《Becoming The Wolfman》TWELVE



The next morning while eating breakfast my Dad surprised me and said he wants to go with me. He tells me he’s always been a better fighter than me and since he’s not hurt anymore he wants to come. I tell him I’m worried about what will happen when I’m automatically teleported to the next dungeon and Sam says you could always go there voluntarily daily and you won’t be forced to do dungeons. I am shocked beyond belief that it’s that easy. I ask her if I could take others with me and she’s like of course. Will we still return 5 minutes after we leave? Yep you sure will and if you make them companions you can add them to the system so they can level with you and get loot too! Holy SHIT Sam that changes everything. I immediately choose to make Lisa and Dad my companions. I ask my Mom and she says no. Someone has to pay the bills and hang out at home. Sam is there a limit to how many companions I can have. She says of course but it’s based on your willpower and currently you can have 5. Sam do you count in that total? She said nope I am a Spirit companion and you bought me so no. Does everyone on earth have to be in the same spot to go with me? Maybe we could all teleport from where we are and end up in the same place in that world? Sam says I don’t know but it’s worth a shot. Can I drop a companion later if necessary? She says sure you can change them out as needed. So I add Mom anyway since it gives her an inventory and access to skills.

Dad and I get ready and take off with Lisa to go visit Bethany in Ohio. Bethany is my 19 year old daughter from my first marriage. She is gorgeous with long blonde hair and a hourglass figure. She has fibromyalgia and deals with pain daily too. I have another daughter Shawna who is equally pretty but doesn’t really interact with me much. We will make the effort to see her but I’m unsure if she will be receptive.

Sam says why not visit the Otherworld now? Before we head to Ohio to stop you from being sent to a dungeon tomorrow? I think that’s a good idea so I equip my armor and weapons. I have extra sets of basic gear I give to my Dad, Mom and Lisa and we head to Otherworld in a town Sam suggests. Dad wanted to visit some trainers for swords and Mom wanted to shop for some clothes and Lisa wanted to see everything! So we leave Dad at the warrior trainers school and head to the General store and pick up some basic supplies. Like a map of all the local dungeons and basic strategy guides from other explores. I’m thinking I should build a full party with my family since they want to come. I ask Mom to learn how to make potions with me, Lisa wants to stay and help too. We all learn basic health and mana and stamina potions. Then Mom wants to stay and keep learning and Lisa I take to the temple and we watch the girls there heal and cure people of all kinds of things. We pick up the skills cure and heal all. Plus mend bone and we also learn some basic beautification spells. You can change the way you look as long as you keep the overall mass the same. So like Lisa is able to get the flat tummy she works her ass off for and move some of the mass to her butt and boobs! (Not that she needs to change at all <3


Everyone picks up skills and armor and weapons for their classes. So we head back to see Dad at the Warrior school to find him beating the crap out of the instructor. I just chuckle, Dad never could avoid a good fight! I ask him if he learned to fight with swords and she says yep. I give the trainer a bit of extra gold and heal him up again to compensate for Dad being Dad! I show everyone how to equip outfits from their inventory and how they automatically adjust to size. Mom and Dad love it! They can’t wait to go home and put all their clothes in it. Mom and Lisa are damn near in tears thinking about never doing laundry again!

We decide to head to the Tavern and pick up some food before we head back to ride to Ohio and we see my friends! Cleik the Warrior and Cat the archer and Frank the rogue are all there! I introduce everyone and they are excited to meet my family. I explain to them I didn’t know I could come here voluntarily and do what I want instead of being forced to do dungeons. Since we don’t really have a tank in our team. I have everyone friend everyone and we plan to do the same dungeon again tomorrow morning together. The food is amazing since it’s all made without preservatives or chemicals. I pay for Cleik’s teams meals too and we head back to Earth.

Once their Mom changes her mind once I offer to pay off the house and cars and stuff. The exchange rate is amazing! So with 2 Harleys we set off towards Ohio and we all wear our Leather Armor sets because we like the stat boots. So we ride to Ohio which is about 5 hours from Indiana but with stops for fuel it’s about 6 hours. We all head to Bob Evans since that’s where Bethany works and surprise her! We sit in her section and tip her a huge amount and then just hang out until her shift is over. We head over to a local park so we can chat with Bethany and bring her up to date on the things happening and show her some magic! She of course wants to be a DPS like in Diablo and is super excited. So we add her too, and give her an outfit Mom/Lisa picked out for her and a bow. We stop off at the Harley Dealer since Bethany wants to ride with me and Lisa is capable of riding herself. We pick her up a Heritage Softail just like me and my Dad have. However hers is new since money isn’t really an issue.


We head over to my Ex’s house on 3 loud ass Harley’s which has got to be one of her nightmares! I love it and we pick up Shawna too and go for a ride around town and show Lisa the stuff my Dad loved when he lived in Ohio with us. I explain the companion system to Shawna and she’s not too interested but wants the inventory system so I add both of my daughters. We are planning on doing a dungeon run tomorrow morning and I explain to Shawna no matter how long we leave for we would be back in 5 minutes. Shawna is an accomplished singer so she chooses to be a bard.

The next morning we head to Otherworld together. We discover we can teleport in from different places. Bethany lives with her Grandparents and Shawna with her Mom and Lisa and my parents and I all stay in a hotel. We all arrive together in the outskirts of the town we were at yesterday. Mom doesn’t want to do dungeon runs and neither does Shawna so Mom heads to the apothecary to practice potions and level that way. Shawna heads to the Tavern with us and is planning on singing and hanging out there. I ask the Tavern owner to take care of her. Then we form a perfect party. Which is 7 members and it looks like this:

Cleik - Tank

Dad - Warrior

Cat - Archer

Bethany - Archer

Frank - Rogue

Lisa - Healer

Wolfman - Mage (mostly)

We do the same goblin dungeon I did my first time in this world and we take it slowly. I don’t gain any levels but we pick up a few nice things to sell. I have everyone of my family add some vitality since we can easily train strength and dexterity by doing stuff. However I don’t want anyone to die. Sam tells me I’m being too paranoid since we can respawn at the temple however I don’t trust that and am in no hurry to test it out! We do the entire dungeon about 3 times. Mostly I’m doing buffs and defensive shields to mitigate damage. Everyone else is training their abilities and my Dad keeps killing shit in the most horrific ways possible and it’s kinda creepy!

After finishing the dungeon we head back to town and Mom and Shawna meet us at the Tavern. Shawna had a great time singing and doing different types of music they hadn’t seen before. The Tavern owner begged to hire her full time and Shawna gained a level just by singing and even got a few buff spells! Mom learned how to make an invisibility spell and got to the next level of potions so she can heal for a lot with a simple potion. She’s going to go around back on earth and give them to her huge family from Alabama!

After we head back to earth Lisa and I have just enough time to head back to Missouri so we can be there when the kids get back from their Dad’s. So everyone goes their separate ways. We will meet up frequently in Otherworld and do dungeon runs or just hang out and listen to Shawna sing! I’m really looking forward to a future where I can be physically with my family daily in Otherworld and we can grow stronger than humanly possible!

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