In Serial

Becoming The Wolfman

8 128 22
Author: Type:Male

Hello everyone. I’m an avid reader but I’ve never tried writing my own novel to be published. So I’m going for it on Royal Road and let's see what happens.


My story begins while working as a Security Officer. I’m Bill501 aka the Wolfman as I have about 15 different Wolf tattoos. Not that you would know it since I have to cover them all for work. I’m sitting at my desk waiting for lunchtime and greeting all the employees in the building as they walk by. All the sudden I have a splitting headache and I’m trying not to show it because I don’t have sick time and I don’t want to go home sick and lose money.

Suddenly a screen comes up but it just looks like floating text. It says Welcome to the System. Hell I read at least 5 novels a week that start that way so I’m like hell yeah so worth the headache. I’m over here saying status and character screen and anything else I can think of to bring up my stats and it doesn’t do shit….

15 minutes later I get a message that says loading…..

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