《Becoming The Wolfman》FIVE



I tell them I’ll explain later can we head left. I ask Frank how much further ahead are the mobs. He says about 25 meters. I ask Cat if she can hit one from here. She scoffs at me. I tell Cleik to get ready with his shield and have her shoot at one. He comes by himself and we kill him very easily and the loot just splits evenly between everyone. Of course if he drops gear that can’t happen but it just goes top to bottom and auto drops. Pretty good system so I don’t have to worry about the leader taking all the loot. I ask cat to shoot the next one and we go through all 3 like butter. Before we go to the right tunnel Cleik asks me what the hell is up with the wall I built. I am honest and tell him I have the Elementalist skill and can do things with any element and I make him light up like a light bulb just cause it’s fun. I turn him off after making him blink which makes everyone laugh. Then we go to the right. We use the same tactics and Cat shoots one but 3 come at once. Bloodz doesn’t stay in formation and tries to rush the 3. I yell stay in formation to the rest of the party and we let Bloodz hang alone and I don’t heal him until he is about dead. Then I use wind and pull him back in place and we keep killing the mobs. We take out the rest of the 5 like clockwork and Bloodz stays in formation.

When we get done with the entire group he turns to me with his swords drawn and tries to intimidate me. I simply lock his body in the earth up to his nose and solidify the ground. I explain to him very calmly that if he doesn’t wish to follow the strategy we are employing he is welcome to go without me. He keeps screaming about how he is going to kill me until Cleik kicks him in the face. Cleik goes off on him for him doing stupid shit that almost got them killed over and over that day. I decide I better figure out how to do a Mana barrier before I let him out and that takes me about 5 minutes of concentrating before I get it. So I let him out and ask Frank if he can scout and Immediately Bloodz tries to stab me and his sword bounces off my shield. I use an Air Blade and decapitate him immediately. The entire party is shocked but someone that will stab you while you aren’t looking isn’t someone I want on my team. I ask them if he will respawn and they all look at me like him stupid. So I guess he doesn’t get another chance to learn but I don’t feel guilty for defending myself. Anyone who has ever worked Armed Security has already had to come to terms with the idea they may have to kill in the line of duty to protect themselves or others. Or they have no business picking up the badge and gun.


I explain to the party that I don’t believe in waiting to deal with an enemy until they are stronger than me. Oh and I leveled to 5 because Bloodz was much higher leveled than me. I gave most of his fancy armor to Cleik because he needed the defense. I did keep a necklace that double regen rates. I get 5 stat points to assign anyway I want. So I put 2 in Vitality and 3 more in wisdom. Which would make my stat screen look like this.



Hit Points: 340 Mana: 310 Stamina: 340 Regen rate: 7.6 per minute outside of combat

Strength: 28

Dexterity: 25

Intelligence: 22

Wisdom: 20

Luck: 8

Vitality: 34


Magical Healing: 250hp

Sleep Learning: Learn anything you wish without Mana or Stamina costs

General Elementalist: Can use any and all elements as spells only limited by mana and imagination.

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