《Chasing Darkness》Chapter 7


It took many hours for Lilith to wake. The sun was high in the sky, signaling many hours had passed. Her day consisted of familiarizing herself with the surrounding area.

Lilith found that if she got too close to the Tympole in the river, they would shoot jets of water at her. The rest of her day then consisted of munching on berries, and dancing around the riverbank.

The Tympole were so weak that she could catch the water in her pouches they sent her way. Food and water were secured for the immediate future.

Lilith then decided to upgrade her base. Lilith was tired of sleeping in trees.

She was still mad at herself for setting up a basecamp, not using it, and then moving to another location, all in one day.

Sunset came sooner than she was expecting, and was forced to sleep in the tree once more, much to Lilith’s chagrin.

Impidimp appeared around Dusk. He waved his arms around in greeting. Lilith figured there was no getting rid of him at this point. She tossed him some berries before going to sleep.

By the time she woke to her 4th day, Impidimp was gone.

‘It must be nocturnal, it is Dark type afterall. Maybe that's why.’ she thought.

The day consisted of securing her new base. Lilith was settling down for the long haul, there appeared to be no people around, and her mobility was limited.

It appeared she would be here for a while.

Lilith set up her camp next to a wall of dirt and stone like last time. It mirrored the setup, just a little bit smaller due to the modifications to the main part of the parachute.

Lilith set up her tent like a tipi. Large sticks rested upon the dirt wall with the mud covered parachute draped over them. Sticks and stones secured her rig below. Her alcove was well camouflaged from the outside. The inside was cold, but retained her body heat well. Leaves and underbrush were used as bedding.


She had made no attempts at fire. It seemed like a good idea at first, but Lilith had no idea what it might attract. She didn’t plan on cooking any food, and the Berries would sustain her for a long while. She had encountered no organisms other than Pokemon. Flies and other small insects did not appear.

At night the temperature dropped, but not enough to be life-threatening. The days were already rather warm, so Lilith saw no need for fire.

Lilith deemed her camp satisfactory just as the day’s light started to disappear. She turned her head left and right looking for something.

Impidimp appeared from the shadows as if called by her. Lilith fed him more berries. She wouldn’t take the risk of stopping her tribute to have the Pokemon attack her. She was positive that if any Pokemon, no matter how weak, decided to harm her then she would be in trouble.

With that she waved the creature away and climbed into her tent. Lilith ended her 4th day in her new world.


Lilith picked a different direction for the day's exploration. The Weepinbells' territory was to the southeast of her camp, and the mountain to the north. She decided to hug the northern side of the mountain and head west.

Lilith had no idea what she was looking for, but kept an eye out for anything that might help her situation.

The exploration lasted until mid-day. The mountain loomed over her right side. It twisted and turned, slowing down Lilith’s movement. Many wild pokemon were out and about. Dodging them slowed her down further. Soon, the trees started growing further apart.

The forest opened up onto plains. Hills rolled the landscape. Other than the protection the dirt mounds provided, there was little cover. Any avian could spot her from above.


Lilith scanned the sky and saw nothing. Feeling adventurous, she decided to creep up to the first hill. Lilith secured her equipment and started to army crawl up to a vantage point. A vast expanse unfolded before her.

Doduo pecked at the ground to her left. Groups of Rattata and Patrat fought over something in the distance. Closest to her was a litter of Lillipup. They ran in circles chasing anything and everything that moved. Doduo ran before the furballs could get too close.

Something off in the distance caught Lilith’s eye. It peaked over the trees, and decidedly looked unnatural. Whatever it was, it was covered in moss and greenery.

Before Lilith could back away from the hill to investigate, barking erupted behind her. A sole Lillipup raced up to her in greeting.

‘Where did it come from?’ Lilith panicked.

Lilith reached into her bag and handed a Leppa Berry to the noisy pup. It started to nuzzle her hand, acting just like a dog.

‘So soft…’ she idly thought.

“Nhhh.” Lillipup let out a whine.

‘Does it want to play with me?’ she thought.

Before she knew it, Lilith's hand started to pet the rambunctious Lillipup. It jumped up on its legs and attacked her with kisses. Before she could brush it off, more barking ensued behind her.

The fluff brigade started their attack. All the Lillipup jumped around her. Some sniffed at her bag, and others licked her body. Some just rolled over and asked for belly rubs.

Lilith calmed down when they realized they weren’t hostile. She hadn’t realized how high strung she had been. Stress had eaten at her ever since her arrival. Everything she looked at was an enemy.

Lilith let loose as she eventually acquiesced. She handed out berries like candy to the wall of fur. Eventually she lost count of who had and had not partaken in treats.

The overwhelming positivity that the Lillipup exuded helped her to calm down. Before long, Lilith found herself laughing and playing with them. Her fun ended when she heard a low gruff.

Behind her was a much larger dog. It had much more fur along with a long flowing mustache.

It was a Stoutland. All the Lillipup raced over to their mother. She made some more barks and the pack visibly started to calm down. The Stoutland then turned to Lilith. She stared at Lilith for a second before turning back down the hill. The pups followed after her into the distance.

‘That stoutland was also intelligent.’ Lilith could feel it like a sixth sense.

Lilith checked the sun’s position. It threatened to set before long. Lilith decided she did not have enough time, and decided to go home.

Lilith backtracked and tried angling for a more direct route home. Lilith got about halfway there before a commotion to her right drew her attention.

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