《Chasing Darkness》Chapter 23


Buoy Town

Aggron and Stuart walked outside. Skyla was supposed to be in town days ago, but had become sidetracked. The scheduled rendezvous time came and went. Stuart waited hours for her. Delays were not uncommon in the Desolate Lands. Detours around strong Pokemon or weather events were decidedly common.

The longer he waited however, the more nervous he became. Once Stuart was finally fed up waiting, he put a call into the League. His temporary handler picked up quickly.

Skyla proved unable to be reached. It took many more calls to Mistralton City before they could find an Ace Trainer that followed with her on their mission. A consultation from Alder followed a handful of hours later, and the League finally got in touch with her through said Ace Trainer.

Skyla had noticed a strange flock of Pokemon off in the distance and decided to follow them, rather than the mission objective, unknown to the rest of the mission participants. Together, they caught a strong wind south that blew them way off course. By the time the League contacted her, the group was an estimated two and a quarter days flight away.

Needless to say, Alder was not happy. He contemplated sending a new party, but did not when he realized it would take the same amount of time to form and send one as it would take for Skyla to get there.

There sat Stuart, days later. He loafed around the Town per orders. He had been directed to wait for the rescue party, so wait, he did.

Stuart had set up a lawn chair in the middle of the road facing the direction the party would most likely come from.

‘If only I had a beer and some snacks.’ Stuart shook his rations open and feasted on them. Not long later, the bag was empty and Stuart watched the entourage of Pokemon as they glided down towards him.


The lake stood still. Palpitoad skirted the outer banks as Tympole followed close behind.

Pansage stood along the tree line. He knew the plan. They had gone over it many times before. All he had to do was take a few steps forward and issue his challenge. Croagunk was always hanging around the lake, so this was the best location

His small paws ventured out onto the sand. Air filled his lungs. Pansage exhaled.

“PANSAGE!” he shouted.

The tiny monkey shouted out towards the water. Ripples formed out along the surface. The water stirred as different Pokemon turned their attention towards the challenger.


The water shook vigorously. The area receded to make way for Croagunk. He stared down at Pansage as he walked out of the water. Despite their rivalry, he had never threatened Croagunk enough for anything other than temporary retreats.

He looked down on his opponent.

“Croagunk!” he let out a cry.

Bravado fueled his charge. Croagunk prepared a close-range attack and closed the distance.


Pansage took slow, deliberate steps towards the forest, his tail hidden behind him completely. He inched towards it while not being too obvious of his subterfuge. Croagunk came into melee range and readied his opening attack. Green tendrils shot out. Instead of going towards Croagunk, they went in the opposite direction.

Vine Whip formed on Pansage’s tail, dragging him to the lower branches of a nearby tree. He hung upside down while waving at his foe, a smile on his face. Pansage taunted his opponent, despite not using a move.

Croagunk followed their plan. He ran after Pansage in his pursuit for victory.

“Pan! Paaaaan!”

The small monkey let out a laugh as he let go of the tree, falling into the underbrush. A large hedge of greenery cushioned his fall. Green sprouts covered the area.

Predictably, Croagunk wasn’t too far behind. Not using his brain, Croagunk charged through the greenery. He swiped left and right with Poison Sting, cutting his way through when something changed.

“Now!” Lilith called out.

A shout was heard off in the distance. Prompted by the command, the small pile of green covering the area came to life. Leech Seed’s covered the ground. The swarm converged onto the unsuspecting Croagunk. They latched onto his frog-like body as his strength started to slowly sap away.

This would not be enough to defeat him however. Some stuck to him hard enough to not be removed, but with a swipe of his arm, Croagunk cut most away from his body.

Step 1 of the plan was complete. Lilith predicted Croagunk would be reckless and fall into an initial trap. The lasting drain on Croagunk’s energy would be crucial, but it was uncertain if they would be usable once he was on guard. They would have to make the most of that moment.

As Croagunk was distracted with his surgery, Pansage launched his secondary attack. Vines connected to trees left and right of Croagunk’s position. Pansage pulled hard and launched himself towards his adversary. He let go as gray claws extended from his paws. Momentum carried him as claws raked across Croagunk’s body.


Lilith knew how strong Fury Swipes could be, and in a scenario where the target was standing still was ideal. If an opportunity presented itself, the plan was to launch a devastating attack.

Their plan succeeded as Croagunk took massive damage. Purple blood trickled from his wounds. He staggered backwards. Brown balls arched towards his position. To add insult to injury, Lilith launched an attack of her own. A Ball of Mud arced through the trees, landing on Croagunks face.

Lilith pulled no punches.

Pansage decided to halt his next move. Purple poison seeped out of Croagunks skin. Veneshock was split up and was sent in a wave around himself rather than one glob of an attack. The defensive measure gave Croagunk room to breathe. He took the time to orient himself. He now had the choice to either run, or stick it out and fight.

“Pansage.” he taunted.

Pansage knew he needed Croagunk to be the aggressor; if he stopped and retreated, their plan would be ruined. An extra taunt to keep his attention was in order.

Pansage steered Croagunk towards the final showdown. Step two had been expedited. Massive damage needed to be done before the final step could be taken.

Their battle headed north. Leech Seed would sap Croagunks strength as his injuries flared. Blood soaked the ground as Purple globs curved through the air. Croagunk chased after Pansage; he became so fixated that his injuries were left unchecked.

In a fit of surprise, Pansage was hit. Croagunk had practiced his moves. Craogunk was unable to use Veneshock while moving in the days before. He had practiced in the need of a chase once more. Lilith had relayed her experience to him, so Pansage was caught off guard. Poison damaged his body badly.

‘No, no, no.’ Lilith thought.

Their final step was a face off. One versus one battle where each held their ground. Pansage needed to be as healthy as possible while chipping away at Croagunk’s strength.

This put a hitch in the plan. They needed to bring up the time table.

“We need to start now!” Lilith gave the go-ahead to start the final phase.

She looked around. They needed an area with few trees and little covering the ground. Their initial location would have to be scrapped. It was too far away. Her head followed Pansage’s movements as she watched him enter a nearby clearing. Lilith’s eyes went wide.

It was fitting their final battle would end in the same location Lilith first landed in the new world. In the place Pansage and Lilith had first met.

Pansage swung on a Vine into the clearing. He twisted his body in mid air, reorienting himself.

Pansage landed in the middle of the clearing. He faced towards Croagunk. Pansage was still relatively healthy as he lowered his body into a fighting position. Pansage’s tail met the ground.

Croagunk followed not far behind. His injured body burst through the underbrush as he stepped out to meet Pansage. Three large gashes ran horizontal to his right arm and torso.

Croagunk pumped himself up. Poison Sting formed on his arm as he lunged towards Pansage. The small monkey dodged left and right, looking for an opening. Their battle turned into glancing blows and evasion.

Pansage sent out Vines from his feet to try and trip up his opponent. Despite that, Croagunks maneuverability was not hampered as a clean strike landed on Pansage’s right shoulder.

He recoiled backwards as Lilith called out one final adjustment.


Pansage understood the message. He set up his guard once more. Pansage watched as Croagunk jabbed at him once more. Pansage used his tail to facilitate small bursts of movement left and right. His tail acted as a sort of tripod. It could catch him if falling, or be used to add more force into his movements.

Suddenly Croagunk was unable to touch Pansage. The tables were turned. Croagunk had been so badly wounded despite his confidence in victory. The direness of his situation crashed down onto him.

Pansage’s tail coiled. Vine Whip formed behind him. Lilith and Pansage had come up with this strategy days before. This one by far allowed Pansage the most control.

In a burst of speed, Pansage launched himself forward. He could see the change in Croagunk. His hubris was gone, replaced by panic. It was time to deliver the finishing move.

Pansage’s claws hardened into points. He didn’t even have to move as the initial launch provided all the necessary momentum.

Croagunk was too tired to move from prior injuries and the proceeding chase. All of his Energy had been used up. Croagunk watched helplessly as his rival's claws slowly entered his skull. Croagunk’s eyes glazed over as his body fell onto the ground. Dead.

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