《Becoming The Wolfman》FOUR



After we get home I’m running all around the house putting all my things in inventory and playing with equipping them. I have a couple katana’s and a Knights of Columbus sword and nunchucks.

I had so much more energy than normal I washed and waxed the Harley then Lisa’s V-Star.

I was about to do the cars when the system told me to prepare to be teleported to a beginner dungeon. I yelled out to Lisa to let her know it was taking me somewhere. Then I saw a bright flash of light and I’m standing outside of a cave with lots of people yelling and I can’t understand any of them. I ask the system what they are saying and it says. Processing….. Then I got a skill called universal translator and I can understand them. It’s just like any RPG where everyone is standing around calling out what classes they need for their party. I decide since I’ve played just about every class I will join one of the ragtag ones as a healer. I need to relax and let my mana regen anyway so I just keep staring at people and checking out their gears and what not. I get a skill a couple minutes later called inspect and it just has a Name and Class above their heads with a HP and Mana/Stamina bars.

I see an entire party that just looks beat. The worst one a little catkin girl has maybe 20% of her health left. However they are all in rough shape. So I approach them and just shoot a heal at the catkin right off the bat. I then ask if I can join their party? They seem really excited and the party leader introduces himself as Cleik and he’s got a huge shield and mace. Then there is the catkin who’s a archer and her name is wait for it...Cat. They have a halfling looking guy named Frank who’s a rogue class. Then there is a fighter named BloodzFighter who is dual wielding and looks very fancy with all the armor. He strikes me as a noob in fancy clothes. However I heal everyone up and we get ready to head into the dungeon after I ask what’s inside. It seems like it’s a simple goblin cave and they usually attack 5 at a time but up to 8 at a time. They never made it to the boss before having to retreat. I get invited to the party and I can see everyone’s names and HP bars on the left of my vision without getting in the way.


We head inside and I can immediately see why they had so much trouble. They aren’t going in any kind of formation or doing anything together. They all went separate directions and everything. Now I haven’t done any dungeon diving in real life but I’ve played plenty of these games and I can tell you the basic tactics that have worked regardless of the game. So I tell everyone to come here. Then I ask the Leader Cleik to lead the formation with Bloodz behind him on the left. Cat I ask to stay on the right and shoot targets as she can. Then I ask Frank to scout ahead and find us some enemies. He salutes sarcastically but does what I ask and vanishes from sight. He comes back 2 minutes later and says there are 5 up ahead and to the right. However there are also 3 up ahead and 2 the left so he says we would probably get jumped by all 8 and that’s what got them in trouble last time. I say that’s ok lets block off the right tunnel and deal with the left and we will see from there. I walk up and use earth manipulation from my Elementalist abilities and build up a wall to block the right tunnel. Everyone is just staring at me. I may have forgotten to mention I can do more than just heal.

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