《Becoming The Wolfman》NINE



I get pulled into a gas station and my bike locked up just in time. I immediately notice it’s white everywhere and freezing. I equip my Mage robe over my clothes and it helps deal with the temperature but the wind is still freezing so I bring up a mana shield and circulate fire/wind inside at mild amounts just to keep the cold off me. I start looking around and realize I can’t see anything in any direction. Sam what’s going on? I thought I was supposed to go to a dungeon. Sam says you are in a dungeon this whole area is a dungeon. Damn this looks like it’s going to take forever. Sam do I have a map feature of some sort? She says sure and brings it up on the right of my vision but not blocking anything. It has blinking red dots which I assume are enemies. I’m very close to one but I don’t see anything at all. Then BAM something lunges out of the snow and hits my Mana shield HARD. It starts to crack and I see a monster that looks like the thing that tried to eat Luke in a Star Wars movie! I use an air blade and quickly dispatch it. Since I’m by myself I get a screen that asks if I want to loot the creature. I ask Sam if she can handle looting? Her eyes get real big and she says really? I’m like sure please just put stuff inventory. Then I see her all excitedly going through my inventory and arranging it nicely. I guess I should have asked that earlier. While I’m thinking of things I should have done. I ask Sam about an experience bar and she puts one right under my HP/Stamina/Mana bars and I can see I’m almost level 8.


Anyway let's see if we can kill some of these yeti’s without getting ambushed. I see the next set is about 20 yards away to the left. So I throw a new blue fireball at them that explodes on contact. Body parts fly everywhere and I can see this should be an easy dungeon for my skill set. Sam is happily humming and looting and I’m throwing fire like some crazed god of fire. We do this for hours and hours. It’s getting to be time to sleep and eat and I don’t have any supplies for that. So I guess I’ll give building a temporary shelter with earth magic. I have to eat up the area first to even find the ground under all the snow. Then pull the earth up into a simple shack. I put in a working bathroom/kitchen and use the melted snow for water. Sam starts cooking the yeti meat right away. I’m not enthused to try eating yeti but as we have no other supplies. I guess we will have too. I decide to look over my stats while she is cooking. I see that I’m level 12 so I have 5 stat points to distribute. I add 3 to vitality to keep Lisa happy and I add the last 2 to wisdom since it’s my lowest stat.

I start to look through notifications that I missed while on a killing spree and I discover I can choose a class if I wish at level 10. I get a choice between Elementalist Mage, Battle Mage and Blade Mage. They all give me double my current mana. However the Blade Mage is almost powerless without a weapon in his hands. The Battle Mage seems to most versatile to me but specializes in hurting things. I like Elementalist since that’s primarily what I’ve been using up to this point. I ask Sam what she thinks while she is cooking and she says duh take all 3. I’m shocked and I haven’t heard of any games where I can be all classes before. She says well this isn’t a game and you can just level them up as you use things related to them. However you won’t double your Mana 3 times by taking them all because you can have one Primary equipped and one Secondary class at once. So it’s double double my mana! I now have 2640 Mana I could probably build a proper house pretty easily. The best part of the Battle Mage is I can wear medium armor with a Mage Robe on top and get the benefits of both.


Sam can you pull up a Leather Armor set of Vitality? She shows me several sets from plus 1 each piece with a bonus of 1 with all of it equipped to a set that’s plus 10 each with a bonus of 100. I can’t afford the big one at all since it’s 2000 gold per piece. I sell off our loot and collect our money from the auction and discover I have just enough gold to buy the plus 5 to all vitality per piece and a bonus 25 if I equip the set.

It looks like this: Boots of Vit +5 Pants of Vit +5 Chest Protector of Vit +5 Bracers of Vit +5 and Helmet of Vit +5 plus the 25 Vit Bonus. It’s a total of 50 bonus Vitality! I’m really feeling tough now!

We set down to eat and although I’m hesitant to eat the yeti, it turns out to be the BEST steak I’ve ever had in my life! We finish up with that and cleaning up. I go ahead and cultivate a bit and then go to sleep. Here are my updated stats with all the new bling!



Hit Points: 890 Mana: 2640 Stamina: 890 Regen rate: 17.8 per minute outside of combat

Strength: 33

Dexterity: 28

Intelligence: 22

Wisdom: 22

Luck: 8

Vitality: 89

Willpower: 5

Level: 7

Class: Primary: Elementalist Mage Secondary: Battle Mage


Magical Healing: 250hp (Base 50 + Wisdom x 10)

Sleep Learning: Learn anything you wish without Mana or Stamina costs

General Elementalist: Can use any and all elements as spells only limited by mana and imagination.

Rage of the Alpha: protect what is yours, able to ignore pain and it doubles your strength temporarily

Mana Cultivator: move mana through your body to increase strength and increase mana by 100%


Necklace of Regen - Doubles regen rate

Mage Robe - Perfect temp 72 and 5% ease of using the elements

Boots of Vit +5

Pants of Vit +5

Chest Protector of Vit +5

Bracers of Vit +5

Helmet of Vit +5

(Vit Set Bonus +25)

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