《Becoming The Wolfman》TWO



About an hour later the mailroom guy comes and relieves me for lunch and when I stand up I realize my clothes really don’t fit at all. I head to the restroom and make a new hole in my belt by sheer force as I’m very strong now. That will at least keep my pants up even though they look like i’m wearing a balloon. I’m also starving since healing uses your body's nutrients as fuel to heal you. I head to the cafeteria and eat my lunch and then buy another lunch from them. I’m trying to be very careful touching anything and I already crushed the door handle to the bathroom stall.

I make it through the last 2 hours of my shift after lunch and decide instead of heading home right away I’m going to go run through the woods to the empty warehouse across the street that was just built. I go over there and have a bunch of fun picking up heavy construction materials I should NOT be able to lift. I go in the empty lot behind it and try out a basic fireball and wind blade. They work amazingly well! I even refill my water bottle just by willing it to condense water out of the air. I’m doing all kinds of flips and running and just acting a fool because well there is no way in hell i could do this stuff without the system.

After setting the trees behind the building on fire and then putting it out with water or earth magic several times I level up my Elementalist ability up to journeyman and I notice the stuff I’m doing is about 10% cheaper in mana.

About then my cell phone goes off and my Fiancee asks me where the hell I am because we were supposed to go to the gym! SHIT!! I apologize and rush home on the way I notice my car smells like crap on the inside. The new stronger senses are really messing with me so I roll all the windows down. I’m going to have to clean the hell out of my car to ride in it.

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