《Becoming The Wolfman》SEVEN



Loot! I started going through the stuff I got in the dungeon. I also found a link in inventory directly to the auction so I can look if I get more $ by selling there than just giving it to the system. I found some little items that added plus 1’s or 2’s to stats but nothing great and nothing that really looks worthwhile to me. So I looked up what it goes for in the Auction and it seems like I can sell it for significantly more than to the system. So I listed a bow of accuracy that adds +1 to accuracy. I sold Bloodz swords because they are a matched pair and I don’t intend to dual wield and they are decent at plus 3 to strength and dexterity. We will have to see what those go for but in the meantime I sold all my old T-Shirts and jeans and things I don’t like and got a whopping 20 gold. So I went and tried to buy a Mage Robe and I found one for the Elementalist that makes it 5% easier to use the elements. It seems there are not many that do all elements because it’s only 15 gold. It also has a minor enchantment of perfect temp. It’s always 72 degrees when I wear it. Lisa is now making fun of my bathrobe (her words) and I found another area where I can buy skills for skill points. I got one at level 5 so I think I’m going to take a NPC companion to help me navigate the system. I found this badass little fair chick in a totally goth slutty outfit that I am going to choose. The system asks me if I would like to name her. Lisa is instantly pissed because of how slutty this 4 inch tall fairy looks. So I name her Samantha the Ho. Sam tells me my stats are all messed up and I shouldn’t have that high of stats until I’m level 50 not level 7. I’m like whoot I’m OP! Lisa who once again doesn’t know the RPG lingo is rolling her eyes at me!


As we are settling down and eating dinner finally the kids come home from their Dad’s house. Once again her Ex wants to talk to her at the door over something the kids said or did. I always stalk the top of the stairs and stare him down. This time however he seems really pissed off and grabs Lisa’s arm. So fast I’m not sure how I got outside I have him by the throat pushed up against the tree in the front yard. My eyes turn red and glow and my teeth start to elongate. I’m so fucking pissed I’m considering eating him for touching my mate! Lisa touches me and asks me to let him go and somehow I calm down instantly. I let him go and make sure to tell him that Lisa is MINE you will never touch her again. Or you will lose the offending appendage. He gets in the vehicle like his ass is on fire and drives away!

After calming down I see a notification from the system. I ask Sam what it’s about and she says you just unlocked your racial ability Rage of the Alpha. You will always protect what you see as yours to the utmost of your ability. Honestly I’m surprised he isn’t a puddle of blood I’ve never seen anyone control it that well before. Oh you unlocked a new stat Willpower +5

On that note Lisa and I go back into the house and wait for the Police to show up. Somehow they never do so we catch up on Ink Masters and get ready for bed. Before I fall asleep these are my updated stats.



Hit Points: 360 Mana: 310 Stamina: 360 Regen rate: 7.2 per minute outside of combat

Strength: 28

Dexterity: 25

Intelligence: 22

Wisdom: 20

Luck: 8

Vitality: 36

Willpower: 5


Magical Healing: 250hp (Base 50 + Wisdom x 10)

Sleep Learning: Learn anything you wish without Mana or Stamina costs

General Elementalist: Can use any and all elements as spells only limited by mana and imagination.

Rage of the Alpha: protect what is yours, able to ignore pain and it doubles your strength temporarily


Necklace of Regen - Doubles regen rate

Mage Robe - Perfect temp 72 and 5% ease of using the elements

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