《ELECTUS - A tale of Peaceful Demons.》A Farm half a mile Underground


To add some humour to the massacre talk, Stefan mocks the Blue Goblins with little hesitation. "It's ironic how Lava controllers found their end around Lava."

Woldemir doesn't really like the Blue Goblins either. He barely heard anything about them until now, but they definitely aren't allies. So after he swallowed a bite of wheat bread, he expressed. "Well it is a good thing that they met their end. They sound worse than illustratios."

Focusing on other matters, the Electus' usual low tone is being overcome by, enthusiasm! He requested, "Enough about Goblins. Can we go see that big farm now? I still have doubts."

Enjoying Eric's unexpected burst of enthusiasm about a farm, Alia didn't waste more time, replying. "For sure, won't be much of a scene though. Most crops aren't yet grown."

The gang stood up and started following Commander Alia who seemed to be leading them downwards the spiral like roadway going down the Volcano.

After going around in one spiral, they reached a small entrance by comprehension. But that small entrance was just an illusion to something extraordinarily big.

The lava half a mile underneath their feet while they were walking down the Volcano, captured most of their attention. Commander Alia had to slap... I mean snap them out of it once they've reached the not so stunning entrance.

As they've entered, several types of farm fields captured their attention, all practically merged together to form what we can easily call a super farm.

This farm fitting several sorts of fruits and vegetables reached half a mile wide and a mile long. Simply magnificent, and big as you can guess.

But the second Eric saw the farm he noticed something which could have both slowed down or terminated the production rate. Light!

This huge farm is lacking light. It's a surprise how they got any crops to grow here. At this point, Eric did not hesitate to point out the problem, although feeling nervous.


He cited, "This farm would grow watermelons as big as I am if this place has more light."

Woldemir of course Complimented his son's words. "Yes I noticed that too, this place needs light. Also, it's so warm in here. I'm guessing you grow crops twice a year?"

The warmth is noticeable, the lava half a mile underneath their feet maintains enough heat for everyone to feel cozy even in Winter!

But neither of them like the lack of light here, in one way it even makes the farm appear a lot smaller.

Hearing what both of these Ignites had to say, Commander Alia replies with both confusion and raw strong curiosity. "So let me get this straight! You are saying that light can improve the production rate. Also, what does heat have to do with farming?"

Confused how a woman coming from another civilization who succeeded to stand and perish in silence, not knowing something so simple, Woldemir was dumbfounded. The rest however, found the freedom to explore the farm.

So Woldemir was left alone to describe these basic things to such a stunning lady. If Mogranius understands this the wrong way, he would chase Woldemir with Fireballs!

But Woldemir put the Man Woman tension aside and explained it calmly. "Yes. The more light, the bigger and faster the crops grow. That however can come expensive unless you have a massive storage of coal or Charcoal."

While explaining such matters, Woldemir found an excuse to walk a few more steps away and inspect some Watermelons closeby. His primary aim was of course to give her personal space.

However, she didn't see Woldemir as a man who would try anything inappropriate, or best described, "Try his luck".

So she comfortably walked closer to understand more what he means. It forced Woldemir to become more anxious considering that he has strong gentleman etiquettes. Overdone no doubt, but he likes to respect personal space on a different level.


Giving the growing wheat nearby a quick glance and returning to Alia, elaborating on his father's earlier words. Eric narrated, "And about heat. During the winter months, no one plants anything because the crop can't withstand the cold harsh weather. Here you have heat all year around, so you can plant in winter too."

At such explanations, Commander Alia finds relief. Not only the food situation has been given a solution but it has found a permanent fix.

Now the entire Calidum Lutum civilization will be able to be fed without having to worry about being savvy. Or at least, that will be their life after they figure out how to light this place up.

She recalls some men avoiding food for weeks at a time for the love of their people. They did not wish to see them suffer hunger. Food is the strongest sacrifice one can make in these times.

Although the food shortage is far from being behind them, she couldn't help but show gratitude for these two Ignites. "I don't know how to reward such knowledge. I'm very grateful but our current food problem isn't solved, harvest season is here but everything is barely over half grown."

Seeing that this situation is only fixable if they obtain another source of food, Woldemir decided to step up for these people. With confidence he states, "Get me a Sword, any kind. I have some scores to settle with illustratios at Crutal Kingdom, there are plenty of wealthy fools I can force gold out of."

Alia replies with further relief in her tone, trusting Woldemir's abilities greatly although she doesn't know much about him. "I'll have my men get you a Sword that other races can actually lift off the ground, I trust you will not disappoint."

Now, Stefan had something to say about what this farm lacks as well. Odd considering that he doesn't actually farm. "Now let's go back to fixing this farm. I noticed that over time, it gets difficult to breathe in here. That's not good for any living kind and it's not good for plants either. But I think I know how to fix this."

Commander Alia adds up in a bit of a sarcastic tone. "Looks like a few thousand years of knowledge is helping out quite well. What do you suggest oh wise one?"

Stefan ignored the sarcasm as he's too focused. He is used to tuning people out as soon as he met Mogranius' sarcasm, it's inevitable to learn tuning out.

Stefan queried, "Can you get one of your Grand Masters up here. And how deep is this cave below the surface?"

Struck at such a reply, Commander Alia answered although uncertain why she needs to answer. "How could a Grand Master be of help here? And this cave is about less than half a mile below the surface. Depends where you stand as this whole town is built under a small mountain, it's more of a bump really."

Stefan ended up explaining this more, but confusing everyone else. What could possibly be going through his head? "A Grand Master provides a raw source of lava. This cave isn't so deep below the ground so we can make this work."

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