《ELECTUS - A tale of Peaceful Demons.》The Invisibility spell


Mogranius positions his legs wide apart from each other, to the point where he almost looks like he is squatting. Rather interesting to see if you are up for a laugh!

He straightens his right arm forward and his left arm down towards the ground. On both of his hands he posed his fingers much like the peace sign but the two fingers were connected to each other.

The light smoke that was just randomly spreading above the fire, suddenly started maneuvering towards the old man.

Thin grey smoke started twirling around Mogranius' feet at first but turned thick black in colour once it elevated above his knees.

After a few moments, it looked like an upside down Tornado of Smoke appeared and Mogranius was in the middle of it.

But how dangerous could a Smoke Tornado be? Eric could not predict so he indeed felt uncomfortable about it just a little bit and took three steps back.

The Tornado like smoke of course did cause light effects that a normal Tornado would do. Such as dragging Eric towards it just a little, caused the dirt in the cave to cause a small fog and of course it shut down the Campfire.

Right before the Smoke Tornado became too much to handle, it's effect started lightening.

Deforming, spreading unpredictably in all directions but of course being harmless at the same time and eventually disappearing.

Along with the Tornado, Mogranius disappeared as well!

The most interesting fact about this, is that Eric can't even see smoke anymore. The slight disruption the Tornado caused in the cave almost disappeared as well.

Across mid air, Mogranius' tone spread. "You see Eric, smoke has different forms. From large impossible to miss forms to smoke so light to the point where it's impossible to see."

Mogranius described this spell by using a lot of hand and even foot gestures to portray the best demonstration possible. Odd considering that Eric can't see him at all!

Putting all this knowledge aside, seeking what's more appealing to his young little eyes, Eric dared to ask. "So you can actually make a big spooky smoke cloud too?"

Letting out a big 15 second sigh and palming his forehead, Mogranius barely found the energy to answer to such a question. So he didn't say anything, and put out a good show instead.

In a break of a second the crystal clear air in the cave turned so foggy that you would think a village is set on fire inside the cave.

It became impossible for the young Eric to even see his fingers even though he placed them an inch in front of his eyes.

Of course his eyes are burning, in tears because of all this thick black smoke, however a point can be proven. Everything turned black for everyone except the caster.

"I wonder how much Stamina this would consume." The young Eric thought to himself for a split second before he started coughing from the bottom of his lungs with such a force that you would think he could close a door with it.


Normally, thick black smoke would push a person sound asleep. But was that the case today? No, hell no!

They saw Stefan running out of the cave, shouting under his breath with his arm covering his eyes. "Fire Fire! This cave is on Fire!"

Obvious that the situation has gone a bit out of control, without taking much time Mogranius made the smoke completely disappear in order to stop this nonsense.

Seeing the smoke completely disappear in front of him right before he was about to leave the cave, Stefan stopped on his spot and swiftly turned around in shock, absorbing this unique situation.

Turning around he only saw Eric Giggling, Woldemir sleeping stiff as a rock and eventually Mogranius who caused a bit of smoke before reappearing.

The smoke the old man left behind once reappearing, looks like a big 9 foot tall mushroom. Harmless at best, but certainly meant as a dramatic effect.

Uncertain of what to think about this whole situation in the midst of this beautiful day, the best response Stefan could think of is clearing his own name! "Before you say anything, no I didn't smoke tree root again. I saw smoke coming out of the cave!"

"What's the deal with him and tree rots?" Mogranius thought but refused to ask about it.

Instead he gave a brief explanation, a smirk across his face. "Yes yes we believe you don't worry. I caused the smoke to demonstrate a spell for Eric, I forgot you two are here though."

They heard Woldemir snore after, kinda loudly right before Mogranius was even about to finish his sentence. But it proves how sleep matters to some people more than running for their own life.

Or could it be that Woldemir has more experience when it comes to sleeping around smoke? Who knows how many spells went wrong if Isabel had to train her Fire Controlling abilities inside of their wooden house.

"Well. Next time you cause a giant smoke fog, can you give me a heads up?" Replied Stefan in both irritation and embarrassment as he stomped away to his bed made from branches and big leaves.

Cracking a joke, giggling his way through it, Mogranius recommended. "Maybe Eric should use the bear claw spell to toss your ass somewhere else before we cause smoke fogs."

But still being mostly irritated of being woken up for nothing, not having energy to think of a comeback joke, Stefan stuck to being a little sassy. "That won't be necessary, I can walk by myself or at least Black Wind can give me a ride."

After Stefan sat on his bed, Eric and Mogranius saw Black Wind rushing in the cave with a branch in his mouth, chewing on its leaves. Coming to the rescue I think, looking for Woldemir primarily.

Imagine how a horse felt after seeing that large smoke just simply disappear. He must have felt more confused than Stefan.

Trying to calm down his Horse, with a smile across his face Eric explained. "Black Wind got worried, he wouldn't stop eating for anyone before."


Being face down on the bed, Stefan gave out a partially thought out reply, already being half asleep. "Well I can find a way to appreciate the concern. But I can not find a way to appreciate how you interrupted my beauty sleep."

Seeing the opportunity to be sarcastic, Mogranius replied. "Sleep won't be enough for you my man."

Eric started laughing from the top of his lungs, understanding the joke and being generally happy mostly because of Black Wind.

Seeing that Eric is laughing, Black Wind tried to laugh as well although he is a Horse. "Mihihihihihihihi."

"Ha ha ha very funny." Replied Stefan sarcastically with a sleepy tone and added. "Now don't cause anymore smoke fogs before I wake up."

Mogranius started to get another campfire going, but how? He blasted a four foot across Fireball on the Campfire, which made an irritatedly loud sound.

Smiling, proud of himself too. Mogranius butchered, "Well he didn't say to not blow Fireballs."

Taking a few seconds to comprehend what happened, Stefan managed to put two and two together and didn't say a word but just kept a very irritated look on his face.

Trying to encourage the young Electus, with a comforting tone Mogranius asked. "Well Eric, are you ready to try the spell."

"I'm always ready." He replied rather over confidently with a slight smirk on his lips.

Confused, Eric immediately asked after. "So I should pretend like I'm sitting on a chair for the spell to work?"

"Ha!" Shouted Stefan of course in aims to tease Mogranius.

Slightly irritated, the old man yells. "No you Goblin. The stance represents a source that sucks down energy, the way you position your hands represents the way you direct the smoke."

Yelling through his words, while flapping his arms around like a bird, trying his best to describe what he is trying to say. The Geezer lost the sense of encouragement and was loud talking.

"So just by doing the stance, the smoke will come towards me?" This however was meant as a joke. Eric saw how irritated Mogranius gets when a spell is misunderstood. So why not have some fun with it?


"Breathe and concentrate. When you breathe in, imagine the smoke coming towards you and when you breathe out, imagine you took stronger control of the smoke." Yes, this training session has been finally put into motion.

However, to start off this session in the first place, Eric's ass had to be lit on fire with a heatless or differently called "blank" Fireball.

The kid wouldn't stop cracking puns and Mogranius doesn't like bullshit like that, especially when he is trying to help the kid. Well thankfully Eric isn't damaged, but his pants around the bum are.

As for Stefan, he is sleeping over a tree somewhere, tossed by a Bear Claw since he kept encouraging Eric's puns.

Getting back to training.

Eric breathes in and the fire close by moves around a bit, nothing that would cause damage but interesting to witness Fire moving in such a way, unnatural.

He is managing to drag the fire a little bit towards himself but not the smoke, at all.

Seeing that Eric is trying to progress, Mogranius couldn't help but encourage with guidance. "Good progress but focus on the smoke, not on the fire."

Eric breathes in again, strengthens his concentration, focusing on the smoke.

The smoke looks hypnotic once focused on it for a while, could make one forget what the point was.

He breathes in a few times slowly until he actually manages to maneuver the smoke towards himself a little bit.

But the control he had on the smoke was short lasting.

The smoke dragged towards himself kept randomly spreading and disappearing, while the smoke above the Fire kept doing what it is supposed to do.

Seeing how displeased Eric became due to this failure, Mogranius tried to encourage even more.

He can't have the Electus quit mid lesson, that would never lead to progress. "Not to worry, this is all part of the process. No one got this at first shot."

Aiming to be more descriptive about breathing, Mogranius explained. "The deeper you breathe in the better and when you breathe out, let it out all at once. Not slowly but all at once."

Eric of course tries again but with a little bit less willpower. And throughout deeper breathing, this time he actually managed to maneuver the smoke halfway to where he was standing without passing himself out due to the interesting form of breathing.

When Eric puffs his deeply taken breath out all at once, the smoke stays in one place as if it froze.

It just floated in mid air as if it were waiting for Eric's next command.

Seeing how much breath matters in this case, he was dumbfounded. He wouldn't have ever expected it.

Eric takes a last deep breath and concentrates twice as hard.

The smoke reaches him this time and started surrounding him all over like a snake.

The smoke just keeps getting thicker and thicker until to the point where Eric is surrounded completely by it, forming an upside down smoke Tornado like Mogranius did Earlier.

Seeing that the Electus is one more step away from successfully casting this spell, he shouts. "Alright Eric now clap your hands to interrupt the Tornado or else you will be standing there all day."

Barely hearing what Mogranius yelled due to the smoke making it hard to hear, the young boy did filter one word that would help him put two and two together. "Clap"

He proceeds to clap his hands and the smoke Tornado gets disrupted and just bursts out towards aimless random directions.

The smoke that surrounded Eric wasn't there anymore, but guess who else wasn't there anymore either!

Eric! He managed to successfully cast this spell!

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