《ELECTUS - A tale of Peaceful Demons.》The Time Traveller


Puzzled, trying to figure out what makes sense and what not for the past ten minutes, Woldemir found it appropriate to ask now. "I have a question. How... just how did you end up getting lost in the woods and miss two hundred years of war?"

The color on Mogranius' face turned rather pale as Woldemir seeked a deeper explanation of this predicament. But yet he found the nerve to answer. "I was with Akareas, the previous Electus. We were researching more about the most unknown power to any Wizard or Witch, the mysterious powers of Teleportation."

These powers ring a bell, but just to be sure Woldemir asked. "Correct me if I'm wrong but as far as I've been told, teleportation is where you disappear into thin air and appear somewhere else."

Nodding in agreement as he thought through some other points, Mogranius clumsily replied. "Yes yes, you've heard."

"How does it equal to you skipping two hundred years?" Scratching his head, Woldemir couldn't comprehend this theory.

What Mogranius is basically referring to is teleportation and above that, he is talking about Time Travel as well. Teleportation is a blur to most, explained as a fairy tale but considered as a magical power that every Electus should have. While Time Travel isn't even one of the 8 powers. The theory keeps getting crazier by the second.

Thankfully Mogranius is willing to shed more light through this mountain of confusing darkness. "See, before I found myself in these woods, we were tipped off by an adventurer that a book about teleportation is deep down an underground dungeon."

Instantly seeing this as a bad start, Woldemir couldn't help asking. "And you believed him? Adventurers are full of malarkey, they robbed so many rich men for elixirs that apparently grant immortality."

Shouting his sentences, his neck hair up thanks to recalling the scene, Mogranius butchered. "Oh an Adventurer tricking us became the least of our concern, although he didn't lie about the book!"

"So I'm assuming something went wrong?" Asked Woldemir, he figured out a bit where this is going.


"It did!" He yelled again and continued. "Right after we found the book, managing to read a few pages of it too. But the dungeon was abandoned a couple of centuries ago, it didn't take long for a disaster to follow."

His attention given entirely towards the storyteller, Woldemir asked with his eyes wide open. "What happened?"

"Out of nowhere, part of the dungeon collapsed." Mogranius shouted once more and raised his arms towards the sky to add a little drama.

"So that's how you got here? Did the dungeon kill you or...?" Asked Woldemir while still having it hard to put two and two together.

Time Travel doesn't link here and he is getting convinced that Mogranius is a ghost, well Chapels would describe anything unusual as demonic or paranormal so why not aye?

A bit pissed, Mogranius added. "You would have known if you stopped interrupting my story!"

"But I didn't..." Woldemir tried to speak but got interrupted, ironic ha?

Becoming a bit of a drama queen, Mogranius explained. "I was exactly at the area where the dungeon collapsed. A second before large boulders and dirt were about to crush the soul out of me, Akareas casted a teleportation spell on me. That might explain how I got here."

Now continuing to be confused, but also shocked, Woldemir pointed out a little fact. "But didn't you say that she didn't know anything about Teleportation Powers?"

"That could be the reason why I am here now, that's my best theory. I don't know what else to think." The situation is complex, it is a drag when you put an all powerful Electus behind an unknown spell.

Since books became the topic again, Woldemir pitched. "My best advice would be to look for that special book in the Crutal Castle, maybe Akareas took it with her since she clearly survived that Dungeon collapse."

His eyes sparkling with hope, Mogranius looked at Woldemir as if he fell in love and expressed. "And with Eric as the Electus, surely I can teleport back in time somehow?"


"It is settled then, we will try to find that book." Woldemir smiled, but wanted to end that topic as well. He pointed forward and said, "Look where we have arrived!"

The second Mogranius looks forward, he sees the big and beautiful Crutal Town after hours and hours of travelling, they even had to stop and set up camp last night for the sake of not collapsing.

His mouth remains open for a little while, he is amazed to see his home again and we can't deprive you of the fact that Crutal Town is majestically beautiful.

There are roots of plants spreading out everywhere, each stretching several meters through thick stone walls and colorful flowers blooming on those roots as well.

The Town is large itself as well, from one end to the other it surely held around five hundred houses. Most of the houses weren't exactly small either, it is indeed the wealthiest Town in [Country] Occidentis Ignis.

A tear dropping from his left eye, surfing down his cheek before it met the ground, Mogranius stuttered. "So much has changed, yet it changed in a good way. This place looks more beautiful than ever."

Accidentally ruining his moment with the Town, Woldemir agreed. "I agree it is beautiful, this race has a fancy about decorating buildings or anything in general with plants. Most likely supported from the money that they force out of our race though."

Mogranius isn't in the best emotional position to talk, so Woldemir used this opportunity to get some things straight. "From this point, you have to be careful of what you say and do. The illustratios have a thing about throwing fines over Ignites for ridiculous reasons."

Raising an eyebrow, curiosity overwhelming. Mogranius asked, "What sort of reasons?"

Trying to define stupidity, Woldemir shared a little case of his own. "Last summer I got fined for reading a book that wasn't about the illustratio, the finnes are outrageous as well."

"I knew illustratios weren't particularly bright, but this tips the bucket." You can't blame the old man here, who in their right mind would fine you for reading a book?

"They are more brutal than they are stupid, If you can't pay the fines they'll throw you in the dungeon and beat you until your back is softer than your stomach." Woldemir lifted part of his shirt from behind, showing the scars that didn't disappear for over a year.

As they approached Crutal Town closer and they reached the main gate, they immediately got approached by a couple of illustratio gatekeepers.

Truly devilish looking characters, not literally though. Their skin color doesn't look like a typical stereotyped devil.

Their skin color is green and one other eye catching feature are their blood veins. From head to toe their veins are covered with a darker shade of green and a light dark shade of red as well here and there.

But most of the blood vein color running through their body is green.

Their eyes are the most devil like part about them, they have these freakish completely red eyes! Difficult to look at without getting uncomfortable especially if one is yelling at you.

These gatekeepers have fairly long hair too, much like every other race in these medieval times but theirs is green in colour. These body features however weren't nearly enough devil like compared to their tongue and behaviour.

As soon as the Gatekeepers approached the Wagon, one of them pulls out a longsword and turned towards Mogranius, shouting. "State your business here you diseased devilish Ignite or my sword will be meeting your neck."

Before Mogranius utters a single word, Woldemir jumps in the conversation and shouts. "Do not hurt him, he is my cousin. He comes from the other side of our Country [Occidentis Ignis]."

The other gate keeper replies with, "Oh so basically he is a worthless rag from Gaster Town?"

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