the boy speak.” Melinda cut in.

‘Boy?’ Everyone thought. Stuart was easily into his forties. To Melinda, everyone was a child.

Stuart gave a wry smile.

“Ah yes, I used my Styler to capture the Litwick and questioned it. I asked if it had seen the intruder and it said yes, but it was really afraid of them. It tried influencing her mind to scare it away, but was blocked by something scary. I believe something with Dark Types. The last thing I got was her general direction.”

“Interesting,” Professor Juniper said aloud. “The only times I’ve heard anything similar is when newborn Pokemon talk about Grimsley or Shauntal. They can feel the Dark and Ghost energy radiate off them.”

Another voice cut in.

“Despite this you didn’t contact your superiors? Knowing that there could be a Trainer considerably stronger than you but pursued them anyways?” Alder seemed disappointed in the lack of caution.

“I’ll wring the neck of the next person who interrupts!” Melinda grew more annoyed.

Everyone quieted down as Stuart continued.


“I followed the trail, asking Pokemon I found along the way if they had seen anything. Before I could question a pack of Lillipup and their mother, Aggron grew distressed. She heard a cry for help so we raced into the forest to see what had caused the commotion.”

Stuart paused reflexively, waiting for the questions. Melinda motioned for him to continue.

“Aggron and I arrived on scene to find a Croagunk, a Pansage, and a little girl lying in a pool of her own blood.”

Murmurs went throughout the call as Stuart continued.

“We scared the Croagunk off, while the Pansage stayed to guard her. My best guess is that Croagunk attacked her, and Pansage came to her rescue. I don’t know the motives for either Pokemon, but the Styler had a potential connection with Pansage. That means there was no connection between the two.”

Stuart paused as shivers went down his neck just thinking of what happened next.

“After having cleared the scene, I approached the girl while attempting to help her. I was then intercepted by an Absol.”

The murmurs had grown louder. “Quiet!” Melinda shouted.

“My best guess is it was 7 Star minimum, probably about as strong as an 8 Star Pokemon. Many Absol watched us but never showed themselves, I am unsure how many there were, but it was definitely a pack. He allowed a connection and said that the girl was one of his own and forced me to leave. I also think she has been Touched by one of the Absol.”

A collection of gasps broke out. Absol were known as the Pokemon of Destruction. They were said to create natural disasters and even spurn man-made ones.

“I reported the Absol sighting as per regulation.” Stuart finally finished.

Alder spoke first. “How do you know what a Touched is, and why are you spouting it out where anyone could hear?” He frowned. Only the top most Trainers were debriefed on the phenomenon. While it wasn’t a relatively dangerous secret, it still warranted the many questions. Why were they sharing secrets with someone who didn’t know how to keep them?

‘It’s not like this Ranger Stuart is a dangerous individual, more like he’s inept.’ Alder thought.

“Cough, cough. That’s not really important. We have a child abducted by an Absol to deal with!” Melinda said.

“That's a load of B.S!” Grimsley shouted.


“Absol get a bad rap because they can feel and predict bad things happening, that doesn't mean they go out of their way to create natural disasters or steal children like some other Ghost Types I could name!”

“Grimsley! Don’t go throwing the blame all on me!” Shauntal countered.

“Enough!” Alder commanded.

“Grimsley is right.” Professor Juniper broke the tension.

“Absol are generally peaceful, she might just have a natural affinity for the Dark Type. As for the location, I can’t fathom how a child would end up so far out in the Desolate Lands.” she finished.

“It matters not the reason why she is there. Our next move is to retrieve her before the Balance is broken. We should be planning our next move, and not squabbling like children.” Alder cut in.

“I agree” Melinda seconded Alder and took control of the situation. “Stuart will stay in the vicinity and act as a liaison for whoever Alder sends. Stuart is not to engage under any circumstances unless accompanied by a force strong enough to confront this Absol.”

Everyone turned towards Alder, the ball was in his court.

Silence filled the call as Alder pondered on the problem.

“I would like to volunteer.” A gruff voice spoke. Marshall of the Elite 4 volunteered for the rescue.

“Ooh ooh Ohh! Pick Me! Mememe!” Another person butted in.

“I’m definitely the closest and me and my Flying Types are the fastest! I can be there in a Jiffy!” Skyla bounced up and down. She was known to be a general airhead.

“But can you actually face your opponent, let alone defeat them?” Marshall gruffed.

The two’s rivalry was well known. One was the stern professional who always kept a level head. The other was the complete opposite. Sklya was easily distracted and didn’t like to think things through and it usually got her into trouble. It didn’t help that Skyla had been passed up as a member of the Elite 4 when she had the strength comparable to the position. Nor did it help that Skyla always beat Marshall in Pokemon battles when they fought.

“Hmm, I don’t know, but It’ll be loads of fun!” Skyla let out a laugh.

Caitlin let out a yawn and covered her mouth, while a smirk formed over Grimsley’s.

“I could meet up with Skyla in a day or two, ride out with her and provide support.” Grimsley said.

While he also volunteered, he looked more towards sowing discord in the group than actually helping.

“Enough,” Alder tapped his finger.

“Time is the most important factor. Skyla can get there the fastest so she is going.”

Alder had decided.

“You will take as many Ace Trainers as needed with you, they will be support for you in the rear. That means leaving soon and getting there even sooner. Nod if you understand.” Alder doubled down,

“Understood sir!” instead of saluting, Skyla made a peace sign before her face.

‘Close enough.’ Alder thought. The woman reminded him too much of his apprentice despite the fact she was 26. He had made sure the two never crossed paths. He shuddered at the thought of the two teaming up.

“Despite being two to three days on foot away from western Unova, I would like for all cities to be on alert for the next few days. Almost all sightings of an Absol are met with a Disaster in the area.” Professor Juniper commented.

“I would also like to coordinate a defense in Mistralton while Skyla is away.” She added.

“I will help reinforcements with some of my Rangers. On that note, is there anything anyone wants to add before we wrap up the meeting?”

“Yes,” Alder said. “ I would like to speak with you and Juniper after.”


Orders were given and things arranged. Soon enough, three people were left on the call.

“So what has you so worried, Alder?” Melinda asked.

Alder tapped his chin.

“It’s as Juniper pointed out, I have concerns about how a child got to that location.” He paused. “It is impossible for a person without a Pokemon to simply stroll around the Barren Lands. Person or Pokemon is responsible, the child is simply along for the ride.”

“So you're worried about what lurks in the shadows.” Juniper stated.

“Hmm, yes and no. My main worry is that this has something to do with Team Plasma. This reminds me too much of N.”

Melinda’s face hardened. “If that’s the case we should contact the Swords, they would know if a Pokemon is responsible. If nothing else, we can rule out one party.” she said.

“Hmm, Yes. It seems my vacation will have to be cut short.”

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