《ELECTUS - A tale of Peaceful Demons.》The strange Fire Wizard


The wizard helped Eric get up without saying a thing at first. But as he did so, he also noticed a rather uniquely shaped mark on Eric's hand, however at the moment he didn't question him about it.

"What are you doing here in these woods alone child, do you even realize how dangerous it is to walk in actual groups around here." Exclaimed the Strange Fire Wizard but not loud enough to further spook Eric.

Eric, who was still in shock and of course terrified to the maximum replies to the Fire Wizard with a trembling voice. "I...I...was heading towards Crutal Town with my f-father. I was asleep and m-most likely fell off of the Wagon and here I am now."

Worth noting that due to avoiding communication with a lot of people, Eric isolated himself to the point where he has trouble speaking. He often mumbles, as if his mouth can't catch up with his brain.

The Wizard looks at Eric with a lot of curiosity and with a different, more calm comforting voice he says. "I suppose that makes sense, but now you should calm down as there is no Danger in sight. I do have some questions about that mark on your hand."

Eric takes a deep breath and lets it all out, his heart beat started stabilizing by the second and right at the moment when the Fire Wizard was about to ask further questions about the mark. Eric's dad, Woldemir with their horse BlackWind reached the scene.

He jumps out of the Wagon and runs towards Eric and hugs him tight. After that with a shaking terrified but in another way, a relieved voice he says. "Son, I am so glad you are alright! I didn't think that I will see you in one piece again. I prayed for the best but the fear of losing the only family member I have left, o-overwhelmed and got the best out of me."

In a gentle low volumed voice Eric cites, "At first, I killed a Black Wolf with a FireBall. I'm not sure how though... but a Fireball blasted out of my hand and pierced the leader to the point of cutting him in two."


Woldemir doesn't seem to be in shock of his son's newly discovered abilities though, which raised suspicion from the old Fire Wizard's point of view.

"I k-know how you got those powers, I promise I will explain everything to you. Right now I j-just want to appreciate and treasure the fact that you are alive and in one p-piece." Gently said Woldemir as he started leading Eric towards the Wagon.

"Father, I'm alright, there is nothing to worry about. But this old man is to thank for that, if it wasn't for him I would off been dead by now. He saved my life." Explained Eric as he gently got away from his Father's grip and pointed towards the Fire Wizard.

Woldemir turns his head towards the old man, noticing how he doesn't seem like he is from around here but ignores it, he saved Eric after all. The last thing Woldemir would care about now, is appearance.

"I owe you a life, you have my deepest respect and gratitude, please tell me how may I repay you? We don't have much but, we can figure something out." Said Woldemir trying his best to offer assistance, seeing the old man travelling alone, he figured something is up.

"There is no need to thank me or to be in debt to me, I did it because it was the right thing to do. But allow me to introduce myself, I am Mogranius, an Expert Fire Wizard." A Fire Controller or Blaster, interesting to see at best.

Mogranius continued towards another topic, seeing that they are carefully listening. "May I ask where are you planning to go? I've been looking for a specific Town for days and I wasn't successful in finding it. I don't have a map and I started at a point I don't recognize."

The reason why the two are listening carefully, it is because they are wildly confused. They are quite certain that Magic of any kind is strictly forbidden throughout the entire continent of Ignis.


At least it became that way after the illustratian race invaded what was left of Ignis, Meridionali Ignis [A country in Ignis] was apparently not enough for that race.

Apart from that, Mogranius claims that he started to walk from a place he didn't recognize. How would he end up at that place to begin with? This sounds nothing less but suspicious and confusing.

Catching the geezer's attention, Woldemir utters. "First of all, I would like to thank you again for everything and second, me and my son have been planning to go to Crutal Town." A nice kind way to talk indeed, it shows a kind soul.

Happy, with a wide smile across his face Mogranius answers and asks. "Well this is an interesting coincidence, I was looking for Crutal Town all these days! Will you at least point me towards it?"

"Yes yes." Woldemir nodded but now he wanted to enter more sensitive topics.

He started becoming more careful with his words so he doesn't anger the man who can burst fire from his finger tips. "But may I ask, how many of your kind are there? How did you survive? You do know which continent you are on, right?"

"Yes, on Ignis. Crutal Town alone has thousands of Fire Blasters so I have a hunch that you have never been there before!" Mogranius answered, still fuzzy about what Woldemir is trying to say.

To make the situation much harder for Mogranius to comprehend, although with no intent like that to begin with. Eric jumps in the conversation and says. "Father, weren't all witches and Wizards killed by the illustratio? At least that's what you told me."

Ignoring Eric's question, Woldemir focused on Mogranius primarily. Continuing to ask, "Mogranius, are you familiar with the fact that Magic is banned throughout all of the Continent of Ignis?"

A shock occured instantly on Mogranius as he heard about this, and he started yelling out his sentences. "But that is impossible! How would magic be banned when even the Queen of [Country] Occidentis Ignis is a Witch? I've been gone only for a few days, when did all this change happen?"

After Mogranius finished that sentence, Woldemir found it appropriate to ask. "Magic of any sort has been banned ever since the illustratio race invaded this country about 200 years ago and enslaved us with taxes, hunted down and killed everyone who practices magic."

Finding this bit of information unbearable and firmly unbelievable, Mogranius' tone started trembling. "H-Hold on!! I know nothing of this invasion!! How is it even possible? You two must have lost your minds!!"

Woldemir replies to him with a rougher tone this time although leverage isn't by his side, "Slow down there man, you can't talk to us like that! If you don't believe us, why don't you come with us? We can show you the truth! We are going to go to Crutal Town together."

Mogranius replies with a bit of regret now, seeing that this man has pure intent. His tone lowered for the best, "My apologies, I lost my manners but what you are claiming sounds bizarre. However, I will take that offer to join you, I need to see this with my own eyes otherwise I will never believe it!"

Uttering his sentences, Mogranius stroked his own beard in the process, thinking of one theory after the other on how the illustratio would win, but he got no stable theory.

Calming down as well, Woldemir stated. "Okay but you will need to blend in, use "Garther" as your name and I will give you some spare clothes as well or we could all lose our heads."

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