《Chasing Darkness》Chapter 1


Lilith hummed a tune as she stared out the window. The cool night landscape greeted her. The airplane hummed with her. The city lights off in the distance danced like fireflies in the night.

The butterflies grew in Liliths stomach with the ascension of the airplane. Despite the growing tingling feeling in her stomach, Lilith was not nervous. Quite the opposite in fact. She was excited. This would not be the first time Lilith jumped out of a plane, nor would it be the first time she jumped alone. This time however, would be her first night time jump.

Everyone in the skydiving circle agreed unanimously that jumping during the day didn't hold a candle to one at night.

Lilith had to see for herself.

‘It wouldn't be the same without all the lights on in the city.’ she thought.

The small porthole view couldn't be compared to the full feeling of the freefall with a full view of the Earth below.

Out of all the crazy activities Lilith participated in, skydiving gave her the greatest thrill. What started as an obsession with rock climbing quickly changed into ziplines and rollercoasters. Skateboarding and dirt-biking soon followed after.

The people she met along the way all endorsed skydiving, so here she was.

The P.A. system broke Lilith away from her thoughts.

“Attention, we have reached cruising altitude and will be over the drop site in approximately 4 and a half minutes. Let’s do this, people.” he said.

Lilith quickly went through her checklist of gear. When she found nothing wrong, she fastened her goggles to her head and stood up. Everyone else quickly followed suit and formed a line.

After what seemed like an eternity the P.A. came on again.

“30 Seconds, people. Side door opening.” he said.

Lilith grinned as the metal framework lurched backwards and a rush of wind entered the plane. The instructor stood arms crossed while staring at the jumpers. Soon after, the big circular red light in front of the door turned green. The instructor acknowledged the first to drop, soon followed by the one behind. It was finally her turn.


A good 10 to 20 seconds later he gave Lilith the nod to go. Lilith guided the line to the opening, smiled at the stoic face of the Advisor, and then proceeded to fling herself from the plane.

The euphoric feeling overwhelmed Lilith as she oriented herself. A vast view of darkness unfolded before her eyes, only diminished by the small little lights dancing across it.

Lilith glanced at the altimeter on her wrist. The little gadget would tell her when to pull her chute.

‘Plenty of time.’ She thought, right as something caught the corner of her eye.

Something was flying, off in the distance. Nothing should be flying in the general area for obvious safety reasons. Lilith oriented herself to the right to get a better look.

One large shadowy figure was swiftly replaced by another.

‘Two of them? What is going on?’

Lilith started to angle herself away from the UFO’s, wanting no part in whatever she was witnessing. Before she could angle herself away, however, a large gust of wind threw her sideways.

Lilith could barely think as her training kicked in, pulling her main chute. She was already way off course as it was. She was met with a familiar tug downwards as air filled her safety cloth.

Lilith spun left and right, trying to identify whatever threw her off course.

Her eyes went wide. Recognition turned into disbelief. A large Quadruped monstrosity made up of blues and grays floated off in the distance. Above its tail sat a large metal fan. Lilith didn’t have to see its front to know what she was looking at

“Is that… Dialga?” She questioned aloud.

Her amazement grew as a bubble grew next to it. The bubble expanded, and then was replaced by a bipedal, equally as monstrous. The new being that appeared was pink instead of blue. It stretched its wings and stubby arms.

“Palkia” Lilith whispered.

“Rehhh.” Palkia let out an otherworldly shriek.

Lilith snapped back and noticed that they both had their backs to her, staring at something else. It dawned on her that they were fighting something equally as monstrous, another Legendary, no doubt.


‘Great, how much worse can this get?’ she thought.

A cacophony of noises slammed into her like shockwaves. While she was far enough to make them out because of how distinct they were, she was still far too close.

A beam left Dialga’s mouth, tracking something through the air. Its signature move, Roar of Time, on full display. The demonstration of strength were followed up with two slashes from Palkia’s arms, tearing the sky into quadrants. A large X hung in the sky.

Multiple golden rings formed in the air. The energies entered the rings and seemingly disappeared. The rings then retracted and flew to Lilith’s left. Both legendaries tracked the movement, but were interrupted by more rings that materialized behind them.

Explosions detonated as the culprit finally came into view.The two legends were sent backwards undamaged. A large round body hovered in the air, with multiple holes where its arms and legs should have been. Instead, they floated around its body. Its head sat atop its body with long horns coming out of each side, and large bottom teeth that sprouted from its mouth. To top it off was a large mound of reddish pink hair.

There was no mistaking it, Lilith instantly recognized Hoopa Unbound.

Hoopa radiated a malevolent energy. Two Legendaries that were touted as Gods in Sinnoh had lost the initial clash with Hoopa. Their bodies started to glow as the orbs on their bodies changed. Day replaced night as the two deities returned to their Origin Form, Centaur-like in appearance.

Lilith could feel the shift in the air. She was still gliding down on her parachute, wishing she could descend even a little bit faster.

Dialga appeared behind Hoopa with a turn, striking it with its tail. Hoopa was sent flying right into Palkia. Water sprouted from its mouth as a powerful stream was sent towards Hoopa.

‘Iron Tail and Hydro Pump no doubt.’ Lilith watched on in awe.

Hoopa was no match for their coordination once returning to their Origin Forms. It was battered with attacks and flung all over the sky. Lilith acted as its only witness. A tingling feeling settled in her stomach, she checked her altimeter

‘No, no, no.’ She thought.

Lilth never got the buzz warning to open her chute. She wasn’t falling, but maintaining the same altitude. That meant she wasn’t getting any further away from the clash.

Turning her attention back to the fight, she noticed a brief lull. Hoopa looked battered and beaten, ready to be re-sealed. On the other hand, the Legendary Duo looked no worse for wear.

The three floated motionlessly in a staredown, each waiting for the opponent's next move. What happened next threw the two participants and spectator for a loop.

Hoopa’s mouth did something that could be only interpreted as a smile. It then turned and looked at Lilith. She froze under its wicked stare. Everything happened in an instant.

Hoopa Unbound materialized right in front of her. Its body gathered an ominous black light around itself. The pressure felt physical, as Lilith was unable to move, or even make a sound. She was paralysed.

A split second later the pressure snapped away. Lilith brought her hands to her face and her legs to her chest. The instinctual move would have done nothing if not for Palkia and Dialga flying to her side.

Hoopa Unbound unleashed its Dark Pulse. The wave of wicked energy that moved towards the three was met with a Roar of Time from Lilith's right, and Spacial Rend from her left.

Lilith expected the worst as the three energies met. Unbeknownst to her, there was no world shaking explosion. In fact, she felt numb as the three Type energies flowed around her. When she opened her eyes, Lilith was met with a scar on the sky itself. Glass-like lines radiated in all directions from the origin point of the initial blast.

Lilith’s eyes widened in horror as it rapidly pulled her into itself.

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