《Chasing Darkness》Chapter 27


The meeting was going well. The Champion and Professor definitely underestimated Lilith. Melinda was much harder to read however.

‘I guess looking like a child is good for some things…’ She thought.

Lilith was still wary of the people before her. Nothing stopped them from throwing her into a deep dark hole, so she decided to act like a child. No one wanted to bully a poor helpless child. The group never asked her outright if she had amnesia, so she rolled with it. They suspected many things, but Lilith would never volunteer the information. It made a good excuse for her to not understand some cultural references for the future, so she went along with it. There was no way she could understand the nuances of the new society she found herself in without sticking out like a sore thumb.

Yes, her name was Lilith, and yes she definitely wasn’t from Unova. Lilith even played into her real feelings as she said she was all alone, she was indeed terrified.. Some sympathy points were definitely won. She even lied about not knowing who Professor Juniper was. Lilith had definitely persuaded her by acting all pitifully.

The meeting was even going well up to the point she was asked how she got to the deserted town. That was easily deflected until Alder went into lecture mode.

All of a sudden, a lot of things made sense. Lilith was definitely this ‘Touched’ Alder described. It was the reason why Lilith had turned back into a little girl. Exposure to Dialga’s Energy had turned back her clock. It also meant that Palkia was the one to send her to the new world. She never had time to really think things over.

‘I wonder what Hoopa did…’ She thought.

Lilith played the child as she was asked to describe the Legendaries; it wasn’t going very well until a wave of energy washed over her. The same itchy feeling came over her as Alder asked her to stop, apparently they had a guest. She was wholly confused until the Pokemon appeared before her.

Virizion’s red eyes watched her intently. Lilith recognized the Legendary. They were known for holding the Pokemon world together while upholding justice.

Lilith knew she was safe so she stood to pay her respects, these strange feelings were becoming more frequent.

'What's happening to me?' She thought.

Someone like this couldn’t be ignored. She removed her hand from the Egg and approached it like she did with the aged Absol in the forest. No one spoke as she stood before Virizion. They were easily taller than she was, she only came up their chest. The beast looked down upon her, their eyes unfocused.

Lilith watched Virizion before extending her hand out. Alder’s jaw dropped as he watched the girl. She initiated contact without any fear. Virizion’s black hoof met her outstretched hand as the two connected.

The room warmed considerably. Their leaves opened up as flowers bloomed, sending a sweet smell throughout the room. A slow trickle of Energy left Virizion before finally entering Lilith’s body. The best way to understand her was to get to the root of the problem.


Virizion had felt the lingering presence within Lilith long before they had entered the compound. Alder had tried approaching the Swords about something that had bothered him deeply. The Balance was nowhere near tipping, so they almost decided to not take the meeting. The Swords knew Alder’s reputation so they ultimately decided to accept it after long deliberation. They knew it was the right decision to meet. Once they had felt the Energy coming off the girl, warning signals swam through Virizions head. The energy gave off an extraordinary, otherworldly feeling.

Virizon’s energy barely entered her body before a violent reaction occurred. The two energies mixed together as swirling black miasma seeped out of Lilith’s hand. Black met green as the two clashed violently. Her reaction was entirely involuntary, only looking to defend herself from the intruder.

Cold sweat broke out among all the participants in the room. Everyone but Lilith could feel the eerie presence that haunted the room. She did not notice because she was the cause, the reason for the reaction. Virizion jumped back in freight as the energy eroded their skin. They removed their hoof from Lilith's hand as a stomp to the floor shook the entire building. Alder stepped back and put his hands up.

“We mean no harm!” He shouted.

Despite their original reaction, Virizion calmed down almost instantly. The backlash had caught them off guard. They then turned toward Melinda, their eyes boring into her. An unspoken command was understood as she took out her Styler. It would have been useless to defend herself with if Virizion decided to destroy it, instead it was accepted.

The connection happened in an instant as Melinda turned pale.

With the message delivered, Virizion turned to leave before stopping short. They eyed Lilith before giving her a small bow. Alder and Aurea couldn't believe their eyes. Legendary Pokemon rarely showed such deference to people, let alone such a weak one. Melinda still tried to process everything Virizion had shown her while Alder sat back down. Lilith followed after, returning to the comfortable feeling the Egg gave her.

Melinda leaned back in her chair, slack jawed. She didn’t even notice as Virizion left. Silence filled the room as everyone composed themselves.

“Hemm Hemm.” Alder cleared his throat.

He then watched and waited for Melinda to speak.

A moment went by as Melinda pulled herself together.

“Ah… yes…” words escaped her.

“You were right Alder, she was Touched by a Legendary. From what I gathered, Virizion read through the energy in Lilith’s body. Something about the connection between all Legends, apparently Hoopa has broken out of its prison. The Unbound was unleashed, and two of all Creation appeared to stop it.” She stopped, reaching for a glass of water.

“Dialga and Palkia battled the Unbound until it took the girl hostage. It unleashed an attack upon her, only to be shielded partially by Dialga while Palkia sent her away to safety. It seems the energy ravaged her body, but something unexpected happened. Instead of death, a mutation occurred. The Darkness became one with her, losing the Unbound’s signature. It seems she has no control over it.” She then turned towards Lilith.


“Absol was right, she truly is a friend of all Dark types. She is one of them.”

Lilith shuddered. Most of the story she had already gone through, it wasn’t really a surprise. The final bit was new, shocking even.

“What does that all mean?” Lilith asked, she stared at the three adults.

Alder Sighed.

“It explains a lot actually. The reason why Psychic Types have been acting so strange around you is because you have a unique quality of Dark energy inside you. The closest person to come even close is Grimsley, a Dark Type specialist in the Elite 4.” He paused.

“It's probably also the cause of your amnesia. That much energy would make the brain go haywire. It's a miracle you're still alive.” he said.

Lilith paled.

“Well, I think you will only ever be able to connect with Dark Type Pokemon. The energy inside you will attract Dark Types but repel all others. Don’t worry though, Type specialists are common among trainers, but one of the five are rare.” He said.

People started saying things like Lilith was supposed to understand what they were saying. Her face scrunched up in confusion. It made sense why Impidimp had been so drawn to her. He felt the energy and came to investigate.

‘Five of what?’ Lilith thought.

Aurea turned back to Melinda, “So what do we do with her? What else did Virizion say?” She asked.

“Nothing else, how about we give her to Grimsley.” Melinda offered.

“Cough Cough.” Alder interrupted.

Virizion had assuaged all his fears away. He was worried about another N in the making, but from Melinda’s story that seemed untrue. Lilith was simply caught in the wrong place at the wrong time as something bad happened. Virizion would not have left her alive if she was a threat to the Balance. Instead she showed promise, someone worth nurturing even.

“She is sitting right there you know. Why don’t you ask her?” He said.

“Bahh! What does a 12 year old know about their future?” Melida scoffed.

Aurea scrutinized Lilith and her heart dropped.

“I think we should take a break and let her get cleaned up. Just look at her, we haven't treated her as a child. The first thing we should have done was reassure her, not bombard her with questions!” Aurea exclaimed.

‘Finally!’ Lilith thought. She wondered how long it would take them to realize she wasn’t a threat. A great deal of weight lifted from her shoulders.

Alder and Melinda shared a glance. One looked ashamed while the other was apologetic. The three leaders of the Unova League had let their fears get the best of them.

Alder truly looked at her. The girl before them was covered in dirt and grime. Her clothes were baggy and thoroughly worn out, they even looked two sizes too big. They treated her like a criminal when she had done no apparent wrong.

“I apologize, it seems my nerves have gotten the best of me.” Alder said.

Alder thought of a plan for her immediate future.

“I agree, Get someone to clean up the brat as we discuss our next move.” Melinda said.

She then turned to the one person who hadn’t spoken since entering the room, Skyla. She sat back in her chair unmoving. Her arms crossed against her chest, and her flying goggles were still stuck to her head. They covered her eyes to block wind from blowing in her face. In this case her closed eyes

Melinda glared at her.

A soft wheezing could be heard throughout the room. With nothing else to mask the sound, it came to the forefront. Someone was snoring.

Melinda, upon her discovery, looked at Alder. He, instead, was occupied with his hands covering his face in shame. Never had he seen someone so strong, yet so careless. One of the many reasons why she had been turned over as the newest member of the Elite 4. Skyla was asleep.

Lilith followed their eyes and watched as a small drop of drool condensed at the corner of her open mouth. Lilith decided to play along. With her being the closestto the offender, she took it upon herself to punish Skyla. Lilith’s thumb and pointer finger met Skyla’s cheek. She pressed together, slowly increasing the pressure.

“Yelp!” Skyla jumped in her seat.

“Hehh Hehh.” Lilith covered her mouth as she let out a giggle from Skyla’s reaction.

“I’m awake!” Skyla shouted. Lilith wasn’t even sure why she was at the meeting.

Once Skyla had been unceremoniously awakened, she took Lilith to her quarters. The room was one floor down, leading into the basement. It wasn’t a spooky basement, but had the same bright boring lights and color scheme as the floor above.

That led to her room. It was much bigger than she was expecting. The door opened to reveal a dorm about ten meters wide. Dressers, wardrobes, and a vanity cabinet lined the back wall. The left side contained a large ready-made bed along with an empty bookshelf. The right side housed a desk and door in the far corner.

Lilith spun in a circle admiring everything in the room. It still felt unreal, but this was exactly what she had been hoping for. Lilith’s curiosity overwhelmed her as she knocked on the door. When no one answered, she peeked behind it.

To Lilith’s embarrassment, it opened up into a bathroom. A toilet and sink flanked the right while the entire left wall housed a large shower.

Lilith smacked her forehead. She had been told to clean herself and become more presentable. Obviously there was a bathroom.

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