《Chasing Darkness》Chapter 3


Reality settled in.

A deep breath in turned into a breath out turned into a quick breath in turned into hyperventilation. Panic overtook Lilith as her situation dawned on her. Different excuses rattled around her mind as she tried to rationalize what was going on around her.

Lilith’s eyes squeezed close as tears trickled down her face. An overwhelming feeling of loss consumed her. Many unanswered questions filled her mind.

Why was there a Pokemon staring at her? Was this some sort of Pokemon world? Could she go back? Did she want to go back? The questions threatened to overwhelm her until a small hand rested on her small shoulder.

“Pan. Pansage.” he gave her a pat.

Her debate seemed to slowly wash away as the small monkey embraced her in a hug. Emotions poured out of her in sobs, overheard by none but the running river water.


Her first night was the worst. After Pansage had comforted Lilith, he waved goodbye and blended back into the trees. His behavior was decidedly odd, leaving her there helplessly.

Then she was all alone. Lilith didn’t know much about surviving in complete wilderness. Food, water, shelter, and something about needing it by a certain time, or death. She tried remembering anything that might increase her survival chances.

Water seemed easy. The water moved somewhat fast, if the worst happened, she would just drink straight from the river. The food shortage was solved with the Oran Berry tree, if she could access them. She had no way of crossing the river. That left shelter. The morning and early afternoon consisted of heading back to the clearing and taking inventory of all her belongings.

The cords could be used as rope, and the reserve chute could be layered as a makeshift cover, or blanket. Most items like the altimeter didn't have any practical use and were tossed aside. Clips and carabiners were saved for later.


Lilith took one carabiner and scraped it against a rock to form a jagged edge. It was then used to modify the jumpsuit to fit her, along with tearing out part of the parachute to form a pouch to carry all her belongings.

A sense of loss filled her as she lifted all her worldly possessions in one small bindle. She attached the small sack to a stick to allow better leverage.

With the fleeting feeling, Lilith turned to see the Sun slinking past the trees. It was almost night. Lilith hoped it would be just as peaceful as the day. It was strange that no other pokemon approached her. There had been obvious signs of Pokemon activities, footprints, scat, and the like. But there had been no other encounters. The forest should have been full of them if the Anime was to be believed. It was an odd feeling, something innately wrong. It was as if Dialga or Palkia reached down from their pedestals and gave her a grace period to orient herself before the trials to come.

Lilith used a large stick as a stepping stool to the bottom branches of a large, flat looking tree. Branches and moss were used for a makeshift sitting area. The sun set right as her project was complete.

Lilith squirmed on the tree. She had never slept on anything but a bed. The harshness was a warning for things to come.

Time passed by, but sleep never came. The sounds of the forest kept Lilith awake. Pokemon cries were heard off in the distance. Some cries sounded like howls, other like hoots, and some were just unrecognizable.

Nothing sounded too close, but that didn’t help Lilith’s nerves. Her body jumped with every noise. Every rustle had her body tense up in fear of the unknown. Her eyes gradually got used to the lack of light. She scoured the forest floor, watching for any movement. Occasionally, she caught glances of motion out of the corner of her eyes. Whenever she turned to look for the cause however, all was still. Tingling sensations went down her body occasionally. The cause was unknown, but Lililth swore she saw a pair of eyes watching her in the darkness.


With Lilith’s body tensed for what felt like hours, she started to tire herself out. Tension turned to lethargy as her eyes drooped into dreams.


Lilith was running. Something was chasing her. A shadowy figure nipping at her heels. It mattered not the direction, the vast nothingness held no respite.

Larged faces loomed out of the darkness like giants. Recognition was apparent in their gaze. Some laughed, and some scowled, the people in her life spoke to her.

One had a kind face with a laugh, it gave off a warm feeling.

Another had a harsh scolding, almost grieving look. It reminded Lilith of her mother.

The disappointment it carried only drew her to run faster; Lilith's past continued chasing her.

Her mother was born between a Japanese woman, and a European businessman. The relationship was supposedly short and sweet, with her being born a year after they met. Lilith’s Grandfathefather died before her Mother was born. A single Mother with a half white child pushed her Grandmother to the fringes of society. Lilith's Mother sought recognition from her peers and looked up to her Mother.

Gradeschool became tough as childish bullying ensued. Lilith’s Grandmother finally decided to put aside her pride for the welfare of her child.

The two moved across the world to Europe, to the Parents of her late husband. The Eastern values Lilith’s Mother was brought up with clashed with her new classmates.

Lilith’s Mother was strong, and soon followed in her late fathers footsteps, becoming a businesswoman. She traveled all around Europe closing deals. Soon after, she met an adventurous man with whom she could share her joy.

Their Personalities clashed. Lilith's Mother was strict and uptight, while her Father loved the adventure. Their clashes only sparked their relationship further. Months into their marriage, Lilith was born.

Lilith’s Mother was the breadwinner, while Lilith’s father stayed home to raise her. He instilled and encouraged the sense of adventure within her.

Her parents often argued about how she should have been raised. Fights happened more often the older they became. Her mother wanted to instill more of the culture she was born with, but never got the chance. Lilith’s mother felt like she was losing her child. She searched for any way to connect.

Her Mother then bought her first videogame, Pokemon. When she wasn’t outside causing trouble, Lilith soaked up the Pokemon world. Each new game was pre ordered and hundreds of hours were poured into completion.

Lilith's fantasy world soon crumbled away.

Just after her 22nd birthday, her parents went their separate ways. Lilith pushed herself into more dangerous adventures, trying to block out the pain. Months later, Her mothers diagnosis was revealed, she was dying. Lilith’s mother had pushed her Father away for this very reason. She tried to hold the pain for both of them. Once realizing this fact, her Father rushed to her Mothers side.

Whenever Lilith visited, they still argued, but it was peaceful, like they had reverted to their old selves.

Soon her time was up. Lilith’s Mother died, and days later grief and depression took her Father.

She was all alone.

Lilith woke with a start.

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