《ELECTUS - A tale of Peaceful Demons.》New Electus


Getting ready for the road, with Mogranius putting those clothes on as a first step, one conversation after another broke but this time the debate is less heated.

Mogranius started it off, forming the conversation towards the fact that Ignites were practically untouchable. "How did all this happen though? Our country [Occidentis Ignis] was always able to withstand invasions because of the Powerful Witches and Wizards on these lands. How did we fall?"

Well at least Woldemir is educated enough to be well informed with this topic, he simply explained. "As far as I've read, this disaster started right after the so called "Electus" passed away. Akareas was her name If I remember right, she held this Country together."

Garther fell in even deeper shock right now, the Debate wasn't supposed to be heated. He shouted, "What?! Akareas died two hundred years ago? Either you are insane or I went insane."

"I don't think that anyone here is insane, but something strange is definitely going on." Woldemir pointed out, getting more confused than Mogranius come to think of it.

"I mentored Akareas." Exclaimed Mogranius so loudly that it almost made Eric fall off of the Wagon. If Cabbages weren't to be sold, he would hit him with one.

Thinking about the insane part, Woldemir started rethinking what he said earlier and found it appropriate to ask. "Does shooting those hot fireballs drain your noggin? How could you possibly mentor Akareas? She passed away two hundred years ago, I can even find you a history book so you can read it with your own eyes."

After that Woldemir grabs his bag and inside of it were several books. One was titled "Death of the last Electus".

Grabbing that book and handing it to Mogranius, he says. "Here you go, read for yourself. I don't know how else to convince you at the moment."

Mogranius opens the book, and after reading it a bit he figures that the text was copied from a Diary that was written by her second in command.

The writings spell out, "I am writing this journal with great despair as last night our Queen, our beloved Electus passed away as she was peacefully sleeping on her bed, she died at a stunning age of ninety three. She is no longer with us, but her spirit will always roam this great Castle. Crutal Town will remember the great Akareas as a fearless Hero, she was a worthy ruler indeed, a fair honest Women without doubt. But more importantly, I treasured her as my close friend. Akareas will be missed."


After reading this rather extensive but at the same time convincing part of the book, Mogranius got more and more convinced that Akareas actually did die so long ago!

"But how? I literally had contact with Akareas a few days ago. I left Town only for a few days, when did all this happen? This doesn't make sense!" He grabbed his head, letting out a deep sigh to ease his burden. It's not easy to lose a friend in such a way.

"You aren't the only one confused here old man, but if you seek deeper knowledge in this topic I can lead you to a Library ran by one of my friends, he is an Ignite and won't cause us trouble." Gently told Woldemir, trying his best to offer help to this kind-ish old man.

"Very well, that idea sounds reasonable enough. And I do have a theory about what happened, how I got here and maybe even how to fix this mess. But I do have another question." Stated Mogranius point by point, suddenly putting burden aside and going towards hope.

"Very well I'm glad we finally reached an agreement. And yes, ask as many questions as you please." Said Woldemir with a warm smile on his face, trying to remain calm as much as he could.

Having hesitations about asking this, since Woldemir seems to be in enough burden, Mogranius decided to skip it for now. "I will, but later! Now I need to think of a more well forged plan."

After 2 hours passed, Mogranius glanced at Eric once more and noticed that as time passed Eric fell asleep due to boredom yet again, as if he didn't see Black Wolves being burned to death a moment ago.

A perfect time for Mogranius to get his questions answered without freaking out a child. "I waited for your son to fall asleep, I did not wish to burden him with a huge question mark on his mind. But may I ask, how did he get his powers?"

Woldemir's face turned pale when he heard Garther utter those words. Hesitant, fiddling with that book he slowly explained with a whisper. "I am not ready to talk about that yet. It is a long story, that ended up with misery. I do not yet know where I will find the strength to explain this to Eric, it is a sensitive topic as he already hates me about it."


Trying to show sympathy, but also dying to get his questions answered, Mogranius decided to ask another question. "But can you at least tell me more about the mark on Eric's hand? There is a black mark that starts from the surface of his hands and runs down his fingers much like veins. How did he get that mark?"

Woldemir replies with a confused voice, "That mark on his hand, is a birthmark. He had it when he was born." Well at least that question was easy to answer.

"What? It is a birthmark you say? Well that is most interesting. This just gave more light at this dark cloud of questions on my head. This started making more and more sense now." Exclaimed Mogranius as he stroked his beard.

"What? What started making more sense? Be more clear!" Asked Woldemir in great curiosity and concern the most.

The relief was quite easy to be heard on Mogranius' voice as he continually repeated. "This makes a lot of sense".

But of course he has more to say about this topic, and his tone arose in enthusiasm as he explained. "That mark on Eric's hand isn't a coincidence, that mark can only appear on one person. Your son... your son is the new Electus! Our new hope!"

Woldemir's face turns even more pale at this moment, you'd think he would be happy. He is surprised how Eric is blessed with such unbelievable power but yet he is terrified. He feared for Eric's life.

In an Entire Continent [Ignis] where Magic is banned, where any being who practices magic is either hung, burned to death or beheaded. His son, Eric is born as a Wizard.

Not a normal Wizard either, so the risks of Eric getting killed are even larger because of the special attention he would get.

Woldemir then utters with a tone signifying fear, sadness, shaking. "But..But, it can not be! Out of possibly tens of thousands of people here on Ignis, why my son? Oh my god. Those monsters are going to burn my son alive, much like they did with his moth..."

Mogranius can notice all the burden on Woldemir's voice and his eyes too, as he can hear his voice trembling and his eyes tearing up from fear.

It was up to Mogranius to comfort this time, he has to do it for the sake of Woldemir's sanity. "Man, calm down, you should know that your son is steps away from becoming the most powerful human to currently walk the earth. He can change the fate of so many people!"

In a low whispering tone, but definitely intense, Woldemir tries to explain. "But you don't understand. No matter how powerful he is, he can't go against an entire Continent. The illustratio owns this hellhole, they are in charge."

Trying to bring reasoning back to the conversation, Mogranius explained. "But you know the only reason we got invaded is because the previous Electus died, without Akareas our Country was just like a flightless duck."

"But still, Eric has no experience. He doesn't know what to do or how to do it. He doesn't even know of his powers, if he gets attacked by a illustratio group he has no chance of surviving it." It is well determined here that Woldemir has no faith in his son, rough but understandable.

With an attitude fearsome like a Source Bear, Mogranius doesn't have giving up in his agenda so he stated with all of his guts! "That's what practice is for, Heroes aren't made in a day. I personally want to train him, I want to help him unlock his true potential."

Thinking this situation through as Woldemir was mentally struggling in silence, Mogranius found it comforting to add. "Maybe I was sent here to help bring balance to this Continent again, maybe it is my destiny."

Woldemir finds slight relief, but his curiosity is at its peak. He asks with is maners sharp, "Alright, I appreciate the thoughtful offer but where exactly will you train him? If one person runs into us, the only thing you can do to silence them is to kill them. Even if they do want to stay quiet, they fear the illustratio."

Confident, Mogranius answered. "Leave that to me."

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