《Chasing Darkness》Chapter 5


Lilith’s Plan quickly fell into place. Lilith took the rest of the day to return to her home base. The tree was not extremely far, but she had to be careful of other wild Pokemon. Lilith grabbed her sack of possessions. She was relocating to a more defensible location.

While scouting the area around the Bellsprout, Lilith occasionally wandered outside their range. The elevation grew more turbulent the closer to the mountain Lilith got. The Bellsprout did not leave the flat terrain. This area would be an ideal home for her. After minutes of wandering, she came upon a portion of a small hill completely gone. The terrain stayed flat until it met the hillside at a right angle going straight up.

Branches and rock held the top of the parachute to the hill. Meters away from the hill, she pulled the parachute at an angle to create a makeshift tent. The bottom was held with rocks. Lilith then covered the tarp with mud and leaves to blend into the area. One small flap on the side let her enter and exit easily.

Once finished, her stomach started to rumble. A day without food or water left Lilith feeling weak.

Her plan had to be enacted tonight.

Everything was packed and ready. Lilith took carabiners, makeshift rope, and a large sack to put berries in. The Sun started to set as she headed out. Her plan was to sneak around at night while the Pokemon were sleeping.

Admittedly, there were many flaws in her plan. Lilith’s stomach urged her to reconsider. Lilith had always been well off. Money had never been a problem in her life. She had never been desperate enough to do something truly stupid.

Of the three orchards, Lilith decided to approach the Leppa Tree. The Aspear Tree had her worried. Status conditions were a mystery and could allow Pokemon to sleep through the night.


‘Do Aspear Berries cure natural sleep, or only from move-inflicted sleep?’ she wondered.

If awake, night time sentries would be a nightmare to deal with. That left two options. The Leppa tree was farther than the Pecha.

‘The more distance from my base the better.’ she thought.

Lilith’s destination was decided.


The dark night covered Lilith’s small figure. She peered at the orchard from a distance away.

‘Which one has the Weepinbell?’ she wondered.

Each orchard had a guard, but not each tree. Lilith’s plan was to lure it out and watch for which tree it settled in. Then she would avoid that tree while ransacking the others.

Lilith reached into her bag. A hard brown ball appeared in her hand. The Ball of Mud had hardened after being put out in the sun that afternoon.

Lilith eyeballed the tree as she brought her arm back. In one swift motion, she simultaneously launched the Ball at the tree while diving under a nearby shrub. Leaves covered the front, only leaving a small hole to peer through.

She lay motionless as the Ball of Mud landed. Lilith waited patiently, but never got the reaction she was looking for. She missed her target. After nothing moved, she deemed it safe for another try. Reaching inside her bag, Lilith tried once more. A Ball identical to the last sailed through the air. Lilith hid, watched, and waited.

This time, the Ball landed next to one of the sleeping Bellsprout under one of the trees. It cried out in astonishment as it woke.

‘Yes!’ she cheered

Nearby Bellsprout also reacted. They looked around for an intruder, but found none. After some time, they converged and went to sleep once more.

Lilith’s plan was to rile up the Bellsprout, and have the Weepinbell have no choice but to appear and calm them down. All she had to do now was rinse and repeat until the Bellsprout went wild.


‘Third times the charm.’ she thought.

The third launch landed true. As the Ball of Mud struck the Bellsprout’s small body, it let out a cry. It fell backwards, landing on its bottom. Squawks of irritation ensued. Lilith watched with bated breath.

‘Come on.’ she urged.

Lilith’s wish was granted. A Weepinbell appeared from an adjacent tree. Vines shot out. It swung down from its tree and landed at the base of the commotion. Lilith had created quite the commotion. All of the Bellsprout ran around the orchard for a while. After a while they seemed to tire themselves out. After some time the Bellsprout were calmed down, Weepinbell climbed up the tree shortly afterward.

‘It went up a different tree, the odds of having one per tree is low.’ she thought.

Lilith didn’t even attempt to make her move until she was thouroughly bored, then she waited some more.


Lilith didn’t move for a long time. Nerves bit at her. Once she was satisfied, she enacted her plan

Sleeping Bellsprout littered the ground. Lilith approached the area with the fewest among them. This still left around 10 Bellsprout though.

‘Nice and quiet.’ she thought.

Lilith tiptoed left and right dodging the small plants. Soon enough, the large tree loomed over her. Quietly, she reached into her bag.

‘1,2,3.’ she chanted.

Lilith tossed the parachute cords towards the lowest branch. The carabiner attached to it cleared the branch. Lilith then lowered the carabiner down until she could clip it onto the front cord. All Lilith had left to do was pull.

Her rope fastened into place, and soon she was sitting on the first branch. Lilith balanced herself as a branch above her groaned.

Lilith's heartbeat quickened. She grabbed the trunk and looked around. It sounded like something else was up here with her. It was too dark, she looked around but saw nothing.

Just as Lilith lowered her guard, another cry resounded through the tree. Lilith snapped her head to the sound.

‘Is that a…’ words escaped her.

What she saw reminded her of Pansage. Its body was small and humanoid, that was where the two diverged. Its pink hands and feet were much thinner. It had large pointy ears on its head that looked like horns.

Impidimp stuck out his purple tongue at Lilith as her eyes widened. He Smirked at her and then stuffed a Leppa Berry in his mouth. The little imp motioned like it was falling before grabbing the branch it was standing on. He swung down, hanging there like a bat.

Impidimp made a funny face and laughed. He pulled another Leppa berry out and finished it off in one bite. The little imp let go and danced around the inside of the tree before it lunged at Lilith unexpectedly.

‘No!’ she thought

Lilith brought her jagged carabiner in front of her. Before they made contact, he disappeared.

Behind her, he giggled. Lilith turned around to see Impidimp putting his mouth around a carabiner. Her carabiner.

‘What?’ she thought.

Lilith opened her pack and confirmed she was down one carabiner.

The little Imp let out a cry as he decided he didn’t like the taste as he spit out Lilith’s carabiner. Right onto the ground below.

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