《Chasing Darkness》Chapter 15


Lilith opened her eyes. Her brainstorm was over.

Lilith sat up and reached for her clothes. Relaxation time was over. It was back to the daily grind.

Her jumpsuit slipped right on. The hard part was securing it to her tiny body. Cords wrapped around her body, including her belt. Lilith fastened her clothes.

Lilith checked her boots. The material was much thicker and had a harder time drying. It felt like leather, but Lilith was unsure. They were still moist to the touch so she left them off. She tied the two laces together and draped them around her neck like a scarf.

Once she was done, Lilith turned back to the lake for one last look. She wanted to take in the peaceful scenery one last time.

Lilith was glad she did as her brain went into overdrive. She dropped her bag.

A purple head with orange eyes emerged from the water. Its body became more clear as the Pokemon jumped out of the water onto the shore. His familiar frog-like form revealed itself.

Croagunk and Lilith made eye contact. Lilith crouched down into a defensive position. She tried to back away slowly, not wanting to frighten the Pokemon with any sudden moves. The only Croagunk she had seen was the one that had attacked Pansage, and it was the Croagunk before her.

‘Oh no.’ Lilith’s nightmare was coming true. An aggressive Pokemon had set its sights on her.

The situation she had been trying to avoid since coming to this world. Pokemon that were potentially dangerous were avoided. Some she had befriended, but most were neutral.

‘It might attack me too.’ Lilith thought of a solution to her problem

Lilith watched with nervous trepidation. Croagunk watched her carefully. No one moved.

A Pokemon flew overhead. Neither looked as he slapped the ground with force. Sand and water splashed in all directions. Lilith tried to take a step back.

Her back heel moved towards the forest. She was too vulnerable out in the open. Croagunk let out a large cry, something had obviously disturbed him.

The wild Croagunk grew more agitated. He looked towards the ground.

Croagunk’s arms reached towards the ground. Lilith watched as water and sand swirled around them. The two combined creating a mixture of gelatinous mud. Croagunk glanced back at his foe. He lifted his arms with force, in a wave-like motion. The motion turned into an Attack.

Mud-Slap arched towards her.

Lilith’s fight or flight response kicked in.


Adrenaline rushed through her body as she jumped sideways. Despite being one of the slowest Attacks Lilith had ever seen, it almost struck her. The laces that hung around her neck tangled. Lilith landed on her stomach as her shoes fell onto the sand.

Her mind raced. Lilith simultaneously lifted her body and pushed off with her legs. Her body turned towards her salvation.

One hand shot out and grabbed the shoes next to her. Using her momentum, Lilith turned and flung the bolas-like weapon towards Croagunk’s feet. Lilith aimed to hinder his movement. If it couldn’t chase her, then it wasn't a problem.

Her shoes spun through the air, only connected together by laces, and the knot that bound them together.

Lilith’s aim proved fairly true. The laces did not tangle Croagunk’s feet, but instead struck him square in the face. Her aim had been off considerably, despite hitting her target.

Croagunk stumbled back. His face morphed into a combination of anger and surprise. The shoes did no damage to him at all.

‘If it wasn’t mad yet, it is now.’

Surprise left him as Croagunk flew into a wild rage. He charged straight for Lilith as she entered the tree line.

Despite not doing what Lilith wanted, her goal was not diminished by much. Any amount of headstart could make or break her survival. She now had obstacles to work with.

Her thoughts converged on the next course of action. Lilith breathed in. Before her brain knew what she was doing, Lilith screamed.


Lilith had no idea who she was calling to. Maybe a Pokemon she had bonded with in the past would come to help her.With that, Lilith dashed into the trees.

Despite not being in the wilderness for long, the trees had been starting to speak to her. Lilith’s body moved like she knew the terrain. She ducked and weaved between the underbrush. Her tiny feet carried her over all obstacles.

Lilith seldom looked back. Croagunk proved to be rather slow, despite Lilith sprinting for her life.

“Help!” A second scream sounded throughout the forest.

A tingle went down her spine. Lilith dodged to the right as blobs of poison flew in her direction. They never made contact with her. It was like Lilith could feel the Attacks coming and dodge them.

Lilith glanced backwards. She smiled. Her saving grace was that whatever move Croagunk was using, it could only be used stationary. That meant the distance between the two was widening.


Despite the affirmation, Lilith’s chest started to tighten. Air felt like it moved slower as Lilith gulped for more. Her body shook.

“Retch” Lilith’s body started to shut down.

Her body couldn’t keep up with what she was attempting to do. Her physique held Lilith back. She couldn’t keep the same pace for much longer. She was running out of time. The full-on sprint started to erode her body.

‘Come on.’ Lilith scanned the forest, looking for a way out.

Lilith turned. Green met her gaze, Croagunk wasn’t there. If she could hide now, it might give up on her. She strained her ears searching for her pursuer.

Footsteps could be heard in the distance. It was close, but far enough to try her plan. Lilith took her chance. she dashed to her right at an angle, and hid behind a nearby tree.

The trees were particularly thick, and Lilith hoped she could lose Croagunk among them.

Once in position, her body felt like it had exploded. Pain erupted everywhere. The lack of movement only accentuated her overexertion. Lilith’s feet were on fire. She carefully reached down and lifted her foot up. Her eyes met with red. Blood red.

Blood covered her bare feet. Sprinting through the wild landscape had left her worse for wear. Sticks and rocks were stepped on in haste. Lilith’s body grew numb, and she knew that her body was in much worse shape than she felt. The chase was coming to an end. Lilith was running on empty.

Her legs burned as Lilith inhaled heavily. Meters away, Croagunk dashed right past her. Croagunk had lost her.

Hope threatened to grow until Croagunk came to a stop.

Croagunk spun around, looking for any indication of Lilith. He crouched low to the ground and inspected the terrain. Lilith dared not peek out from her hiding spot. Lilith strained her other senses. Strange sounds were heard in Croagunks direction.

Short wheezing sounds were followed by the cries of Croagunk.

Something clicked in Lilith’s mind. It was sniffing, smelling for her. Lilith’s heartbeat quickened.

Her body was in no shape to run anymore. But sometimes you don’t get a choice, sometimes you have to suck it up and deal with it.

‘I have to be proactive, get ahead of this.’ Lilith grit her teeth.

Her anxiety rose. Lilith decided she had to take a chance and look to see the direction Croagunk was headed towards.

If the Croagunk was headed away from her, then his back would be turned and Lilith would take cover once more. If he was heading towards her and did nothing, Croagunk would be right on top of her, with nowhere for Lilith to run.

One side of her face slowly emerged from her hiding place. Croagunk was on all fours. He sniffed the ground like a dog looking for its prey. His head was leveled to the ground, while also taking in the surrounding forest.

His head slowly pivoted, absorbing his surroundings. He stopped and stared.

She had been spotted once more. The final scenario had taken place. Lilith took the risk of being spotted, and now had more space between herself and her pursuer.

Lilith used her arms and pushed off from the tree. Her arms screamed. She took another step, her feet threatened to give way.

‘Come on, it can’t end like this.’ She thought.

A Venoshock landed right where she had been standing. Lilith’s body refused to move and Croagunk closed the distance between her. Lilith stumbled as her injuries flared up.

Croagunk’s fury had overcome him. Brown energy coalesced on his fist. One powerful step led to another as Croagunk lowered his body. His center of weight solidified his position.

Lilith’s eyes widened in horror.

“No!!!” She screamed.

Croagunk sent out his jab. Lilith watched in slow motion as the powerful fist descended towards her.

Green movement caught the corner of her eye. Something veered towards her. A vine from a nearby tree swung down to them in a blur.

Lilith tried turning, but her body wouldn’t listen. All she could do was watch.

The energy made contact. Croagunks fist connected with Lilith’s torso, just as something else connected with his face.

Lilith watched as Pansage let go of the vine he had just swung from. The vine dematerialized in a mist of green as his body stretched out. Pansage’s joints locked into position right as his feet landed horizontally on the side of Croagunk’s face.

Everyone was sent flying.

The momentum carried the two meters away, as Croagunks fist just barely grazed Liliths body. Pansage’s impact deflected most of the damage, but she was still sent hurtling into the opposite direction. Lilith’s body arched through the air. A tree rose to greet her as the two met with a loud crunch. Lilith crumpled onto the ground unconscious.

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