In Serial

ELECTUS - A tale of Peaceful Demons.

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Author: Type:Male

Eric's hands dug in a Black Wolf's chest for the sake of self defense, a Fireball howled from his palms after out of pure fear, splitting the Wolf in half! That's where his Destiny began!

Fire? Ice? What's one magic when Eric as the Electus can use all 8? At the end of the day, what is magic? Is it really magic? Do Demons have anything to do with this?

Continent of Ignis! Going through racial cleansing, land wars, an economical collapse too! But it's still nothing compared to the "Peaceful" Demons who want Ignis and the rest of the 13 Continents gone, tearing their way through everything to achieve their goal!

Eric, is the only being powerful enough to put an end to this madness!


What you're reading here on RoyalRoad are just samples of the series, specifically 2 books.

Everything else is available on just search the title there and enjoy the rest of the series.

I'm currently at book 9 and plan to write 100 so if you are pleased with the samples, go give it a view there.

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