《Becoming The Wolfman》THIRTEEN



I talk to Sam about the point of the System and she explains it will eventually come to everyone on earth and dungeons and things will show up. Ordinarily there are a lot of deaths when worlds are assimilated. I ask her if there is a way to prevent that. She says well that’s why 10 people are given access 2 years early so they can prepare the way. Sam has a power to mark people so they will all be teleported to wherever she is. So based on that and the world changing I guess I better start building a safe zone somewhere. Now where in the world is a nice place to farm that I could put a very defensible castle and town? Lisa and I had recently went to the Ozarks on a mini vacation on the Motorcycle so we decide to check out that area more thoroughly for a good spot we can buy. In Arkansas the areas we visited were rather poor so I don’t think property will be all that expensive. We buy a area with a couple 1000 acres and start trying to build a place up. I research castles online since I’m not an architect to find designs I think will work well.

I’m thinking something like this would work but on a much larger scale. I want the farmland to be protected by the wall. I of course add another wall all the way around the property line. Lisa and I travel all over the country tagging people with Sam’s skill so we can teleport people to this location when the system goes live. I buy a ton of equipment for reloading rounds for guns. I stick primarily to a 9mm round. I buy everything from handguns to carbines I know a 9mm doesn’t have a ton of stopping potential to bigger threats but with magic and what not once a person or monster passes level 5 bullets won’t work anyway. My family and I have worked up to be level 25 for each of us so we are so far beyond what a normal human can do just trying to not move too fast to be possible in public is a real struggle! I use magic on every bit of the construction so the lights and bathrooms and everything are operated by magic. That way if regular services vanish with the intro of the system we will still be good. I plan to go ahead and hire some people to start farming and raising livestock. I don’t know how so I figure we may as well get a head start on it. After we get the place built I get a new screen called Land Management. The system assists me with basics like in a war game. Also by claiming a home domain we can keep monsters from spawning in our area! I notice I bought enough area to be called a Viscount and it says if I buy or claim more we can increase my rank. I’m not really interested in being a King but I also don’t want anyone else to be my King. So I start buying up enough land around it through the system. The odd thing is the system doesn’t recognize others as owning anything. So theoretically I could just claim the entire US plus Canada and Mexico. However I have no illusions I could hold it.


The next day when we are in Otherworld doing our dungeon runs I ask the team if they want to come back with me and see the Castle I’ve been working on for months. They all agree and come with me to see it. Cleik and Frank had lots of ideas on how to incorporate defenses with mana barriers to increase the walls effectiveness. I guess that’s how the big cities do it in Otherworld but as we had never gone there we didn’t know. I start the “farmville” program inside the system and it produces food/wood/metal/stone much faster than doing it myself or even hiring a group of people to do it. People I don’t know started appearing when I turned it on and just went to work. I asked where they came from and they are from another planet and asked to be transferred through the system. They all come with families. So I quickly set up housing and businesses for them to run. I set the tax rate at 10% for the Kingdom and then plan to set 10% for the towns. That way no one can be taxed more than 20% and it’s a flat sales tax. I go ahead and purchase another couple towns inside the outer wall. Other people start building it! I’m super impressed I don’t have to do all the construction!

I do hire some locals anyway because why not? I also want the system users to get used to people from Earth. I also have 2 different monetary things to take care of personal and Kingdom now. I have Sam taking care of the treasury position for both but I really need to hire or find a right hand man to handle most of the day to day stuff. Looking through the interface I see we can spawn our own dungeons early to help people build up their strength. I spawn a 1-10 in one town and a 11-20 in the other. Then in the Main Kingdom I spawn 2 one is 21-30 and the other is 31+. I set up all my family and friends with the teleportation runes. That way we can meet in my city. The problem with that is all the time we spend in Otherworld doesn’t really count. Since we are gone 5 minutes no matter how long we visit. So we decide to keep going there daily and some of us do the dungeons at home also.


I also set up an outpost of the Adventurer's guild in my Kingdom and towns. That allows me to bring people into the system early by registering them as an adventurer. I go ahead and do that with the family. Then I go visiting friends and family and Invite them to see my new place. We have a huge party as an excuse to get them all there. Who doesn’t like a good old fashioned pig roast? I bring my friends from my old Security Manager job over. Tye is a 5th don in Kung Fu and was my right hand man in Security. I bring him and his entire family over. I also bring Herman (Maurice) Hill and his family over he was another one of my “A” team. I bring them into the system and then after explaining it for hours and hours. I take them on a dungeon run for level 1’s they are both very powerful as humans but love the idea of going beyond that!

Surprisingly most of my friends/family turn me down right now because they have their own things going on and don’t believe they will need to do anything drastic like moving across the country to stay safe. So I tag them all so I can teleport them once the system goes live.

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